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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9219014 No.9219014 [Reply] [Original]

ever feel like youre too much of a failure to fit in with /jp/?

I feel like the majority of /jp/ users are college educated and only pretending to be NEET as part of a joke that has gone on for far too long.

>> No.9219019

No anon, you don't understand....college anons pretend they are NEETs to fit in.
On /jp/ you actually have to be ashamed of your normality

>> No.9219018

>I feel like the majority of /jp/ users are college educated


>> No.9219021

Yeah. I can't even identify with the posters in the NEET threads since they're always talking about going driving, going to the store, talking to people online, etc.

>> No.9219027

seriously, its like NEET has lost all meaning
where are the dropouts of old?

>> No.9219031
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I'm not that educated or successful, but I do get to travel around the world for free as an Avionics Technician and make enough to buy pretty much anything I want.

In NEET threads, I just pretend it's me from 3 years ago.

>> No.9219037

lmao that's genius

>> No.9219038

I'm a truNEET. I'm going to be demoted to college faggot soon enough though. I'm going to miss you /jp/. Well...not that much.

>> No.9219069


I pretend that I am me from 1 second ago.

>> No.9219089

Well OP, /jp/ is my fav board and I tried to stop coming here two serious times Even after I recently got my master race PC and just surfed other boards boards and stopped wasting time on jp (what with all the 1000% increase in shitposting after the addition of new boards like mlp and vg), i ended up coming back cause the people are what makes jp. Wanting to be the, and NEET/Hikki stuff.

On to that, well, I never posted as if I was one. And I never cared too much after I realized there's just tons of faggot posers. I go to a community college and I socialize with a few friends. I used to have a lot but most didn't offer much/they weren't going anywhere with their lives. I'm too much of an individual to get along with other people at heart, and thus I only have a few people cause humans need some IRL social interaction or they'll get mental issues, usually.

tl;dr: i agree/think alongside what most Hikki's feel, as in finding little girls attractive (but I like older ones too, in their 20's now around my age). i dislike women cause their emotions and lack of logic stop them from being a serious relationship partner, but I prefer them over men. Ulitmately, I'd love to have a trap like rose (it's probably a girl, but there's no proof) and be happy with that cause she/he really puts effort into the reviews/plays games that are quality, is funny, and actually reads good books. You can't get these things from a girl. However, I think it's near imposible to find someone that awesome who will stay a trap and decent looking.

Thus I just will accept having some 3DPD that is physically healthy, and has a decent job.

P.S. - i wish /a/ would pls go with their cuntshittery. i would rather have jp intergrated with social networking sites if it could magically keep the posters out. any other boards are too obvious with their trolling and it's kina funny.

>> No.9219101

That's pretty normal, dude.

>> No.9219118

That's not my problem, but I find it increasingly hard to tell the difference between genuine shitposting, ironic shitposting or people just being stupid.

>> No.9219136

i think there are a lots of NEETs here but not much of actual hikikomori.

i don't exactly fit in with hikkis either, but it would be nice to see other ones from time to time.

>> No.9219139

NEET =/= Hikki

>> No.9219193

I don't care if /jp/ is NEET or not, really... I come here to talk about touhou, and that's what I get. I have no necessity to feel like belonging to a community.

>> No.9219199



Whoa there buddy, this board is among the stupidest in terms of academics. Those who are in college are just from /g/.

>> No.9219202

Can't even fit in with the failure thread because we've got blog hungry normals coming in here talking about how they're not failures.

>> No.9219205

well i know im wasting my breath here, but unfortunately i can't take a train ticket to gensokyo just yet, since there's one person that would be really hurt. i wish i just could sometimes, but then there's lots i want to do even though i feel all the games i want to create, the music, the stuff i've found on the internet, etc., wouldn't be appreciated if i were to introduce them to a 3dpd girlfriend, or even the general public (if i released something like yume nikki...of which i have at least 30 ish expansive ideas on...but it's like why finish it?)

the internet quality is getting generally shittier, games are getting shittier, and doing things that are normalfaggish just aren't as bad as they were now. i'm trying to be very honest.

