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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9184893 No.9184893 [Reply] [Original]

New VN general since the last one died

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

Last thread

>> No.9184915

Muv Luv
Sengoku Rance
Katawa Shojou
Fate Stay/Knight
Kira Kira

>> No.9184952
File: 93 KB, 1024x576, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Returned from London yesterday and starting Sachi's route in Grisaia right now.

>> No.9185169

I loved the development in her route.

>> No.9185305

I've just installed reorder and the difference in soundtrack is abysmal, god.
Waht the fuck happened to change those tracks to the average ones just for a ps2 port? It's unforgivable.

>> No.9185325

Still reading J.Q.V, it's still unbelievably well written for something that came from nowhere.
And the soundtrack is pretty great
The protagonist is fantastic and I'll say that compared to Cross Channel it has better heroines

>> No.9185336

>it has better heroines
Not that hard, I liked two heroines in Cross Channel techincally one and a half, I liked Miki only during her first week when she was looping.

>> No.9185390

Sachi route is definitely the most conventional in the game, but it makes a good contrast with the others and it's really pretty heartwarming

>> No.9185445

The route itself is good but I like Sachi better when she is a side character
Actually I pretty much liked every route, even Yumiko's.
Though Makina's route is my favorite

>> No.9185491

I found yumiko pretty enjoyable as well. I like her personality, and her past is effective without being overblown like some of the others. But the action kind of sucks (lol turkey) and the plot feels a bit loose / slow

>> No.9185492

I'd say Yumiko is the most conventional, though all the routes are pretty different which is kind of nice, but the main appeal of her route was about Yumiko being moe as fuck

Makina = Thriller that goes crescendo in intensity
Amane = Angelic Howl, enough say
Michiru = What the fuck am I reading
Sachi = Nakige
Yumiko = Charage

>> No.9185723

From what I remember, it was basically the entire soundtrack that got changed. Some tracks were done to sound like Re-order's but they don't really match up.

>> No.9185742

Yeah, I was >>9185305 I mean, why? It's so much better it's not even funny.

>> No.9185847

Completely missed your post haha. No idea why they decided to change it, I was pretty shocked when I first fired it up and it was all so different.

>> No.9185964
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Thanks for the input. It is kind of light with those elements. It isn't nearly as hardcore as I was expecting. The fact that you know ahead of time where a girl is going to be makes it overly simple, and I'm not really sure I'd call it a dating sim with the way you're set on a girl's route by the fourth day.

Still, it's pretty good. The visuals are incredibly polished and beautiful, and the menus are slick. The music is also top-notch; there's a lot of relaxing and pleasant stuff there. I was put off by some of the voices at first, but I'm sure I'll get used to them when I actually do their routes.

Still, it's really weird how the male friend and uncle characters don't have sprites despite the fair number of lines and scenes they get.

>> No.9187420

Not entirely relevant to the thread, but I've had this problem. Periodically, the connection times out when I try to connect to Erogamescape. Refreshing the page and so on doesn't work, just for a period of time I can't access it at all. Has anyone else had this problem/knows of a fix.

>> No.9187887

I can't even access Egs myself, have to use proxys

>> No.9187921
File: 140 KB, 800x526, o0800052611282706749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found out a artist I like is doing the art for a VN. I'd like to know what it's about, but VNDB doesn't have anything on the plot and my moonspeak levels aren't at the level where I can make much use out of it. Still looks rather interesting. There's a trial out, but I didn't really bother with it. The website is here.


>> No.9187923

Egs access has been wonky for a lot of people, cutting off people at random. Only solution is to use proxies like anon said.

>> No.9187936
File: 182 KB, 800x450, o0800045011273430599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i just found this... Just how b
ad it is?
Should read it?

>> No.9188204 [SPOILER] 
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How odd, I have had no problem at all lately, and been searching some fairly recent prospective reads.

>> No.9188310


>> No.9188325

( Itoshii Kanojo no Mamorikata )

>> No.9188344

translation status?

>> No.9188357

Shoo off to:

>> No.9188360

I think you mean the thread below this.

>> No.9188547
File: 168 KB, 1296x778, ushinawaretamirai06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished 失われた未来を求めて after taking my sweet time on it.
Overall it was a little bit below my expectations.
Besides the art and the a bit better than average soundtrack, this guy probably the best thing about it. One of the best sidekick characters I've seen in a while. Those wacky americans amirite?
Nagisa was the next best thing about it, but the end of her route and the fact that she felt a bit detached from the plot as a whole compared to the other characters was a real shame.
And speaking of the plot... well, I'm not going to say I got everything, but I'm also not sure if there actually was a whole lot to get that I missed. It felt a bit all over the place.
Well, I only got around to it because the art looked nice anyway, and it sure as hell didn't disappoint in that aspect.

Also, can anyone explain what the YuiS screen is supposed to be? It seems like it would be some sort of scene select, but nothing happens when you click on the memory files. The fact that you can go there via the extras menu would suggest there's something to do there, but...

>> No.9188590

the YuiS is basically showing you memories/created of Yui and which you have gathered, for short it shows which Yui related choices you have chosen during the whole game. once each of the files is active (have done all the Yui choices in each chapter) you can get the true end.
also Yui was my favorite character, Nagisa was good too

>> No.9188659 [SPOILER] 
File: 234 KB, 1282x744, rewrite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally done with all the girls route in Rewrite... damn that took some time....
I'd say: Lucia > Shizuru > Kotori > Chihaya = Akane

now gogogogo true end!

