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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9224311 No.9224311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you wake up and there's an adorable & hungry anime girl in your kitchen, what's the appropriate thing to feed her?

>> No.9224312


>> No.9224330

your cock.
no, really.

>> No.9224331

cubes dont need to eat

>> No.9224346

Aw, I thought your post said "hungarian anime girl"

>> No.9224347

How can I interact with an anime girl?

Wouldn't she be unlimitedly flat?

>> No.9224351

Ive seen enough anime to know that cute anime girls toast for breakfast and fried rice for lunch and dinner.

>> No.9224353


She's like the sprites you find in old 3d games. 2-dimensional, but always facing you. And the sprite changes to create the effect of 3d.

>> No.9224355
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some candies i guess

>> No.9224356

I sure hope shes flat.

>> No.9224359

as proven by Ever17, 4D beings can interact with 3D beings in a limited way.
i take it that 3D beings could interact with 2D beings too.
i have no clue how would you feed her 3D cock though.

>> No.9224363


>> No.9224367

I always imagine that when the scenario given is me being in a 2D world

>> No.9224370

She may be 2D but she still has internal organs. I would imagine if you put something in her mouth it would enter a sort of subspace were all her 2D organs reside.

>> No.9224409

I want to stick my nose in to anzu's crotch and fondle her child-like legs.

>> No.9224500

there's a great. video by Sagan on the 2d>3d>4d shift

>> No.9224533


Are there any anime girls that take drugs?

>> No.9224553


>> No.9224774

Face it /jp/, you wouldn't want an flat-sprite like anime girl. It just sucks not being able to feel the softness and delicacy of the girl, you wouldn't be able to even kiss her properly.
All you want isn't a 2D girl, but 3D anime girl (as in, for example, custom maid 3D).

I'm trying to make a tulpa that looks exactly like that, i.e 3D anime girl, animation-style based. It's perfectly possible, though lately I just postponed the creation.
Actually I have a lot of problems with a concentration, but I believe I will manage to create her once I get more adept at meditation.

>> No.9224791

I don't need to touch them. I'd just enjoy their company.

>> No.9224793

What a faggot.

>> No.9224887


He'd seen this term being used seriously before. He knew, of course, that it was likely bullshit; there was no proof that 'tulpas' were possible for a normal person (or even for a legitimate monk,) no insight from real Tibetan monks, and every instructional had been created by someone with no expertise or trustpiece beyond "I have a tulpa and you just gotta believe me."

The clever part was that everyone claimed that they were inordinately hard to create, and that you could only do it if you really wanted a Tulpa, and that it would take months and you might have to start over for no reason. It was the sort of superstitious proof those who still clung to their religion always offered: god, or in this case the tulpa, will show themselves to you only if you're worthy, and you can't be worthy if you don't believe, so you can only have a tulpa if you already believe they exist, and it was just shit. There was no telling this to them, though. They had this adamant, borderline-delusional belief and nothing could sway their opinions.

>> No.9224901

Watashi wa feed her kono dick ^__^

>> No.9224903


excellent shitpost

>> No.9224920
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Well yeah, the whole thing obviously started with some homo nerd stumbling across the tulpa article and thinking WOAH DAT SOUNDS LIKE MAI WAIFUS ^___^ before proceeding to tell /a/. Disregard of course that this is a very old practice and if it wasn't full of shit it would be regarded as an amazing phenomenon famous throughout the world, not just some fringe Buddhist delusion.

But yeah nevermind, continue to make ur epic tulpa waifus so you can feel dem feels xD

>> No.9224926

Pretty sure /x/ is the board with tulpa generalz.

>> No.9224972

uhh, making a tulpa is easy, dude, I have like three.

>> No.9224973

A nutritious balanced meal of complex carbohydrates, omega-rich fats and high-quality protein. She would probably enjoy a delicious fruit smoothy with whey and low-fat milk.

>> No.9225015

How is that hair even possible?

>> No.9225104



>> No.9225114

What you say is bullshit. There is a whole site dedicated to tulpa phenomenon (tulpa.info).

There is actually no physical proof for existing tulpa, but there is a lot of people that try to prove that they exist (search the "Research" subforum on that site).
They're hard to create but not impossible, by hard it basically means time-consuming. It just takes time. You don't have to believe that tulpa exists (even though it could fasten the creation process), you don't have to prove you're worthy or anything. All you need is just time actually working on tulpa, nothing else.
The average time for creation (along with imposing it to sight sensory) is about 100 hours. (of actually sitting/meditating and working on it)

Yeah, really? It would be widespread? I don't think so.
Look at the actual US propaganda, how well they manipulate people into thinking "We fight Afghanistan for freedom!", while everyone should've known that US government had a plans for war long before 9/11 (this is not a conspiracy theory, this is a solid fact, check it yourself), and this war is just for oil.
That's the one, second - why in schools no one teaches something so useful as memorization technique known as mnemonic? Why no one actually teach children in school useful things and not national propaganda on history lessons?
And as of monks - they can hang themselves and not die. They can withstand spear in the neck. You think they wouldn't develop even better techniques, also mental ones? (I won't even say a thing that actually monks are primarily developing mentally and not physically).

Something amazing and useful doesn't mean that it will be widespread.

>> No.9225115


I've already gathered enough information to confirm it as being legit.

>> No.9225127


or she could just eat something that actually tastes good and pop a vitamin

>> No.9225131


>There is actually no physical proof for existing tulpa,
>What you say is bullshit.

