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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 63 KB, 520x800, jessica liu shi han-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9209315 No.9209315 [Reply] [Original]

Is he pretty /jp/?

>> No.9209322


>> No.9209324

torso too long would not fuq, does not meet my standards

>> No.9209326


>> No.9209341

Give me the rabbit.

>> No.9209342
File: 37 KB, 516x690, Shi Han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.9209387

I don't like traps that have chopped their dicks off. I understand and respect their choice, but it's very unappealing to me.

>> No.9209404

Most trannys that like guys exsclusivly (which is not many oddly) dislike guys that like them for the penis.

>> No.9209467

It's not a very cute doll not even any eyes

>> No.9209488
File: 186 KB, 1104x622, snapshot20120620195428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9209570

Kayo is so manly she should have at least fixed her nose or chin to be a bit more feminine.

But she is a sweet girl so it pans out.

>> No.9209579
File: 22 KB, 253x375, kayoattheclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kayo still has his penis

>> No.9209618

Really?That's strange for a celebrity newhalf.(How did she do the bikini and underwear shoots?)

Anyway Kayo needs to tone that belly.

>> No.9209650

>(How did she do the bikini and underwear shoots?)
How new are you.

>> No.9209644

I would too if I was them. I'm not so much into the dick as much not into the fake vaginas they get. Whenever I read guys on places like /di/ they all seem really creepy and obsessed with dick, I like traps for emotional reasons mainly.

Maybe in a 100 years medicine will have come to the point will real and fake vaginas will be totally indistinguishable, but until then I have to pass.

>> No.9209714

What's the difference?

The only thing I hear is that they can't get wet/

>> No.9209733

I don't, it's just the thought of it. I've never really looked, but I assume they probably are of similar quality to dicks made out of vaginas, which are pretty gross.

>> No.9209769

FTM penises are disgusting because they either come out with a realistic micropenis (the best surgery) or a zombie dick from skin around your body (more popular because it's bigger)/

MTF surgery has been mostly perfected in in Thailand and now they just need to work on the other qualities inside the body.

>> No.9209806

This is seriously fucked up.

>> No.9209813

We live in a truly wondrous age.

>> No.9209822

Do you have any pictures of well made vaginas?

>> No.9209839

I don't think anyone would save a picture of that type of stuff....

>> No.9209851

No matter how much you try, you never have a vagina you fuck up!

Traps that hate their dicks are truly disgusting (even if they have almost no dick).

>> No.9209871

I'm not a trap, I'm simply admiring the things that modern science can do for people.

>> No.9209875

They are all hairy and extremely wrinkly. I regret googling it.

>> No.9209877

>Like traps
>Traps don't like guys
>They're nonexistent around here anyway
Why do I even live.

>> No.9209896

I've never known a trap that doesnt like guys. Where can I find one like that?

>> No.9209891

>>Traps don't like guys
This is a myth.

If a trap doesn't like guys she's probably bi.

>> No.9209898


>> No.9209909

Don't start with pronouns.

>> No.9209914

Laura's Playground and 420chan /cd/.

To be fair most are wrinkly and hairy by nature genetic or not

>> No.9209927

Didn't chisame said he doesn't enjoy dicks?

>> No.9209930

Most are just men who want the attention and like to wear girl cloths.

>> No.9209942

Maybe he doesn't enjoy anal.
Some traps like only to suck.

>> No.9209937

>chisame said he doesn't enjoy dicks
I wonder if he'd cuddle.

>> No.9209943 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 500x282, tumblr_m2h9glIggY1r3dlf0o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know how it feels to be uglier than a man?
shit sucks
i hate my life

>> No.9209957

Which is funny since no-one else will like them.

>> No.9209972

If they tell a man after dating them for a bit 1 of 3 thing will happen.

1)He will understand and still like you

2)He will insult you and leave

3)He will kill you and leave you in a ditch

Contrary to popular beleif 3 is not the most common and ususally only happens to pre-ops that like to suck off muscle bound men with anger issues.

2 is the most common (They don't ususally insult if you take them out to a public place to tell them) but 1 happens sometimes.

>> No.9209979

What are you the new Fuwa Fuwa Imouto?

Anyways you get your own personal Paladin army for being a female in /jp/.

>> No.9209986 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 300.bieber.2.cm.42810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no im pretty sure you all hate me

>> No.9209994

I like everybody on /jp/ even you beiber poster~!

