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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9190359 No.9190359 [Reply] [Original]

So how big is Touhou, anyways? I've always thought it was around 3-4 million strong, but I've seen estimates hit 20 million, and some being as low as 800,000.

>> No.9190371
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It has a music, doujin, e-doujin, toys, onaholes, games (Fan-based hurr), and fuckin millions of drawings posted everywhere. So, A guess a lot, this isn't a god damn census

>> No.9190377

I just want /jp/'s estimates as to how big the fan base is. Secondaries can be included I guess. I'm pretty sure we outnumber the horse fuckers, though.

>> No.9190381

What are you counting?

Anyway Touhou is really big, but only in certain confines. It's not like it's world famous, or normalfag common knowledge even in Japan.

Even weebs in the west seem to be pretty slow on catching on the Touhou fandom, perhaps because it's not just an anime you can watch or a manga you can read.

>> No.9190384

>we outnumber the horsefuckers
But that's wrong. We're better, but the horse fuckers are probably bigger, more than 4 million at least.

>> No.9190385

>I've seen estimates hit 20 million, and some being as low as 800,000

What was this originally about?

>> No.9190389

Population, of course.

>> No.9190390

Not only that but SHMUPs in general require a lot of effort and practice. That probably kicks out many, many people that would enjoy the series if they could just sit back and watch an anime version.

>> No.9190393

But there are also the fan games, the official books, and the fighters to get into. Then there is that Maikaze anime, and there is that PCB anime. (though both are only one episode). There is quite the amount of material that don't pertain to the shmup games.

>> No.9190395

Population of what?

>> No.9190404

imo, the lazy people.

>> No.9190412

The Touhou fandom.

>> No.9190421

>estimates as to how big the fan base is
I don't think there's an easy way to do that. Checking Reitaisai visitor numbers, or the number of people participating in the annual poll will give you an idea I guess. But so far there's no way to "trace" Touhou fans all across the world.

But yeah. Touhou is the most used tag on Pixiv. It has it's own toplist on Nico Nico, linked from the video-front page. Most Doujin shop chains have their front pages cluttered with more Touhou than any other franchise. But it's hard to say what this means exactly, especially in number of fans.

I'm also pretty sure Reitaisai is the biggest one-franchise event in the world. Please correct me if I'm wrong, it'd be nice to know, really.

>> No.9190423

Well yes, but then because of these other ways, we have people that only care about the fan work, and don't even give a shit about the series itself.

>> No.9190432

All roads lead to Rome. Once they take an interest in it, they'll eventually delve deeper. I gained interest around the time of PCB's release, but never really got 'into' it until I bought IN.

>> No.9190439

True. But Touhou remains to be pretty obscure in the west. It might be a cultural difference that Japan has more enthusiasts in the genre and that these sort of games are overall more positively received.

That, plus the fact that Touhou takes more time to get into and understand than what people are used to? Not to say it is lol deep or anything, but admittedly the official works are a clusterfuck of all kinds of media, and there are like 200 characters.

>> No.9190449

Only around 100 characters. Besides, there is also the fact that Touhou music is god damned everywhere. I have Koishi as an avatar for one of the alternate forums I go to, and I singlehandedly got 7 people into the franchise, who in turn got their friends into it. It just seems like the whole fan base would number several million, if not more than 10 million.

>> No.9190462

>I'm also pretty sure Reitaisai is the biggest one-franchise event in the world.

Wasn't old-school quake-con bigger?

>I'm pretty sure we outnumber the horse fuckers, though.

Why must you feel intimidated about a fanbase that has nothing to do with this?

>> No.9190459

Same here, I knew what Touhou was for like 2 years before I actually got into it. I knew because some acquaintances were into it.

It didn't strike me as interesting back then, but I once played a few of the games it just went downhill from there.

>> No.9190465

Okay, so someone was estimating the size of Touhou fandom and he somehow arrived at the 20 mln number? Yeah, that makes sense.

>> No.9190467

Do I sound intimidated? I was just throwing that out there. MLP is fuck huge, but I'm pretty sure that we beat them.

>> No.9190479

>I'm also pretty sure Reitaisai is the biggest one-franchise event in the world. Please correct me if I'm wrong, it'd be nice to know, really.

Not counting anime/doujin, its hard to believe Reitaisai is bigger than a particular star wars/trek con, then again I don't really know how big those get considering how many there are in between.

>> No.9190476

It's just the way you mention them. You belittle them with insults (as rightful as they may be), which leads me to believe you feel intimidated.

>> No.9190480

>millions of fans
>official manga sells 50 thousands

>> No.9190485

Relax. Everyone calls them by some other form of insult. I just chose horse fucker over smelly dumb brony scum, autistic man child, and psychotic hipster.

I'd say Reitaisai is at least as big as a Star Trek convention. It's pretty fucking huge. RTS9 was bigger than E3 this year.

>> No.9190486

Does the manga run out of stock? Selling that much can be due to the publisher only printing that many books.