>> No.9188665

Excuse me, but what's the source on OP's pic?

>> No.9188673


>> No.9188677
File: 190 KB, 1296x778, ushinawaretamirai04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I see. I guess I just naturally hit all the right flags while reading through all the other ends, so it was kind of confusing.
Also, I didn't think Makina's voice actress could do anything besides 'high pitched annoying', that might've been the biggest surprise while reading this.

>> No.9189154
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>> No.9189162

Never played Little busters? She was 3 characters in it.

>> No.9189317
File: 168 KB, 1280x1024, hoshizora_hina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother of God, my heart.
I normally find it kind of obnoxious when girls try to speak like cats nyan moe moe desu~, but when Hina does it, it's fucking adorable.
I don't think I can take much more of this. I can't wait until I finally reach her route.

>> No.9189628

That one looks too deep for me, but I'll be glad to hear more about it, too.

>> No.9189668

I like their previous works.


>> No.9190059

I've seen some people talk about it in other places, what is it about?

>> No.9190580

Finished the Dolphin Divers trial. Pretty generic and only Tsukimi really appeals to me out of the main heroines. AXL keeps disappointing me lately so I'll probably just dig into my backlog this month.

>> No.9190745
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I fucking love her

It's Cross Channel x Saihate no Ima basically.
From Cross Channel it got the protagonist, Shimaji is basically Taichi 2.0.
Though unlike Taichi he isn't really into sexual harassment so it's easier to like him.
The setting is really well thought-out and developed and the infodump is done through a hyper-links like Saihate

The writing is really excellent so it doesn't really feel like a rip-off when you pass the first 30 minutes and in some ways it does things better than CC and Saihate (though I'm not going to consider it better than CC just yet)

>> No.9191083

Too bad her route is the worst of all the girls there. Just giving you a heads up.

>> No.9191294
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>> No.9191393

Since it's before noon, the air temperature isn't that high yet.

>> No.9191423 [DELETED] 










WHATA FUCK MAN xD i just fall of my chair kuz i couldnt and i CANT stop laugh



whatr the HELL


i just fall of my chair kuz i couldnt and i CANT stop laugh










>> No.9192447

What's it about? Hell what is



>> No.9192722
File: 202 KB, 1280x800, artemis blue 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dying over here

>> No.9193232

I played only the first bit of the trial some months ago, but it was very surreal, about girls who wear particular dresses/roles at rotation (so the maid becomes dancer and so on) while fighting against creatures in a big house that fucks with dimensions and shit. Sort of like Beetlejuice, except serious.

>> No.9193382

Haru why so good

>> No.9193523
File: 34 KB, 438x275, gaijin_not_allowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This struck me as curious, but not surprising. How many of you have encountered something similar and where?

>> No.9193674


Back then some required Tokyo time zone on top of JP locale, that's about it for me.

>> No.9193885

This is from 13cm's newer game, by the way.

>> No.9193949

isn't that the generic no gaijins allowed error that the RealLive/Siglus-engine gives? it's in pretty much every game that uses said engine in past few years. its really annoying. also Delta/Triangle has it in their engine too of places where I have run into the gaijin block

>> No.9193985
File: 444 KB, 806x625, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Little Busters last night. Dear god the waterworks. I couldn't read for the tears half the time in Refrain.

In the mean time, this is bothering the shit out of me. I've figured out the rest of the things, but apparently I'm missing a CG and cannot for the life of me figure out where it is. It's either a Kud or Kurugaya CG, but I assume Kud, based on placement.

>> No.9194493
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Which one will be released first?

>> No.9194525 [SPOILER] 
File: 473 KB, 813x4757, aerial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Aerial CGs from this week's livestream.

>> No.9194527

Interesting, I hope my Japanese is up to par when it comes out later this year.

>> No.9194560

Damn, I think this confirm Ryoko will be fucked by Shuu.
Her CG look similar to his' while Shin is more of the pure love holding hands with the light on type.

>> No.9194570
File: 23 KB, 806x626, Uchuujin eroge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I've seen it around, its hardly stops you playing really.

>> No.9194586

looking good, also Miku nurse outfit scene my diiiick. that last CG is pretty um... interesting

>> No.9194587

I thought Girl's work was going to be anime only though.

>> No.9194713

So I want to start Ikusa Megami Verita, but I haven't played any of the Princess General games. Would you recommend me play through the games or read the novelised version of it?

Ideally I would like to go through the games, but I have a huge backlog and don't want to spend too much time on them if the novel covers everything in the story anyhow.

>> No.9194768

Yeah, just like DRM. Just because we can circumvent it doesn't mean we shouldn't oppose it aggressively. We shouldn't have to circumvent it.

>> No.9194778 [DELETED] 

It's strange. They have us filthy Western pirates in mind, but I don't see why they bother. We're not stealing your sales because we can't easily buy the game. Release it in the West if you care. There's this thing called the "Internet" where you can distribute software in exchange for money.

>> No.9194783


The last version of Princess General 2 implements a win button. If you don't care for the game you can just skip the game parts.

