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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9218082 No.9218082[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: visual novels that make you think a little, or have more artistic integrity than "plot with porn".

Serious request. VNs are more related than imaginary friends or 3D models.

>> No.9218093

but why the fuck use a shitty OELVN as a picture? nobody is gonna take you seriously if you do that.

>> No.9218098
File: 108 KB, 500x334, laughing_khajiit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys im suerious

>> No.9218100

Best example I could think of. It doesn't have to be an OELVN, obviously, because this is /jp/.

Imagine I asked for VNs like the movie Casablanca. Would you fault me for using a Casablanca picture? And this isn't *really* intended a straight-up request thread, but for discussion also.

>> No.9218104
File: 271 KB, 578x900, shitpost no ken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9218107

Why did you remake this thread?

>> No.9218114

That game is almost as bad as Analogue.

>> No.9218115

Who shat this log? Mugen?

>> No.9218118

So you're asking for a VN similar to shitty garbage? I recommend Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.9218126
File: 169 KB, 1280x800, greatest love story ever told.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9218131

No, I'm asking for a visual novel more intellectually stimulating or that has some meaning behind it.

>> No.9218133

If this is a serious thread, I recommend anything from the infinity series. Ever 17 and remember 11 are the only ones currently available in English, though Never 7 should be soon.

I'd also recommend Steins Gate and Chaos Head.

Look up Higurashi and Umineko as well.

>> No.9218142

I played Ever17 and enjoyed it. I'll check out the others, thanks.

Obviously I'm going to look them up on vndb, but mind sharing what you liked about them? Or how they were different to other VNs?

>> No.9218148

This thread is so /vg/ it hurts.

>> No.9218161

Except it's not a video game general, so it kind of falls flat a little in that department.

>> No.9218170

I read ever17. It's absolute trash.
I read remember11. It's absolute trash.
Once I can, I'll read never7 to complete the trilogy of trash.

>> No.9218182

There are constant visual novel generals on /vg/.


>> No.9218190

I recommend this one, then. It's a very stimulating read.


>> No.9218194


Dont direct him there so he can shit up the thread. Keep it condensed here and just hide it.

>> No.9218197

So then why did you use that pile of shit for your OP picture?

>> No.9218204

It's too late for that. /vg/'s threads were shit from day one.

>> No.9218214


Well I wouldn't know. I do like the neptunia threads.

>> No.9218285

Because it made you think a little and had artistic integrity? As in, it had an actual, relevant message to today's world rather than just being, "ONII-CHAN! WHICH GIRL DO YOU WANT TO FUCK?"

Did you even play it?

Anyway, I'm asking for *other* suggestions.

>> No.9218324

Just gonna go ahead and recommend this. It's genuinely the of the best stories I've ever read, from any medium.


>> No.9218338


>> No.9218346

You're in for a surprise.

>> No.9218362

Statements like this lead me to assume you've read fewer than 5 VNs.

>> No.9218364

I can't believe the janitor pussed out and is now leaving this thread. Why don't you try sticking with your decisions for once?

>> No.9218392

I've played about 20. And /jp/ is my "home board" and the only board I visit (one of the only sites I visit, even).

>> No.9218394
File: 56 KB, 167x159, 1314721568939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please read the board rules. Western VNs belong in /vg/. Now get out.

>> No.9218402

Next time OP don't start your thread with a screencap from an OELVN. Consider this a lesson learned.

>> No.9218407

Play UAC Military Nightmare.

It is an epic, deeply riveting tale about a space marine's confrontation with a powerful force, and the various others he encounters as he walks the path set out before him.

>> No.9218467

You misunderstand why this is up.

>> No.9218531

Not asking for Western VNs, asking for VNs.

>> No.9218626

That's pretty darn subjective OP.
One could easily argue that
Tsukihime is about how to deal with where you are placed in life.
Fate/Stay Night about what type of life you aim for.
Chaos;Head asking whether or not you can be happy with nothing but delusions, and the integrity between reality and delusion.
Or things like WordsWorth questioning what is "home" and where one truly belongs.
Swan Song as an outlook of the nature of man in desperate situations. It even has the autistic girl with 0 character development despite all that happens, as a constant measuring stick next to everyone else.

Heck, one could even argue that the Rance series is an expression of extreme Nietzschean philosophy taken to its limits.

I mean honestly, most stories evokes thought if you look outside of those that are merely meant as fap-fodder, and even among those a surprising amount of them attempt to carry some kind of message or question outside of the realm of erotica.

>> No.9218636

>That's pretty darn subjective OP.

No shit. You ask someone what films they like, it's subjective HOLY SHIT CALL THE PRESSES

>> No.9218648

>No shit. You ask someone what films they like
This wasn't a thread asking for "good" VNs though, the topic was VNs "that make you think a little, or have more artistic integrity".

Granted it's still about as subjective.

>> No.9218663

OP, this is a pretty subtle troll, and I can see you've had some success, but it's kind of crude at the same time and it takes a lot of follow up to keep going. 3/10 that's the best I can do.

>> No.9218663,1 [INTERNAL] 

Relevant enough for you?
