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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 257 KB, 638x478, PSO2orwut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9202726 No.9202726 [Reply] [Original]

I don't see a PSO2 thread here.

Here's a blog to help some of you guys out:

Ready for Beta /jp/?

And we still doing Ship 4 block 42?

>> No.9202764


>> No.9202779 [DELETED] 

Janitor probably deleted it like she does with most on topic threads she her self is not posting in.

>> No.9202787 [DELETED] 

NSJ thinks /jp/ is for 2hu only LOL what a nerd

>> No.9202841

Beta starts soon. Here's a countdown timer for you: http://the-ghf-clan.de/pso2/pso2bc.html

>> No.9202896

I thought they added a few new skills in the pre-OBT, kind of disappointed the descriptions aren't working for me.

Also anybody get higher than level 20 for the 12 hours we got?

>> No.9202905

From /vg/ thread

OBT has been announced for Thursday the 21st at 16:00 Japan Time (3:00 AM Eastern). Less than a week, hang in there!

If you participated in CBT or any of the previous tests, you do not need to enter to play.
Pre-OBT signup will be open from 5.31.2012 until 6.20.2012, see second post for details.

New screenshots: new weapons, 3rd levels MAGs, Photon Blast summons

Official Blog:

Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

Japanese Wiki:


Story Translation on PSOw:

CBT test results/stats:

PSO icon vectors from previous thread(s):
[ - ]

>> No.9202967

Doesn't work on firefox. I had to open IE.

>> No.9202979

no thx

>> No.9203105

Where do you think we are?

>> No.9203125

How big is the game?

>> No.9203135

Download is about 3.4GB
Game itself is 4.65GB

>> No.9203244

It takes about 3 hours to download the client, 5 to patch as of Pre-OBT. Client download seems to be capped around 300-400 kb/s so torrenting from nyaa is a good idea.

>> No.9204793

OB opens in less than an hour.

>> No.9204826
File: 182 KB, 647x400, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think so.

>> No.9204841

plus a day

>> No.9204893
File: 83 KB, 693x718, obtesteventtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I have.

>> No.9204906

and basically in about 24 hours and 17 minutes

>> No.9204909
File: 185 KB, 641x475, 33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean it's patching or something? Cause it hasn't moved in nearly an hour.

>> No.9204915

Ah shit. I am an autist. Forgot today was Tuesday.

>> No.9204916

Why would they start at 4pm and not midnight or noon their time?

>> No.9204928

because they still have to get 5 servers up and targetting 4pm gives them plently of spare time if some mysterious error pops up somehow. i dont care anyway, im at work at that time so i play as soon as i get back home.

>> No.9204996

It's patching. If it's been like that for an hour, try to repatch again. At least you still have time for OB.

>> No.9205347
File: 43 KB, 217x396, luna body moving on its own.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>テスト期間中に条件を満たされましたので、アイテムコードを 配付させていただきます。

Just got my item code in the mail.
Says it expires "2012/12/31 24:00:00". So I guess we will be able to hold onto it till the release, assuming its in 2012.
So glad, wasn't sure if there was anything else we had to do to get it.

>> No.9205490

3.5 hours from now. Guess I'll try to get some rest before it starts.

>> No.9205496

That's not how timezones work.

>> No.9205559

according to >>9202841 its only 3 hours
Dont know if it's lying or not

>> No.9205568

according to >>9202841 you are unable to read

>> No.9205580

>8am Fransisco, USA
It's 5am right now

>> No.9205589

>end of registration == open beta start

>> No.9205593

Why would it lie to me ; ;

>> No.9205622

Well unless they changed it to the 20th instead of the 21st, i'm pretty sure its still about a day away.

>> No.9205625

It says the OB data will be carried over into the release, so why wait?

>> No.9205628

Is that so? Well, fuck yeah.

>> No.9205638

I remember it was 1600 on the 21st right? That's 4pm 21st in japan, they'd have had to change the date and time.
Site is down for maintenance so I can't even check.

>> No.9205652

Where can i download the client?
I am getting some shitty notice at pso2.jp

>> No.9205660

server maintenance, wait for about an hour then it is accessible. you could also go and get a torrent.

>> No.9205657

>Site is down for maintenance

>> No.9205856

What's the CBT participation reward I got a code for? I know the POBT one is the bouquet rifle.

>> No.9205930

all listed here http://pso2.jp/players/news/?id=76

>> No.9205995
File: 15 KB, 343x167, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone tell me what this error is? the character creator works fine but this one pops up during a black screen while the intro music is playing in the background.