>> No.9190490

I'm just saying that Touhou still takes more effort to get into than a lot of the other things from Japan that get big in the west?

Even if Touhou music or Touhou characters are everywhere, you need to know the franchise pretty well in order to always recognize it as Touhou. People who don't know Touhou just see a cute anime girl, or hear a catchy song. Which is why, despite being popular, it's not really common knowledge anywhere outside it's natural habitat or so to say.

Actually, to have a friend introduce you is probably the easiest way to get into it.

>> No.9190492

I think you underestimate how many people don't buy Touhou stuff. Same with the games. Mostly everybody on /jp/ alone torrents/reads it on EXhentai.

>> No.9190495

>RTS9 was bigger than E3 this year.

This needs a citation. Badly.

>> No.9190504

The big 3 there all fit into one hall. Nintendo, Sony, and Microshaft were all in one hall. That's how small it was. This is the first time it has ever happened as well.

>> No.9190513

All 10 of us?

>> No.9190519

Ten people on /jp/. How I wish this was true.

>> No.9190520

E3 has gotten so exclusive and business 100% that I'm not even surpised

>> No.9190521

/jp/ is one of the more visited boards on 4chan. You'd be surprised.

>> No.9190523

They still have Star Trek conventions?

>RTS9 was bigger than E3 this year
it will take a while for this one to sink in

>> No.9190528

There's probably about 10 posters, I can usually recognize someone from the filename of an image. There's definitely more lurkers though.

>> No.9190535


me at #6

>> No.9190542

I recently bought a big batch of a lot of official print works.

And truth is that some of them fetch really ridiculous prices. I saw the first volume of Sangestusei go for like 12000 yen.

I don't know, but that might imply that there are more people willing to buy than there are copies.

>> No.9190539

Yeah. E3 was a mess this year. The only person that I heard say they liked it was Chugga.

>> No.9190544
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>50 thousands

Make that 100. Probably more.

>> No.9190555

He is rich. Does he even need to work?

>> No.9190553

Fucking ZUN must be swimming in cash. Motherfucker.

>> No.9190559

>I can usually recognize someone from the filename of an image.

Don't make me feel even more paranoid about posting here!

>> No.9190563
File: 507 KB, 1500x1055, DeathYuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paranoid about posting on /jp/


>> No.9190569

If ZUN really makes all his money on Touhou alone, then damn he must have the best job ever.

Sitting around all day, sometimes writing a little on a manga script, programming some games, thinking out pretty patterns for his games, researching japanese mythologies for inspiration...

>> No.9190572

My love, is that you?

>> No.9190575

Yeah, EaLND is out of print and has been out of print since forever.

>> No.9190595

Seasonal Dream Vision and Curiosities of Lotus Asia were also hard to find at decent prices. I didn't even get to buy the latter, and I actually found a copy of SDV that was damaged so I got for about 5000 instead of like, 10.000.

Games and music albums however are cheap. I wonder how much ZUN makes on the games, don't most stores that sell them always have them stocked up?

>> No.9190599
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>> No.9190597

Furthermore, how does ZUN get so many of them anyways? Is there a factory that specifically churns out Touhou games?

>> No.9190623

Just in case you are actually you.

I'm glad you are alive. Don't harm yourself or anything.

I still love you, you were the best person I've ever met.

Good night.

>> No.9190624

I would estimate that if we are talking about actual Touhou fans, it's no more than 300,000. If we include shmup fans who just play the games and nothing more, leechers and others that just beat off to the porn, and those who have simply heard of Touhou, it's near 800,000. I am almost sure that no more than 1 million people in the world have heard of Touhou.

>> No.9190626

nobody knows
buyers come at night, disguised, with their suitcases of money
ZUN deals the goods

extreme secrecy and caution is applied

>> No.9190631
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So something similar to this?

>> No.9190639

Does anyone have the numbers of how many attended Reitaisai?
From year to year would be cool too.

>> No.9190640

I'm sure there are more than 300,000 'true' fans, and well over a couple million, including the secondaries.

>> No.9190642
File: 552 KB, 1000x1500, 1338756153193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So how big is Touhou, anyways?

About... 20% of Japan, and about 1-2% of the whole world. And that's a lot. Everything thanks to the internet.

>> No.9190652

The fuck? You're either underestimating how many people there are in these countries or greatly overestimating the number of fans.

>> No.9190657

Shmup fans that play the games aren't actual Touhou fans?

>> No.9190660

>70 million

I'm OP and even I think this is a bit ridiculous. Maybe at most .2%, but 1-2% is ridiculous.

>> No.9190682

1% of America and Europe. Shit is more extended than you think.

>> No.9190692

Oh alright. I mean, if you were counting nigger land and sand-nigger territory, I would've called you full-retard. I don't think niggers care much for magical Japanese girls.That's still a hefty amount, though. There are what? 2 and a half billion people between NA and EU?

