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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 66 KB, 480x360, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9179571 No.9179571 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to McDonalds, make I take your order?

>> No.9179577

your PUSSY

>> No.9179587 [SPOILER] 
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I order you to suq mai diq.

>> No.9179588

You gave me a flat soda, ma'am.

>> No.9179600

Do they still make those apple pies the original way? I haven't been to a MD in 10 years.

>> No.9179607

I'll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number fourty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda.

>> No.9179643
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Welcome to KFC.

>> No.9179653

Did Mugi really work at KFC?

>> No.9179655

I don't eat fast food.

Except for like, Chipotlee, because they use organic produce and cruelty free meat from our local Joel Salatin type rancher.

>> No.9179658
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>> No.9179667 [SPOILER] 
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Silly question.

>> No.9179670


We all saw your post, no need to do that.

>> No.9179674

What number is the double quarter pounder again?

>> No.9179678

Not everyone is a pathetic samefagger like you

>> No.9179679


2 I think.

>> No.9179683

Goddamn capitalists. Fed pigs.

>> No.9179687

"Apples pies 2 for $1.50"

Fucking inflation. A decade ago you could get both for like $1.

>> No.9179691
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How many of you guys actually eat this shit?

>> No.9179702


They also stopped two hash browns for a dollar.

>> No.9179712


You can get like a huge cup of coffee for $1 from them. Usually on the job I will just head into one and get one but I don't eat at them anymore.

It tastes alright for coffee I guess.

>> No.9179708

Tastes good man.

>> No.9179709


>> No.9179715

I realized today that when I smell down my shirt and there's that weird fabric and sweat stink, it smells like McDonalds.

>> No.9179735


I found this really good takeaway shop near me, the burgers are the best I've found in a 2km radius.
The only problem is that I've been going there all the time. Now they recognise me and ask how I'm doing, etc.
I'm put off going there now because I don't want to have to make conversation.

>> No.9179743
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I fucking love McDonald's.

Fuck off with your healthy shit.

>> No.9179749
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>> No.9179763

My order? Even though I already seem to have everything I want. *Deep eyes contact*

>> No.9179770

>Now they recognise me and ask how I'm doing, etc.

Yup, I'm awful specific about what restaurants I go to also. I try to rotate so they won't recognize me as much.

Also I really should learn how to cook so that I don't have to eat out.

It's not just unhealthy and of a low quality, it's bad for the environment and is cruel to livestock.

>> No.9179782


Making food isn't pretty but it sure as HELL is tasty.

>> No.9179786

I wish Google would actually do that. I'd be less paranoid about their botnet if they gave me an automated thank you.

It should be implemented for reports, too. 1000+ successful reports? You get a 4chan Gold Account!

>> No.9179798


>restaurant rotating

Yeah, I do usually do this. It's just the quality of the food at this place made me break my pattern.
Even when I go to McDonalds I rotate between the three within walking distance.

>> No.9179811

>It's not just unhealthy and of a low quality, it's bad for the environment and is cruel to livestock.

I like you listed those in descending order of how much a typical /jp/er would give a damn.

My problem is that it just doesn't taste nice. Go a year without it, then go back and order what you used to. Though I know a fair few people who have done this then said, "Oh, their recipe must have changed..." and carried on ordering more anyway. Fuck those people.

>> No.9179896
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>It's not just unhealthy and of a low quality, it's bad for the environment and is cruel to livestock.

Am I supposed to give a fuck about any of that shit? Go to another board.

>> No.9179914

B-but the cows!

>> No.9179920

You should care about that. You should care about what's good for you, good for the earth, and good for animals.

>> No.9179934


Man is above animals. If anything we are reducing the overpopulation of animals by eating them.

>> No.9179936

/jp/ is too hedonistic for that bullshit.

I don't actively *want* bad things to happen to other people or animals, but I don't give a shit if it does. And neither do you or anyone else. I have meat on my plate and it's delicious. If you're so bothered by starving children or poor treatment of animals, physically walk to the place where it's happening and try to put a stop to it.

>> No.9179949


Wrong. We're keeping the population ALIVE by eating them.
Buffalo would be dead if we didn't discover they were delicious.

>> No.9179957

you are not above even a worm though
i wonder how long it will take to the governments to take you fat nerds and turn you all into compost heap

>> No.9179961

Oh wow, /jp/ you're so fucking pathetic.