>> No.9206095

updated driver?
integrated GPU?
what GPU do you have?

>> No.9206104

Theres no time anymore. I give up. Yes I am a failure at understanding moon runes and I've gotten so many errors and weird shit that there is no way I'd be able to troubleshoot it. Have fun in the beta bros.

>> No.9206230

Apparently that's when teh OB patching starts. It's only 7mb so it'll be quick. And for those that have been stuck at patching, that's just conjestion from the server. It should clear up soon, once most of us have downloaded it.

>> No.9206265

I would like to play pso2 since I was a huge fan and still actively play the pso bb.

Is there a more or less completed english patch for it? Do I need to make a sega account on the jp site before trying to download the client?

>> No.9206286

In the CBT there was a menu translation, which was actually very nice.

Pre-OBT there wasn't, but only because the guy couldn't be assed to fix the patch for 12 whole hours of available game time.

>> No.9206310


A torrent file with all the patches up until today because the downloader suck dicks.
Also a guide for registrating.

>> No.9206342

is this different from the torrent in the pastebin link?

>> No.9206379
File: 483 KB, 1440x900, pso20120428_162651_015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, OB coming. I didn't bother getting in on pre-OB because real life stuff + I somehow broke my client and need to reinstall. Hopefully the English patch gets updated relatively soon. Looking forward to playing with everyone again.

>> No.9206446

Yes it has nearly all the updates, they seem to have released an update a couple of hours ago, so don't know if it has that one, though it's only a 10 mb update.

>> No.9206449

Is the entire game as graphically demanding as the character creator or can it be toned down later to a playable level for those without gaming computers?

>> No.9206460

turn off shaders

>> No.9207000

Where is /jp/ playing? Last time i was stuck with the horrible circlejerk of /vg/ because I couldn't find the other groups. I read that 4chan goes on ship 4 but that may just be the same circlejerk from /vg/ speaking for the entire imageboard once again, but if that's true, which block are we using?

>> No.9207004

Block 42 on ship 4

>> No.9207017

How playable is this if you don't understand a lick of Jap?

>> No.9207030

Not that playable, unless you know which buttons are which from experience. However, there should be an English patch coming, but idk where it is.

>> No.9207078

Not true, the only hard part would be video settings and controls, the game is pretty straightforward if you aren't completely inept and are too scared to press buttons to see what they do. (read: the generation of gamers growing up today)

Generally your two highest stats on the character you're on are the ones you want to improve, skills progression would be trouble I imagine.

Honestly dont worry because there will be an english patch fairly soon. It only took a few days for it to come out for the initial beta.

>> No.9207104

The game is relatively straightforward until you get into anything that actually requires depth (finding specific stats, knowing what items are such as tech discs, looking for specific things, and so on.
You can get on and play around some with next to no knowledge of the language. Playing for real will require a guide at the very least, or the upcoming patch.

>> No.9207159

I'll have to agree with that, the matter board in general still being excessively frustrating to complete even partially translated. Specific things about the Mags, and a handful of quests even though most can be completed by just blindly charging through areas killing everything.
I remember in CBT I reset my level 40 mag to zero because I fed it some item I got out of the AC scratch.

I'd still have to say you could probably get to level 10 or higher without even having to worry about anything specific, even skill points aren't very useful up untill about 8 when you can finally branch out past your initial skill requirements.

>> No.9207182
File: 53 KB, 597x190, PS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... Is this supposed to finish someday?

>> No.9207208
File: 31 KB, 640x475, 1339482127945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be patient.

>> No.9207240

Everything important will be translated (or easily look-up-able) within a few days.

>> No.9208156

I didn't even use the English patch during CBT. I only knew hiragana/katakana and that is basically all you need to know for basic menu navigation. If you see フレンド (fu-re-n-do), you can make out that it has something to do with Friend. This is just so basic and liberating to know, not that hard. It's 6 hours until OBT opens, familiarize yourself with katakana at least. It's better than memorizing things in terms of "4th option on the second list" or waiting for the English patch, which we don't know when it'll come out.

>> No.9209464

ok thanks

>> No.9209485

Is it one hour away?

>> No.9209494


It is!!
Rock on!!!!

>> No.9209517

You just had to post that, didn't you? I should be asleep now. I really should be going to sleep.
I REALLY should be going to sleep. I'm going to regret NOT going to sleep.

I'm not going to sleep.

>> No.9209524

Wow, fucking leave please.

