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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9218717 No.9218717 [Reply] [Original]

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

Last thread

>> No.9218753

New releases are coming, hopefully Futsuno Fantasy will be out soon

>> No.9218858

thats next week man

>> No.9218868 [DELETED] 


>> No.9218873

>Japanese visual novels should be posted in /jp/, and Western on /vg/.

>> No.9218880

At this point I'm not sure if I will be playing it after all the changes they've made.
Still, I would like to see how they resolve the "Demon King must die"part.

>> No.9218884

While the lack of references is sad, I liked Jade as a MC enough to play it. Also I want to see a mindbroken holy knight.
I don't think I caught half of the references anyway.

>> No.9219034

So now that i have finished Alternative..

what am i supoosed to fap to? vanilla?

>> No.9219325
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What an amazing pepper shaker.

>> No.9219971

Does SRW count? It's been more VN than gameplay... and there are routes... If so I've been playing that.

>> No.9221784
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>> No.9221815
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>> No.9221830


>> No.9221926

That chapter werre heart attacks and depression, talk about mood wishplash.

>> No.9221925

Not really, well it's complicated

>> No.9222037
File: 70 KB, 649x511, 12345678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pisses me off.
Even if I choice to be nice to her... The protagonist still treats her as shit.

>> No.9222254

What's the game on OP's picture?
Oh, and about to start Dengeki myself

>> No.9222261


>> No.9223143

Any good?
Psycho loli is my fetish

>> No.9223145

Read the last thread.

>> No.9223164


>> No.9223174

Peopel who don't even read the alst five posts in a trhead should be shot dead.

>> No.9223196

Finished 3 out of 5 endings in Lewdness. It's much shorter and less extreme than Starless and I feel like that's a good thing.

>> No.9223249

Does anyone know where I can find a guide to using Share and Perfect Dark to try to find eroge that aren't on Sukebei?

I tried using them but I'm too computer illiterate to figure out how they work.

>> No.9223312

The "hardest" thing is just configuring your ports, there are countless guides out there for this.

>> No.9223326

I'd try setting up PD first I hope you're aware that it requires 40GB of disk space for its cache folder

>> No.9223508

I'm currently playing 寝取られ彼女 by Softhouse-seal.

Despite the title, the game feels more like a netori genre than netorare, since it shifts between the perspective of the main guy, the step father, and the girls. But since the main character is as interesting as a wet blanket, I find myself enjoying the step dad's perspective more often.

I dislike how the girls are broken so easily though. For example, the childhood friend pretty much gives up right after the first fuck, but considering how short the game was that is somewhat excusable. The netorareable(?) heroines include your long-lost childhood friend, your local sport female friend, and your clingy little sister.

>> No.9223763
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>> No.9223794
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So how many times did this get released?

>> No.9223860
File: 136 KB, 850x575, top.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am kinda tired of all the rape and grim darkness so this time I am gonna read this cheerful looking game.

>> No.9223938

I was surprised at Aorio's soundtrack, it's pretty good.

>> No.9223949

Indeed! I have the opening song on repeat right now.

>> No.9223954

The premise of this kills me
>drama club
>unpopular and shunned by the reast of the school

>> No.9223974

Kills you in a good or a bad way?

>> No.9223982

Good way. I mean, drama clubs are supposed to reunite the pretty and somewhat popular people.
I find it amusing.

>> No.9223986

Haha, the price for the limited edition on getchu is absurd.

>> No.9223994

I don't know, the drama club in my school was full of unpopular people.

>> No.9224003

The savior is coming

>> No.9224093

Why are there still no tsurugi figures? I feel betrayed for following those Kotono updates and getting nothing.

>> No.9224115

If there's one tsurugi I'd like, it's either Cachamaru+Kageaki or Kanae's brother's.

>> No.9224158
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I'd be fine with any of the major ones. Masamune has the best personality, Burroughs has the best midou, and both Muramasas are just too important to miss buying them. Out of the Kotono ones, I'd have easily gone with William Tell.

>> No.9224418

>drama clubs are supposed to reunite the pretty and somewhat popular people

What kind of school did you go to?

>> No.9224431

Normal one in a normal town. The people in the drama club had always good looks and won awards for their plays, some of them even received grants for drama schools in a bigger city.

>> No.9224582

Lewdness was kind of disappointing. It was much less extreme than Starless to the point that, for me, it was kind of bland. And maybe it was just my imagination but I felt like there were a lot more yuri scenes, which aren't really my cup of tea. The sound effects and voices were good though, they could overlap with each other which was a really nice effect. I also liked that some of the male classmates had faces and voice acting, the scenes with them were pretty good. There was less scat, which I know many people disliked in Starless. It wasn't necessarily bad, it was just more normal than I expected. I think a lot of people would enjoy it more than they enjoyed Starless.

>> No.9224634

Is it voiced?

>> No.9224639

Yes, it is.