A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary.[1]

>> No.9225140

A tulpa is literally a delusion. Of course there won't be any physical proof.

>> No.9225141

Dango is the only correct answer.

>> No.9225149

I'd cook her up a proper English Breakfast; black pudding, fried eggs, beans, sausage, bacon, mushrooms, fried bread, toast, the works. And a nice cup of tea to wash it down.

It must be hungry work being an anime girl.

>> No.9225150


No, it's not a 'delusion.' You're thinking of a 'hallucination.' A delusion is *belief* in tulpas.

>> No.9225153


What's black pudding?

>> No.9225159

A tulpa is a girl who is believed to exist despite the fact that all evidence points to the fact that she doesn't.

>> No.9225160

Quick, you've got 10 second to prove you're not thinking about sucking my cock, dude.
What's the matter, can't prove thoughts ?

>> No.9225165

I dont even know what a tulpa is but this entire argument looks like you are cut and pasting from sankaku or somthing. Reported.

>> No.9225167
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hfw you feed her.

>> No.9225168


uh no, that's your dumb semantic twisting of the term so that you can be right

i am not really going to have an argument with you about words, but if that thing you said was true, hallucinations would also be delusions

>> No.9225179


Polka-dot hair?

>> No.9225180

It's blood sausage filled with oatmeal and spices. Lovely when fried up.

>> No.9225185

Where is that your superior evidence? I don't see it. Provide a visible response.
And no, there is no PHYSICAL evidence for such things existing for anyone except the owner of that thing.
How are you going to prove something only you can sense and see? It's almost impossible, unless specific conditions are met (see Research forum on tulpa.info).

And yes, tulpa is an advanced hallucination of some kind, self-induced one. You create a being that only you can feel, see, smell, hear and react to. I was skeptical at the beginning, but after some research I had enough evidence it exist. Not physical proof like photos, but various relations of people, if this is a lie, it would have to be a REALLY big conspiracy.
So yeah, you won't know until you try it yourself.

>> No.9225189

Strictly speaking believing that tulpa (induced hallucinations) exist is not delusion because it's not induced by mental illness. But nobody actually cares.

>> No.9225192



>> No.9225200


>How are you going to prove something only you can sense and see?

You can't. There's no more reason to believe you, saying that tulpas are real and you just have to be trusted, than to believe the guy in the asylum who says the voices in his head are actual people.

>> No.9225204

Sorry anon, It's probably that argument about US propaganda I guess? It wasn't the best example, but that was the first thing that came into my mind.

>> No.9225213

I believe the guy in the asylum who says he hears voices in his head genuinely hears voices in his head.

>> No.9225214

That's right. You can't. But that's the tulpa. It exists only for YOU and no one else.

>> No.9225240
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If i walked in and saw Saten-san I would quickly try and play it smooth. I would attempt to make idle chit chat and try to find out why shes in my kitchen. I would offer her some food, perhaps steak and a baked potato. I would have to try no to let her know that I know all about her from watching index, most people dont like to be on such uneven footing.

Depending on how my plan goes we would either have a good time or I would be forced to attack her and tie her up in my basement if she tried to leave.

>> No.9225256
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I would bag her instantly and keep her in a small cage that was used for my pet cat who died 2 years ago. I keep my cat in a cage.

>> No.9225267

You wouldn't immediately rape and cum inside Satori's vagina? What kinda host are you?

>> No.9225273

Well who said it was Satori? OP just said a cute anime girl.

>> No.9225292
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I am having a great private laugh at your post. You would shit yourself with excitement and you know it.

>> No.9225301

German Bratwurst.

>> No.9225304

I'd give her 1 liter of mugicha with a 1/4th teaspoon of sugar, and exactly 4 ice cubes. I would also make her 4 scrambled eggs.

>> No.9225331

I do kinda wonder. We just dont know our selves until we face wonders not meant for moral men.

>> No.9225388


I don't think anime girls are capable of consuming that many eggs.

>> No.9225457

Propaganda tells me vitamin pills do nothing except cause cancer.

>> No.9225472


I think some are probably better than others

All are good for you on some level

>> No.9225477

my cocke is good 4 you on all levels

>> No.9225475

>I know all about her
>most people
Doesn't sound like you know everything about her.

>> No.9225479


india biotch

>> No.9225504

I never really cared. I'm naturally healthy despite my diet and lack of work-out, so I never bothered to do some research on my own. I can only tell you that I was repeatedly warned about these pills by numerous persons.
Of course, this doesn't need to mean shit. Maybe the people in question just bought the same "natural is good for you, unnatural isn't" bullshit from the same stupid organic foods store.

>> No.9225539

Any black metal bros on /jp/?


>> No.9225588

I would feed her le dick ^__^

>> No.9225598


>> No.9225609

are you frustered?

>> No.9225616

See that is the thing I'm always frustrated

>> No.9225663

sushi, because what originally started as an interest turned out to be such a fucking nuisance to do properly that the moment i worked it out i decided to get my moneys worth and eating it twice a day.

>> No.9225695


But... it's just raw fish in aesthetically pleasing arrangements...

>> No.9225699

I have a pot of rice on right now actually.

>> No.9225712

I have a "pot" thats smoking to right now if u kno what I mean

>> No.9225724

You're thinking sashimi, sushi is the rice part.

>> No.9225735

I've got a pot of curry on.
