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9181282 No.9181282 [Reply] [Original]

The few clothes I own are falling apart and I need new ones, but the stuff from amazon etc is overprized as hell.
So, where can a poor shut-in order something cheap?

>> No.9181295

Salvation Army

>> No.9181304

Same boat as you, honestly one of the big reasons I don't want to get a job, is because I only have like 2-3 decent looking pairs of clothes.

>> No.9181310

Target / Walmart

t shirt + sweatpants

>> No.9181316
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Do you happen to wear a fedora, socks/sandals, a trench coat, and a k-on shirt too?

>> No.9181322

I have a K-ON shirt.

Would never get caught dead in the rest of those though.

>> No.9181325

Do you even know what sweatpants are

>> No.9181330

tracksuits and sweatpants

>> No.9181331
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Go to a thrift store. People donate nice clothes for no apparent reason.

Alternatively you have Walmart, which will be more expensive, but you're almost sure to have one right up the block.

>> No.9181337

But that means I have to leave the house...

>> No.9181339

I think OP means he wants to order clothing online.

>> No.9181342


Yes, why would I be talking about them if I didn't?

>> No.9181345

If I'm after a really nice sweater or dress I'll buy it new.

Otherwise, thrift stores have lovely unique clothing...well some do.

>> No.9181348

I haven't gone shopping for my own clothes since I entered middle school 9 years ago. My parents bought me three pairs of of shorts about three years ago.

>> No.9181367

You can shop by price


Damn cheap clothing here


Not really cheap but



>> No.9181372

You can try going door to door and begging for cloths. Some people will give you cloths out of guilt.

>> No.9181381

Go to uniqlo.

The stuff there is cheap, but will last a long time. Especially if you buy from the discount racks.

>> No.9181383

Why would you need clothes if you don't go outside?

>> No.9181384

Is there a cheap online shop for Germans?

>> No.9181394


I don't speak German but I think this will work


>> No.9181414

Sometimes I have to get out so the government doesn't stop giving me money.
It would be pretty bad if I went there and didn't have something to cover my lewd parts.

>> No.9181426


>> No.9181440

All my clothes are from walmart. If something gets worn I just go buy another article to replace it.

I really don't care about fashion at all, just as long as what I'm wearing is warm and is close enough to fitting. Hell if I'm going to spend $50 on pants and the thought of wearing something that some guy sweat in for a year irks me enough to stay away from thrift stores.

>> No.9181450

Uniqlo is cheap.

If you live in Shithole McNowhereville, then yes, the local MongoloidMart will be cheaper, but you'll look like a fucking retard.

>> No.9181466

Why would you wear clothes if you are always at your room?

>> No.9181474

anyone else only wears their underwear during the summer months?

>> No.9181483

I still wear my clothes from high school, which I had bought at Kohls when my sister took me to the city. I live in a tiny town, though, so the only place I can actually get to is Walmart. When I need new clothes, those will do for my staying insde/going to the convenience store. I might need new pants soon, all of mine have torn pant legs.

I haven't worn underwear in 8 years.

>> No.9181495

I am still wearing my clothes from the highschool days, I never really grew so that kinda helped.

>> No.9181521

Where the fuck do you have access to uniqlo?
There are only three US stores, all in NYC

>> No.9181527

I've had the same clothes since I lost a lot of weight like 5.5 years ago now. No reason to buy new ones since I hardly ever leave the house.

>> No.9181530

I bet your pants smell rancid

>> No.9181532
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What's going on in this thread?

>> No.9181538
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>Where the fuck do you have access to uniqlo?

>There are only three US stores, all in NYC

That feel when you're an ultra-genius capable of answering your own questions.

>> No.9181535

I wash them and I clean my shit after I shit, and shower. They're fine.

>> No.9181568

>300~ million US residents
>8~ million NYC residents
I'm quoting your inability to not think that the world revolves around you

>> No.9181615
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>292 million flyover residents
>8~ million NYC residents

New York is the capital of the world. Sucks if you live in jesusland, I guess.

Deal w/ it nerd

>> No.9181638 [DELETED] 

Walmart. I wear a uniform for my job (police) but you can buy some classy as HELL stuff at Walmart for really cheap and it will fool anyone into thinking you are a professional businessman or something.

>> No.9181642

Walmart suits don't fit.

>> No.9181649

Buy your clothes 2x yearly, i.e. during winter and summer SALE seasons.

You can practically buy cheap and good clothes everywhere

>> No.9181700
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Second time I've heard you mention you're a cop on here.

Am I gonna have to call your department and report an officer for looking at 2D child pornography and associating with degenerates?

Maybe if you get caught with drugs too, they MIGHT even give you a really harsh punishment, like 2 weeks off WITH NO PAY

>> No.9181705

i just order them online. my mother sometimes buys me t-shirts and simple stuff like that but that's all. used to try going to thrift stores but there are people there and i always end up hoarding unnecessary stuff instead of buying something i would actually wear.

my main problem are rapid weight changes, so the clothes i buy always end up not fitting anymore after a month or two. if they ever really fit in the first place, which is extremely rare.
also the fact that i fucking hate my old clothes and i don't want to wear them anymore, but i can't think of a good alternative. i wish it was socially acceptable to wear sweatpants in public, i wear them all the time at home.