>> No.9209540

When is the english patch coming. I cant memorize hirahana/katakana fast enough to play the game in japanese. I was not fortunate enough to get the teaching as other people in this thread have.

>> No.9209562

If they're on /jp/ I'd assume most of them taught themselves. I'm actually using this game to help me memorize it.

>> No.9209565


Take it easy, dude.

>> No.9209584

Leave, please.

>> No.9209625

Why are you asking us? None of us here have anything to do with the patch.

>> No.9209845

Someone always has a link or something to direct people to the patch that they post in the thread.

>> No.9209859

You have better chance asking /vg/

>> No.9209904

This is the patch thread, keep tabs on it if you're that desperate.


>> No.9209915

Oh man, a few minutes left and I still can't think of a name.

>> No.9209925

Name yourself "Lost"

>> No.9209922

Do you even have a character made?

>> No.9209936

It's up.

>> No.9209971

So, they deleted all the test characters?
Because I can't find my older character.

>> No.9209974


>> No.9209998
File: 473 KB, 1280x1024, pso20120621_000949_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for everyone.

>> No.9210008

error 601 or 603 what is this

>> No.9210010

Can someone remind me what parts of your character's appearance you can change for free?

>> No.9210032

Noe, set up the guild already.

>> No.9210046

601: No server response, server too busy to process or Account/Sega ID hasn't been activated.

>> No.9210082

Oh god there are wedding dresses in the gacha.

>> No.9210116
File: 559 KB, 1680x1050, pso20120621_033204_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me what the kanji in the 2nd line of the item type description is on this? I'm mostly curious if I need to delete my cast and make a human/newman so I can actually wear rare outfits in the event that I ever get one.

Many of the other parts say specifically Cast or No-Cast, this one has some kanji instead.

>> No.9210151

Is there any way to change my voice after I already made my character?

>> No.9210158

It's available for All-Race

>> No.9210165
File: 1.33 MB, 1278x722, momo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting too. Also waiting for a friend.

>> No.9210183

Thanks, I think maybe the green arrow on the right may also indicate usability, but I didn't notice prior.

>> No.9210228

>I think maybe the green arrow on the right may also indicate usability, but I didn't notice prior.

And I'm wrong.

>> No.9210316
File: 365 KB, 1280x720, pso20120621_163111_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the usual /jp/ players? Or they're not here yet?

>> No.9210382

Running missions to level so we can make a guild.

>> No.9210492
File: 707 KB, 1920x1080, pso20120621_021032_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to do missions with me? I'll just sit in the lobby until someone messages me.

>> No.9210563

I was going to but I'm half asleep here. Sorry.

>> No.9210577

Nah, it's okay. It's getting pretty late where I am also. I'll be on tomorrow too, so I hope I can play with you guys by then.

>> No.9210593

Eh. Now i'm missing the e-mail field. Guess i'll go to sleep now then.

>> No.9210797
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, pso20120621_113948_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guild's up, come find me for an invite

>> No.9210798
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, pso20120422_034404_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We finally got the guild up, if you don't mind hotglue in name, then ask Noe or myself for an invite. I'm takin a break from the grind so i'll be sitting in the lobby.

I'm in game as Shameimaru, Block 42.

>> No.9210882

I remember the FUN points. But what about the AC points? Do we need to pay them to get AC points?

>> No.9210893
File: 18 KB, 149x200, 1279537059220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems I got a couple item codes.
Now I don't feel so bad about missing the bouquet.

>> No.9210900

AC points are the cash shop gold equivalent.

>> No.9210913

Whats new since closed beta? Just a few new areas?

Is there going to be another wipe?

>> No.9210919

I didnt play the second closed beta.
So I only got the mini doll.
If I knew about it I would have grinded in the closed beta as well.

>> No.9210948
File: 329 KB, 1280x720, pso20120621_065631_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.
I think Sega underestimated the popularity of this game.

>> No.9211034

Is there any shared storage or item transfer method between your characters in this game?

>> No.9211074

You can switch classes for free at any time, theres really no need for multiple characters unless you really want a new name and look.

>> No.9211091
File: 46 KB, 256x396, trading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Select someone and click this option, if you mean between players.

>> No.9211099


Open user.pso2 with notepad.

Find SmutFilter and set it to false to disable chat filter.

>> No.9211296
File: 359 KB, 1280x768, pso20120621_224525_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical racist nip.

>> No.9211304

Yeah anon, only you are the one allowed to make those racist posts, like the ones you do towards kikes/niggers/gooks on the internet. Fucking racist japs. Why are the Japanese so racist?