>> No.9224658

Isn't that a doujin? Pretty surprising

>> No.9224670

> I think a lot of people would enjoy it more than they enjoyed Starless.
I know I did.
Not having scenes that go on for like an hour was also something I could appreciate. It was just a more...sensible piece of work.

>> No.9224697

There are a shitload of voiced doujin-VNs, what is supposed to be so surprising about this?

>> No.9224814
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The voice acting is pretty good too

And the opening

>> No.9224974

She has some pretty good faces

>> No.9225288
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>> No.9225291

Forever second to Futami, isn't that right, Mememe?
At least your non-route was better than San's.

>> No.9225348 [SPOILER] 
File: 438 KB, 537x600, mememe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer her like this.

>> No.9226047
File: 107 KB, 320x460, koikishi-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the hell is my English translation?

>> No.9226058

Maybe in another few years.

>> No.9226061

You would probably be better off asking that question in this thread. >>9225736

>> No.9226082

Stumbled upon Sachi's bad end. Well that was a one big "fuck you".

>> No.9226111

I'm reading a bit up on ITH/AGTH and stuff. What's the "best" guide, as I see it there are a few different ones which use different translation methods.

this one seemed pretty neet, but I don't know what I should think about "wakan". Rikai Chan is still not supported with most VNs I guess?

I think this would be a pretty good way to keep my motivation for learning up a bit higher while grinding some kanji at the same time, I'm not sure how good it actually works though.

>> No.9226118

"neat", not "neet" ,_,

>> No.9226218

not sure how, but i saw a few people talking about how they used rikaichan, so it should work

>> No.9226267

I use that method personally. Seems best if you know some Japanese (like something level 4 to 3-ish). Wakan doesn't really translate the whole sentence, It just tokenizes the words and translates the kanjis, and some few common hiragana/katakana words. Rikaichan is there if Wakan doesn't satisfy your needed translations.

In short, that method for at least knowing runes, otherwise aggregator method if you know from little to none.

>> No.9226269

You can use Rikaichan through Furigana Inserter. That's what I do.

>> No.9226291

Thanks, let's see how this goes.

>> No.9226399
File: 182 KB, 816x638, whattafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /jp/, the fuck is an American Joke? I've been seeing this often and can't really see a pattern in it.

>> No.9226473

Usually the term American Joke is used when a character attempts to make a joke and nobody laughs/understands. They bail themselves out by saying it's an "American Joke" because way back in the day when American humor made it's way to Japan, most Japanese weren't used to the vulgarity or strange cultural syntax of an American Joke.

>> No.9226478

Not the guy you're replying to, but I always wondered that as well. Now I know.

>> No.9226481

Thank you, kind anon-kun.

>> No.9226486
File: 482 KB, 819x772, 1340074798475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does that kind of relate to gilgamesh once calling his joke a kings joke?

or was he just being pompous?

>> No.9226487

tl;dr American Joke=Toilet Humor

>> No.9226571

But Americans aren't as vulgar or crude as the Commonwealth.

>> No.9226585

Japan has plenty of toilet humor of their own, so that's a pretty bad analogy.

>> No.9227928
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>> No.9227938

Whoa, she's like a centipede

>> No.9228426

From what vn it is? Looks as something from liar's...

>> No.9228429

Sona nyl.

>> No.9228440
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>> No.9229040

Finished damekoi.
Damn that was one cute end for Mitoko's routeeven if I spent half of the special chapter raging at Honoka.
Asami's route was incredibly solid too, but Mitoko's really had the most conclusive feeling of them all. Also liked the title drops during said chapters.

>> No.9229296

I liked what the writer did with Asami.
She kept her pride even when it wasn't her route rather than going for an obvious drama-fest

>> No.9229337

Asami's route was my favorite. It felt like two adults resolving their conflicts together, which was nice.

Himeo is my favorite character though. How she tries so hard to cover for her inexperience and her Ojou-sama talk were great. Here dere side was awesome as well. And most of all, she has Sasaki.

I wish I hadn't deleted the game from my hard drive.

>> No.9229843

I agree with every single word in this post.

I actually didn't like Toko much.

>> No.9229855
File: 88 KB, 800x600, NOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost have a heart attack.

>> No.9229980

I'm in the middle of Damekoi, but is there a recommended route order like in other Maruto games? As of right now, my order is Kaya > Himeo > Asami > Mitoko.

>> No.9229985

That's the order of when the routes appear, so it's fine.

>> No.9230058

I'm late, just started Dracu.

>> No.9230063

nice spoilers, also you'd be better off in /vg/ with this

>> No.9230116

>I actually didn't like Toko much.
What the hell dude

>> No.9230176

One question about the new fortissimo.
Is it just a sequel or is it the whole previous game+three new routes?

>> No.9231295

It's the complete edition, you don't have to read the previous release.

>> No.9231298

Great, then I'll wait till the new release.

>> No.9231323
File: 229 KB, 1040x679, kururubattlecry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kururu's voice is a miracle of the universe.