>> No.9179966


I never had a buffalo burger before but I have heard they are pretty good.

>> No.9179968

Eating animals doesn't deplete their population because we're breeding so damn many of them for eating.

And you guys really ought to look into the conditions that livestock are forced to live in at feedlots and whatnot. It's sickening.

That's why I eat meat from my local Joel Salatin type rancher, as I said. You can taste the healthiness and the happiness of the animal in every bite.

>> No.9179983
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What can I do?

>> No.9179981

I had some Buffalo wings once but it turned out they were named after Buffalo (the place) and are chicken.

Complete waste of a trip to America.

>> No.9180025

Their meat is much leaner than beef. I like it but some people think that it's too dry, on account of the leanness.

>> No.9180038

>And you guys really ought to look into the conditions that livestock are forced to live in at feedlots and whatnot. It's sickening.


>> No.9180047
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>Many of the animals develop open sores

>> No.9180063

If you're not scared of human contact you don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.9180073

A fast food burger is just awful compared to a real truck stop burger slathered in slaw and chili.

>> No.9180078

What if I've outgrown the fear of people due to lack of social experience?

>> No.9180084

I would love nothing more than to respect the opinions of vegetarians but they choose to be radical and want me to change my lifestyle. That I cannot support.

>> No.9180096


Cry me a river, hippy. For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat 3. Also, think about all the animals that are killed when all those combines and harvesting machines go to work. Massacre on a grand scale: bunnies, mice, insects, you name it crushed and chopped to pieces so that you can enjoy your "cruelty free" vegan lifestyle.

>> No.9180108

I'm not radical. In fact, you probably ate with/encountered dozens of people you never knew were vegetarians because they shut the fuck up about shit like this.

>> No.9180119

>comparing insects to large, social mammals

>> No.9180122

I can't decide whether Maddox is annoying or a genius.

He has a point though.

Eating mushrooms is the worst. I don't see why militant vegans are fine with it. Instead of harming one Kingdom, you're harming three.

>> No.9180137

>Cry me a river, hippy. For every animal you don't eat, I'm going to eat 3

Maddox pls go

>Also, think about all the animals that are killed when all those combines and harvesting machines go to work.

I never said that killing animals was bad. What's bad is keeping them in the most deplorable living conditions possible before slaughter.

>> No.9180150


Insects, small rodents and mammals, snakes, birds that nest on the ground, etc.

>> No.9180155


This though. The only good burger MD has is the Big Mac and only because of the sauce.

>> No.9180164

> keeping them in the most deplorable living conditions possible before slaughter.

Do you have a better idea on how to raise and keep them? Didn't think so.

>> No.9180168


The only reason they seem radical, is because the only ones you hear about are the ones who are radical. The majority would never bring it up unless asked.

What there is alot of, is people who will literally jump down someones throat just for mentioning that they're vegetarian/vegan, and assume a bunch of bullshit about them, even if they never said anything about it, other then "I'm vegan/vegetarian".

>> No.9180172

I go to McDonalds pretty often. It's terrible food and I should feel bad for eating it, but I really don't care at this point. I like it so I eat it.

>> No.9180175

Just as important to the ecosystem. If not moreso. Pigs could die out and nothing would happen. But we'd be fucked without many types of insects.

There was actually a thread on /an/ the other day asking whether PETA cared about spiders. The conclusion was basically that nobody cares about spiders because they're not cute and people want to support nutjobs with pictures of kittens on their shirts, not bugs.

>> No.9180187

/an/ hates PETA

>> No.9180181

Not here.

>> No.9180182

Maddox is what happens if you take the edgiest /b/tard around and give him his own blog before blogging was cool.

>> No.9180185



Thank you. Humans could not exist without spiders. We would literally be up to our waists in insects. PETA is only concerned with the cute animals.

>> No.9180195


Ironically a very large amount of vegetarians and vegans also hate PETA.

>> No.9180198


Maddox predates 4chan by quite some time. I'd say he's 40% annoying 60% genius. He pretty much was a pioneer in the field of trolling and blazed those trails pretty well.

>> No.9180208
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those fuckers at Burger King sometimes have the audacity to give you day-old burgers with adhesive-like cheese. Those burgers here were delicious though. It was my birthday after all. I sure wish we had more burger restaurants in my city.

>> No.9180212

Whoa you were the one who took that burger girl pic?