>> No.9211333

i dont get it

>> No.9211344

That poor nip only said "Oh, gaijin" and the anon felt frustrated about it.

>> No.9211349

He didn't even say anything mean

>> No.9211355

Didn't he just ask if you were a Gaijin..? You're either overreacting or trying to troll us.

>> No.9211369

Where are all the hotglues? Dark Ragne mission is avaliable now.

>> No.9211372

Wow, this is nuts. Apparently servers are so full that people can't even make characters. I hope we all here were able to make out characters.

>> No.9211379

Holy fuck, and I just logged off too. Should have just afk'ed. Trying to get that glave off the birds for the matterboard got me tired.

>> No.9211385

He even said otsu~ once we were done with the mission.
Dont mind me, I was trying to start another white piggu go home.

>> No.9211447

Noob question, but how do I switch blocks?
I feel dumb just asking, but I can't figure it out.

>> No.9211449

Go to one of the elevators to the left and right of the mission counter.

>> No.9211479
File: 27 KB, 337x188, Error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting this all the time. What does it mean and what can I do about it?

>> No.9211560

It's probably trying to download a proper version and having trouble connecting. Mind you I can only read kana so that may be wrong.

If there's network options, maybe mess with those a little, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's because the servers are too busy given that it's within 9 hours of launch.

>> No.9211631

Anyone got their boquet rifle yet? I tried all my item codes but only got the Rappy plushie and some random furniture.

>> No.9211642


>> No.9211654

Did they say how much will the open beta will live?

>> No.9211813

What? Live? Or leave?

If you're asking what will be carried over to the official release, then it should be everything. They have said there will be no wipes.
If you're asking how long open beta will last, no idea.

>> No.9211856

Yea i was asking about how long it will be open. Well thanks anyway.

>> No.9211914

Is ship 4 full? It's not letting me create a character.

>> No.9211928

That's what I'm getting, this limited number of registrations per ship thing is really annoying.

>> No.9211973

Any info on when they increase the limit?

>> No.9212081

according to http://bumped.org/psublog/emergency-code-ship-congestion-pso2/ we are allowed to create characters as soon as the servers are less crowded. To those who are currenlty playing on Ship 4, how crowded is the ship currently?

>> No.9212091
File: 76 KB, 424x570, ship4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as much as it was earlier.

>> No.9212122

and still, we cant create a new character there...so no pso2 today :(

>> No.9212145

Getting into middle of night for Japan, so that's all Japan NEETs and gaijin I guess?

>> No.9212284

My computer locks up whenever a PSE Burst happens. It's 100% fine at any other moment, except when a PSE Burst shows up. I've set the basic graphics settings to low through the launcher; however, that doesn't seem to be enough.

>> No.9212317

maybe some files might be damaged, did you try to do a full file check?

>> No.9212358
File: 39 KB, 481x191, Error(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what I do I'm getting this at character creation. It's really frustrating since I have redownloaded and reinstalled so many times.

>> No.9212394

Didn't want to consider that because it seems to take >9000 hours, but I guess at this point I don't have any other choice, huh? Thanks, for now.

>> No.9212397
File: 339 KB, 800x800, 28017269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, /jp/.
If you still need a guild invite, bug Livna or Shameimaru.

>> No.9212403

0x00ecd480 and 0x00000078 clearly refer the pleasure sector being being corrupt and thus the cum cannot be stored inside of it.

>> No.9212546
File: 127 KB, 300x400, ps210967512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Is ship 4 full? It's not letting me create a character.

Damn it I knew I should have stayed up for the server launch instead of going to bed at 11PM like an old person.

>> No.9212561

only character creation is temporarily locked due to too many people online.

>> No.9212568
File: 368 KB, 1280x1024, pso20120621_122928_014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear this is the best gesture in the game.

>> No.9212601

If you're using the console to register me as a friend tho it's Katil.

>> No.9212680

Wait, Kritzinger? I thought someone said it was hotglue "in name" only.

>> No.9212682

Is it space time?

>> No.9212701

>Using the patcher
Downloaded this
And had 5 minutes of patching.

>> No.9212801

No guild symbol? You can import your old symbol art so it should be there.

>> No.9213051

Upon closer experimentation, my computer seems to lock up *only* when a PSE Burst goes off in the higher level forest areas.

Has anyone else had this problem?

>> No.9213130


Looks like I can't register on ship 4 right now... Oh well. Hope it clears up by tommorow, at least. Anyone got any clue how long it'll be until you can make characters again?