>> No.9231410

I should read Twinkle Crusaders and PSS one of these days, I loved Princess Witches

Though I have a question about PSS, does it assume that PW had a harem end?
That's my only complaint about PW, it really should have had a harem end

>> No.9231520

Note: I can't actually read Japanese. Most of the lines are voiced, so I can somewhat get by, but a lot of my "reading" is guesswork.

With that said, they don't really push the harem aspect outside of jokes, but Kururu and Iinchou definitely have their moments with Masaki. Karen too, to a smaller extent. Ringo bounces from tsun 99% of the time to collapsing from feeling too good just from being felt up, but she definitely got the short end of the stick, since she's the only one without h-scenes in PSS, I believe.

Then there's Lillian who gets "punished" by both Synn and Masaki. Asuna has no h-scenes, unfortunately.

>> No.9231627

Finally got Torta's route in Symphonic Rain.

It's supposed to end about her taking of the ribbon tying her hair and telling Chris that she has a lot to explain then continues in the Al Fine story, right? Just wondering because it was kind of sudden.

>> No.9231761

Yes, don't worry.

>> No.9231762

>Asuna has no h-scenes, unfortunately.
Why I was hoping for this.

>> No.9233903

The future

>> No.9233912
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>> No.9233953

Alright time to start JQV, it better be good

>> No.9234551

This thread is pretty much dead.
I guess this is the end of VN talk in /jp/

>> No.9234578

Are you always such a drama queen?

>> No.9234579

Can't wait for Gurenka, only a couple more days to go!

It moves at the exact same pace it always has you little ADD-ridden monkey.

>> No.9234580

It's not as though there have been all that many of us at any one time. The thread isn't getting all that much less activity than may be considered the norm.

>> No.9234597

Everyone's just busy reading eroge.

>> No.9234598

Going to start reading subahibi soon but I'm concerned about the reading difficulty. Can those who have already read it chip in on how much more difficult the writing is compared to your average eroge. From what I've heard at least philosophy seems to be a theme and honestly I'm not sure if I'd be comfortable reading text concerning that.

>> No.9234599

It still takes about 7 days to fill the thread, that's the same pace it has been for a year, what are you talking about?

>> No.9234602

Aerodynamics, philosophy and nonsense.
Some scenes are just hard to understand, otherwise is not that bad.

>> No.9234608

New to VN's.
Playing My Girlfriend is the President.
Not sure what I am looking forward too.. but I guess Robotics;Notes.

>> No.9234669

>chip in on how much more difficult the writing is compared to your average eroge
It's pretty much your average eroge in terms of reading difficulty. There are some spikes but most of the time they are hilariously unrelated to anything going on in the plot.

>> No.9234819
File: 381 KB, 814x3531, aerial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This week on Akabei's livestream:

- The tower control guy really was English/Australian and the director didn't know until he saw it on Inoue's twitter the other day.
- Ether Dagger infodump that will be on this week's website update.
- Full insert song. Short version will be on the website.
- "Elizabeth and Ally are completely different, really!"
- Nagi is by far the most popular heroine.

Oh and despite Joker being released this week, there has barely been any mention of it.

>> No.9234824

I know this is a VN thread, but... anyone read 装甲悪鬼村正 妖甲秘聞 鋼?
I discovered just now that it has a drama cd.

The part from Tractatus are numbered, so you can find them in translation pretty easily. Unfortunately, they are not quite easy to read in other languages either, unless you know something about analytic philosophy.
The part from Cusano can be found explained on google (I just found with a quick search http://www.spiritalchemy.com/46/linecircle/ you may want to bookmark this for later). There was a better website (with illustrations) but I can't find it anymore.
Can't help you on the economy bits since it's not my field.
The rest of the game is quite easy actually.

>> No.9234835

loli strong
>- "Elizabeth and Ally are completely different, really!"
just look at the legs, they are different.
but makes me wonder what her role will be and how she'll be introduced considering she wasn't in trial.

>> No.9234854

>- Nagi is by far the most popular heroine.
Obviously, potential to be the best girl and most interesting by far as of now.
I can only see Ryoko competing with her.

>> No.9234882

Indeed, apart from the few philosophy talks with Ayana (Tsui no Sora II, wwwww) you should have no problem understanding the main story (language wise that is). I too was surprised by how easy it actually was. I guess the fact that many people say that SubaHibi is "hard" comes from how difficult it would be to actually translate, considering it would lose many puns and nuances exclusive to Japanese language.

>> No.9234920

What an 圧勝.

>> No.9235388

Been playing the Gurenka trial.
Kawashima Rino+old fasshioned speech=boner.
I like the OST too.

>> No.9236419

It's rather awesome alright, but fucking escu:de and their 800x600 resolutions.

>> No.9236508

also that it can't seem to close up sprites or backgrounds without picelating the whole thing.
It looks pretty, from a distance.

