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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9219720 No.9219720 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read any good loli doujinshi/eromanga recently, /jp/?

>> No.9219726
File: 22 KB, 319x337, IMG_0780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be a Somersault 3.

>> No.9219735 [DELETED] 

>please spoonfeed me /jp/

>> No.9219742

Hiiragi shougakkou renai club. It's not really ero but its loli and thats what counts. Theres alot of loli bewbs and pantsu.

>> No.9219746


>> No.9219753 [DELETED] 

I like how NSJ deleted my post pointing out that this was a recommendation thread

>> No.9219760
File: 962 KB, 1391x2000, kuri_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one had a hypothetical discussion amongst gentlemen on how best to enjoy luna child, as a masochist or as a sadist.
It made me think of you.

>> No.9219757
File: 203 KB, 666x932, KILL FOR THIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will never be uploaded. ;_;

>> No.9219761


Who are you quoting?


Stop using the spoiler function incorrectly

>> No.9219777

That looks hot as shit

>> No.9219780


Too big!

>> No.9219792

Recently read some Salad works, but I didn't like it very much. He's not bad, though.

Beyond that, I fapped to EcchiSketch by Okabayashi Beru. It was good.

>> No.9219802

This seems more like a discussion thread.

>> No.9219825

Misao is the best loli artist. Prove me wrong.

>> No.9219831


All loli artists are good!

>> No.9219838

But Misao is the best one!

>> No.9219851

Say that to EB110SS.

>> No.9219852

I rarely "read" loli. You know, because its in Nip. I did read that one by Higashera Show, ever hes called. About the guy and his really smart sister and they start having sexual intercourse. That was a sweet story.

>> No.9219866

There's lots of translated stuff by SaHa, Hayama Kotono and Mistvern, among others.

>> No.9219869


He's different. I don't know what's wrong with him, but he doesn't understand what's cute and what's not.

>> No.9219882

I liked that fox loli one where the fox loli calls the human her master but treats her like a slave, I was pretty sad that it wasn't based off a real manga/anime

>> No.9219884

You could say the same about Redlight, but no one complains about him.

>> No.9219899

Might wanna try some Spice & Wolf doujinshi.

>> No.9219895


I love Redlight

>> No.9219897

That one sounds interesting, is it trasnlated?

>> No.9219903

His style certainly isn't "cute".

>> No.9219908

Yeah, there's three chapters. Just search Genko on Ex

>> No.9219914

Ashika is the best loli artist, he actually use interesting angles instead of the generic ones.

>> No.9219926
File: 424 KB, 1127x1600, megamilk05_p150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chair when the Pomf stuff ruined Light of Tsukimi Manor a bit for you.

>> No.9219933

I'm yet to find someone who likes Yamato Akira for anything other than his crazy stories.

>> No.9219948

Keep your opinion to yourself.

>> No.9220085

Why? I just think most people don't find his work to be "cute". I don't mean it's bad.

>> No.9220111
File: 91 KB, 469x424, rustle face 024829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolicon Special marathon

>> No.9220183

Wow, that was pretty good.

>> No.9220194
File: 72 KB, 447x365, ._..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9220236

>read ecchisketch
>wow its pretty good
>search for his other works
>its all homo
>i have no face
>who am i quoting

>> No.9220271

Fuck you.

>> No.9220276

Those were my feelings when I discovered NemuNemu.

>> No.9220273
File: 596 KB, 1151x1600, LO_11_10_219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9220281

Same thing happens to me with Murian, I see something of his that looks good but I forget to check the tags and of course it's just a feminine shota.

>> No.9220290


Also they look about half their age.

>> No.9220320
File: 640 KB, 1112x1584, [biribiri] KemoMimi 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing good lately. I read that one about the Island of the Mist God. I thought it was going to go somewhere, but chapter two decided to be about meaningless rape/murder instead of birthing more gods so fuck that.

I wish Lee would make some more stuff in this series or I could find some of the older Mitsudomoe doujinshi. I hate when a series has like 500 known doujinshi and I can only find like 30.

>> No.9220354

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9220378

I'm quoting the letter in >>9220273

Who in their right mind would write a word like "cunnie"?

>> No.9220388


Translators that try hard when it comes to localization, but don't do too well with it.

>> No.9220479
File: 30 KB, 436x324, rustleface3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9220470

Who are YOU quoting?

>> No.9220499


Why can't /v/ just admit he's a horrible artist who draws shitty faces?

>> No.9220505

Because the faces are hilarious.

>> No.9220502

Because he's a good artist who draws cute faces.

>> No.9220509

All this Rustle spam made me check it out. It was shit.

>> No.9220512

Shit like the shit on your dick after you pull out of your boyfriends ass?

>> No.9220518

By the way does anyone know of a good site to read loli manga since normal scanlation sites don't have the yummy stuff I'm searching for, and I'm always looking from one site to another.

>> No.9220524

Yeah, its called google and Image and fax view, dumbass.

>> No.9221939


>> No.9222139

You mean something like exhentai?

>> No.9222730

how can you like that?

>> No.9222736

I find that I have been cured from loli. While I still somewhat adore DFC, I only go for doujinshi with grown-up girls now. Am I still welcome?