>> No.9194793

It's purely out of xenophobia and exclusivity, as it turns out people who stay inside and develop games are more or less of the mindset with an extremely narrow worldview.

>> No.9194818

Skip the first, gameplay is clunky and the plot isn't really anything worth writing home about. The second is pretty good if you like Fire Emblem like gameplay, but it kinda shows its age and the plot is distributed through events you can choose between stages. So if all you're interested in is digesting the series, I'd say read the novels.
You'll probably feel a bit less attachment to Liui's side of Verita, but on the other side you won't feel as much pain when you're stuck with the his most annoying heroine and all the likeable ones get shafted to one or two appearances.

>> No.9194824

Oh, and less rage at an awesome antagonist turning into moeblob is good too I guess

>> No.9194901


>> No.9194912

Good to hear about the battle skipping, suppose I can do that if I get bored of the gameplay. I'll give it a go then, thanks guys.

>> No.9195012

It has nothing to do with western pirates. And I'm pretty sure it's built into some of the game engines, and has very little to do with the developers themselves.

>> No.9195946 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 801x598, pf-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had a great route Ema, best I've read so far. Especially the inn part and this scene
Now on to Rikako.

>> No.9196250

Just finished all episodes in 時計仕掛けのレイライン's trial, but H scene buttons remain blocked. Does anyone have those buttons unlocked, or it's just a dummy for futher update or something?

>> No.9196547

I've been procrasinating like fuck, but I've finally got Steins;gate. I haven't seen the anime yet either.

What 2 expect /jp/?

>> No.9196609
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Why can't more eroge do this?

>> No.9196714
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My Root Double came in!

I'll probably upload the opening on YT and the soundtrack on MF later for those who are interested.

>> No.9196870

I would think it'd be better to have many more expressions with only a couple of outfits, than a bunch of outfits but the same face for all of them.

>> No.9197051
File: 108 KB, 1019x571, eromaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this scene.
I thought Sachi was pure.

>> No.9197057

The only pure girl is Michiru and only because she's dumb as a brick.

>> No.9197083

>CGは時間と金なり! 会社をパトロンにするな!


>> No.9197164


That meeting was great, and shouldn't you known by that time Sachi was rather easy with all those sexual innuendos? The common route was not really lacking in those.

>> No.9197211 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 800x598, Rikako, so good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Parfait 2nd.
Rikako's ending parts couldn't have beenn more perfedct, teh way they tied with what is shown on the normal ending and how you slowly begin to understand the meaning of those simple sentences was incredible, especially with 夢のその先 as BGM.
Parfait works great as healing game after all, I thought it would be a bit more drama heavy but I'm glad it wasn't, it leaves such a warm and happy feeling after you finish.

>> No.9197264 [SPOILER] 
File: 167 KB, 1034x800, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a bit more time to go further in JQV and finished another chapter.
This scene was far too awesome to be real

>> No.9197493

Rikako was love.

>> No.9197543
File: 566 KB, 1024x576, sofamiliar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally started Sousouki Reginald despite having it since it came out.
I swear, this girl looks oddly familiar somehow, but I just can't place where I've seen her before.

>> No.9197559

God, that bit really was amazing, and 夢のその先 is perfect for it as well. Stop making me want to re-read it right now instead of clearing up my backlog!

>> No.9197675

Shinkyoku Sōkai Polyphonica is the only thing that comes to mind. Don't even know the characters name.

>> No.9197690

That's the joke. It seems my sarcasm didn't transmit well enough.

>> No.9197706

It probably did. I just don't know anything about the VN or show, so I didn't catch on.

>> No.9197845

/jp/, help me! I'm playing saya no uta, but I don't know if I want it all back or I Don't need it anymore . ;_;

>> No.9197879

Save, then the first one.

>> No.9198087

Nagi sex scene confirmed.
I'm getting a boner just by watching the last CG

>> No.9198098

It's a fucking copy of Corti

>> No.9198917

Makki, Shoujobyou will probably be out next year, so that's the best bet.

>> No.9199716

One choice leads to an ending, the other leads to the continuation of the story. Save at choice points so you can come back and choose the other option later. (And in case you're new to VNs, it's generally good to save in a separate slot at all choice points in any VN, just in case you find yourself suddenly at a point of no return towards a bad end.)

>> No.9199844
File: 782 KB, 1920x1080, Sup brahs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this and the voice patch.

Is this shit gonna be cash?

Pic very related.

>> No.9199905


>> No.9199914

hmm i think you better tell this in /vg/ son

>> No.9200058

is getting a sequel.
Oh you Giga

>> No.9200100

What is?
Material Brave?

>> No.9200108
File: 212 KB, 1034x800, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's complicated.

Anyways I just entered the last chapter, I'll probably finally finish it tomorrow.
But I just have to say something.
JQV is a masterpiece, the best eroge I read in a long long time.
I'd go as far to say that it's the best thing I read since Muramasa
It probably just agree with my sensibility a lot so other people won't think the same but goddam I'm loving it.

You have to accept that it was heavily influenced by Cross Channel and Saihate though, this girl for example is an unholy mix of Youko + Touko +Kiri

>> No.9200114

I don't know what happened, sorry

>> No.9200128

Is it as difficult to read as CC or just average?

>> No.9200143

About the same as CC

>> No.9200195

So nearly impossible for someone who can just read moege in japanese, I suppose I'll have to wait one year or two to read it.