>> No.9219217

College is only hard to get into if you skip every day in high school and don't take the SAT/ACT

>> No.9219233

i have backlogs of games inspired by Yume Nikki, not just blat-ant rip-offs. Mostly I've just conceptualized but I've got no problem getting the game totally fleshed out and finished but I just feel what's the point, who will appreciate it, and will it be a waste of time

the other thing is, i don't want to settle on something that isn't quality. i been thinking about it, and i don't know how you can judge YN as good in the sense of it as a "game" which I don't think it is. the thing is, there's so much gaps and fill in the blanks, and abstractness, how can it be judged as "good"? what do you guys think? if you could have an overall theme, and good sprite work, and make 7 second ambient loops, i believe most semi-creative people could make something like that. the hardest part is really the sprite work, I think.

>> No.9219237

That's strange? I always thought that the "truNEET xD" was serious, since it feels that the average /jp/ user has the intelligence of an uneducated nigger.

>> No.9219243

I am neither Hikki, nor NEET, since I went to school and will go to university (aka leaving the house). But otherwise I stay at home 24/7 and I don't talk to people online except for two friends from school, 4chan and some random forum, where I post about 1-4 short posts per day. Don't even talk in MMO's or other online games.

>> No.9219251

That's pretty /r9k/ish, dude.

>> No.9219302

community college is a bit tough but i know it's "easy".
i had trouble with western civ 2, essays are my weakness, I ended up dropping it and going into depression but I got outa that quick and i'm taking more classes now to go into radeologic technology.

i was a slacker and procrastinated in high school

>> No.9219324

>I feel like the majority of /jp/ users are college educated
I'm sorry, I'm too busy laughing to read the rest.

>> No.9219327

Do I count as college educated if I dropped out of my online class after a week?

>> No.9219350

I feel like too much of a failure to fit in on any board, really. A lot of people seem so intelligent compared to me. Especially when it comes to practically any type of math or science. People will start discussing things I've never even heard of and say it's "simple" and that it's taught in basic high school classes... not only were the concepts never even mentioned when I was in school, but upon trying to learn myself, I can't even understand them.

>> No.9219365

Like what?

>> No.9219371

Keep in mind a lot of posters act like they are smart while posting bullshit.

>> No.9219374

When we refer to during highschool it generally refers to the period of time and not the actual education system which is dumbed down for niggers.
Watch public television and Khan Academy.

>> No.9219386


even the homeless guy near you is smarter than these so called college students you're talking about. Why? Its because he has no bills to pay and can go to the library if he wants to watch khan academy and get a ged and learn a trade skill.

>> No.9219393

I dropped out of elementary school because I couldn't handle the pressure of doing so much work.

>> No.9219394
File: 23 KB, 350x351, betta splendens dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was this guy in a NEET thread once who posted business stipends from his business. He made $11,000 USD per month breeding and selling Betta Splendens fish. Nothing else, just that one fucking kind of fish. He sells them over Ebay. He said it's like two hours of work per day.

It highlighted, for me, how much of a joke the 'slavedriving work standard' is. You don't have to work 9-to-5 if you know what you're doing. Working smart is working less, and I know you guys like to put each other down, but if you're here you're probably abnormally smart.

>> No.9219402

That's awfully sweet of you but I'm in the same boat as >>9219350

>> No.9219406

this is pretty much how i feel about depression and when i'm in my room all is okay, and there is no hell. this is good music if you guys don't know it. it's okay if you don't like it though, you can get out of jp.


>> No.9219411
File: 31 KB, 150x220, DEPART YE HEATHENS FROM THIS SANCTUARY TO TRUTH AND REASON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I HATE it.

>> No.9219418

"LOLZ I want to work and be a depressed sack of shit for the rest of my life, being a slave rulez!!! xDDD"

>> No.9219420

Btw i know jp is generally retarded outside of shitposters, and even some good ol jpsies themselves, but when you bash "normals" for college, you forget that in japan (which much otaku culture on this board and in general derives from), Hikki's/NEETs are what becomes of college dropouts...so when you do that it makes y'all seem poser ish

>> No.9219442
File: 48 KB, 360x385, dont_make_me_leavethischair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Next you'll tell us that the word NEET is Japanese only and is only exclusive to Japan

>> No.9219439



I don't even know or care what you dudes are arguing about, but stop putting words in people's mouths.