>> No.9209995


>> No.9209996

Not like anyone cares. She'll be gone, dead, or simply bored of this place in a few years, like all the rest.
In the meantime, she can enjoy the attention from people who fell off the bottum rung of society .

>> No.9210006 [DELETED] 
File: 468 KB, 500x597, tumblr_m4noqpHG4d1r94c3mo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well thank you, i like you too! even if you cant spell bieber right...

you find me a new place for bieber images and i will gladly take it

>> No.9210011

Please don't bully people for being female. It's unsightly.

>> No.9210013

Most trip people change trips after a few months I have had lots of minor trips that I used for one or two days then stopped using before I got a serious one.(One had Mitori in it and the other was Friendlyfairy or something)

>> No.9210040
File: 192 KB, 600x870, 1159934715505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9210030

I said years. Months are like flies, you don't remember them but they still annoy you.
It'll take you at least 3 years before I even remember your name.

>> No.9210050

That's okay I mostly go anon around here anyway so i'll probably have a new trip in a bit

>> No.9210055 [DELETED] 
File: 325 KB, 500x270, tumblr_m1al5uUjRe1rqbsh0o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i was using someones trip until he pissed off moot and now the trip gets you an autoban
i miss using it a lot though

this ones pretty nice though, but ill probably change it as soon as i generate another 10 letter one

>> No.9210067

Mind if I ask you what brought you to jp?

Is it because you like eroge?
Is it because you like touhou?
Is it because you're a NEET/hikki?
Is it because you like the abundant shitposting this board offers?

>> No.9210069

Was it White Ren?

>> No.9210073

Not she, but I see she posting on doll threads.

>> No.9210080


>> No.9210099 [DELETED] 
File: 1.14 MB, 250x141, 1335579168630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that friend whose trip i was using told me to czech this place out. i kinda like touhou now though i still suck ass at it. characters are cute though

uh no, i dont know who that is

oh yes those are nice too

>> No.9210157

Less tripfags more trannys

>> No.9210173

That's pretty cruel, NSM.

>> No.9210176

Doing something right for once.

>> No.9210219
File: 274 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20120620215900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9210224


>> No.9210225

The real shame about traps is that they can never change their voices, they can only put on other voices since hormones don't do anything.

Hopefully science will find a cure for this one day.

>> No.9210234
File: 102 KB, 612x612, Lukpad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already a surgery most just don't do it because they don't want to risk complications.


Pic semi-related

>> No.9210271

Fun fact
Thailand and southeast asia in general are the worst place to be a tranny in even though their are so many of them.

They are treated like clowns and I read a blog post where a woman got asked if she was a tranny because she was too pretty (Many trannys are over feminine to compensate for being men)

There are only like 4 that I can think of off the top of my head that re treated with a bit of respect:

Nong Poy
Nok Yollada
Nong Thoom

>> No.9210502

or some people just have genital dysphoria. the decision to keep the dick or not doesn't need to have anything to do with sex and dating.

>Maybe in a 100 years medicine will have come to the point will real and fake vaginas will be totally indistinguishable
i've actually seen ones i couldn't tell at first already. didn't save the pics though. sure, you can tell it's a neo-vagina if you look for clues, but i don't think the difference is significant.
i don't think it'll ever be medically possible for them to be "totally indistinguishable" though. we'll sooner get cyberbrains like in GITS and just transplant them to artificial female bodies.

on the side note, i never got why people care at all, it's not like they look like some sort of eldritch abominations. i mean, you can tell it's a vagina, even if kinda weird looking.

>> No.9210945

Yes very

>> No.9210962

I've said this over and over again here, but the dream of being the little girl is less then 30 years away.

We can already grow and implant new organs from stem cells. The organs are grown by injecting stem cells into what amounts to a mold, meaning that the new organs could be made in any shape you wanted. Any part of the body could be reproduced, even whole bones.

With this technology, even full-reproductive abilities would be possible since the neo-ovaries would produce the right hormones, and they would be stocked with 100% genetically female ova. Why would they be genetically female? Because genetically, males are defined by having a functional Y chromosome. That extra X in females does nothing. Deactivate that Y chromosome, and suddenly the cell will start acting like it's female.

Start saving those dollars.

