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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 218 KB, 1026x986, le+due+frida[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9185304 No.9185304 [Reply] [Original]

The possible inspiration for Satori and Komeji Koishi.
How lurid indeed!

>> No.9185314
File: 104 KB, 600x402, 1338074021939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt he'd be inspired be a Spanish artist who was sex crazy and had an ugly uni brow that she worshiped.

>> No.9185319

TF2 was the inspiration for all of the CRAZY hats in Touhou.

>> No.9185330

And of course there's the heavily cited musical inspirations such as Septette for the Dead Princess and Beethoven's Sonata No. 8 (Pathetique): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRaTc35zQmE

>> No.9185332

Well, SA in particular has a few characters that don't seem to be from the "East", if you get me. Okuu is pretty much a reference to Shernobyl, and then you have the Komeiji sisters, and Parsee, who looks like she came from the middle East (I know, it's the East, but you get the idea).

>> No.9185349 [DELETED] 

Let's just skip through the parts where somebody accuses you of being a newfag, you ignore him and continue to post more of the same, somebody announces that they're reporting you for ban evasion, you deny that you've ever been banned, all the way to the end when your thread disappears and you complain about it on the ghost board.

>> No.9185343

Septette for the Dead Princess is much better than that piece of shit

>> No.9185354

Every time I listen to classical music (not often, it's just another form of background noise to me) I notice little melodies and motifs ZUN used.

Obviously the original composers are long dead and their work is in the public domain, but I feel a little guilty for not giving them the credit they deserve. A lot of what I thought was ZUN turned out to be Beethoven or Chopin or whoever.

>> No.9185359 [DELETED] 

If you want to argue about this, take it to the (Warosu) ghost board where he explained this.

>> No.9185365

Well Parsee IS persian so that explains why she looks like that.(Though I don't know how a persian could be a hashihime)

>> No.9185368

Who's arguing?

>> No.9185377

Extremely unkawaii.

>> No.9185401

Yeah, in one way or another, I think that SA is extremely different from the other touhou games not only because of the setting (Former hell? now, you could have chosen hell itself, but former?) but also because of the many references and characters.

>> No.9185402
File: 30 KB, 724x499, MrP..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mansive? That's what I'm on... Small Carlos-type heater.

>> No.9185404

that's why I said it was lurid.
but if you consider most of the youkai that ZUN has prettified, in their original form, Touhou characters weren't 可愛い at all!

>> No.9185409

Hell undergoes frequent remodelling.

>> No.9185418

Butthurt touhou fans.

Go suck the dick of the thief ZUN.

>> No.9185423

having to deal with remodeling really is a great hassle to inhabitants.
It's really a torment, so I wouldn't doubt that such a statement is the truth.

>> No.9185427 [DELETED] 

And, just for the record, passing moderator who may have lifted this ban: Nameless Book-Reading Youkai !!XUU92Uht5OG is almost certainly Archduke, who has had a short history of posting in /jp/ with many different names based on the same Touhou Project character, of which this is one. He has been repeatedly banned for ban evasion, among other things, over the course of the last six months.

Although he will certainly deny it, if he's not using a proxy you can trivially verify this by checking whether his IP is located somewhere in or near Portland, Oregon. Bonus points if Qwest is his ISP.

>> No.9185428
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>> No.9185430
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>> No.9185433

In a lot of fictional environments, in fact. The Sandman, The World God Only Knows, etc.

>> No.9185447 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shit? If he makes rule-breaking posts, he gets banned for it. Even if he's missing the point by (mis)using a tripcode, this is as anonymous board and it's what you say that counts, not who you are (or were).

As it stands you're giving him what he wants, and he's going to keep dropping hints so people like you get upset. If you *have* to say something, say it to the mods or in the ghost board.

>> No.9185474 [DELETED] 

>If he makes rule-breaking posts, he gets banned for it.
Ban evasion is a (re)bannable offense.

>If you *have* to say something, say it to the mods or in the ghost board.
I've said something in this thread so that the moderator who reviews the case will see it. Not every rule violation has to be dealt with by crying to IRC.

>> No.9185475 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 307x371, 1302758255825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a tripshit lives close to me

>> No.9185479 [DELETED] 

I've been posting as Anonymous on /jp/ since late 2009, and before I came to /jp/ I took part in other imageboard communities including 7chan, desuchan, junkuchan, and (shortly) poosh.
I'll be shortly deleting this very post because it's not on topic.

>> No.9185486 [DELETED] 

forgot my trip but whatever.

>> No.9185850

Go spam bullshit videos somewhere else.
