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File: 503 KB, 1200x1000, moe-77556-akiyama_mio-cirno-cosplay-hirasawa_yui-houraisan_kaguya-k-on-kirisame_marisa-lily_white-midorinoko-moriya_suwako-tainaka_ritsu-touhou-yamanaka_sawako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9203285 No.9203285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else think that cosplay is pretty ugly no matter how well done it is?
It just looks unnatural and artificial and like the character is trying to be forced into the real world.

Overall I find cosplay really awkward, especially if I'm very fond of a character.

For the same reason I also don't really like most MMD videos, it just looks....too 3D and unnatural

>> No.9203289

It's usually not meant to be taken seriously. Most cosplayers don't try to become the character or anything; it's kinda like making remixes of Touhou music, but with clothing.

>> No.9203290

I don't see it that way, but I find your view interesting.
How do you feel about figures?

>> No.9203304

That really depends on the figure itself I guess.
Some like nice and natural just like 2D, others just lack that little something

>> No.9203336

I always see most arrangments as a interpretation of the original intention and mood of a boss theme.
So are these cosplay interpretations of the characters?
That's pretty silly if the personality of the character is well defined.

>> No.9203350

Sometimes. Some people try to keep themselves in-character, others it doesn't really matter. The majority of Touhou cosplayers (and in general, I think) don't really stay in character, though for some characters it can make the cosplay really interesting.

I don't see how it's any sillier than music remixes, though; Touhou personalities are just as defined as the themes.

>> No.9203366

Well, of course not all arrangements are interpretations, most of them are just music.
But when listening to an arrangement I always like to think about how it fits the overall mood of the theme and stage or in which regards it might be an improvement of the original and even think of little stories.

>> No.9203383

How dare you compare remixing music to ugly ass manchildren dressing up as little girls.

>> No.9203407

> For the same reason I also don't really like most MMD videos, it just looks....too 3D and unnatural

> our universe's natural layout has three axes
> looks unnatural

What is OP smoking?

>> No.9203409

I find the same thing about cosplay, don't really agree with MMD though.

>> No.9203416 [DELETED] 

who are you quoting

>> No.9203427 [DELETED] 


Did you read OP?

>> No.9203428

Putting stuff that works as 2D into 3D may trigger some rejection. Like the uncanny valley, it's easier to believe if it's some stylized and simple. Anything in between pure reality and that can be interpreted as unnatural

>> No.9203437

Some of the arrangements I feel like do a better job at atmosphere than ZUN ever could.
It would be more fair comparing fanart to arrangements, but I digress.

>> No.9203445

Cosplay is cool if the girl is hot.
That's it.

>> No.9203459

OP here.
No, even then it just doesn't looks right.
Then again, I don't care about the looks of real people in the first place

>> No.9203463


>> No.9203514

>Does anyone else think that cosplay is pretty ugly no matter how well done it is?
Anyone? I am sure lots thinks so, though I don't.
I am not huge into the whole 3D thing, but I won't deny that 2D objects can't be brought forth into the 3D world as long as it doesn'nt break some kind of physical law, just as the reverse is true.

But I am ignoring the whole detail of the looks of the human body, and only focusing on the attire of the actual cosplay. As for the human, one just has to have suspension of disbelief.

But having cosplay look good? It's pretty simple in concept. Have professionals do it. Don't use cheap ass textiles and if you do get proper textiles, don't ruin it with lacking skills that can't handle it.

Take Alexandra Byrne who did the costumes in Thor, Phantom of the Opera and Elizabeth The Golden Age.
She would be able to do fabulous Gensokyo dresses worthy of their 2D stature.

Then you would just need to find someone to fill it.

>> No.9203540

The funny thing is, when I see these wellmade dresses just laying around even I think that they are pretty neat.
But once they are being worn by anyone it just gets weird

>> No.9203552
File: 414 KB, 752x836, 3234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not ugly exactly, but I never see cosplayers as looking like the character they're cosplaying. Like even if some 3DPD did an incredibly faithful cosplay of Reimu, I wouldn't see her as "girl who looks like/is Reimu", but just "some chick wearing a Reimu costume". Ultimately, you're not 2D, so you don't look like the character. You just have a replica of her clothes on for some reason.

Does this make sense? Is this actually how cosplay is meant to be viewed anyway? If so, whatever.

>> No.9203584

>Is this actually how cosplay is meant to be viewed anyway?
As far as I can tell, yes, in the vast majority of cases.

>> No.9203595

Cosplay always goes wrong for me as soon as I look at the face. Faces always ruin it. People have ugly faces.