>> No.9236822

Yuuji is fucking donkan in Michiru's route. Like really fucking donkan.

>> No.9236844

He's just being a dick to her to have fun, no donkan there.

>> No.9237198
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>> No.9237226


>> No.9239330


>> No.9239686
File: 156 KB, 800x600, port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could a game with such a cool premise suck so damn badly?

Shit, at least the spaceship is cute but goddamn it I don't even know if it's worth it to go through a single route, I'm so fucking bored. And normally I like moege.

>> No.9240131
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>> No.9240151
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You bet, mate!


>> No.9240165
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Going to start reading Meguri, hitohira. I don't know really what to expect, except Shumon.
I want to finish it before monthly releases, it should be doable.

>> No.9240361

It's proto Asairo, enjoy your not-Hiyo I sure did

>> No.9240550
File: 195 KB, 1034x800, I would.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so good?
Seriously anyone who didn't try JQV should go read it right now

>> No.9240704

I like Risa the most.

>> No.9240711

Someone has ripped the OST for "ROOT DOUBLE -Before Crime * After Days-" in case anyone's interested.


>> No.9240727

she is yandere?

>> No.9240923

http://vndb.org/v10575 so sad...

>> No.9240937

Downloaded the trial for 初恋1/1 only to be greeted by gaijin-lock.
I want those 1.5 gigs back.

>> No.9241426

So, does he rape her?

>> No.9241444

She turns into a slut and becomes completely boring in her route.

Which is a shame because that was the only reason I trawled through the other routes.

>> No.9241520

Can you stop your ステマ already?
I'm going to read whatever the hell I want, thank you very much.

>> No.9241559

and who the hell are you? fuck you fag

>> No.9241740 [DELETED] 

This ステマ shit is why 2ch is horrible these days, you can't have a discussion with faggots parroting this shit like autistic retards.
I'm not the guy who made these posts but if only one guy made all these then he barely did 5 posts, it's hardly ステマ
And at least it's more entertaining to watch some guy try to promote something obscure than watching faggots like you complain about every little things without contributing to the thread

And I mean, is there even a point to going to this thread if you don't want to read the opinion of other about stuffs? If you only care about your own opinion go make a blog or something

>> No.9241772

anon-kun why you delete your post?

>> No.9241875

Because I realized I didn't want to start some kind of shitstorm over a moron

>> No.9242747
File: 22 KB, 483x163, katatrial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody had any luck with the Imouto no Katachi trial? I try running it and all I get is this. A little help would be great

>> No.9242979

Has someone a decently seeded torrent, or a working DLL link, for either 魔法の守護姫アルテミナ or 放課後催眠倶樂部? I've been searching for nearly an hour now and at least found something for the first one, even if it's only going with 80kB/s.

I'd be glad if someone had a working link for the second one, or could even upload it yourself. It's not that big.

>> No.9243036

Did you try the standard work around for games by any of the Visual Arts brands?

>> No.9243243

>Did you try the standard work around
What would that be? Switching format and timezone and all that stuff to Japanese too? Silly me would have to re-download the trial first, damn.
I'll just wait a couple of days for the full version and read the Gurenka demo instead.

>> No.9243335

Nah, there's a small program that circumvents it entirely.
Last game I used it on was Sousouki Reginald which released in March, so it should probably still work.
I can upload a copy of it now if you like so you don't need to go looking for it.

>> No.9243340


yes that would be awesome, thank you

>> No.9243357


I read that. I don't think it will ever get a translation. It's not really worth it either. Typical moege with a gimmic. Also, you can bang your sister. Such games have a high probability to get DMCA'd.

Anyway, reading Sister Scheme 1 at the moment. It's entertaining, but the whole school-romance thing is getting stale. Maybe I should level up.

>> No.9243358

Here you go.
Just need to drop it in the folder with the game .exe, run this, select aforementioned game .exe, and it should start the game. And just run the No Region Loader.exe to start the game again afterwards to start the game.
You'll still need to get a seperate nodvd for a game, though.

>> No.9243533


thank you, tried it with the different exes but no luck, targetting the siglusengine.exe reports completion but nothing loads afterwards

>> No.9243581

If you're on Vista or 7 you need to run it as an Administrator, if you haven't been doing so.

>> No.9243679


yeah, tried normally, as admin, as admin w/ jap locale no luck

either nothing happens or it says

This Game is Japan Only


動作させるには 『 日本語版Windows 』 が必要です。


※このメッセージは Ctrl+C でコピーできます。
i'd rather wait for the full game on friday than DL a japanese windows

>> No.9244040

Could be that it's not compatible with newer versions of the Siglus Engine, which I hope isn't the case.
I've been looking forward to Hatsukoi 1/1 for a bit now.

>> No.9246120

>She turns into a slut and becomes completely boring

How can a slut be completely boring. This does not compute

>> No.9246168

maybe she fucks a lot always in the same position?

