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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 600x450, hikikomori-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9174991 No.9174991 [Reply] [Original]

Hikikomori thread? Hikikomori thread.

>> No.9174997
File: 100 KB, 331x331, aliceandhercripplingautisminv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9174996 [DELETED] 

/b/ros, give them pictures out.

>> No.9175011


I think you're lost.

>> No.9175013


I always assumed shut-ins would generally have some of the cleanest and most well kept houses.

I mean, they stay in there all fucking day, it is there only real life domain, so why wouldn't it be incredibly clean?

>> No.9175016

Maybe it's depression that causes people to become like this, lazy and unable to care about cleaning as well as other things

>> No.9175018

>on /jp/
>not a /b/ro

>> No.9175022

Behind my chest of drawers (which my computer monitor is set on) is a pile of trash. I have never once moved this dresser in 12 years, and so anytime something falls back there, it's there for good. Clutter, food, open and closed drinks have all fallen back there. I lost a game disc back there once. Back in 2003 a closed bottle of coke fell back there. I can only wonder how it tastes now.

>> No.9175028

I don't get it.

>> No.9175027 [DELETED] 

le epic /v/ thread!!!!!!! XDDDDDD


didnt even gone to school XD suck it normals.

hahahahahaha i even know about touhous now. jp is sooo goood xddddd suck it /v/ i am more epic then you now xXDDD bu jp and v are both nice lol i love both and i also have an waifu!!!!!! /a/ FTW too XD

now i have to go, ill go to the store buy a game. but im still hikkikkomorri, ok guyz? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD



>> No.9175032


Who are you quoting?

>> No.9175033

It's depressing that you think this is clever.

>> No.9175036


I understand that you're being ironic, but it's making you look like a gigantic dumbshit being that nobody around here actually types like that.

>> No.9175037


> you think this is clever

What do you mean?

>> No.9175039

Sorry, but I don't get it.

>> No.9175054

Ask a truHIKI anything, go~

>> No.9175071

When I'm down in a slump, I can barely move myself out of bed. But my room isn't as bad as OP's, I clean it about once a month when I'm feeling well

>> No.9175076

that's a system error, a truHIKKI wouldn't even be using the internet

no forms of communication

just sleeping and shitting self in bed until death

>> No.9178471 [DELETED] 

Quality thread? Quality thread.

>> No.9180651

In a life or death scenario, would a true hiki leave their room? Think for example a fire or them not getting enough food and water to survive. Have hikis IRL essentially overpowered their primal survival instincts as well?

>> No.9180736

You'd be surprised. My brother has OCD, doesn't work, and never wants to get out of the apartment that he and I share. I have a job, and I kinda expect him to keep the place clean since he does absolutely nothing else. However, he won't even put the clean dishes away unless I say something about it.

It's very frustrating to come home from work and have to do that shit.

>> No.9180747

I thought OCD people were the cleanest people in the world.

>> No.9180767

Maybe some of them are.
In his case, not necessarily. His bedroom is cleaner than mine is, but his bathroom gets pretty bad, and as I said before, getting him to clean the common areas is a struggle. But then he obsesses and freaks about touching certain objects because they're "dirty".

>> No.9180771

Autists pls go.

>> No.9180774
File: 89 KB, 600x450, saasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9180777

He also can't drive, and is rapidly approaching what /r9k/ would refer to as "Wizardry".

It's a real clusterfuck of a situation, and he doesn't seem to have much interest in trying to improve his life.

>> No.9180788
File: 438 KB, 879x1200, 1338617452328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you agree to him living with you? Is he getting autismbux and chipping in or something? If you had a cute little hiki imouto who'd be your housewaifu I'd understand but I personally can't stand living with slobs and just people with significantly different schedules/habits than my own. 2nd year uni was terrible that way and now I truly appreciate living alone.

>> No.9180818

Yeah, I agreed to it. We were living with my Dad (which has its pitfalls, but was still awesome since he just liked the company and wasn't making us pay rent). Then we got kicked out when my Dad remarried ("There's just not enough room for all of us in the house! I need a sewing room! Baaawwww" - my cunt stepmother). My brother is living with me since he had nowhere else to go and I can't just turn my back on him.

