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File: 94 KB, 280x210, Tenshi_log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9197895 No.9197895 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/. I was wondering which was the first thing you played or came across back in your early years. Tell me. Don't be shy.

As for me, I played Tenshi-tachi no Gogo III back in 1996, around the time I first discovered the Internet. I also played SEX2, Virtuacall and Invitation to fantastic stories series, along with DOR series, but the first one were Tenshi-tachi. If it interests you, JAST translated the fourth one under the name "Tenkousei"

>> No.9197927
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 956377-puyo_pop_fever_title_screen__gamecube__super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Puyo Puyo.

>> No.9197920

I played Night Life on PC-88 around the time it came out.

>> No.9197943
File: 38 KB, 430x430, snatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snatcher had a little girGROWN WOMAN coming out of a shower so it counts as eroge.

In before 200 Newgrounds Flash game responses.

>> No.9197947


Katawa shojou ;_;

>> No.9197960

Kanon back in 03.

>> No.9197988

My first visual novel was Snow Drop. I don't really remember what year but it was probably 2001. I was around 13 at the time and I didn't even know it had H-scenes in it. I remember I fapped furiously to practically everything at least 5-10 times

>> No.9198011

The Faire Damsel Ravishment Aggression; or, Vehement Seed Enblazement, 1786.

>> No.9198013
File: 33 KB, 640x400, 416084-sex-2-pc-98-screenshot-drooling-kiss-s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ain't no porno.

>> No.9198017

Radical Dreamers whenever the first version of the translation was released.

>> No.9198021

True Love, don't remember the year.

>> No.9198029

Here. For you.


>> No.9198054

I think Emi's Fantasies was my first in like 2000. Season of the Sakura comes to mind when I remember the first few I read...there is also vague memories of an eroge that I can't remember the name of. All I remember is the protagonist was a teacher hired to tutor some rich girl, and he puts turkish delight down her top as an excuse to grope her tits.

>> No.9198057
File: 25 KB, 640x400, knights-of-xentar_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knights of Xentar, played alongside my ex who was also into rpg's and light perversion.

>> No.9198069
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 205_04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like Immoral Studies 1.

>> No.9198079

I always get bored playing VNs so to this day I've never completed one

>> No.9198074

I think it was Three Sister's Story. Downloaded it like HELL when Jast first released it.

>> No.9198081

umineko XD

>> No.9198083

Something on the Sega Saturn around 2000ish that I bought in Chinatown. I am not going to count Snatcher or Policenauts. First true and completed VN was Tsukihime

>> No.9198084
File: 86 KB, 640x480, three-sisters02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a lot of books before playing VNs, but none of them made me feel anything until I played THIS game. It made me feel like a scumbag.

>> No.9198086

I can't remember the names anymore. It's been over 15 years since I started playing these games.

>> No.9198089

Also Thousand Arms was probably one of the first officially translated galge I played on a console.

Janitor probably thinks it's something else though.

>> No.9198091


Why where old DOS/Windows ero games windowboxed? Was it because most where coming over as ports from weird moon pc's and the art wouldn't fit?

>> No.9198094

fate stay night i dl'd last year. got kinda bored of f*king clicking for 2000 hours. saver is pretty hot tho lol

what is this weird 80s shit in OP? tenchi muyo?

>> No.9198097
File: 1.08 MB, 2943x4708, KatawaShoujoFlowchartv24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a way I'm the opposite. I get all obsessive-compulsive and have to complete every route. So I try to avoid VNs unless I've heard good things and know it'll be worth it. I've only played about five or six.

Pic related: why I abandoned KS after playing one route.

>> No.9198102


I played it back when it came out as well mainly because I saw a preview in EGM and I found the whole dating aspect interesting. Seeing those few threads earlier I kind of want to replay it now but I don't have my original copy anymore.

Better buy one.

>> No.9198103

My first was ToHeart for the PS1 about a year after it was released, I remember being excited to chip my PS1 so I could play it. I don't think I will ever forget Multi's route, ever.

I remember a little while afterwards MegaTokyo (webcomic) started and I was impressed that the author knew ToHeart and referenced it.

Ever since though I've regressed a little bit, I keep up to date with eroge and VNs but I mainly dig around in the past at the PC-98 games. I've got an actual PC-98 and love to get my hands on the physical copies.

>> No.9198114

Yeah that was it. I remember getting frustrated when I was younger because I wanted to jerk off but it was taking too long to get to the fucking. How nostalgic.