>> No.9246503
File: 268 KB, 1279x721, Eustia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing Aiyoku no Eustia recently. So far it seems like a solid game all around, with some good world-building and passable writing, though its tendency to constantly explain all the character development and motivations is rather annoying. The dialogues sometimes seem almost superfluous, because a few lines later the game will helpfully explain and summarize everything anyway.

>> No.9247179


>> No.9247184

I find the constant reiteration helps those of us who still struggle with our nippon, although whenever I get that experience with a language I know it just feels so condescending... "Oh, you don't remember that important plot point we showed you not 5 minutes ago? Here's a reminder, don't worry we'll hold your hand all the way."

>> No.9247223
File: 25 KB, 500x500, c736739charab7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The teacher better at least get a mini route

>> No.9248464

More eroge should let you fuck all of the female cast in some form or other. Just like in Tasogare no Sinsemilla or the upcoming Gurenka.
I sure like that writer.

>> No.9248767

The opening of 終わる世界とバースデイ is pretty cool

>> No.9248782
File: 175 KB, 1017x569, ph1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Phenomeno, a new title from Nitroplus. I'm pretty early in, but it's very well written and damn scary to boot. I think this is the first time I've ever gotten chills when reading a VN (though a few moments in Subahibi were close).

>> No.9248910

Bampu pantsu.

>> No.9249362

I would be more interested if it weren't for the very...plain art.

>> No.9249422

That does seem cool. Anyone try the trial?

>> No.9249440

Why is this shit on /jp/ ?
get baited turbonerds

>> No.9249442

You can read 大天使 as Michael?

>> No.9249469

I did, it's pretty crazy.

>> No.9249486

Archangel, great angel literally.
Michael was an archangel.

>> No.9249501

I know, but Japan does go fullretard some times.
Just name her in katakana, anyone can relate it to the archangel without the need of being called archangel.

>> No.9249801

Hope we'll get some early releases tomorrow, I had enough trial-reading for this week.

>> No.9249893

Dolphin Divers is out

>> No.9251811

slow thread for the end of the month releases

>> No.9251884
File: 6 KB, 118x119, 1317339452158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, sorry to be that guy but I need some assistance. I finally decided to get off my lazy ass and play Tsui no Sora II, but I'm unsure what routes/choices to follow to get on that end. A SubaHibi walkthrough would be highly appreciated, if anyone has a link to one.

Thank you.

>> No.9251901

Jesus christ, I'm a massive retard.


>> No.9252120 [SPOILER] 
File: 183 KB, 825x1100, www.dotup.org3139655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some new cgs for the CS version of Dies Irae, huge spoilers

>> No.9252122 [SPOILER] 
File: 833 KB, 1110x833, www.dotup.org3139654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9252158

is that just supposed to be promotional art or does Machina actually join Ren?

>> No.9252342

on second thought, if they show the bridge between Dies Irae and KKK I guess something like that must happen considering he's the only out of the three on his side

>> No.9252341

When does it come on again?

>> No.9252345

And by "on" I mean "out".

>> No.9252354

in two months

>> No.9252380

vndb says 2012-08-31 with the PSP version coming out today.

>> No.9252547

I'm late as fuck but does JQV have any plot related text on images or text that is otherwise unavailable for a text hooker?

My moon is pretty bad so I rely on machine translation for help.

>> No.9252601

I've been trying to find a torrent for フェノメノ, but my googlefu is weak and the usual places don't seem to have it, anyone has a link ?

>> No.9252607

I think it is a free game from the official site http://www.nitroplus.co.jp/game/phenomeno/

>> No.9252622

Did your R;N copy arrive yet? It seems like I won't be able to purchase it right now, which saddens me.

Well, at least there's Root Double to comfort me.

>> No.9252628

No. It only just shipped. It probably won't be here till Monday or Tuesday. Sunday is a holiday though so I hope that doesn't affect it.

>> No.9252666

Downloading with excitement - hopefully I can read through it without too many problems.

In other news it seems Japan finally noticed that jquery exists.

>> No.9252679

Good enough, I guess. Hope you enjoy it.

>> No.9252880 [SPOILER] 
File: 128 KB, 640x480, 1340881476994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one

>> No.9252899

School Days HQ out

>> No.9253018

For Dies Irae CS looks like Rea's route has a new ending, a choice appear toward the end of the route and you can choose to have Ren fight, so the last battle evolve into an awesome 3-way fight. Also Marie's route has an after story with everyone reincarnated in Berlin and it has stuff like like Wilhelm and Helga being an older brother/little sister couple like KKK, Shirou and Elly being lover or Kei and Rea being loli. Also it has some funny stuff like Kei being a huge brocon or Rea who try to ntr Ren from Marie. And Marie's appear as a loli too

>> No.9253073

There are some scenes that use a weird font so I don't if it's catchable but since it's kirikiri you shouldn't have any problem

>> No.9253306

>Kei being a huge brocon

That's not new, at all, but still as funny as always.