>> No.9181708

fug tha bolice xD

>> No.9181714
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>> No.9181717


Do brotecd n serv :D

Do you do even do it?

>> No.9181726

I like Threadless, some of their designs are neat. The material is also nice, and they also give you cute stickers. I never go out though, but I still like them.

>> No.9181754 [DELETED] 


Where have I mentioned it before? How do you know there is just one? Are you stupid or are you trying to derail this thread with shitposting?

>> No.9181759


>> No.9181774

why do you need clothes if you dont leave the house?

>> No.9181785


I've heard someone on /jp/ mention they were a cop before, and no fucking way there is two cops on /jp/, I'm almost positive you're the same guy.

You even said it the same exact way, you mentioned you were a cop just to announce it, even though you weren't provoked to.

By the way, are you stupid? Fucking attention whoring piece of shit, I was cool with you until that post right there.

>> No.9181805

Calm down, he's not necessarily female.

>> No.9181808

I really dislike police.
I get picked on like crazy because I'm a big aggro lookin' guy, but I was born this way I didn't do any crime

if any other service was handled with as little professionalism as policing, those responsible would be fired without hesitation.

It doesn't help either that I'm afraid of the arbitrary power of the police also, so when they get up in my face and start asking prying questions about where I live or what I'm doing I just responsively give comprehensive and convincing answers, I just don't have the guts to deal lightly with people who view me with distrust or malice and have the ability to mete out punishments without lasting consequence wherever there are no witnesses

>> No.9181814

cops ruin everything including jp

more at 11

>> No.9181828

Start wearing a tie. Unknown people will treat you better. It's silly but it works.

>> No.9181863

I only leave the house to do important things when there's no other way, and for that I need clothes.
I hate to spend time outside and try to finish everything as fast as possible. If I had to buy clothing in stores I'd probably end up buying wrong sizes or something that looks like total shit because I just want to get home.

>> No.9181869
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7 oxford shirts
7 khaki chinos
7 solid ties
1 navy sport coat

from here: http://www.jcrew.com/index.jsp

After I got the pittance of my family inheritance, I spent a little under a grand, and haven't bought a new pair of clothes in almost 4 years. I literally don't need any other article of clothing. Ever. Formal enough if you wear it all, casual if you go in shirtsleeves or something.

I just wear a t-shirt and underwear around the house. Why do anything else?

The only thing I really give a shit about is shoes. Bass desert boots all day every day. They have a bunch of outlets and online sales so I can buy 3 or 4 pairs for 30 bucks each and be set for a year

>> No.9181882

Add a few polo shirts for more casual use to the mix, and that sounds about right.
That's what most of the preppy guys in my childhood wore 24/7 for a decent look that doesn't need much variation. Seriously, a few well made items are worth the investment for men who don't want to put a lot of daily effort into their looks.
Hell, try travel-type clothing suppliers for clothes that are wrinkle resistant if you hate ironing.

>> No.9181898
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>> No.9181910

Word to you guys: avoid ill-fitting formal wear.

Tailoring is cheap and so worth it, and will make your shit look good on you even if you have to thrift it a size too big.

Read up on suiting 101 and clothing basics. Don't need to wear skinny tshirts and tight jeans by any means, but make your clothing look like it fits right.

>> No.9181915

as if i ever had a chance to wear formal wear...

>> No.9181928

better put on my tuxedo to pick up my new figs

>> No.9181936


>pick up my new figs

You physically go buy figs? Where do you live, japan?

>> No.9181941

uh my mailbox is outside idiot

>> No.9181949
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>> No.9181947

what, they put them in your mailbox? how do they even i don't
i either pick them up directly from the postman or go to the post. my mailbox isn't a fuckin cave.

>> No.9181948


Generally when someone says they're going to pick up something, they're not talking about opening the door and literally picking up a package.


Says the guy with no punctuation skills! Fucking faaag.

>> No.9181951


Who is this guy anyway?

Don't you fucking dare say "the assburger guy" either.

>> No.9181972

le beardhair man

>> No.9181970

google claims it's Spede Pasanen.
can't confirm because i'm faceblind.

>> No.9181973

Pertti Pasanen, a Finnish comedian. Famous for his role as an assburger in the movie X-Paroni.

>> No.9181979

Are you really faceblind? What was that one thing where the culprit guy was faceblind, oh it was 999. Do you know Ace from faceblind school?

>> No.9181983


spurdo pasanen assburger :DDDDD

>> No.9182054

yeah, why would i mention it if i wasn't? there's kinda no point in trolling here.
from what i remember Ace was a pretty unrealistic portrayal of a faceblind person anyway, unless we assume the characters actually looked nothing like their sprites and descriptions.

>> No.9182252

ITT: /jp/ derails what might have been an educational thread

>> No.9182401

Goodwill or another thrift store in person. Any major retailer's online outlet if you've money enough to afford it and too autistic to venture beyond your doorstep.

There, we're done, unless you'd like to add something insightful.

>> No.9182611

There's no online store with Walmart-like prices?

>> No.9182638

I got myself 12 shirts and 1 short with $40 last week.
There are a lot of stores that buy on bulk and sell really cheap, just don't expect a lot of variety or top quality but damn they are good.

>> No.9182648

I want to be able to sew my own clothes one day.

>> No.9182663
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