>> No.9203605

There is always Robert Downey JR.
He may not be /jp/ related, but he practically is Tony Stark..

>> No.9203610
File: 164 KB, 600x898, 1330072823640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So if it's more about the costume than the cosplayer, why bother with cosplayers at all? And why are cosplayfags so obsessed with their peers being ugly and fat?

Making nice costumes I can appreciate. Don't see why you need to prance around in them afterwards.

>> No.9203616

If it's not meant for the cosplayer to look like the character, then what's the point of it? Other than prize-rewarding competitions, that is.

>> No.9203619
File: 189 KB, 855x570, 1296577713731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9203638


nobody "looks" like Reimu especially if you go but oh god...ZUN art no one would look that proportioned , cosplay or costume play to me is EVERYTHING not only does the person have to look the part but they've got to play it off too thus the play ( role play ) for Touhou though even without my powerlevel i've only seen a few good western Touhou players mainly the ones that have a more western look and design Marrisa, Remilia, Flan, Alice etc. same for other non Touhou things as well

>> No.9203650

I find cosplays make the character, and the actual human being wearing the outfit uglier. Even if she's a pretty girl she will look ugly trying to imitate 2D.

>> No.9203657


Now you've got me curious to see ZUN-style cosplays.

>> No.9203670

I'm okay with the Keion cosplaying tewhew though.

>> No.9203673

Costumes are meant to be worn, just as games are meant to be played, and music is meant to be listened to. There'd be no point in making it if it weren't work.

And, I think I kinda misrepresented it a bit. The goal is indeed to look like the character, just not to BE the character. Obviously you're never going to get a perfect representation of a 2D character, but you're supposed to try to get as close as you can. Hence why fat people cosplaying skinny characters is looked down upon.

And yeah, >>9203638 too. To say that someone doesn't look like Reimu... Well, nobody looks like Reimu; hell, even Reimu doesn't look like Reimu most of the time, undead zombies and all.

>> No.9203682

you're pathetic
you make me want to puke

>> No.9203685

That made me sick.

>> No.9203707

>if it weren't work.
if it weren't worn*

How, exactly? I don't see what you mean.

>> No.9203719
File: 378 KB, 901x1280, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cosplay, even if utter shit, can be fun if it's fun

>> No.9203725

>Costumes are meant to be worn, just as games are meant to be played, and music is meant to be listened to. There'd be no point in making it if it weren't work.

fucking sub-human

>> No.9203751

I would love to learn how to make dresses.
I would practice by making doll-dresses and then proceed to human sizes of various kinds and have mannequins or something less creepy to display them in.

It would still feel kind of weird though, because even though I love the aesthetics of dresses, I still idolizes the tomboy-ish female ideals.

If I ever had a daughter I bet she would be thrilles from growing up in a house full of spectacular dresses and dolls. But I suppose that would also set her into the "wrong" crowd of girls.

Then again, I guess this is pretty moot. I doubt I could afford all the resources to practice the needed amount needed and to make everything. Also doesn't help how I am starting to get sort of old.

>> No.9203797

The one time I visited /cgl/ I did so to ask them why the vast majority of cosplay looks like they are made from cheap textiles like that of shirts from H&M or whatever other brand, rather than like that of what medieval nobles wore. And questioned them why almost no one goes for the expensive stuff, if they didn't care enough or whatever.

The response?
They were angry and asked me just what in the world I was talking about. That they were using expensive textiles and that I was stupid and simply couldn't see how wonderful all the cosplaying were or anything.

It wasn't really my intention to insult anyone, I am just baffled by how many that puts in quite notable effort and time into cosplaying, and still don't take the extra step to actually make sure its good.
Did I touch a sensitive spot or is that just how /cgl/ commonly responds?

>> No.9203800

how should we know?

>> No.9203853

At the risk of replying to copy pasta
Expensive = High quality to normals

>> No.9204534

>Not Yukari

>> No.9204583

Because an expensive cosplay will run you around two or three hundred bucks, while an expensive expensive cosplay that Louis XIV would have been proud to be seen in (if he were into that sort of thing) would cost between two and ten thousand dollars and require the services of a professional tailor.

>> No.9204873
File: 87 KB, 400x565, smellourfingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Tell people their stuff is cheap and crappy
>I wonder why they got mad?

That's an actual sign of autism.

Also, cosplay is gay and for faggots.

>> No.9204885

A Zun kig mask would be gloriously awful.

>> No.9205669

Isn't this why they get "sugardaddys"?
