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9186614 No.9186614 [Reply] [Original]

What would happen to Touhou if ZUN died?

>> No.9186628

The games series would end.

There would be an influx of touhou doujins depicting a now deceased ZUN in Gensokyo.

>> No.9186630

It would take its first step towards becoming a religion.

>> No.9186640

Nothing will happen. Touhou is 1% games, 99% fan material.

>> No.9186649

Some rich Japanese man will create a Hakurei Shrine.

>> No.9186656

The next ZUN android would have to be fired up. The actual ZUN died 4 years ago, he's been replaced by a lifelike replica ever since. Theres a plant in Sapporo that manufactures ZUNbots in secret.

>> No.9186670

Now you have me thinking of how one would go about creating a syncretistic religion based on Christianity and the Touhou universe.

>> No.9186680

If he's rich, he won't create anything about touhou.

>> No.9186719
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It is quite simple, really.

In a land, not so unlike our own, Monsters and Humans live in harmony, solving their problems through clever, intricate patters that are both a test of mettle and endurance.

One's way after conflict is always to seek friendship with your one time foe. This should involve large amouts of alcohol and tea.

There is nothing impossible. You just lack faith.

Kanako's faith speech.

Byakuren's mercy.

Yuyuko's aproach to life and death.

The Oni's open friendship and honesty.


>> No.9186750

It seems like ZUN's beliefs are that believing in something is better than believing in nothing and overall moderation of all things. I'd love talk deep philosophical things with him over many a beer.

>> No.9186751

i think it would go much better with paganism.
Christianity and Touhou don't go well together.

>> No.9186760

You're not a christian are you? I mean, it's fine if you never bothered to get unbaptized, and you go there with family for Easter and Christmas, but you don't ACTUALLY believe that shit, do you?

>> No.9186793
File: 116 KB, 500x526, JesusComments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a very broad question.

Frankly, when it comes to Genesis, I take it with a grain of salt. It is a goddamn song/poem. Spoken tradition.

As for what Jesus said? I think that's really swell. I hope what he said is right. Would be a pity if there was nothing worthwhile in humanity after all.

>> No.9186799

Christianity? Shinto gods and Lunarians, please.

Good thing there are parallels in Buddhism, Taoism and Shintoism.

>> No.9186828
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Don't make Byakuren sad. Be tolerant of all religions.

>> No.9186835

I'm sort of the same way. I was raised christian for too long though, it's literally ingrained into who I am. I question a lot of things and do lots of reading for other religions. No matter how far I try to run from religion I'm always drawn back to it and frankly I'm happiest that way. Every time I try to go all cold-hearted agnostic I get super depressed, plus I'm far too lazy to discipline myself into pretending I don't buy into religion. Religion has been a monumental force in human history and certainly a big influence in mine. At the very least I try not to judge anyone and leave people alone and hope they leave me alone.

>> No.9186837

Well, at least you didn't cut out your brain and replace it with the KJV. But you probably wouldn't be on /jp/ if you did.

>> No.9186860

This so much and the games arent even good, i dont know what "primaries" are so proud about.

>> No.9186866

Well, secondary SHOULD mean someone who only engages in fanworks, ignoring, possibly not even knowing about the games, but it's too often used to mean "person who acknowledges the existence of Touhou fanworks."

>> No.9186919

>first step

The final one, you mean.

>> No.9187077

I'm the guy who said the thing about syncretism. This anon's post is a pretty good cliff notes version of what I believe.

>> No.9187136

Seriously I think you must be my doppelganger... I hope your name isn't Kevin...
You know, I don't think the old testament are true, I mean, Jesus and his teachings are the Religion not the old books the jews respect so much, I think the christians should follow the ethical teachings of Jesus, not the Church ones, the Church is sooooo corrupted (all christian-like, evangelist protestants catholics) since so long ago that I think they probably lost a battle vs. evil forces.
I can believe in Gensokyo and its habitants, it doesn't disprove anything I already believe as long I have faith to my God (Father of Jesus), and not Kanako, Suwako, etc...
Also, in the Heaven you can have all you want, I will probably go to Gensokyo (even if its a realistic delusion created with all that I know or something, but I'll try that is the real deal).
I already have plans for when I die... so I probably should keep doing my life and being like I am.

>> No.9187219

Gensokyo is real. God is not.

>> No.9187269

Don't you believe in Reimu's powers and Sanae's powers or Kanako and Suwako existence? I can think they are real, but I don't have faith in them, I also don't and won't pray at their shrines. If you can believe their existence why I can't believe in something?
>inb4 you don't have proof
It's not about having something material that confirms my God existence, we also don't have something that confirm to us that Gensokyo exists. It's about believing it deep in your heart, and by your statement I think you should know it.

>> No.9187317

A deity or deities may or may not exist

Human religion is bullshit, though

>> No.9187349

>Would be a pity if there was nothing worthwhile in humanity after all.

I hope you aren't implying that the teachings of Jesus are even remotely the only worthwhile thing to come from humanity.

>> No.9187391
File: 75 KB, 560x560, go to hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think the christians should follow the ethical teachings of Jesus, not the Church ones

I think that was the main point of this whole mess. Or as Kanako said:

>Kanako:This country is full of misunderstandings about religion, and people who oppose religion. One of the reasons for that is because religions that abuse faith are also spreading. It's an unfortunate matter. Originally religion was something used to support emotional growth. Just like sports players use the latest theories to train their bodies to perfection, to become emotionally rich and feel happiness you need to use theories and morals, which is what religions are for. In Gensokyo just like the outside world, our duty is to make sure people don't become successful yet emotionally immature.