>> No.9200236

well fuck i'm in

>> No.9200257

Enjoy your 20 year backlog... I know I will.

>> No.9200412
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>> No.9200432

I'm okay with this.

>> No.9200449

I'm looking for something "dark" like the black cyc games, but preferably without gore. Anyone know one?
Yes I know I can look myself, but it's more fun to ask /jp/.

>> No.9200455
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Enjoy your all ages

>> No.9200482
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New Minori

>> No.9200495
File: 568 KB, 1600x1200, purestformoflove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in shortage of VN with good blood-related imouto routes. What do you guys recommend?

>> No.9200515

Sounds interesting. What's the full name?

>> No.9200535

J.Q.V 人類救済部 ~With love from isotope~

>> No.9200545

Is there a translation?

>> No.9200573

If you're asking, I believe it should be obvious.

>> No.9200588

From which game bottom-left image is? Looks familiar...
>What do you guys recommend?
+1 (exc. obvious on pic)
and from me, Ore no Kanojo no Uraomote, HareTen have pretty interesting blood-related imouto routes.

>> No.9200597

You wonder if a really obscure doujin vn of medium length released exactly one month ago has a translation, really?

>> No.9200610

That's Real Imouto ga Iru

>> No.9200738


>> No.9200750

Well looks like I won't read Supipara anytime soon

>> No.9200765

Peasant here, was the desired release date of 2014 subject of change or was a delay until 2014 seeming more likely?

>> No.9200802

Supipara#01 bombed.
They were going to drop the series but some people (producers?) told them not to worry about money and make a the number 2.
So they are going to make it and it's going to be released in 2014 or something

>> No.9200808

Oops, read it badly.
They won't make a sequel, "今回の作品" refer to this >>9200482

Minori is in deep shit

>> No.9200816


>> No.9200819

big tits i'm in

>> No.9200832

It's not going to be released in 2014, the new title that was just announced was supposed to be released in 2014 but they're making it now because Supipara failed.
Supipara might get finished as novels but there won't be any more games after 01.

>> No.9200843


>> No.9200851 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9200848 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 159x158, th_jesuschristhowfiddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moemoe girls VN general?

>> No.9200853 [DELETED] 

I don't think this board if for you.

>> No.9200855 [DELETED] 

Stfu. He owned you all.

>> No.9200979

It hasn't even been a day since Inoue started using twitter and he's already almost at 100 tweets. Quite the change from when his blog was often going 6 months without a single update.

>> No.9201142

That's what they get for making it all-ages.

>> No.9201451

So I've been a bit out of the loop.
Anything good released this year?

>> No.9201477

There'sn been grisaia no meikyuu if you read kajitsu, kaminoyu, the new venus blood, JQV we've been talking about in this thread seems good too, soukou no arterial if you are into TCG, though story and voice acting are terrible, monobeno if you like glorious art and loli. Darcu riot too if you are into yuzusoft titles, also & sora no mukou wasn't bad.
Also the trials for sousei kittan aerial and zero infinity, tokyo babel and tokeijikake no leyline.
Don't get close to material brave.

>> No.9201484

>& sora no mukou wasn't bad.
what did that one end up being about anyways? modern setting with supernatural elements? fantasy? dimensiona/time travel? no-nonsense realism?

>> No.9201490

>modern setting with supernatural elements
But the plot isn't interesting and the characters pretty bland, the writing is good though

>> No.9201494

JQV >>>>> Harukuru > Mahoyo = Oozora > Kaminoyu
From what I've played, without considering Meikyuu or TDA (waiting for them to be complete)

>> No.9201504

Oh wow, is that first pic a SPOOK hive? Looks fearsome.

And 8th pic...fuck yes, making sweet love with Nagi.

>> No.9201530

Inoue calls it a 'nest'.

And yes, consensual intercourse with the OS of a mech pleases me greatly.

>> No.9201531

One thing I don't get is Mirai being a nurse while Shin hasn't aged much from the looks of the H scene.
I still expect some timeskips

>> No.9201539

It's Miku.
I'm guessing that the reason's similar to that of Risa and Tsuchiya becoming full pilots.
And besides, they're already 3rd years, so I don't know if a very long timeskip is necessary for them to become working people.

>> No.9201547

Shit, I always call her Mirai for soem reason, but the events we saw were in december and they graduate by June, I suppose she still needs some kind of training and all, so I expect a few months.

>> No.9201549

Well, the reason is kinda obvious, considering she's 未来 and all.

>> No.9201572

also MIku was said to be quite good at nursing when she was working temporary at the hospital, so it wouldn't be far fetched to think that when hospital would need more people fast she would be called. have to wonder too what might cause that crying CG of her too

>> No.9201579

The bro died. Shin must suffer and everyone he loves must get killed till it's only him and Nagi.

>> No.9201585

I was thinking of playing boku to bokura no natsu.
Any recommended route order or I can do whatever without risks?

>> No.9201592

Will any pigs be featured?

>> No.9201590


>> No.9201593

Which bro? The real bro Shuu or the blonde guy that always hangs with them?

Anyway, I fully support a Shin/Nagi ending.

>> No.9201596

The blong guy.
I don't discard Shuu getting killed in some incredibly badass scene fitting of his character protecting Ryoko or something.