>> No.9253323

With long hair Kasumi looks a lot better, unlike Elly.

>> No.9253646

Looks like several parts of Kasumi's route were rewritten

>> No.9253650

Maybe her route will stop being a borderline waste of time!
I liked her end though so incredibly bad for everyone involved while Heydrich and Mercurius laughed.

>> No.9253682

Well for the new stuff if you don't include the drama-cds material and the new CGs.
Marie's after, take place several decades after her route in Berlin with the reincarnation of most of the cast. Complete happy end and Hajun doesn't appear though his future appearance is kind of hinted
New end in Rea's route that include a 3 way fight between Ren, Mercurius and Reinhart, people in 2ch calls it the Makki's end
Part of Kasumi's route were rewritten

I think that's all

>> No.9253693

But does Rea's route end with marriage as in this pic >>9252122
I like the end.

>> No.9253710


>> No.9253795

That's Rea After, the marriage was already in the drama-cd though the cg is new. Though it looks like Rea After also has some new scenes including more AnnaxLotus and ReaxRen scenes

>> No.9253805

I think I missed that drama CD then.
Zwei ended with Rea mentioning Kumamoto when meeting Ren in the street.
Can you point me to that one?

>> No.9253817

Oops, I remembered this wrongly, it's not from Rea After but the Rusalka special that take place after this. You can read it in the main site of Acta est fabula.

>> No.9253824


>> No.9254470

How is the reading difficulty of WA2? I want to play it but my Japanese sux.

>> No.9254500

Pretty hard if your "Japanese sux"

>> No.9254538




>> No.9254553



>> No.9255508
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>> No.9256539

So...only Dolphin Divers leaked early. WHY

>> No.9256686

My question exactly, I was only going to read a couple of VNs this month but damn, I hope there's something tomorrow.

>> No.9256697

Has anyone actually tried Dolphin Divers yet?

>> No.9256720
File: 36 KB, 419x534, 324567213459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9256771

Was going to, but something about the art killed that desire right off.

>> No.9256907 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 1024x576, dgdfgfdgdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting bestiality.

Grisaia; I knew the cat was done for from the moment they named it. Seems like everyone after Makina has to have a long winded dramatic past. Is there really any action aside from her route since that one set the bar quite high for me.

Also anyone wish there was more "unique" tracks? I mean, "Deadlock" sounded great the first few times, but it's like they started using it on every "dramatic" scene, such as this one.

>> No.9256927

>Seems like everyone after Makina has to have a long winded dramatic past
Everyone does, they are in that high school for a reason.

>> No.9256938

>Also anyone wish there was more "unique" tracks?
Yeah sure, could have used a couple more tracks. Still a good soundtrack.

>> No.9257171
File: 149 KB, 800x600, 10876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clicked "Random Visual Novel" and i got this.
(Comedy, Mahou Shoujo Heroine, Trap Protagonist, All-girls School)
Have anyone read it already?

>> No.9257364

Is there a torrent somewhere for Custom Maid 3D including stuff up to the latest expansions? I can only find the main game and some of the recent expansions as DDLs, but the earlier addons are nowhere to be seen.

>> No.9258431

紅蓮華's torrent is finally out on nyaa.

>> No.9258710
File: 1.34 MB, 3500x2475, アエリアル【A4・3つ折POP】.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Website was updated with the insert song and stuff.

>> No.9258728
File: 158 KB, 1024x576, aokiguitara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started Mahoyo, perhaps a bad idea with my low level of moon proficiency, but it's so pretty. Is this Aoko confirmed for playing guitar?

>> No.9258805

Looking back on it, it does seem like a bigger soundtrack would've been appropriate for the sheer size of the game.
On the other hand, this didn't occur to me when I was actually reading it. Also, almost every single track on it is pretty much perfect for me, I still find myself listening to it months after.
If it helps, meikyuu brings a whole new (equally great) soundtrack and actually uses both of them during the game.

>> No.9258880

JOKER is out /jp/

>> No.9258886

disney shit

>> No.9258892


>> No.9258976

Hell yeah, that's what I wanted to wake up to.

>> No.9258997
File: 157 KB, 1600x900, ph4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Phenomeno. Even though it's basically just a glorified demo (the rest of the novel hasn't been adapted), it's a fantastic and chilling experience all around, with great writing (not a single unnecessary word anywhere, excellent rhythm etc.) and wonderful sound design. One can only hope that N+ will adapt the rest of the novel as well, because the sound and visuals add a lot to the atmosphere.

>> No.9259045

>One can only hope that N+ will adapt the rest of the novel as well
Would be cool but this was probably just intended as promo-material to make people buy the novels.

>> No.9259101 [SPOILER] 
File: 398 KB, 1600x900, phend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely seems that way, but eh, hope springs eternal.

>> No.9259169

初恋1/1 is out.
Almost 9 gigs, this is going to take a while...