>> No.9213157

So why don't japanse people just switch to english? I went to the official download page to download the game and pretty much every word you need to know is just english loan words except in runes.

>> No.9213205

That's how every Phantasy Star game has been. It's just english words in katakana.

>> No.9213244
File: 89 KB, 621x445, PS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since my computer isn't very potent, everything is slow as fuck in the normal settings

I want to change the graphics to an lower level, someone have a hint where is the video options?

>> No.9213282


>> No.9213297
File: 113 KB, 850x600, nei1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star has always been heavily inspired by Western influences. The series' creator was a huge Star Wars fan. That most of the in-game terminology is loan words shouldn't be much of a surprise.

>> No.9213325

How do I whisper? I wanna get in the guild.

>> No.9213348

Either look for them in the lobby and click to bring up a list of options, or go to the player search at the visiphone.

>> No.9213357

You play both koihime and this zunbar?

>> No.9213453

So do you feed your mag the same way? If you give them dimates they raise their POW and if you give them antiparalyzers or antidotes it raises their DEX

How high it he the mag level cap?

>> No.9213456

Yeah and Divina too. Can't be helped.

>> No.9213474

99 is the cap, there are 3 stages of mag evolution now.

>> No.9213483

Is there a 3 minute interval between feedings like last time and you can only feed them three items at a time?

>> No.9213485

What stat do the force users gunslash techniques use?

>> No.9213494

Thank you bro

>> No.9213509

gib ship 4 access pl0x

>> No.9213513

Theres a hunger bar, each feeding increases it by 33% and it drops by 1% every like.. 30 seconds or so I don't know the exact time.

You can idle in the lobby and watch the food bar go down.

>> No.9213515

> gib
> pl0x

Yeah, no.

>> No.9213594

so you dont have to make a room just to mag feed and can just hand in the lobby to feed? thats cool

>> No.9213626

Also for those who were complaining about the lag does it seem to be a bit better now for some or is it still a problem?

>> No.9213637

The lag is nonexistant now considering its 9am in japan meaning everybody is working/school/still asleep.

>> No.9213660
File: 286 KB, 1158x653, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting this error when I try to create a character.

>> No.9213687

You incompetent fool. Use copy-paste and Lord Google may help you.

>> No.9213706

>The series' creator was a huge Star Wars fan
Wow...a lot of things makes sense now that I think about it.

>> No.9213734

Scroll up, the character creation for ships 1-5 was turned off temporarily because the servers were so clogged. They should be coming back up later today or tomorrow, hopefully.

They're trying to funnel people into the other servers.

>> No.9213793

About the mag feeding, it's better to just boost ranged stats for Ranger, right?

>> No.9213803

depends, are you going to be a core ranger this whole game or are you going to switch classes along the way? You only get one mag for now, have to pay for another one.

>> No.9213811

Think I'll use Ranger for life, what are Technique/Ability stats for?

>> No.9213865

Ugh, every time I hear something like this, it makes me want to stick with PSO2 less and less. Maybe I should just wait for private servers ten years from now.

I wish it had simply been a normal game that you buy and then play.

>> No.9213934

The million dollar question.

>> No.9214045

I forgot how to add someone as a friend, the translation spoiled me now I don't know how to work a lot of things

>> No.9214098

Learn Japanese. Speaking of learning, why haven't we created a thing where we can just plug shit into our brain that teach us instantly, matrix style?

>> No.9214100

Go to the purple console (visiphone) and click アークスサーチ -> プレイヤーサーチ, enter their ID, then click them and select フレンド.

Or you could click them in the lobby and do the same thing.

>> No.9214180

Sweet. Didn't know PSO2 was in open beta. what ship are we all trying to get on?

Gonna find the random button on character create and have the first one be my main

>> No.9214186

The only PS I've played is 0. Are the people who say playing with a controller is better or is that just nostalgia goggles?

>> No.9214189

Ship 4, block 42. Seems character creation is closed on 1-5 at the moment though.

>> No.9214210
File: 128 KB, 575x553, ThelegendofPinkieblast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then the legend of Pinkieblast beings on ship 7

>> No.9214305

Keyboard/mouse is good, but I could see a controller being equally enjoyable. Just slower with menus I guess.

>> No.9214378


I was still able to use the keyboard and mouse for chat and the menus even when in controller mode as far as I remember. Matter of preference, really.

