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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9179395 No.9179395[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just a father and mother kissing their dying little girl goodbye. If you are wondering why all the medic people are bowing: in less than an hour, two small children in the next room are able to live thanks to the little girl's kidney and liver.

>> No.9179408


>> No.9179420

I wanna be able to do that when I die.

>> No.9179419

did the kid give them permission to steal her organs? Is she responsible to take on that responsibility?

>> No.9179426
File: 20 KB, 528x391, 1338044008876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to make me feel feels?

It didn't work.

>> No.9179433

I wouldn't donate my liver even to my worst enemy

>> No.9179436

They look chinese. Did they sell their baby for organ donation or something? Fucking animals.

>> No.9179438

It doesn't change shit. The little girl died. Fuck you OP.

>> No.9179444

What, so when the doctor broke the news that their child was going to die did they say "wanna donate her organs?"

>> No.9179451

But isn't that capitalist? Also, i want liver.

>> No.9179454
File: 87 KB, 410x516, 1339212940492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, they're chinese.


>> No.9179460


So this is what we're doing now, posting reddit shit

>> No.9179469

As attached as I'm to my body I wouldn't mind donating my organs once I die because I'll be, you know.... dead.
I don't understand why people make a big fuss of this, at least if you were donating one of your kidneys to a familiar being healthy is understandable but donating your organs rather than let them rot or burn doesn't seem heroic, just reasonable.

>> No.9179471

how do you know this, hmm?


>> No.9179482

/jp/ - asian medical culture

>> No.9179485

I lurk reddit and hate it most of the time. I sure as fuck don't post their shit here, specially in /jp/ of all places

>> No.9179581

They willingly murdered their own child because it was a girl. Now they can attempt to have another one and hope for better results (a boy).

It is absolutely revolting that people think this is honorable.

>> No.9179662

It's all "kids can't consent" one minute and "Timmy, we're stealing your organs" the next.

>> No.9179672

Reddit is a link sharing site, isn't it?

How can you steal from a link sharing site? Did a Redditor make this photo?

>> No.9179713
File: 518 KB, 700x800, 1337361085745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you sign up for donating your organs after you die, you'll be worth more dead than alive. If you ever go to the emergency room, they'll have a HELLa hard time choosing if they want to keep you alive or not. (Mostly not.)

>> No.9179725

One /jp/er can save a dozen lives.

Why haven't you gotten an organ donor card and gone to Gensokyo yet, /jp/?

>> No.9179739

I see you've got an organ going there, no wonder the sound has so much body.

>> No.9179740

Pretty much hit the nail on the head.

>> No.9179741


Is that true? I was thinking about signing up to donate by organs.

But if that would put a bias on the medical care I might get, then fuck no. I already think the medical community is saturated with extreme incompetence, I already don't trust them at all.

>> No.9179745

Why is bowing so sacred gesture in western culture?

>> No.9179765

Only the weak bow their heads.

>> No.9179766

Worst case senerio, the doctor is shady, has someone he loves about to pass away because they're on the bottom of the list, then suddenly you pop up. Oh boy.

>> No.9179775

There are a lot more gays in America, I wouldn't want my ass sticking out.

>> No.9179815

You do realize that the girl was dying anyways and that the parents did not kill her to donate the organs. And to
they would take the organs after she died, when it wouldn't matter to her if she wanted to donate them or not because, you know, she's dead.

>> No.9179829

Who cares.

>> No.9179828


>it wouldn't matter to her if she wanted to donate them or not because, you know, she's dead.

Fuck you, some people have strong beliefs about this, and you should respect peoples choices, even after they're dead.

>> No.9179839

What's the point of signing up for it then?

>Oh yeah you can totally take my organs after I die which you were going to take anyway!

>> No.9179848

It implies reverence to the one that you're bowing towards, saying that they are above you in honor or virtue by physically lowering yourself to represent that. Even if they are not more honorable than you, it's a complement to who you're bowing to, as is common in almost any culture's plesentaries.

>> No.9179859

This is why I'm a chain smoking alcoholic, with diabetes, bad eyes, and melanoma.

Those fucks are going to be hard pressed to steal anything useful out of me, even if they find my body still relatively fresh. I hate that shit.

>> No.9179861

Really? But shouldn't it be sign of respect for another not for yourself. Like handshake. That being said. I've never seen anyone kneel in my life. It looks really cool. It's not really asian, as around there you fall on both knees and that is immediately sign of weakness and pathetic. But must be more common than kneeling.

>> No.9179870

The girl appears too young to have formed views on that issue yet, so it's really up to her parents. Don't get me wrong, I think that in most cases parent's should not be allowed to physically force their views on their children as in circumcision, buy that's because the child would actually live to be old enough to form an opinion on that issue that would not neccesarily be that of their parents.

>> No.9179903

I'm going to die by seppuku and spill my guts all over the floor.
Donate this, motherfuckers.

>> No.9179933

I think you mean sudoku.

Stuff like your heart and lungs could still be if they found your body fast enough. So for better measure, climb into your attic, block the entrance, and then commit seppuku. Why the attic? For added effect when someone sees blood dripping from the ceiling.

>> No.9179940


>> No.9179946


>> No.9179953

I'm using Linux.

>> No.9179970
File: 10 KB, 345x348, Apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like apples more

>> No.9179997
File: 71 KB, 640x480, widow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9180012


>> No.9180008


>> No.9180026


>> No.9180036

That's clearly a window, weeb

>> No.9180041
File: 213 KB, 676x164, guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9180049

When I die, my liver will be no good to anybody. At this rate, it may even end up being why I die.

>> No.9180054

I'm not even sperg and that shit leaves me cold.

>> No.9180056

"Smash the window with the hammer and get out"?

>> No.9180057

Fapping has nothing to do with the liver.

>> No.9180067

wow ur dumb

>> No.9180085

Please stop drinking at this very moment. You don't want to experience what my mom did.

May she rest in peace.

>> No.9180095


What the fuck is with all these people who think they can get free fucking organs from dead people. It's kinda like they just think "I fucked mine up once, I should be able to fuck yours up too."

>> No.9180091

Can i have your liver? Alcohol makes good seasoning.

>> No.9180097

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me.

>> No.9180100
File: 473 KB, 290x247, suikaturn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from fapping. From devotion.

>> No.9180110

Yeah okay. Fuck off, nig.