>> No.9190700

I was once asked to explain how big Touhou was.

I just gave an estimate number of Pixiv images, and talked about the numbers of Touhou-only events there are in Japan every year.

The response I got was "But if it's so popular, then were are all the fans?"

That got me thinking. Touhou fan base is pretty organized in a way. We keep to ourselves, but we don't really have any huge web-based communities or anything were we can easily be found. And the japanese fan base especially is so extremely productive it's almost not funny, but it's all "underground". In some ways, Touhou fanbase feels like organized crime. Isn't the fact that we can't estimate even a rough number of fans is kinda weird, too?

>> No.9190698

>I don't think niggers care much for magical Japanese girls


>> No.9190701

Oh. Nevermind, it's not me. Sorry for bringing your hopes up like that.

>> No.9190705

NicoNico is a mainstream site in Japan, with tens of millions of users. Go see what their most popular videos are.

"Fans" are debatable, but most of Japan has heard of Touhou at one point of another.

>> No.9190712

Yeah, it does feel kinda weird. Touhou has a couple of huge sites for it (namely, the UNL tourneyfag site, Gensokyo.org, and /bun/), but none ever reach over a couple of thousand. Those that like Touhou don't generally bring it up outside of designated videos, unlike furries, religious people, and bronies.

But still, I think checking youtube alone could give us a rough estimate. There are some videos that hit over a million views. That alone should provide a base estimate for how many 'fans' there are. No slightly concrete estimate, though. All we have is base numbers.

Reminded me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xi2fGqBYXAw

>> No.9190723

that song is glorious, best remix of Lunar Dial i've heard.

>> No.9190731

There's a 'follow-up' as well:

>> No.9190764
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>> No.9190785

You're welcome. I'm more so part of the music community than the game community, since I haven't played an actual Touhou game since I got butt devastated by Marisa in GFW (I never got past a third of the battle, even after several hundred attempts). I've always liked the music, and most Touhou music videos end up with thousands of views.

Speaking of which, what IS the most popular Touhou song? I think it's a tie between UN Owen and Bad Apple as of right now, but I've heard that Native Faith and Nuclear Fusion are just as high as well.

>> No.9190795

UN Owen if you're talking about the Western community probably

>> No.9190800

Bad Apple by far, that video got somewhere close to two million hits in the span of a few months.

Of course, I'm using the term "Most Recognizable" interchangeably with "Most Popular".

You play Bad Apple to a group of 100 people, and you'll probably have more people say they recognize it than if you were to play Nuclear Fusion.

>> No.9190824

That Ronald McDonald video got over 6 million views, but most of the people who have watched it don't know the song is from Touhou.

>> No.9190826

Yeah, and then there's the fact that even CNN did a segment on it, but UN Owen is fucking popular as all hell. I mean, between Death Waltz, McRoll, and the plethora of remixes for it, I think it amounts to more than the other songs.

Of course, Beloved Tomboyish Daughter, Bad Apple, Native Faith, and Nuclear Fusion are all popular as fuck. I have a lot of normal fag friends (I know, crucify me), and I've seen Nuclear Fusion on some of their play lists (without them knowing where it was from).

>> No.9190834

Do you count people who don't know where it's from?
You can't really say that they're fans of the music if they don't know where the music is from.

>> No.9190863

Yes, I still count them.

>> No.9190879

Then it's between UN Owen and Bad Apple.

I still argue for Bad Apple, it got the CCN spot and I don't think you can really attribute McRoll to a 2hu music video.

>> No.9190888

Eh, I think UN Owen has a slight edge since everyone and their mother uses it for YTPoops and whatever, and then it's god damned everywhere because of McRoll.

>> No.9190904

Don't forget that there's actually two McRoll videos both with millions of views.

>> No.9190912

i looked at youtube numbers for you guys

>McRoll'd ~4,100,000
>U.N. Owen Was Her ~1,800,000

>Bad Apple (Shadow PV) ~2,400,000
>CNN Spot ~300,000

>> No.9190924

Well, we never now how many people viewed both, but it seems that UN Owen is the most popular 2hu song after all.

>> No.9191153

I feel bad for linking this on /jp/, but I feel it might add to the discussion a bit:

They have done a bit of information gathering that shows Touhou's popularity over time, through things like Google trends. Likewise, you can see their "related memes" and find a number of original Touhou themes, as if they were somehow themselves considered "memes."

>> No.9191978

KYM doesn't even know what it wants to be.

Thanks for any info, though. I just want to determine whereabouts the population lies.

>> No.9192237

I think Reitaisai has somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred thousand attendees.

>> No.9192712

I've actually heard some dota2/HoN/sc2 streamers play some touhou music, notably AngryTestie (16mil views stream, not bad), so I think shit's more popular than people think

also note that touhou original themes on youtube average to at least 200 000 views, and video game music usually don't get a lot of views

>> No.9192774

It's sad what passes off as "research" those days.