>> No.9214403

Anyone have any tips for taking on a rockbear solo? Or do I just need to get better/team up with someone.

>> No.9214407

Stop getting hit.

>> No.9214464

Here's a two step plan:

1. Hit it until it dies.
2. Don't get hit.

You'd be surprised with the sheer number of games this is applicable to.

>> No.9214470

"Get better" it is. Looks like I'm fucked then.

>> No.9214757

3. (Optional): Hit it in the weak point for massive damage.

>> No.9214776
File: 31 KB, 640x356, use more skill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For future reference

>> No.9214965

Oh wow, Ships 1-6, 8 and 10 are now restricted in character creation...at this rate they need to put up more server.

>> No.9215010

If I already have a character on ship 4 and delete it in order to make a new one, can I still recreate on ship 4 or am I screwed?

>> No.9215031

I think you can make it again on ship 4, but that ship is closed to new characters currently.

>> No.9215042

So can I make an regular sega account or does it need to be done on the japanese site?

also i hope my 1536MB GeForce GTX 480 can handle this game without melting and combusting on me spontaneously.

>> No.9215045

Is there any drawback to being a force cast?

>> No.9215047

How do I play with /jp/ now?


>> No.9215050

You dont

>> No.9215051

Does anyone else randomly get stuck on the load screens?

>> No.9215053

Yeah that's why I'm worried.. I wanted to try a different class but I don't want to end up on a server without any other people from /jp/

>> No.9215059

I think you need a Japanese account.
If I can run it on a two year old laptop with integrated gfx, you should be fine with a GTX 480.

>> No.9215090


>> No.9215112

You can switch classes in this game.

>> No.9215254

Well now I feel stupid. Time to actually read those guides.

>> No.9215299
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, pso20120622_064725_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back on. It's dumb as hell that there's a ship character limit, the devs really need to do something about that.

>> No.9215639

RIP /jp/ PSO2

>> No.9215642


What's this lobby action? Can't find it.

>> No.9215769

How do I also praise the sun?

>> No.9215900


The shortcut for the action is Ctrl + Alt + T. I think it's just Alt + T though if you're playing a male character.

>> No.9215916
File: 149 KB, 808x494, intermission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSO2 will be back in an hour without the shitty constraints, meaning all you guys who missed the initial rush will finally be able to join us on ship 4.

>> No.9215919

Servers are down for maintainance for an hour I believe.

>> No.9215952

Thank you sir

>> No.9216098

Hmm, I got my item code for the rifle, but I never got the Rappy one...

>> No.9216099

Maintenance extended for another hour.

>> No.9216117
File: 62 KB, 243x243, 1339482220628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit. Well, at least this gives me more time to read the guide.

>> No.9216275

Ships are back online.

>> No.9216340
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, pso20120622_041518_000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9216386

Ship 4 character creation is back up.

Better get on that right now.

>> No.9216517

Where do you input the item codes anyway?

>> No.9216521

Visiphone, the purple question mark terminal next to the storage ones.

Its the second option from the bottom.

>> No.9216523


>> No.9216549


>> No.9216552
File: 51 KB, 800x800, 1285992050323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, someone got my name.

>> No.9216684

So the translation patch stopped working?

>> No.9216731

Does anyone have a link to a direct download of the open beta patch. The fucking patcher gave me an error like 90% of the way in and apparently doesn't save progress.

>> No.9216791

Mine's just giving me error code 434. I've retried it at least 50 times.

Anyway, there's this:

>> No.9216864

Are there any new options in the character creator?
If not I'll just load the one I made in CBT.

>> No.9216866

I hope they made more options for cast like they said they would.

>> No.9216905

Magic or science.

>> No.9216903

How do I make my loli hover?

>> No.9216930

Give her the pointy feetless legs.

>> No.9216951
File: 552 KB, 1280x1024, pso20120622_072300_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In just one run, we encountered 1 Caterdragon, 2 Dragons, and 2 Ragnes.
Going to hang around the volcano free area more once the lag dies down.

In the cosmetic shop / character customization, there should be an option to make your character walk or hover.

>> No.9216995

I don't get it.
After logging in with my sega ID, it asked for a name, which I assumed was the name of the character, and reported my old name as used so I used another one, but on the character creation it accepted my old nick.
What was the game asking for after logging in?

>> No.9217007

User ID.
It's shared between all characters.
Character name is in the character creator.

>> No.9217026

Wow, is it me or the lag is making it unplayable?
Never had this problem on CB.

>> No.9217152

Gets that way when servers are overloaded it seems.

