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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9213872 No.9213872 [Reply] [Original]

What truNEET things did you do today?

>> No.9213876

after sleeping all day, i have proceeded to sit in my chair completely nude all evening as i browse 4chan

>> No.9213880
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I haven't slept in three days and I feel wide awake.

>> No.9213883
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Woke up at 4pm, finished watching Yuru Yuri, just ate some stuffed crust pizza with breadsticks. About to reorganize my music collection.

Takin' it easy all day erry day. Feels good man.

>> No.9213887

>sit in my chair completely nude

What a coincidence, I'm also sitting in my chair completely nude.

>> No.9213891

I pooped on the floor

>> No.9213888

I didn't go to school or to work today.

>> No.9213906

masturbate, and feeling bad afterwards for doing so

>> No.9213912

I cummed in between some old pieces of hard bread then ate it.

>> No.9213916

>not happily relaxing in complete bliss after climaxing.

>> No.9214026
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decided to finally depart to Gensokyo. immediately.
then realized there's literally no way for me to kill myself without leaving my room besides starving.
please someone just break into my house and shoot me.

>> No.9214517
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I just got randomly opened my email and saw that enmasse is holding 7 day tera trials so I'm downloading that now. Wonder how far I'll get before I fall asleep out of boredom.

>> No.9214537

I ate some Kfc

>> No.9214554
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Came to /jp/

>> No.9214557

Instead of going to the bathroom when I wake up during sleep I just piss in a cup or a bottle. Since my room is dark and the bathroom is light, this is nice.

I also do it when people visit and I don't want to hear them talking.

>> No.9214559

Just got home from work and smoked with weed with my girlfriend as we fucked about to truNEET all over her fish tank.

>> No.9214564

Me too.

Is anyone from /jp/ even still playing?

>> No.9214567
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I'll be playing in 6 hours. That's how long it'll take my download to finish

>> No.9214574


>> No.9214598

My neighbor's house alarm has been ringing for 1-2minutes on and off, if it had been ringing for 4-5minutes straight I would probably call the cop and being a truNEET and all, I obviously won't go out and check.

>> No.9214617

I drew a touhou for /jp/

>> No.9214626

What was the most ebin thing you've done today, /jp/?

>> No.9214632

Ate nothing. Hikki as fuck xD

>> No.9214636


I walked around in a daze staring at things in my place all day wondering when I'll be freed from this miserable existence.

>> No.9214646
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>> No.9214664


Crawling in one's skin implies some form of anxiety or discomfort. I think a more appropriate line would be.

I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel.

>> No.9214669

Is there something inside you that pulls beneath the surface?

>> No.9214683
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>> No.9214689

There is something inside him. My cock lmbo.

>> No.9214699


The problem is chicken... It's so empty and lifeless, it would only add to the suffering.


Is that why my prostate is all swollen and painful? Fascinating. Could you finish up and pull out already?

>> No.9214702
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literal anal autism

>> No.9214703

So your prostate is crawling in your skin?

>> No.9214707

It's been 4 months since I last drank
Every time I drink I either hurt myself or hurt someone else

I've been contemplating how much beer I could get away with drinking recently, because Alcoholics Anonymous isn't fucking working for me

>> No.9214711

I got scroll of res'd back to WoW, so I've just been PvPing all day.

I'm going to go play some AA now though, Maybe do some reading later.

>> No.9214744

Woke up, cummed into a sock and sat here all day.

>> No.9214742
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Like usually I've been a useless piece of shit all day long playing video games and listening to whatever remains from the ninth Reitaisai, at least I did this little gif in one of my breaks from w3 ladder games.

>> No.9214743

>Alcoholics Anonymous isn't fucking working for me
>It's been 4 months since I last drank

What's not working?

>> No.9214748

I honestly do absolutely nothing and don't get much accomplished anymore. Sometimes I like to do a bit of drawing once dust starts collecting on my tablet, but never finish anything.

>> No.9214774

fuck off just let me drink and kill myself in peace

>> No.9214808

I'm so hikki-truNEET that I literally stopped breathing.
I take it easy and breathing is too much effort, man.
Don't worry, I'm not going to die because that would involve a trip to the morgue and even in death I couldn't bear leaving the apartment.

#NEET #epic

>> No.9216331

I woke up around midday. Ate some leftovers then lay in the sunlight coming through my window and read manga all day

>> No.9217908
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I just made my 7 day trial and played a berserker on TERA to level 10 and just stopped and quit. What a horrible game. I'm glad I didn't subscribe or purchase it when it was hyped back then.

>> No.9217911

I skipped work. I do this about two times a month.

>> No.9217913

I slept all day and just woke up

but i'm not actually a truNEET, I just sleep for absurd amounts of time and do nothing productive with my days off

>> No.9217921

Nothing but shitposting, like the previous five days.

>> No.9217924

Day off? Today? Finn scum detected

>> No.9217942

Nah, I just work shitty customer service.

>> No.9219343

But I want to heal, I want to feel what I thought was never real! I wanna let go of the pain I’ve felt so long. Ah fuck it too much trouble. I'll just fap and sit here doing nothing. truNEET.

>> No.9220416

Slept at 6 in the morning up at 2. Thought about how I should really start looking for a job and find a new roommate but played videogames and watched anime instead, also blogged on /jp/

>> No.9220439

How can you have a roommate? Someone you hang out with and live with? You are no truNEET.

>> No.9220471

Hang out? I only speak to my current roommate when he happens to be in the kitchen when I'm in the kitchen. And it's never more than a minute of conversation.

>> No.9221334

Sleep, play mahjong, do nothing...