>> No.9187404

fan games would perpetuate the series

>> No.9187421

The idea of Gensokyo being real is more credible than most religions. There's evidence that goes against God. There is no evidence that goes against Gensokyo.

>> No.9187418
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What made you think that? Am I implying that? No. I meant it as in Humanity, as a whole, can be redeemed. No, I do not care how, why or who does it.

I can cite and agree with the teachings of other religions easily, even if I do not believe in their particular pantheon. Been reading the teachings of Buddha lately actually.

>> No.9187456

Why not?

>> No.9187458

>There is no evidence that goes against Gensokyo.

I can't believe you actually used that line.

>> No.9187681

Buddhism is the way to go, particularly Zen.

Though I don't know why humanity has to be "redeemed" from anything.

>> No.9187728
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>> No.9187734
File: 167 KB, 600x750, I want to baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is no evidence that goes against Gensokyo.
There are but I'm not going to say them because [pic related] also, at least the 50% of them are like an atheist would say about any God believing Religion.

>> No.9187843


>> No.9187864

He will die. It is not a matter of if.

ZUN is old. He is getting older with each passing day. He will die. If you are lucky enough you will get to hear about his death in our lifetime.

>> No.9187871

Just wanted to let you guys know, since none of you guys are Japanese, let alone speak Japanese. Gensokyo will never accept you.

>> No.9187873

And here I was thinking that ZUN was literally never going to die.

>> No.9187911

Well as an atheist I must say the main reason I don't believe in the existence of a God (and I'm talking about basic deism) is the lack of consistent elements that would make it logical to assume his existence. I fear that the same thing applies to Gensokyou.

That being said, I've been raised as a roman catholic, and like the other christians here I must say that Jesus teachings pretty much influenced my moral view. But by "Jesus teachings" I mean what he actually said, not all the bulls that people attached to him later. And by the way Jesus has never been fond of priests himself and he's never been fond of blindingly following laws against common sense.

After all, it's some priest that wanted him dead.

>> No.9189439

Let's seriously imagine this for a second.

What ZUN died, say, this fall. I think that despite of what many say, that fans generally don't very much about the games, I believe that's not exactly true.

Sure, a lot of things would go on like usual, once the news settle in. Reitaisai and Comiket would come around, fans would keep on making their doujinshi and dojinongaku like they always do.

However, I don't think it would be quite the same. Because fans have the official works in common. Even if there are many kinds of Touhou fans, the official works tie them together, whether they like it or not. I think the Touhou fandom would lose some of it's identity if ZUN suddenly passed away. I also think that at least devoted fans of a few years would feel a lot of sadness in never knowing what ZUN had planned for Touhou in the future, and since those devoted fans are pretty much the skeleton of the fandom, I think in the end that might affect the overall atmosphere.

I like to think that ZUN is quite dear to the Touhou fandom. We joke about him a lot, make fun of him and criticize him, but he's always thoughtful, and always true to himself. That makes it easy to respect him and it makes it a little more satisfying to be a Touhou fan at the end of the day.

There's also the legal parts of it all. This probably would have been a bigger problem if ZUN wasn't married, but now that he is the chances are his wife will hold the rights, and she will probably uphold the rules ZUN made when he was alive.

But that's just what I think. It's hard to imagine Touhou without ZUN, at least for me.
I also think that, obviously, the more devoted you are, of course the more it would affect you, and I'm talking as someone who has been wholeheartedly invested in Touhou for years, so.

>> No.9189478

deities never die, he will just abandon the rotten plane of existence and ascend to godhood, forever watching us from the heavens, delivering blessings to true touhou fans and bestowing wrathful divine punishment to secondary heretics

>> No.9189510

Greetings. I'm just a humble secondary walking the long path to knowledge.
if not too much disturb, I'd like to pose a question.
what perchentage of touhou income comes from cheap merch? does ZUN have complete control over any product? touhou is a particular thing, what's the exact divisory line between official and fanmade products?
...why those figures cost so fucking much?

>> No.9189520

>what perchentage of touhou income comes from cheap merch?
ZUN doesn't earn anything from what doujin groups sell

>does ZUN have complete control over any product?
His guidelines are no selling of touhou products commercially, no idea about the figures though.

>...why those figures cost so fucking much?
All figures are expensive even non touhou figures

>> No.9189538

ZUN has guidelines that fan-artists are encouraged to follow.
Since he's the original creator he can strike them down if they should cross the line of what he thinks is okay.

The guidelines are simply that everything Touhou must be doujin works, sold in doujin shops and nowhere else. I don't have any real facts backing the next statement up, but that's why figures and the like are more expensive, perhaps because they aren't mass-produced in the same way.

ZUN also has disowned works that have extreme themes and the like. But that's mainly to keep himself out of legal trouble, I think.

As for how much money fan-artists get... I have no idea. probably depends a lot. ZUN gets no money from anything except the stuff he sells himself. That's also the distinct line between what's official and not. If it doesn't have ZUNs name on it, it's not official.

Roughly, that's it. I hope I could answer some questions.

>> No.9189549

I see. many thanks to both.