>> No.9201632

i'm hope we get this end bro

>> No.9201667

Not really.
Touko is the yuri ntr route if that's your thing

>> No.9201679

Oh wow. Thanks for answering.

>> No.9201793
File: 148 KB, 1279x719, 1340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotori > Amane > Twins > Ageha
The common route was the best part though

>> No.9201813

What's the deal with minori, anyway? I tried to play the Supipara demo but it lagged so horribly I couldn't get through it. Ever since then, I had a negative opinion of them.
I never read any of their titles because they looked boring.
The scenery porn is great and all, but are any of their works decent?

>> No.9201879

The only Minori I've tried to read is ef, but I was bored as hell and dropped it after the second chapter. It has pretty good reviews, so maybe it picks up later, but I doubt I'll ever bother going back to it.

>> No.9201889

I've read it. I was promised a more or less realistic depiction of a rejected heroine and all I got was a bitch.
I liked the last chapter though, Yuuko was love.

>> No.9202103

Finished this as well. Honestly I'd probably have enjoyed it more if I'd only done the Kotori and Amane routes. The twins' route wasn't bad like Ageha's route, but even here the writer change was slightly jarring and overall it felt more "eroge-like" as someone commented on EGS

>> No.9202125

I too got bored with ef, but I think eden* was pretty good in comparison. Short enough to not get tangled up with annoyingly long dragging drama and I also liked the setting more. Shion is moe as fuck.

>> No.9202138

ya, I think its pretty safe to say that eden* is the best minori work.

>> No.9202286 [DELETED] 

this is awesome

>> No.9202361 [DELETED] 

Awesome? fck u

>> No.9202374 [DELETED] 

Oh shit, what do I do now? ;_; Lolicon isn't illegal here though...

>> No.9202381 [DELETED] 

this redirects to a bad search on imagefap

don't click it

>> No.9202388

The admin of that site only put that up to scare away people searching and/or uploading child porn.

>> No.9202387

Finished what?

>> No.9202389

By the way, if you add "+" to a bitly url you can see info about the redirection. That url was created by "desutoyou", some faggot that has an account on canvas.

>> No.9202419

not who you replied to but it's この大空に、翼をひろげて

>> No.9202491

Itaru's art may be shit but god does Akane make me hard.
I fucking hate the fact that Rewrite is all ages

>> No.9202494

If it wasn't, she'd have a different VA.

>> No.9202975
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>> No.9203002
File: 826 KB, 1024x576, chuunisogood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought I didn't like chuuni.

Though, I'm still a little bit frustrated at the seemingly random insertion of my're waifu, except for merchandising purposes.
Even though that's the only reason I bought this.

>> No.9203386

Awakening to chuuni is always a nice thing.

>> No.9203410
File: 376 KB, 800x600, CU03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone who wants to play Sono Hanabira 6, I have taken the tanslated scripts from http://wiki.yuriproject.org/kuchibiru_to_kiss_de_tsubuyaite and compiled them into a raw copy of the game. I have only patched the main text, all the menus and such are still in their original form. Going to post a link to the MSD file, once I have uploaded it, if people want it.
I do not take credit for any translations. That goes to the people at http://wiki.yuriproject.org.. I only put the translations into the game.
Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/86532583/MSD

>> No.9203672

Best off posting in the TL status thread or on /vg/, no one in this thread needs translations anymore.

>> No.9203709

Speak for yourself. Then fuck off.

Thank you, this is incredibly welcome news. No matter where you post it. Kudos on your hard work.

>> No.9203715 [DELETED] 

Fucking english only pieces of shit ruining the VN generals.

>> No.9203718

Trying too hard.

>> No.9203720

I read VNs in Japanese, too, but there's no need to be a douchebag about it.

>> No.9203723

Now all you need is someone who cares. good luck finding them after the shitravesties of ef and Wind

>> No.9203730

I'll tell you if you tell me what game the last image is from (the one not Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka, Yosuga no Sora or Real Imouto).

>> No.9203738

Finished the Robotics;Notes trial. It was fun, but it didn't feel like a Science Adventure title. More like Robot Wars: the VN.

>> No.9203747 [DELETED] 

There you go.

>> No.9203820

Tasogare no Sinsemilla

>> No.9204070
File: 196 KB, 800x600, 17602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone talking about real imoutos eh?

I loved this one. It was simple and cute


>> No.9204080
File: 423 KB, 1024x640, irete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This imouto was like the only reason to play this game. But she was a pretty cute imouto

Miyabi was okay too I guess.

>> No.9204134
File: 269 KB, 1030x672, 616161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9204177

This is not NTR, right?

>> No.9204224

Did the title make you think that? It's just referring to the bullshit farce all the heroines put on in public. Sister pretends to hate her brother even though she's really a brocon, Miyabi is absolutely perfect at school but lazy and sarcastic at home, transfer student pretends to talk like an ojousama even though she's not, and the childhood friend...


What does the childhood friend do

>> No.9204262

Yeah, it did. Makers at least have the decency to tell you what the contents of the game are about in the title like "Indecent Breasts Stepmother Kimiko ~ The Paizuraing ~"

>> No.9204348
File: 215 KB, 794x593, 1333154779577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been searching for a DL link for KiraKira, can anyone help out? I found a torrent, but it's barely seeded and won't go pass a few kB/s.