>> No.9222753

as long as you dont fap to le Rustle

>> No.9222776

I've never understood the Rustle hype. His lolis are terrible and the art is not good enough to rectify that.

>> No.9222801

What hype? Don't you mean hate? No one on this board does anything but to shitpost with his works.

>> No.9222812

The shitposts started because of the attention he was getting.

>> No.9222816

Speak for yourself, plebeian. I've expelled liters of semen to his works of art. They remain even today pillars of my masturbatory experience.

>> No.9222825

Pretty sure all those Rustle threads were proto-shitposts, seeing as all the OP pics had "tumblr" in their names.

>> No.9222823

Why would you brag about having shit taste?

>> No.9222833 [DELETED] 

Let's discuss how to murder and rape people, guys!

>> No.9222841

Lolis are more interesting.

>> No.9222846

The masses cannot appreciate art: this much is certain.

>> No.9222855

- Perfect anatomy.
- Aggressive girls who know what they're doing and want to do it, unlike the insecure losers who can only get off to the innocent ones that have no idea what they're doing.
- Nice coloring and shading.
- Very big eyes to reflect emotions better than the other artists.

>> No.9222902

I want /v/ to leave.

>> No.9223956

Recently ive been thinking about what it would be like to date a loli girl friend. So I was wondering if there are any manga that cover this topic. Im not really looking for a porno but something that actually distributes porn as the natural progression of their relationship. Meaning, they dont fuck before or during their first date.

I would also be interesting in any VNs that do this. I have played some that sort of do this. You Diary was like this kinda. But the first half of the game was just standard game rout Soon as you get to the girls rout it because her rout and you barely even date before her chastity is taken.

>> No.9223985

I'm a girl, btw

>> No.9223987

>- Perfect anatomy.
Holy shit you are creepy. Go away. Rustle has nice shading but his lolis are too realistic, not to mention they're often disgustingly slutty.

>> No.9223998

Who cares what he likes?

>> No.9224001

I sense a negative tone to your post yet you only mention positives about his work, I'm awfully confused.

>> No.9224008
File: 672 KB, 1416x2000, 1330815127694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some salad doujin, I forget the name. Before that, loli tomodachi.

Do you guys think salad and Inuboshi trace?

>> No.9224014

Kobayashi Yuuji does at least.

>> No.9224019

I think the only thing I dont like about Rustles work is the same thing that I dont like about Gomenesai's work. The way they draw socks and some articles of clothing. You see it mostly in the socks, how wrinkly and messy they are even often dirty. Makes them look like poor kids or hobos.

>> No.9224022 [DELETED] 

Please don't start this shit. Not only there's no way to tell, probably half of the LO artists had some form of contact with either junior idols books/magazines or other stuff, since CP was legal in Japan until 1999 in Japan, and the artists are all pretty old.

Also, I don't believe they would stake their morals and reputation by tracing anything. Only amateurs would do that. The ones you mentioned are all working for magazines.

>> No.9224027

Take it somewhere else, fag.

>> No.9224029

Please don't start this shit. Not only there's no way to tell, probably half of the LO artists had some form of contact with either junior idols books/magazines or other stuff, since CP was legal in Japan until 1999, and the artists are all pretty old.

Also, I don't believe they would stake their morals and reputation by tracing anything. Only amateurs would do that. The ones you mentioned are all working for magazines.

>> No.9224031


>> No.9224035

>Not only there's no way to tell

You'd be surprised. A lot of people have encyclopedic knowledge of CP sets in much the same way people can identify every anime character ever. It's a little scary.

>> No.9224046

I don't know anything about CP but I like artistic nudes alot and I often see influence from 80s/90s loli nudists in today's illustrations.

>> No.9224049

They are laying the groundwork for future generations of loli mangaka.

>> No.9224062

And yet not only no one here does that, but you can clearly see anatomical mistakes and pretty impossible poses in most of loli eromanga/doujinshi.

I'm not doubting they would trace from junior model/idol stuff, though. Specially since they used to contain nudity and were pretty available on Japan.

>> No.9224057 [DELETED] 

Aside from the whole "lolicon is illegal" thing, why is this in /jp/?

Watched any good mecha anime lately, /jp/?

>> No.9224066

I've also been reading Kemomimi Onsen e Youkoso. Stopped when the bitch with the mole appeared. Too bad too since she's the smallest.

>> No.9224068 [DELETED] 


>> No.9224133
File: 36 KB, 278x278, 1334143287779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9224155

Uhh...I think theres a manga called My wife is a primary school girl, but I have not read it and don't know where to find it if its been translated. Maybe thats a start?

>> No.9224160

What about that one manga where the MC has an afro or some shit

>> No.9224181

Sounds interesting. ill look it up.

Thats strictly a manga. I mean were they dont hold anything back and portray the whole relationship.

Problem with manga is you have manga and you have hentai. You cant start a hentai out with PG materiel then add in X later when they move on to the next stage, for reasons beyond me. I just wondered if there was anything of this sort.

>> No.9224194

i would actually like to hear some examples anon-kun

>> No.9224212

Examples of what?

>> No.9224213

Miman Renai, it's really short and the ending was rushed but it's really sweet and cute.