>> No.9180213

Yeah, hence why "before blogging was cool." Maybe he was interesting before there were what amounts to hundreds of similar people running around.

>> No.9180216

He's satirical though.

You read his articles completely differently as a 25-year-old than you did as a 15-year-old.

I find that most of the opinions he genuinely holds are pretty agreeable.

>> No.9180222
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I am the burger girl.

>> No.9180228

>Just as important to the ecosystem.
No one was talking about importance. In fact, the billions of cows, pigs, etc. serve no other purpose other than feed the lust for beef and pollute the atmosphere.
I was obviously talking about the mental capacity the experience fear, pain, stress, etc.

If you cared even one tiny shred for the ecosystem you'd drastically reduce, if not abandon, your meat consumption.

>> No.9180236

Pubs usually do some pretty good burgers for reasonable prices if you don't mind ordering food and sitting in to eat. It's slower and all, but more satisfying. I like in England though, I have no idea what the American equivalent would be.

>> No.9180241

live in England*


>> No.9180245

>If you cared even one tiny shred for the ecosystem you'd drastically reduce, if not abandon, your meat consumption.

Then for simplicity's sake can we just say I don't?

I don't care about "the environment" or foreign country X either.

As long as I'm sitting in my NEET cove all cosy, I'm happy. Sure if "everyone thought this way" it wouldn't be the case, and perhaps I'd join the fight and actually do something. But until then, there's a lifetime of media to consume.

>> No.9180247

I luv you burger girl.

>> No.9180257
File: 397 KB, 742x1000, 1c1194b5af699f752bdcce899b0590ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww I love you2

>> No.9180250

I wonder what percentage of 4chan posters today don't know who Maddox is.

>> No.9180258


Oh man, I lol'd.

>> No.9180260

All the pubs in my area used to serve home-cooked food, usually from the landlady.

Then they all closed down and they opened a trendy gastropub instead. Turns out the food is far better.

I feel like a traitor.

>> No.9180262

>If you cared even one tiny shred for the ecosystem you'd drastically reduce, if not abandon, your meat consumption.

But what if my meat comes from my local Joel Salatin type rancher? His animals live their whole lives on the pasture, they're not sent to feed lots or kept in pens and cages too small to move in.

>> No.9180267

>Then for simplicity's sake can we just say I don't?
I was referring to the fact that you suddenly, out of nowhere, pulled the ecosystem card.

>> No.9180276

> Joel Salatin type rancher? His animals live their whole lives on the pasture, they're not sent to feed lots or kept in pens and cages too small to move in.

That makes it even more disturbing.

He'll treat the pig like family and then when it's nice and fat surprise it with a cleaver.

>> No.9180282

Wetherspoons is pretty good. I don't feel right about liking it, but it's super cheap and has agreeable enough food. If you go there early in the evening then they are usually quite empty.

Obviously you can get better stuff in a lot of other places, but not for that price.

>> No.9180285

He doesn't treat his livestock like family he treats them humanely.

>> No.9180287
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I cant bealive some /jp/ers read Maddox, im proud of you /jp/

>> No.9180288

They're still murdered in the end. Just wait for the in vitro meat. It's only a matter of years now.

>> No.9180294

Anyone who isn't an ultra newfag should be somewhat familiar with Maddox.

>> No.9180297

That's also before he dries it out a.k.a. isolate it and let it starve for a day or two.

>> No.9180300


I love spiders too and I think that they are really cool. My girlfriend however disagrees, and since I can't exactly have sex with a spider, sorry little guy *crunch*. I really don't feel any remorse over it just like I don't feel any remorse over eating meat. It doesn't make me a terrible person and I'm not going to give vegetarians shit for how they choose to live either. I just ask that they have the same respect.

>> No.9180303

Most here are on the internet since the mid 90s.

>> No.9180305


That's a harsh word.

You know, biologically, we're supposed to eat meat. Our body expects it, that's why vegetarians have to be very careful with their diets or they'll be seriously malnourished.

So killing animals for their flesh is quite natural, and if done humanely there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.9180308

>since I can't exactly have sex with a spider, sorry little guy *crunch*

lol if thats ur criteria for execution u'd better genocide ALL THE GIRLS IN TEH WORLD lmao

enjoy your .jpg girlfriend

>> No.9180316

>Our body expects it, that's why vegetarians have to be very careful with their diets or they'll be seriously malnourished.