>> No.9259182

waiting for Meat VN and school days HQ

>> No.9259233

Anyone has Chusingura 46+1?
Tried the trial and damn it was good but fuck if I can find a download link for it.
It's not even available in a DL site, I would hav bought it even

>> No.9259264

Wow, Robotics;Notes is getting a pretty bad reputation in 2ch.

>> No.9259286

I'm playing little busters, but I'm a little unsure about how to go about playing.

I've gone through the bad end Rin route, but how do I start the other routes? Do I just start from the beginning with a new save? Can I spam the "skip previously read lines?" Can I just go back and pick a diverging choice in one of the old save points?

>> No.9259297

Gurenka and Hatsukoi are out?
Time to watch those download-bars fill up.

>> No.9259337

>Time to watch those download-bars fill up.
They sure move slow. Fucking Asians and their BitComet.

>> No.9259367

Use Share/PD.

>> No.9259387

I hope it's at least better than Chaos;Head. It seems every time I actually decide to buy a visual novel it turns out to not be very good...

>> No.9259396

just buy School Days HQ and share son

>> No.9259417

I don't have the resources for PD but I guess I could give Share a try. Can't be any slower than this shit.

>> No.9259511

I already played it like almost 2 years ago though.

>> No.9259578

Seriously? I have been looking foreward to it since it was announced. I will wait awhile until the dust settles, at least I decided against ordering it.

>> No.9259690

Finished my download of gurenka.
Now if I can get fortissimo, I'll be happy.

>> No.9259693
File: 447 KB, 720x1000, 1340963684258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9259707

Which one of you did that?

>> No.9259904

>If it helps, meikyuu brings a whole new (equally great) soundtrack and actually uses both of them during the game.
That's great to hear. One more reason to quickly finish Kajitsu.

>> No.9259910

Have they said what this will include?

I was going to start playing this, but I might wait for the special edition if it adds a bunch of stuff.

>> No.9260077

I imagine it will be essentially the PSP version but with the ero added back in. But no, I don't think they've officially said what will be in it yet.The website at least, says 詳細はオフィシャルサイトにて近日公開予定

>> No.9260193
File: 54 KB, 819x614, 7f0a850f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, did a 10 years old write Joker or something?

>> No.9260214

Just completed the first chapter in Muramasa. Took about 9 hours including the prologue, I am a slow reader and the archaic language along with the made up words was not easy. How many chapters long is the game anyhow, and how long did it take you guys to finish it?

Also, why the heck did Kageaki kill the kid at the end of the chapter? I can only think of it as a way of preserving his secret because the kid seemed to be getting carried away with the whole 'hero' thing. Seriously though, it came as a bit of a shock.

>> No.9260216

It has five chapters in the common route. then the routes.
Also you'll understand that by the 5th chapter properly.

>> No.9260220

Haha oh god

>> No.9260233

It's a masterpiece of storytelling

>> No.9260235

AA writing

>> No.9260244

Any retarded chicks in this one (like the "doggies don't like cat food" girl in Sharin 2)? Banging special ed chicks is my fetish.

>> No.9260272
File: 41 KB, 195x195, 1810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.....what? More like awkward gays, assorted nerds, and high school goths who sign up for stage crew because they get to wear all black all the time for it.

What the hell kind of drama club did your school have?

>> No.9260280

Why not? Dabblers don't generally have two of them.

>> No.9260301

What is it with the eroge industry and footjobs that lead to bad ends?

>> No.9260310

xx kanojo 2 out on Share !

>> No.9260331

Hope there is a crack out for 初恋1/1 by the time my download is finished.
Stupid Gaijin Defence Systems...

>> No.9260354

Sinclient OP:


>> No.9260399

It's funny how the complains about ROBOTICS;NOTES don't stop everywhere, I basically see nothing positive about it.
That make Root Double the hit and RN the landmine, who would have thought?

>> No.9260420

Looks interesting, especially for a first project. I find the girl art a bit too moe for the kind of setting, but it's probably on my end.
Now I have two things to play on september, which is really nice.

>> No.9260427

The Aerials insert song is pretty catchy. But still not as good as the glorious opening.

>> No.9260489

『ギルティクラウン ロストクリスマス』OP

>> No.9260571
File: 376 KB, 1024x768, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pantsu mosaic always irritates me slightly. It's just so pointless.

>> No.9260778

Itou Kanako is one of the few reasons I'm still bothering with their games.

>> No.9260834

I actually was expecting Root Double to be great either way. I've been reading through it slowly and it's really good; it has pretty cool gameplay mechanics, OST is great and it has all of that Infinity series' atmosphere that I love. I recommend it to anyone who has a 360.

On the other hand, I wasn't expecting R;N to get complaints.

>> No.9260842

I'll pass, the show was fucking awful and this doesn't looks any better.

>> No.9260844

What are the main complaints anyway?
Is the plot terrible or something?