>> No.9219447

Everyone looks down on Normals and nothing will ever change that fact.

>> No.9219461

"NEET" is actually a term from Englandia

>> No.9219473

I want to be a NEET but couldn't qualify for autism bux and find that I wouldn't be able to afford the standard of living I want on that anyways. Even though I work, I'm still an unsociable buyfag with diagnosed depression. Can I stay? Please?

>> No.9219484

Next year they're taking my autism bucks.

I have a plan to save up until late december, visit Japan on a tourist's visa, and try to sneak into one of those empty abandoned villages up in the mountains. There I can live an easy life of fishing, and turning in cans for porn money.

>> No.9219490


What about Internet and electricity?

>> No.9219493

I'll have achieved satori by then, and will have no need for them.

>> No.9219501


That sounds incredibly retarded. You should tell them your plans, maybe they will continue giving you your autism bux then.

>> No.9219514

Don't worry, I have faith in me, anon.

Besides, worst that can happen is I fail. In which case I can just kill myself.

>> No.9219512

I dropped out of high school because I'm extremely unintelligent and failed all my classes. I can't even imagine trying to go to college.

>> No.9219517

Why are they taking them away from you? Budget cuts? Or is it some kind of unemployment insurance?

>> No.9219531

It's complicated.
They might have sort of checked on just what I was spending all that money on, and then they could have possibly stumbled onto some inconsistencies in my story and living arrangements. And it's not impossible that they were less than pleased about all that.

>> No.9219552

Wow, you're pretty unlucky then anon. The chances of actually getting audited like that are extremely low since they're understaffed (no surprise). At least in Murrica anyways.

>> No.9219582

Yeah, I know. That's why I paid it absolutely no heed, which lead to a perfect storm of circumstances which turned my three year review into grinding halt of hellfire.

Oh well, I'm not really upset about it anything though, it was fun while it lasted. Morale of the story, launder your money, kids.

>> No.9219597

Which is worse?
-Educated and workslaves pretending to be worthless NEET losers
-Depressed NEET posers longing for friends and wanting jobs?

I think it is pretty obvious. /jp/ is not your blog, /r9k/ and /adv/.

>> No.9219614

Won't you have to pay them back?

>> No.9219654

Like I said, the whole ordeal was pretty complicated, and involved like five court thingies. Due to my stretched living circumstances most of my crap was not where I was, so when they poked around it didn't look so bad and I claimed to still fall under the $2000 of resources limit. My caseworker and my parents got involved, and came up with the plea that I did file the paperwork about when I moved, and it just got lost in the system and what my new expenses were.

So I only have to pay up the difference, bewteen what's listed now, and what was listed the last time they confirmed. I'll still come out with a little tiny bit of savings when it's all said and done in December. But I won't be getting an extension.

Could have come out a lot worse than it did, I think my hands off approach to settling this is what came out in my favor, made me look too incompetent to wipe my own ass, let alone handle all the paperwork.

>> No.9219656

I'm in between HS and college right now, so I guess I'm sort of NEET? I don't think this quite counts, though. I don't really plan to ever have an actual job ever, though. I'm currently working on a plan to stay in college for the rest of my life and getting other people to pay for it.

>> No.9219671


How on earth do you fail high school. I only dropped out because of social anxiety, couldn't stand riding a bus, shit teaching etc...but you just sit there all period and have the nigger in the class piss the teacher of for 30 minutes everyday while he/she ends up curving every test.

>> No.9219677

I was rushed into college by my parents after completing high school but dropped out after one semester. I really wish I hadn't caved in and never went in the first place. Now I have a few thousand dollars of debt.

Anyway, if you ever feel out of place here just remember that this is still the board with the least amount of normalfags

>> No.9219691

I actually graduated from a good 4-year college with a decent degree, but I haven't did anything with it. Been NEETing it up at home for the past 4 years since.
true story

>> No.9219697

Social anxiety was part of it as well, I didn't have any friends and was generally pretty miserable. I was that guy who had his head down and slept through all the classes because even if I paid attention, I could still never understand the material needed to do the homework.
5 years later and I'm still too afraid to try to get my GED because I know I won't be able to pass the test.