Do you also believe that the average person eats 8 spiders a year in their sleep?

>> No.9180329
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>> No.9180327
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>mfw a Vegan put her cat on a vegan diet and wondered why it wasn't healthy near me.

>> No.9180331

I don't see what's to be proud about.

Apart from the fact that it shows that someone have been on the internet for at least ten or so years, I guess.

>> No.9180336

This. Murder has a specific meaning. I'm just going to quote Wikipedia on this one:
>Murder is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human

I wish "murder" and "manslaughter" were reversed. It would be funny seeing militant vegans try to sell animal slaughter as "manslaughter".

>> No.9180339

>Welcome to McDonalds, make I take your order?
>make I take your oder?

>mfw when no one noticed this...

>> No.9180345
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>> No.9180344

Depends on whether you drink your eight glasses of water a day.

>> No.9180346

Are you implying that I'm wrong? That you can just eat lettuce and carrots and be perfectly healthy?

Vegetarians need to eat the right kinds of plant stuff in the right proportions in order to be healthy.

>> No.9180359

Holy shit are you for real? You don't even know the distinction between vegetarians and vegans?
And even then, you are implying it's particularly hard to not eat only salad and lettuce as a vegan? Seriously?

>> No.9180368

Killing no murder?

>> No.9180370

He's actually right on this one. Obviously the human race has been brought up on meat and we do need certain nutrients. Protein is the most obvious one, but it's easy to get through other means. Vitamin B-12 is a little tricky for strict vegans, but I think you can just take supplements.

I think the /fit/ sticky explains this (with links).

>> No.9180378

I just know what my biology professors told me in college. That if you want to eat only plant stuff you need to have the right amount of the right kind of plant stuff to be healthy.

You NEED protein and certain fatty acids and whatnot, and lettuce isn't going to provide that.

>> No.9180390

Please read the post you responded to again.

>> No.9180405

>And even then, you are implying it's particularly hard to not eat only salad and lettuce as a vegan? Seriously?

I think that they're saying that it's not. That it's not hard to be perfectly healthy eating only salad and lettuce.

Oh and vegans don't eat milk stuff/eggs or wear leather.

>> No.9180412
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Eat or be eaten.
Those are the rules of nature.
Those are the rules youkai follow.
I want to be a youkai. So I will follow those rules.

Besides that, meat is delicious.

>> No.9180414

>That it's not hard to be perfectly healthy eating only salad and lettuce.

What mental condition do you have that impairs your reading comprehension that much?

>> No.9180415

You have it completely backwards. They are saying that it's [not particularly hard] to [not eat only salad and lettuce].

This means that they are saying that it's [easy] to [eat things besides salad and lettuce], or rather, that a vegan who eats only salad and lettuce will die but that's fine since only a retarded vegan would do that.

>> No.9180426

Thank you.

>> No.9180430

Double negatives, man.

>> No.9180439

So what about all the people in the world who don't live a block away from a health food store? They can't acquire all the fancy vegetables and shit they need to make up for the lack of meat in their diet.

Seriously, a solid chunk of humanity could not survive without meat.

>> No.9180442

A vegetarian or vegan diet can provide enough protein. In fact, typical protein intakes of ovo-lacto vegetarians and of vegans meet and exceed requirements. However, a strict vegan diet does require supplementation of Vitamin B-12 for optimal health.

>> No.9180446

I love how inane shit here often ends in a serious, heated discussion, whereas in Reddit it's the exact opposite.

>> No.9180451

I hear this complaint a lot, and maybe I can understand if you live in an impoverished country or something where you literally do just eat bits of meat and potatoes.

But you can walk into any sizeable grocery store or any supermarket and get what you need.

All vegetarians are middle-class, misguided cunts anyway, so it's kind of a non-issue.

>> No.9180458

>health food store
Your problem is not your location, it's that you're a fucking retard.

>> No.9180463
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>Seriously, a solid chunk of humanity could not survive without meat.
Eskimos = solid chunk of humanity?

>> No.9180465

People in a lot of impoverished countries frequently end up on mostly vegan diets anyway because it's cheaper.

>> No.9180470

If you eat meat, you also need a right amount of the right kind of stuff to be healthy, you know.