>> No.9260852

Well, at least both male and female protags look better than an autistic girl and her shoe. It also has a psychotic Yuu Kobayashi trap.

>> No.9260879

Show was fantastic and the prequel will be good too. Feels good to not be a hipster hater riding on a vocal bandwagon.

>> No.9260892

I agree, but that opening does looks awful.

>> No.9260919 [DELETED] 

I watched a few episodes and it reminded me when I was 14 watching Bleach or some other fighting anime with edgy characters that go serious business when they activate some stupid ass deus ex machina super power. Music was really decent.

Wow, what a unique and interesting individual you are - you sure showed all the "haters" out there, didn't you.

>> No.9260927

Wow, what a unique and interesting individual you are - you sure showed all the "haters" out there, didn't you.

>> No.9261030

Nothing happen the plot
The characters are all really dull, protag and main heroine are horrible, the other heroines are non-characters.
The system is game-breaking bad

Read the user reviews there for more

>> No.9261309

Itt:Misleading OP

>> No.9261337

>protag and main heroine are horrible
elaborate please. i cannot into moonspeak. (not the previous poster btw, just jumped into the thread).
are they at least weird like the Chaos;Head and Steins:Gate protags, or are they normal-horrible?

>> No.9261367

It's both hilarious and sad how they decide to make it into anime even before the game is out simply because S;G did well.

>> No.9261392

Remind anyone else of Kakyuusei 2?

>> No.9261410

>MC manages to be both a stuck up asshole and a bland non-entity at the same time
>main heroine is shallow, self-centered and thoughtless, together with MC they have zero charisma
Well, shit. Considering these reviewers actually thought that S;G gimmick characters were great, those who disliked S;G probably shouldn't bother.

>> No.9261499

>protag and main heroine are horrible
>main heroine

And now I know not to give a fuck about 2ch and their comments.

>> No.9261494

Looks like Steins;Gate was a fluke then

>> No.9261505

These comments aren't from 2ch though.
And literally everyone think RN is mediocre in japan

>> No.9261530
File: 57 KB, 819x614, www.dotup.org3143417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced that the writer of Joker is a genius, he is just misunderstood.

>> No.9261542
File: 20 KB, 533x293, www.dotup.org3143528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, I think I'll have to read this game.
This is fucking comedy gold

>> No.9261583

Does the MC have some kind of mental deficiency or something similar? Because wow, looks autistic.

>> No.9261611

Translate it, weeaboos.


>> No.9261617

Learn japanese, normal.

>> No.9261624

It's kind of hard to take Amazon reviews seriously though. They frequently jump on bandwagons to hate perfectly fine things. They did it for Idolm@ster 2 for Xbox when it first came out, and they did it for New Love Plus too. Both are good games.

>> No.9261650

Man I need a walkthrough for Gurenka, just to know when the common route ends or if I'm in some route or something.
I appreciate the 4 main routes and the 5 sub ones, but I need more information.

>> No.9261656
File: 14 KB, 404x217, www.dotup.org3144697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protagonist is amazing

>> No.9261662


>> No.9261677

Looks like Namima no Kuni no Faust that was released this month too and seem largely unnoticed has a pretty excellent scenario

>> No.9261700

I was avoiding it since the art looks like your typical moe-ge, but if that's the case then I might just download it.

Funny how my expectation always goes the other way.

>> No.9261708

It's not a moege at all.
It's a straight road scenario-ge with lot of economic.

>> No.9261711

Only a normal could achieve something like that. A trueNEET lacks the discipline to study anything.

>> No.9261752


I hate to ask, but is there a torrent for this somewhere and I'm just failing to find it or is it only up on PD/Share at the moment?

>> No.9261899

Not out yet even in share.
These pics just come from people who actually bought the game

>> No.9262387

Anyone actually finish downloading and start Hatsukoi 1/1 yet?
I've heard there's issues with getting around the Gaijin Block.

>> No.9262418
File: 325 KB, 639x324, ruti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lewd

>> No.9262440
File: 135 KB, 794x594, this fucking VN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Apex of VNs, Y/N?

>> No.9262444

New Atelier Kaguya is out.

>> No.9262453

I really enjoyed this for what it was. And the art was nice, except for that one CG someone will now post.

>> No.9262469

I agree. I'm going to go back and re-read Kohime Musou too. After that, I'll pick up some new material after lurking for a while. It's been a while since reading any VNs.

>> No.9262499

Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask this but

Will anything (Share, PD) work if you have shit-tier internet? My internet caps out at about 75kb/s download rate, and about half that for uploads...

>> No.9262512

Share will probably work.
But in that case it's probably only worth using for older things you can't find torrents or DDLs for.

>> No.9262597

New thread: >>9262587

>> No.9263206

Just how shameless of a rip-off of Ever17 is it?

>> No.9263225

Fun and heartwarming. They should have given the pets routes too (and maybe a second non-canon good end for the loli store clerk where you actually end up with her), though.