I'd appreciate it.

>> No.9204458

Funny how all the sisters in that pic are the canon choice for their brothers. Are there more VNs where the sister is the true girl?

>> No.9204481

Anyone got a torrent or DL for Monmusu Quest 2?

>> No.9204477

Are you seriously asking that? Because we're going to end up with a massive list if you are.

>> No.9204501

Fine, let me narrow it down, then:

What are the BEST VNs in which the protagonist's BLOOD-RELATED sister is the true end girl?

>> No.9204506

Minori isn't really the canon choice, it's just the one the anime went with.

Yuuhi is probably closer to being the canon choice

>> No.9204513
File: 186 KB, 1200x900, guishen_0187EV_MINA2_N_01_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshizora fandisc confirms Minato is canon

>> No.9204526

The coupling was made canon in the fandisk of a shitty sequel written by different writers? Fuck that shit

>> No.9204528


that's right.

>> No.9204557

The best ones in my opinion in no particular order.

Clover Point

Now that I think about it, I guess there aren't that many games where the sister is also the main/true girl. There's a lot more with the sister as just another heroine though.

>> No.9204576

Haven't heard of that one. Blood related?
Not sure if I start playing it now or wait until the translation is finished
>Clover Point
VNDB confirms blood-related. Thanks
Played it. My favorite so far
Played it and the fandisc. Sora route is the best. Currently waiting for the new Sphere imouto game

>> No.9204670

How was I being a douchebag about it? I just told him he'd be better off posting it in a thread/board where it'd be more appreciated. Unless you're assuming I'm the idiot with the deleted post.

And you calm it.

>> No.9204824

No, she really is the canon story.
The word 'Akaneiro ni Somaru Saka' appears on her route only. cmiiww

>> No.9204880

Personally i don't care if my favorite girl is the true girl/has the canon route,
as long as it's good and i like her i'm fine.

Well, there was that one eroge where i went all "yay" that my fav girl was canon.

>> No.9204904

fuck canon routes
that just means the route the dumb author would have pickjed

>> No.9204923

I don't think canon routes are just that, if it's done good, a true route may represents the real story in it's entirety, the idea on what the novel was built on.

What i think is that all girls should look viable choices withouth the story having to hang around on true routes and whatnot.

>> No.9205072 [SPOILER] 
File: 331 KB, 800x600, yukyu076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the first time a fandisc confirms a girl being the canon choice

>> No.9205206

Minato is the main (and best) heroine in the game, what do you expect?

>> No.9205378

It's not like it needed confirmation in Sharin's case.

>> No.9205712

Anyone in for Kamidori?
I love that game.

>> No.9205746

Just started Garden (by cuffs), with 3.0 patch and....no voices! Why? All chars have a cast, vndb says fully voiced and there are voice.noa in game folder...What's the problem?

>> No.9205777

If you're into chuuni try Fortissimo, the scenario is meh but the characters and their interactions are funny.

>> No.9205784

>Clover Point
take in note too, thanks
If i'm remember correctly, yes.
And one another game come to my mind - 夏ノ雨, though Rikako only half-blood-related.

>> No.9205800

And what chuuni means anyway??

>> No.9205799

I have that one, but never got to play it. The art kind of reminds me of Yosuga. Is there any connection?

>> No.9205841

Which is the most definite version of fortissimo anyway? nächsten Phase?

>> No.9205899

To be exactly, if I go shiori 1 > "game start", then Ruri voiced. If I choose "Erika", no one of whom appeared after ~20min reading not voiced. Is it should be so?

>> No.9205906
File: 208 KB, 1034x800, 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished JQV
Well what can I say, it's a masterpiece
The last part was pretty SF but everything was done quite well.
I already said that it's basically a mix of Cross Channel and Saihate no Ima and it's pretty much this.
It takes the strengths of both but not the weaknesses, the final result is near perfect.
I don't know how many times the writer went through the text but there is basically no defect in the storytelling.
Considering it's a doujin it's quite something

Anyways it's easily the best thing released this year so far

>> No.9205958

I guess chuuni is the word used to describe "shounen" titles, full of powerlevel and fights, but since shounen is for manga people use chuuni, which is more obscure as well, for novels.

>> No.9206057

Does it have routes or is completely linear or kinda like cross channel?

>> No.9206079

Linear, no choices

>> No.9206083

Good tlo know.

>> No.9206213
File: 316 KB, 1280x720, 5676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Makina so cute?

>> No.9206252

She's made of dreams, sunshine and dirty jokes.

>> No.9206330
File: 406 KB, 1000x563, 1340217377050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh a date

>> No.9206455


>> No.9206567

>Finished JQV
>Well what can I say, it's a masterpiece
Hurp durp look at me saying masterpiece. Go lick my ass you fucking useless hypemachine.

>> No.9206697

Best ending /jp/.

>> No.9206769

What the fuck, you can't praise something now?

>> No.9206793


>> No.9207652

Anyone have any suggestions for any mystery VNs with a detective/private eye protagonist? Preferably with minimal sexual content (or none at all if possible).

>> No.9207681

Machi and 428

>> No.9207721

Thanks. Machi looks very interesting.

>> No.9207993
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>> No.9208003

I'm reading damekoi.
How do exactly the routes work in this? Do they just branch of and continue indepently?