>> No.9198117

>Janitor probably thinks it's something else though.

Or maybe "which X would you fuck?" is a bad thread no matter how board-related it is?

Go make a "which 2hu would you fuck?" thread, see what happens to it.

>> No.9198123


First actual eroge was Kanon, in 2009-ish. I still have a lot of catching up to do.

>> No.9198185

>/Go make a "which 2hu would you fuck?" thread, see what happens to it.

If you write it properly, if you substitute "fuck" with anything else, it will probably stay

>> No.9198253

By that logic FF7 has a dating sim built in it too.

>> No.9198432

He's actually arguing the same thing on Warosu's /ghost/ board.

Choices? Different endings? It goes in /jp/.

>> No.9198686

Wasn't this actually a game done by Elf?

>> No.9198762


Yes, its Dragon Knight 3 with a butchered translation/voiceover.

>> No.9200258

Porkslope in 2008

>> No.9200438
File: 175 KB, 500x440, kekkon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, around 1997 or something

>> No.9200470

Higurashi and Umineko have no choices, what now motherfucker?

>> No.9200471

My first VN was Divi-Dead. What years that was again? Either 2002 or 2003. Can't get more precise.

>> No.9201332

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9201378

Three Sisters Story, many years ago. Didn't play anything else until Katawa Shoujo.

>> No.9203116

Ever 17 or F/SN, 2008. I can't remember which one I completed first.

>> No.9203119

Maid Story

>> No.9203253

Eiyuu x Maou slightly after it came out, so mid-2005.

>> No.9203286
File: 32 KB, 640x400, screenshot-nocturnal-old-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was either True Love, Nocturnal Illusion or one of the games featured in the JAST memorial collection. Don't remember which year it was, but it was probably around 2002.

I didn't really fall for the genre until I played Tsukihime and Ever 17 a few years later, though... or rather, that's when I first realized that it was more to these things than just fap material.

>> No.9203296

True Love

I failed at winning the girl that I wanted, the swimmer, so I used a walkthrough

>> No.9203379

hate to be a total newfriend about this, but what exactly is the difference between a VN and an eroge? I get that not all VNs have ero content, but other than that, what distinguishes one from the other? For instance, (I know everyone hates on Katawa Shoujo, but it's the only example I've played I can think of) - is Katawa Shoujo a VN or an eroge? (if you leave the H scenes on, obviously.) I would think VN, right? Not sure, someone please enlighten me.

Also, first eroge ever (I guess it's an eroge) was Critical Point. Or is it a VN with ero content? See? I just don't get it. Please be gentle, I'm new to VN in general.

>> No.9203399

>is Katawa Shoujo a VN or an eroge?
It's both.
It's pretty simple.
A Visual Novel is a digital text based novel that happens to have graphics and commonly audio.
An Eroge is a game with Erotic Content.

An eroge doesn't need to be a VN, it just needs at least some erotic content.
A VN doesn't need erotic conntent, it just needs to be a digitally told novel.

>> No.9203419

VN = Visual Novel = text-based. Can have gameplay elements but telling the story through text(and sprites, event CG, voices, and music) is the main part.

Eroge = porn game. Or any game with porn, really. So every VN with ero scenes is an eroge, but not every eroge is a VN as there are many eroge which are focused mostly on gameplay.

>> No.9203434

Oh ok, I get it now. Thank you, anons.
Been trying to find an answer to that for like weeks and been too afraid to ask and look stupid.

>> No.9203498

For reference, Ace Attorney is an 18- visual novel. For an even older reference, it's like choose-your-own-adventure books reformatted for the digital age.

>> No.9203970

what do you mean by 18-visual novel?

>> No.9203978

It was either Clannad before the anime aired, FSN a bit before that or some random insani release.

>> No.9203991
File: 66 KB, 640x480, gfs_80683_2_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokimeki Check-In! back in 2000 or so, immediately after my house got a decent-speed connection and I realized, hey, you could DOWNLOAD these games! From the INTERNET!

Pretty good game for the time; I'm not sorry it was my first.

The game makers had a serious boner for the yakuza princess girl, though; she had more hscenes than any other two heroines put together.

>> No.9203998

True love... who knows when, 1999/2000?

>> No.9204005

I don't remember
but the first VN I played for the plot and characters and not for hentai was Bible Black.
I mean, I started playing it for hentai, but got aroused by plot and atmosphere instead.

spring 2010, was 16