>> No.9217160

Should get far less laggy within 1-3 hours when most of the japanese are asleep

>> No.9217271

This is also the ID that shows up when you friend people and what they can see in their friend window, and what people can see if they switch their name display system.

You can even change your name display to show people's character number, which as it sounds is precisely a number like 0000015982.

>> No.9217436

Finally could get in Ship 04, so to join jp guild i just need to find this loli >>9210797 ?

>> No.9217506
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, pso20120622_184647_006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your name and hang around in the block 42 lobby, and I'll find you.

>> No.9217588

ムギ, i just went to 42

>> No.9217595
File: 154 KB, 800x566, 1340251764578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lag is really crazy.

Also, I want nurse outfit so bad.

>> No.9217622

i can run it fine with my laptop with integrated graphics (i3 2310M, HD3000)

>> No.9217711

not him but my char name is

>> No.9217720
File: 175 KB, 868x704, questwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone kindly tell me what I need to do for this quest?

>> No.9217734

Search for any player using the purple terminal.

>> No.9217766

Is there a way in game to make quick commands for chat prompts? Like pressing a key to tell japanese party members I can't speak japanese or saying thanks, etc.

>> No.9217768
File: 175 KB, 869x668, questwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks a lot. Is there any chance I can find out what to do for this one?

>> No.9217770


Yes there is. It's in /vg/'s pastebin if I recall.

>> No.9217779


This covers the early client orders.

>> No.9217802


Thanks again.

>> No.9217902

where can i find the updated translation patch? when i try to apply the old one, it makes all teh text clear and invisible.. please help!

>> No.9217932

Anyone know how to send a good job?

>> No.9217945
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>> No.9218012

how would i go about recovering my sega ID and or password if i forgot it?

>> No.9218050
File: 524 KB, 1440x900, pso20120622_154842_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally managed to get PSO2 working. Waiting around in block 42, is anyone on to sling me an invite?

>> No.9218068
File: 341 KB, 1280x720, pso20120622_145255_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this message mean? i get either this one or another one when i try to log in.. does this mean i have my password wrong or something? please help

>> No.9218073

Error 242 is an error you get when you try to log in too fast. what is the other message?

>> No.9218146
File: 560 KB, 1280x720, pso20120623_041319_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone kind enough to toss me an invite as well?

>> No.9218219
File: 458 KB, 1280x707, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need on as well

>> No.9218280

I'm in the lobby currently, come jump in front of Shameimaru for an invite.

>> No.9218610
File: 419 KB, 1280x720, pso20120622_143830_005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emergency Code: Arrest
friendly Rappies


>> No.9218640

Ok, just made my character and I'm standing in the middle of the circle of chairs. Name is きみか
If anyone gets back in the lobby, come by and send an invite.

>> No.9218836
File: 545 KB, 1280x1024, pso20120622_153232_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My condolences.

>> No.9218840

stupid computer can only run it on 1 ;_;

>> No.9218919
File: 802 KB, 1680x1030, pso20120622_185640_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a lewd map

>> No.9218959

How did you make it so that it shows the guild name?

>> No.9218985
File: 405 KB, 1280x720, pso20120622_191253_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click that (or middle click anywhere), and then go to the third option. There's a few different display options.

>> No.9219085 [DELETED] 
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, pso20120623_083344_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone know which mission I should take for this Matter Board quest? I can't copy the quest text anymore (I was able to just a while ago).

>> No.9219095

You need to kill a Breeder, which are those flying darkers that spit out eggs. They can pop up in the later forest areas and caves.

>> No.9219100
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, pso20120623_083344_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know which mission I should take for this Matter Board quest? I can't copy the quest text anymore (I was able to just a while ago).

>> No.9219108


Thanks. I fucked up my post, in case you're wondering, and tried to fix it, only to fuck up again and forget sage.

>> No.9219255

I'm getting it too. 402, I think.

>> No.9219274
File: 1.26 MB, 1680x1050, pso2_2012_06_22_19_13_48_620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

602, sorry.

I'm not familiar with the kanji and I really don't want to look them up because it's a bitch to.

If anyone knows what this says, could you also post the kanji in this screenshot?

>> No.9219286

Incorrect Sega ID. Make sure you're using all lowercase letters.

>> No.9219328
File: 225 KB, 1680x1050, pso2_2012_06_22_19_23_19_326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were right in assuming I had used capital letters.

Now I have a different error message, with even more kanji that I don't know.