>> No.9208094

They branch off from the episodes if I recall correctly. Like one girls route might come at the end of episode 6, but if you don't go on it, it would keep going on to episode 7 8 etc.

>> No.9208384

Vn newfag, first one i played was Katawa Shoujo and i personally enjoyed it a lot. I'm not sure /jp/ feels about it though. I last looked at one of those VN and quite a few suggested Little Busters so currently I am playing that.

>> No.9208392

Do yourself a favor and never mention KS here again.

>> No.9208399

Move to the /vg/ thread.
You'll be much more welcome there.

>> No.9208406

How come recently more than half the posts in these threads have been trolls or people responding to trolls?

>> No.9208671

So where do you guys get your VNs?

>> No.9209725

Cool your jets, nerds.

>> No.9209874
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>> No.9209888

Go back to facebook.

>> No.9210739

Like G-senjou, you get choices during some chapters, if you choose the heroine specific one you enter her route, otherwise you continue the common route

>> No.9210748

How are the routes length wise?
I just started Kaya's, do they feel more like side routes in contrast to Mitoko's or are they the same more or less?

>> No.9210831

Not very long, they are worth reading though.
And you have to read all the routes to get to the final chapter

>> No.9210954

Tech Gian just started their site for user-submitted reviews:


>> No.9211014 [DELETED] 

Thanks nerd. Now kindly fuck off.

>> No.9211067

New aggregate site with a clean slate, should be interesting to see how it develops. EGS is kind of fucked up at this point anyway.

>> No.9211250


>> No.9211258

Oh, look, it's these faggots again:
I was actually hoping that the VN would be more standalone, but oh well.

>> No.9211263

They are still the main cause of the virus, hopefully they won't appear much.

>> No.9211291

man I'm gonna miss EGS' design and interface

>> No.9211317

正田崇 @masada_takashi


Masada >>>> Urobuchi

>> No.9211436

he indirectly shat on higashide too if I'm not mistaken

>> No.9211762

So what's the plot of this J.Q.V. about?
Everyone keeps talking about it.

>> No.9211773

More like few idiots hyping the shit out of it for no reason.

>> No.9211784

Thta's why I'd like to hear the plot of this novel and hear why it should be such a masterpiece, for the plot? for the writing?

>> No.9211795

Or because they liked it, and from what I'm seeing in egs it's getting more and more popular.

Seeing people review or post impressions of some obscure eroge is pretty much the main reason I still come here

>> No.9211823

Some guy in the Romeo thread of 2ch posted this




Still have to read it myself

>> No.9211843

But they never elaborate what they mean and are generally vague as fuck. I've lost count of how many times I've been disappointed by pointless hype.

>> No.9211850

Why don't you just try it and form your own opinion?

>> No.9211872

Honestly it's easy enough, play it if you like Romeo/Cross channel.
I'm not his biggest fan so I prefer to keep reading my backlog instead.

>> No.9211875

maybe the problem lies in your expectations rather than people praising something? That guys said the writing is good and is similar to other games you should have played, if that's too vague do you want a 30-lines literary review or something?

>> No.9211993

Then just forget about it for a month, and see how it fairs on EGS and such. Or don't play it at all. If you're deceived, you are the only one at fault.

>> No.9212096

Yet nobody answered my question.

>> No.9212108

The problem is that it's hard to talk about the plot without spoiling.
I'll say there are 2 sides to the plot, one side is the psychological approach of the characters and especially the protagonist.
The other side is about the setting and what the fuck is happening.
The setting is post-apocalyptic, due to several reasons humanity has been pretty much destroyed and there are 2 continuous storyline, one takes place in the present and show how the last 3 survivors deal with that situation, the second takes place a few months before when there were still around 100 survivors.

The writing is definitely the main reason to read it and it's really, really excellent, I'm not hyping for no reason, it seriously has some of the best and most consistent writing I've seen in the media
And unlike Cross Channel that only focused on the psychological approach leaving the "plot" a bit behind JQV actually has quite a good plot with some really good revelations.

I won't say it's perfect, personally I thought that the explanations at the end could have been a bit stronger but it's consistently good from the beginning to the end.
I can understand it's probably not clear enough for you but I really can't say more without spoiling shit

>> No.9212138

>Romeo thread of 2ch

>> No.9212152

That's enough, thank you for sharing your opinion.
Mind telling me its length and difficulty as well?
Besides I haven't even read CC so I don't know Romeo's style.

>> No.9212183

15 hours.
For the difficulty, well it uses the odd kanji at times I guess, I don't think it was hard though
Also you should really read CC (in japanese)

>> No.9212194

I guess CC is a bit too much for me, since Romeo should have a quite peculiar writing style, but I could give JQV a try, I'm curious.

>> No.9212263

You kids should read real Japanese books if you want some good prose and literary value, leave VNs for porns.

>> No.9212283

I've got your mother for porns

>> No.9212359


>> No.9212767
File: 112 KB, 640x480, 4499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about read this novel.
Ayone have played it before?

>> No.9212976

Hated protagonist for being a pussy at the end of the janitor events, in the 'dark' path. Seriously, this is one of those 50+ choices games. You can be a total ass to her and it still won't really matter when it fucking should.