He gets a $700 SSI check every month, so he can help with rent and groceries. It's better than nothing...but I'm just getting tired of living with him. People with OCD are hard to live with. I want to live on my own really badly, but I can't quite afford it, and he'd be either on the street or become someone else's problem.

>> No.9180829

I already reached wizardry.
its not bad as you can think. its worst.
I lived in many situations similar to yours, and my advice is "forgot love and get the fuck out of there while you can". I'm serious...things will start to take a toll on you at some point. you'll regret what you're doing now, and maybe you'll end up hating who you used to love.
any case is different though.
pal...good luck.

>> No.9180857

I'd like to have an imouto.
I do have a really cool otouto. Alas, due to geography/schedule/money issues, we don't get to hang out that often (and time's running out, because he starts college in August).

I don't know. I'll figure out what to do somehow. It's hard sometimes to plan without getting depressed.

>pal...good luck
Thank you.

>> No.9180984
File: 35 KB, 550x367, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like him, make the effort to hang out with him more often. Or at least make let him know often that you think he's a true bro. I had an older cousin that pretty much helped raise me while my parents were busy with the business. I considered her my sis and my best friend. I did the bitchy tsundere thing whenever relatives and others prodded me about her. Then she was killed by a drunk driver. I never truly told her how important she was to me because I was such a shy, retarded fuck. Now I'm training to become a prosecutor and still bitter as fuck and full of self-hatred.
tl;dr: tell them you love them cause you never know when they'll be gone.
/blog and open bottle

>> No.9182549

I will keep checking this thread in the archive once it hits 404. if you want to type something, be sure that I'll read
...I had no idea that /jp/ had so many people with fucked up lives like mine.

>> No.9182559

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9182565

I'm sure my room would look like this if I had more space. I only have a little space to the right of my bed for rubbish to go.

>> No.9186316

Someone I went to school with apparently went hiki. His parents eventually kicked him out and severed ties. Rumour has it that he killed himself. If so I guess his problems were indeed very real instead of some made up 'social anxiety' excuse or bullshit self-diagnosis.

>> No.9186349

It's already in the middle of summer vacations?

>> No.9186346

What a coincidence that these threads pop up right in the middle of summer vacations.

>> No.9186353

No, anon just likes to use that excuse when threads that he doesn't like are around.

>> No.9186371

The summer is a myth brought upon other boards by subhuman /v/tards.

>> No.9186381

i don't know where you live, but vacations didn't even start yet in lots of places.
and it's nowhere near the middle everywhere.

>> No.9186519

I just have figures all over my room.

>> No.9186623

Why isn't your brother on /jp/ instead of you?

>> No.9189217

Hikikomori = Social isolation associated with depression.

>> No.9189255

Keep this shit on /soc/.

>> No.9189756

Are secret wine celler anon and trash collecting anon still alive?

>> No.9189778
File: 1.20 MB, 3264x2448, 1337384838113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Root cellar anon posted a new picture last month.

He mentioned he had an upset stomach, so it's possible he died.

>> No.9190019

Well everyone gets a stomach ache once in a while right? It's not like he's coughing up blood or has an infected gash. But if he is gone, RIP. Can you imagine how his mom would react after she finally goes down there after a while from the smell? ;_;

>> No.9190067


I also wonder where is the anon that lives in an old bus in the middle of a forest.

>> No.9191047

>Hikikomori = Social isolation associated with depression.

but then, what would be Social isolation NOT associated with depression?
Or is a requirement for happy people to be social?
I think social != happy

>> No.9191172

>I think social != happy

SCIENCE has found otherwise.

Though I think you're right for people who have an introverted personality.

>> No.9192515


Well I agree being social can *help* to be happy.
and people who isolates for things like "fear of being rejected" could be more happy if they could just being social.
(because that people wish they could be social; but they can't)
I agree with you, introverted personality is not necessarily equal to unhappiness.