>> No.9219333

SEGIA IDの認証に失敗しました。
SEGA IDまたはパスワードをご確認の上、

>> No.9219344

Oh, hell. Apparently I can just copy the text.

That's really useful.

Apparently the ID isn't registered. Possibly because I registered using capital letters? Is that a problem?

>> No.9219347


>> No.9219364
File: 894 KB, 1680x1050, pso20120621_052300_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't register the account for PSO2. Go here and find it (spelled out in Katakana I think), and click on it.

>> No.9219378

It's because I used English letters, isn't it?

It is, right?

Of course it is. Dammit. Time to re-register. I'll just spell it out in katakana.

>> No.9219390

No, your account can be in English

>> No.9219398
File: 635 KB, 1680x1030, pso20120622_174758_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? Don't re-register. You just have to enable PSO2 on the account you made. Just log in and do that.

>> No.9219413

I think that's a different error. It should actually state that if it's the problem. His just told him his username or password was wrong.

Of course, if he hasn't done it, then he does need to do that.

>> No.9219423
File: 494 KB, 1280x720, pso20120621_001122_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My own clone. Only with green hair.

>> No.9219436

I can't even log in to do that. I get this message.

SEGA IDまたはパスワードが正しくありません。

Password and username are precisely what I registered them as. The captcha was right, too. I tried it multiple times, different case, same thing.

>> No.9219458

I was just basing my answer on a google search:

Great taste

It took me many tries, just keep going (although double check your ID/pw). I believe my account name had to be lowercase when I entered it (even though I made it with a capital letter), but my password was correctly capitalized.
Hopefully that helps.

>> No.9219508

Everything had to be lower-case, but I got in.

Thank you and whoever else helped me.

>> No.9219528

Is there a shortcut for switching text types for the Japanese language pack in Windows 7?

>> No.9219534


>> No.9219544

That switches to the language, but is there a shortcut for switching between kana?

>> No.9219555

Nevermind, I figured it out.

What I meant to ask was "How do I change input modes?"

The answer is ALT+~.

>> No.9219557

I've made it past the ship 4 character creator and tutorial. I'm assuming most of you are in the lobby?

>> No.9219558

I just noticed, still no image for Hotglue logo yet?

>> No.9219675

So how do I get a guild invite?

>> No.9220313

What element mastery do you guys recommend?

>> No.9220582

I'm gonna need a guild invite. My character's name is イムリン

>> No.9220752

I use shift+capslock to go from A to あ.

I could use an invite too. I've been checking the quests in progress for Noe, but I guess we're always on at different times. My name is パチェ. Isn't there some way to add someone by name instead of having to click them?

>> No.9220891

What is PSE burst and how do I use it?

>> No.9221052

It's a timed event that makes a lot of enemies spawn that drop more stuff. You kill enemies really fast at a rate requiring a full group or several groups so the PSE level rises until it reaches burst.

>> No.9221114

Maint for a while now

>> No.9221144

Does the matter board unlock at a certian level? Every time I'm in town, it's greyed out.

>> No.9221159
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, pso20120622_205709_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part of having a duel even with a dragon is another one popping up right after.

>> No.9221168
File: 2.78 MB, 1920x1080, pso20120622_190932_003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 red stretchies, don't know what that was about.

>> No.9221201

>You receive a Matter Board after Episode Zero by heading to the monument in the central plaza of the Shopping lobby.
Did you get the encounter event with Sion yet?

>> No.9221209

No I've just been talking to kofii and the girl next to her.

>> No.9221217

I just looked it up. I'll get it tomorrow.

>> No.9221250

How do you get the whole UI to disappear?

>> No.9221266

Two isn't normal? I've only run it once but it had two.

>> No.9221285

There's one when you're alone.

>> No.9221295

How long is the maintenance?

>> No.9221335

0200 to 0700, EST.

>> No.9221411

My Documents > SEGA> PSO2> user

Open the user file with text, change ShowUI = true, to ShowUI = false,

>> No.9221825

I've been so busy with PSO that this is the only thread I've been following on /jp/

>> No.9222076

Server is up

>> No.9222498

What's the difference between a technique and a photon art? I've yet to complete Afin's quest where he asks you to put a technique in your weapon palette. I've already done that several times now, if my understanding is correct that techniques = weapon skills and photon art = force class skills.

>> No.9222643
File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, pso20120623_225913_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems this isn't the "set technique" quest mentioned in here upon closer inspection: http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-closed-beta-client-orders/

Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.9222711

/jaypee/, What does 落ちた mean? Left?