>> No.9211003

regardless of form you are here forever and alone for eternity

>> No.9211177

You say 30 years but people will be blocking these technologies as "unnatural" and "playing god" so add about 50 years to that 30.

Besides who wants to be a 30+ loli?

>> No.9211222

How do you make clit on fake vagina?

>> No.9211261

they use a bit of the glans' meat to make the clithoris.

>> No.9211272

In 30 years I'll be 65 years old, and I seriously doubt we'll get immortality and eternal youth by then.
You're a delusional fool if you think so.

>> No.9211273

I would. It'd be awesome to be able to go back with adult experience and live as the little girl.

>> No.9211282


>> No.9211305

The face part seems the most important.

>> No.9211324


Beware! It's extremely graphic.

>> No.9211339

If you are trans and manly the best thing to do is to:

1)Get surgery on your face by an experienced surgeon (not cheap)

2)Try to be stick thin before you start transition (it's harder to lose weight on mones)

3)WORK ON YOUR VOICE (The most beautiful people are outed because they didn't want to do voice practice or surgery *Nong Poy*)

4)I you still have excess fat try to get the fat transferred to your breast/hips/ass area to get a better look.

>> No.9211364


Wow,very cute

>> No.9211370


They don't restrict SRS and FFS now, why will they do it when it can actually make people the other sex?


Aging is caused by the degradation of organs on a cellular level. For example, your hair turns gray because the cells that make the follicles degrade. Your skin gets wrinkles because it loses it's capacity to maintain the fat underneath.

Post-natal restoration of youthful appearance has been achieved in mice via somatic gene transfer, even if their lifespans weren't increased significantly.

Leaving aesthetics, one of the leading causes of death is the degradation of life-sustaining organs. These will be replaceable with bio-printed duplicates.

You and I may not live forever, but we'll have the potential to live far longer, and look and feel far better doing it.

>> No.9211377

>4)I you still have excess fat try to get the fat transferred to your breast/hips/ass area to get a better look.
...how can you actually affect that? except HRT of course.

>> No.9211394

You can get fat surgically sucked from areas like the thighs and belly and then put in to the spots you like.

Not all.of the fat will take though and some will be reabsorbed in to you.

>> No.9211539

Srs and Hrt may be more accessible to the public now but it is extremely tough to get the actual process started through the proper channels and it takes a chunk out of your funds which not everyone can do.

That aside most of society feels Hrt/Srs is only feeding "delusional" people lies instead of getting to the psychological root of the problem and would rather see the whole process was stopped if they could

>> No.9211638


>>but it is extremely tough to get the actual process started through the proper channels

The reason being of course that MtF SRS is currently irreversible since we can't make a penis. Once it is reversible, there's little justification for the medical profession to keep people from it like they do now.

And FFS is a completely elective, cosmetic surgery. There's nothing stopping anyone who wants it from getting it save for money. And anyone who was devoted enough to get a hypothetical 'BFS' (Or 'Body Feminization Surgery') would likely meet the criteria the medical community set for SRS.

>>That aside most of society feels Hrt/Srs is only feeding "delusional" people lies instead of getting to the psychological root of the problem and would rather see the whole process was stopped if they could

I've never heard that sentiment anywhere other then 4chan. The kind of people who do hate trannies tend to be utterly ignorant of what SRS actually entails, or even where they get it.

To most people, trannies don't exist other then as jokes or pornstars.

>> No.9211644

Yes. I'd do him.

>> No.9211734

I don't think a proper penis could be made at all I think would have to be grown in a lab.

>> No.9212953

Legs are too thin. He should exercise a bit.

>> No.9212979

This one's too obviously male. I've got nothing against male, but traps need to look 100% female (at least with clothes on).

>> No.9213069

I already have the perfect plan. In 30 years, I won't have surgery, I'll just find some medicus who cares more about money than about morals and have him transplant my brain into the body of a little girl.

>> No.9215525


>> No.9215858
File: 42 KB, 460x690, Liu_Shi_Han_Transexual_Model_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ShiHan as a boy

>> No.9216740
File: 188 KB, 738x359, 1340369453357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We White Now

>> No.9217712

Problem is; it's still a guy.
A damn dude, genetically stamped.
For the girls with a dick; i have my own waving shlong thank you.

>> No.9218438

>Problem is; it's still a guy.
>Problem is; it's