>> No.9219721

Less than 50% of the world's population has an education past high school and less than 40% have an education past 2-year college. 60% of the world is uneducated. Congratulations, being uneducated or a dropout is now normal. :)

>> No.9219722

sure, but do you at least understand it? siouxsie actually had a lot of viewpoints that jp has too, and it shows in her music.

making $50,000 year is better than being a ugly (can't afford to take care of your looks), unhealthy, and too poor to do anything.

with 50,000 you can do a hell of a lot. all you need for jp shit is:
- $340 laptop (but you can afford one for 500-1000 easy since it'll go along way, and it'll double as something u can use for school and such)
*it can do every jp activity: touhou, browse web, porn etc.

- decent vehicle that's good on gas

- wal mart clothes, and some decent designer top/overcoat

You can be on your way to living happier, and still enjoy your stuff on the side. I know this sounds sacrilegious but you have to try it before you knock it so hard. it's no question that this place is getting dumpier by the day but we still have our good threads here and there.

get out underage cancer

>> No.9219738

Actual NEET here. I want to go back to college to finish up my last 2 years in a science major. Autismbucks are hardly enough to support oneself, let alone a substance use habit.
All I do besides running errands is browse the internet in bed and sleep. I haven't had contact with other people longer than 5 minutes in months. In the past week I haven't spoken to anyone besides "Hello" and "good" when they ask me how I'm doing. My voice is really quiet too.
I wouldn't say this is what I want to do, but I am comfortable enough.

>> No.9219771
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I had the administrators on my case all the time thinking they can help me and my "issues". Al the teachers were afraid of me thinking I would one day shoot up the class cause I always looked serious. It all started way back from middle school out of the blue and I dont remember how I became a labeled target for "watch that kid" but it happened. I'll be taking my GED in July and I'm sure its easy if you just try.

There are tons of math and science stuff on piratebay and khanacademy so no excuses for your ample time!

>> No.9219847

Apparently you should look up the definition of NEET.

>> No.9219874

Face it. The dude was just lucky.
The American dream that you end up with what you deserve is fucking stupid. You get whatever the lottery says. (that makes some people a bit funny in the head and incapable of playing the lottery [ie working]. That's us)

>> No.9219930 [DELETED] 

>Actual NEET here.

Disregarded your post right here.

Seriously, if you go to a car forum and say CAR OWNER HERE ^___^ I'm not going to listen to a word you say.

>> No.9219941
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I really want to do a crane operating course because I really like cranes, Original Poster.

>> No.9219978

In the beginning of my school career I was the hated kid. (wasn't the bullied kid though, if only because the bullied kid isn't the one beating up everybody else) Wild though, and still full of energy.
As school continued that energy slowly diminished though. They had special conferences for me too, though I don't think they were ever scared of me, they only wanted to keep me from suiciding and stop missing school.
My advantage was that I was rather smart and charismatic, so even if I was only there like 60% of the time, never did any homework etc, they still usually graded me D or better, so I barely repeated any classes (only 3, one of which only for bureaucratic reasons). The teachers would often turn a blind eye or even create fake test results for me.
There are reasons not to make charisma a dump-stat after all.

>> No.9220029

>rather smart

>> No.9220103

I thought it sounded arrogant after I read my post. I'm sorry for being a jerk. I am still a NEET, though. I've failed out of college twice and I've never been able to get a job for some reason. I applied and followed up to several potential jobs and no dice. I guess society wants nothing of me. Apparently I'm not capable of making french fries or stocking shelves or delivering pizzas. It's a tough existence. Some people look down on you for not having a job. It's difficult because I have no social interaction so I'm socially awkward. I'm not good at conversating so I can't make new friends. People seem to be repulsed by me even though I keep up appearences (haircut, shave ect). Oh well, it's like there's nothing I can do to escape the vicious cycle I'm in.

>> No.9220104

smart I said, not diligent.
I'm not a genius. I can't learn maths by looking at each page of a maths book once.
I was just usually the first to understand a new topic in maths, so I got a couple of good marks whenever something new was introduced, but because I never actually applied this new information to anything (for example by doing homework etc) I forgot everything quite quickly too. When the tests came around, I often remembered nothing at all.

>> No.9220282

Surprising. In my opinion /tg/, /sci/ and especially /g/ are all insufferably bad.