The game has the hottest janitor sexual harassment scenes I've ever read. And the biggest asshole uncalled cock-block ever, I've mentioned it before.

Story is okay. You can choose to be nice to her too. Eat her bento or throw it to the bin. Make her piss herself in class or not and so on. Game has many ero scenes after the end of various events with janitor, didn't bother to read them - used save 100% to see the CGs.

Good game that could be great. If bullying turns you on, it's the game for you.

For those that don't know the name of the VN it's: いたいけな彼女

>> No.9212992

I'm sure KitaEri would make a good eroge seiyuu

>> No.9213052

*That janitor should be a pe teacher. Or maybe he was both? Can't remember now.

>> No.9214987
File: 121 KB, 921x695, mebae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. The sister is pretty hot, especially in tennis uniform.

I'm not sure what I will read next. Maybe Gunjou no Sora.

>> No.9215002
File: 40 KB, 550x800, figma-miyafuji-yoshika-strike-witches-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Sanya dubbing an eroge!

>> No.9215604
File: 462 KB, 1000x686, 1340283303601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9215875

The CGs are now up on the website, for people interested in the ero CGs with less SD Miku.

>> No.9215887

Looks like Shin will be the one to fuck Ryoko seeing the cgs.
Shuu should be more muscular.

>> No.9215891

Is Katawa Shoujo translated?

>> No.9215994

I don't think so.

>> No.9216083

/jp/, I'm afraid. How are they going to put stuff on P2P since Share has been proven unsafe? Has anyone been found on the Perfect Dark yet?

>> No.9216122

is there a reason this means anything to people outside Japan? I mean all you care about are uploaders, and considering stuff is getting uploaded in spite of laws it shouldn't change much, without considering chinese or taiwanese uploaders who really aren't touched by japanese law

>> No.9216143

I read somewhere that PD routes connections through few peers (like tor of freenet), so determining whether you are downloading something or just being a middleman is not easy. Or they can just throw you in jail for being a part of the network.

>> No.9216165

Well, the police will be able to go after Japanese downloaders too, so they'll download less which in turn will make uploaders upload less. It's not like they're uploading stuff for foreigners in the first place.
I haven't been following the news lately, has anyone been arrested for using PD?
If >>9216143 is right about anonymity in PD, then our supply lines aren't going to be cut, I hope.

>> No.9216176
File: 95 KB, 797x524, damekoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himeo is absolutely adorable, I love what they did to her character and her progression from dumb ojou.

>> No.9216243
File: 13 KB, 208x170, rubbarubba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ pls help.
I'm kinda a little bit new to VNs
You guys are okay with that, right? I've seen you tell bully's off and stuff so you must be nice
I want to know the best way to get Fate/Stay Night with latest English Translation patch.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

>> No.9216247

Have you tried erogedownload? That should have the latest patches for it.

>> No.9216290

Thanks for the reply.
would the links on this webpage be the ones you mean? http://erogedownload.com/downloads/fatestay-night/
I just want to make sure before I download.

>> No.9216295

Thy should, it should come with a couple of additional patches for new CGs and voices, so just check when you start if it's voiced, if it is, it's ok.

>> No.9216305
File: 30 KB, 297x393, awyeahgoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks very much anon, that sounds great!
I hope you have a good rest of you day or night.

>> No.9216330

I don't know, its pretty hard to tell the build from the CG and the whole CG is more Shuu like, compare it to the CGs with Shin. so I still would say its Shuu

>> No.9217049

Didn't expected an animated OP for that Atled remake.


How was the doujin version anyway?

>> No.9217514

The writing felt a bit light and amateurish but it had some charm

>> No.9217563

LEWDNESS is out, for the enthusiasts

>> No.9217607

I always wondered how the sex scenes in force/sky were so bad compared to the ones Murasaki writes for these games.

>> No.9217920

Which is your main download source of untranslated VN?
I find it really hard to find some of them, I always find only torrents without seeds or broken links

>> No.9217980
File: 269 KB, 1017x767, herewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for the enthusiasts
Is that supposed to be some euphemism for scat-fetishists? Oh well, still giving this a try, Starless was kind of amusing in all of its depraved glory so I'm curious how bad things can get in this one.

>> No.9217991


>> No.9218179

            ――――――さ ぁ ふ え る が い い



Greatest writing of our time

>> No.9218195

There's a reason it got rewritten, I couldn't even finish the first trial.

>> No.9218202

It wasn't "rewritten", only a few parts in the beginning.
And this come from the complete version

>> No.9218206

Oh god, I'm not playing it then, it's incredibly annoying to read.

>> No.9218322


Does the writer think this makes the scenery more realistic? Seems more like a lazy way to describe the downpour to me.

>> No.9218386 [DELETED] 

So.../vg/ get Otome General
well now /jp/ is realy dead. >>7438597

>> No.9218431

thx bro i'm download this now

>> No.9218460

all 8 ending are awesome in Starless i'm hote Lewdness is good

>> No.9218496

I thought everybody was already accostumed. There's a lot of worse things than stupid onomatopoeia on your daily eroge, and even "appraised" writers like Ou Jackson commit redundancy (aside from the proposital ones).

>> No.9218529

Onomatopoeia ad nauseam isn't the only problem of this text.
And don't compare Ou's text with this bullshit please

>> No.9218725

New thread >>9218717