>> No.9180478

I don't give a fuck about this healthy food thing. I can eat anything I want and maintain a healthy BMI of 16 points without doing any exercise (I have parasites)

you guys should look into getting infected too

>> No.9180488

Hosting a little family of parasites in my body sounds cute.

>> No.9180491

I was expecting another "I HAVE A HIGH METABOLISM GUISE" idiot, but your post made me pleasantly surprised.

>> No.9180498

>cruelty free meat
oh you fucking vegetarians and you logic

>> No.9180503

You have to eat dog shit to get infected, right?

>> No.9180513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9180514

>O-onee-chan haiaku~
>Me and my sisters are getting hungry again~

>> No.9180524

Its very cute. i got infected all the time when I was little because I live in the boonies. since my parents wouldn't let me have a dog or a cat I started to feel affection for the worms. When its time to take my medicine I just flush it down the toilet.

>> No.9180525

why eat healthy

wouldnt it be better for NEETS to die early

also "cruelty free meat" lol

faggiest shit i ever heard in /jp/

>> No.9180528
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Humans complain about eating dead animals that can't feel anything anymore.
And yet they have no problems with eating plants while they are still alive.
How horrifying. Especially if you're the kind of person who believes that everything has a spirit.

>> No.9180535

no just drink dirty water.

>> No.9180536

>faggiest shit i ever heard in /jp/
Your definition of what is and isn't faggy seems highly suspect.

>> No.9180538

>Welcome to McDonalds, make I take your order?
WAY too long a sentence
I hope you enjoy your zero car count, chihaya

next time say "hi, may I take your order"
weren't you some kind of actor once? can't you remember your lines?

>> No.9180546

It doesn't work that way... Spirit is not same as your soul. Only like 10% consider it more of as eating life energy.

>> No.9180545

Now what are they specifically? Tape worms? If you flush the medicine down the toilet the worms would probably keep growing until they take up all of your stomach and crush your lungs and suffocate you to death.

>> No.9180552


>> No.9180556

>Especially if you're the kind of person who believes that everything has a spirit.
The few religions that adhere to that kind of belief don't believe that there is an individual spirit for each plant anyway.

>> No.9180568

>cruel to livestock.
you know what's cruel to livestock? feeding them grains (the source of evil).

their bodies cannot digest evil grains just like us, so they pump them full of antibiotics so they won't die in the 6 months they are fattening them up before the slaughter.

what do vegetarians who are against ``animal cruelty'' want? they want to stop treating livestock this way and spend the evil grains on HUMAN BEINGS because they think it is a waste to spend all those grains of pure evil on cows..

vegetarians are for:
-evil grains
-human livestock
-secret neolithic conspiracy to make evil grains diabetes and human livestock

I would rather meat from cows that were fed evilly than eat the evil substance first hand.

>> No.9180569

they're very small.

from my personal experience, after a certain amount of time (about a year) they just die off on their own, regardless of whether you took the medicine or not. I have no idea why this happens. maybe someone who studied biology can explain

>> No.9180571

I believe that plants have souls. But that's just my opinion.
Also, Mimosa Pudica:

Plants are taking baby steps towards sentience. Some of them already eat meat (not for the protein, mind you, but for the nitrogen released from the corpse). It's only a matter of time before Venus Flytrap people invade and enslave humanity.

I, for one, welcome our new plant overlords.

>> No.9180574

They can do that?

>> No.9180576

Worms are animals and die of old age like all other animals. Their descendants' descendants are the ones keeping you thin now.

>> No.9180578

well i remember seeing jars of surgically removed tape worms and some were the size of fire hoses and just as long.

>> No.9180593

Not really. Usually you're just infected with one tapeworm because they are huge. You can't reinfect yourself with more tapeworms, because they have a two vector life-cycle - first the eggs that come from a mammal infected with tapeworm are consumed by a mammal and become cysts in their bodies, then when they die those cysts are consumed by other mammals and those mammals become infected with the adult worms.

However, you can infect yourself with the cyst stage which is probably more potentially dangerous than the adult worm, you can get them everywhere. Sometimes in the brain, and when the cysts die because their human host took too long to be killed and eaten by something, they cause seizures.

>> No.9180699

Fuck, how has /jp/ managed to make tapeworms sound cute.

>> No.9182556

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9182599

I ate a few BK quad stacks in one sitting the other day. I felt pretty depressed afterwards, so unhealthy and so gross. It did taste okay though.