>> No.9220804

haha i understand that; based on your second story i can again conclude that you probably arent as smart as you think. also lol that you have interpreted your schools caring for your well being as a product of your "charisma". not trying to be hateful but i think it's time to toss aside the blatantly obvious misconceptions of worth and join the rest of us here in /jp/ :)

>> No.9221820

>you have interpreted your schools caring for your well being as a product of your "charisma"
Possible. I have always had trouble understanding humans (myself included). The point is, by the rules, I would have been kicked out of school several times over. I wasn't, because the teachers broke the rules for me. I don't think they would have done that if they hadn't liked me.
>you probably arent as smart as you think.
Also possible. I'm constantly having my narcism and self-hatred fight bitter battles. Whether I feel intelligent or dumb depends on the day. I can say without lying that the humans around me consider me "rather smart", and that would be dodging the question - if there was an actually reliable way to determine one's IQ. Don't bother mentioning IQ tests, I've had results everywhere between 114 and 142.

>> No.9222633

>ever feel like youre too much of a failure to fit in with /jp/?
You should never feel that way anywhere on the internet. The probability that any given guy you are talking to online, is less intelligent than you - no matter how smart or dumb you are - is always 87,5%.

>> No.9222691 [DELETED] 
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I've been a hikki and a NEET for a long time.
I got too old to keep that up so I have a shitty job now and I'm trying to get a college degree. It's surprising how much drive the prospect of being homeless and dying of hunger will give you.
I try not to mention any of this in threads out of respect for NEETs, because I know how it feels from back when I was one.
But sometimes I get the feeling there are 100% dirty normals, 19 years old taking a sabbatical year before college or geniunely successfull older people that think they fit in just because they watch animu and this board is so funneh XD

>> No.9222707 [DELETED] 

rustle = traced cp

>> No.9222783


>> No.9222786 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 450x400, 1325982124260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pedo scum

>> No.9222798

I'm currently in college, but I want to NEET myself away in the future. I plan to work a few years after I graduate, save money, and then going back to my third world shithole of a home to take advantage of the absurd foreign exchange rates so I can be a self-sustaining NEET for a decade or two. After my cash runs out or I'm done NEETing away it's probably portal time for me.

I know I'm not really in line with /jp/, but what can I do? There's nowhere else I can go to in the internet, I can't live without /jp/'s cock anymore.

>> No.9222799

>/jp/ get out of
that doesn't even make sense.

>> No.9222810

>college educated
Maybe half.

>only pretending to be NEET
Maybe a third.

>> No.9223198

How do you get autism bucks? Is it better then standard welfare?

>> No.9223204

I'm a girl, btw.

>> No.9223209

>ITT: confusing NEET with hikki

>> No.9223228 [DELETED] 


>> No.9223236

I'm sorry but I'm part of the college educated part.
I graduated and then switched course.

>> No.9223242

Canada - Montreal

>> No.9223240


Where do you live?

>> No.9223251

Was that really necessary?

>> No.9223261

Are you ironically pretending to fall for a low level ``troll'', or are you the same person ?

>> No.9223284

I'm a dumb retard who didn't think of the possibility that it might be a troll.

>> No.9223289


Sorry, I live somewhere else.

Find a fellow Canadian to help you, because I don't know how things work in Canada.

>> No.9223290

I don't really care. Im NEET but still have friends, thanks to the internet (= IRC) making it so easy to keep in touch with them. And to make new ones, even.
Anyway Im perfectly fine with the boards I visit having users more "successful" or "better" than me, actually I kind of like how hobbies can bring different kinds of people together. I dislike how /jp/ kinda hates on people different from the stereotype of a /jp/ user.

>> No.9223304

um...what? the otaku culture that we talk about here is NEET/hikki based i.e. stuff for people like that. Making fun of normals is what NEET/hikkis do, guy. Seriously? Like, can you even read?

>> No.9223380

It's just non otaku being upset that they don't fit in, and trying to get people to pity them and allow their presence.

>> No.9223418

I never understand fucking normals. Is this what autism feels like?

>> No.9224018

>unfortunately i can't take a train ticket to gensokyo just yet, since there's one person that would be really hurt.
But you can take them with you when you go. Gensokyo is a wonderful place. Of course you want to take your friends with you.
