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9174042 No.9174042 [Reply] [Original]

Share you ramen eating habits.

>> No.9174057

I don't eat it because the large amounts of 6 different types of sodium gives me the feeling of disorientation and psychosis. My pupils get wide as fuck, I feel dizzy, etc.

Yes, just from eating top ramen, I don't know what's wrong with me. Doesn't happen with any other food on Earth I've ate.

>> No.9174067

I've perfected a minimalist vegan diet based around oatmeal, brown rice, and lentils. You shut-ins don't need anything more.

>> No.9174073

Pot Noodles


>> No.9174084

Picture in the OP: You're practically making real ramen so you may as well just get some real fuckin noodles by the end point?

>> No.9174098

>real fuckin noodles by the end point
Where or how? That's the question I always ask in every ramen/cooking thread.

>> No.9174106

I spend about 25$ a month on food and I don't eat shit like instant noodles. But this is a weeabo thread and not a poor thread.

>> No.9174110

Do you mean where can you get actual noodles?

>> No.9174120

25 dollars a month

Do tell how you manage this

>> No.9174124


>> No.9174125

Yes, noodles usable in ramen. As in, noodles that have the same texture and taste as "ramen" noodles.

>> No.9174132

Make them yourself, or buy them off amazon, not that I've ever actually checked to see if amazon sells them.

>> No.9174149


I've used this recipe to make the noodles from very basic kitchen foodstuffs and it definitely works well. It looks like a lot of effort to go through but as with most meals after a few times making it it becomes really easy.

Your local Chinatown often has fresh noodles for sale. Even those dried ones are better than "ramen" packets

>> No.9174162

I mean this shit's like preparing a real steak dinner then adding mccain's oven chips as a side-dish.

>> No.9174185

fug, I don't even have that kind of huge knife to cut the dough.

>> No.9174188

How can you get by preparing food without owning a butcher's knife!?

>> No.9174193

You don't need such tools to prepare food.

>> No.9174198

I guess if you live on instant packets of ramen and restaurants...?

>> No.9174206

Why do you need a butcher's knife when you are a neet/student and live alone?

>> No.9174227

to eat a half decent meal.

Anyway, get one. It doesn't even need to be a good one, you don't need a super pro ceramic blade when you only prepare meals with it twice a week.

And protip: you can keep them sharp with the ceramic on the bottom of a coffee mug.

>> No.9174247

If you're willing to put in that much effort and money for your ramen, then you should eat something else.

And even if you are poor as shit, you shouldn't eat ramen. Eat oats. Less flavour, (add some honey and it's sweet), but it's more nutritious, just as cheap, and won't kill you.

>> No.9174254

you mean actual prepared ramen? It's a good meal. All I'm saying is if you follow that guide you're putting so much effort into it, you may as well take the little extra step to make it into an actual legit dish instead of Bachelor Chow

>> No.9174258

Ramen is delicious. It's not really about the price or nutrition value.

>> No.9174282

Hamburgers are delicious too.

>> No.9174311

Indeed. What's your point?

>> No.9176465


because I do don't want sodium, trans / sat fat, cholesterol, empty carbs.

are you TRYING to get the beetus and scurvy?

>> No.9176509
File: 25 KB, 310x310, 1338695822995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbs are bad for
>Fat is bad for you
>sodium is bad for you

go back to watching the 11 o clock news you ignoramus, none of those things are bad for you.

>> No.9176514

Fuck you bitch. Those are bad. Unless you are being more specific.

>> No.9176522 [DELETED] 

You don't need 300g carbs a day fatty, most people don't limit to their needed 120-160g. Ramen noodles are also simple empty carbs that have no vitamin or mineral content -- why not just go eat some table sugar you fuck.

Trans / Sat fat are bad, mono/poly are good (ramen uses shit tier hydrolyzed plant oils and animal fat), it has no fatty acids and has bad cholesterol.

Sodium is bad for you unless you are someone with low blood pressure (hint, you probably aren't) -- enjoy your hypertension.

>> No.9176520

nope, your body requires sodium to maintain equlibrium, fat is necessary for proper organ function, and of course it can be converted to glycogen for energy, and carbs are pure energy which of course you need to keep your heart beating, and brain working, along with slapping your fingers agaisnt your NEETboard

Theyre actually all GOOD for you. Just too much of them are bad for you. Like, fucking anything.

>> No.9176526

Im truNEET i will die young so that faggotry of diet is not a problem

>> No.9176528 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 700x990, 1339293921742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300g of carbs is 1200 calories
>mfw that's only a third of my daily intake because im bulking

I usually do close to 400 dude

>> No.9176530

Yes. But those are MANDATORY. But people tend to enjoy those too much for their own good which is easily done and becomes death. So kids enjoy saturated fat and carbs with reason.

>> No.9176536 [DELETED] 

>Trans / Sat fat are bad, mono/poly are good
>sat fat are bad
>poly are good
And no mention of specific fatty acids.

Moron detected.

Go back to your statins, nerd.

>> No.9176537 [DELETED] 

>It has no fatty acids
LEL, all fat molecules are made of three fatty acids, and glycerol. It just has different kinds of fatty acids, that are saturated with hydrogen. These arent BAD for you, if you eat both kinds that is ideal.
>bad cholesterol
no such thing



>sodium is bad durr

nope, it catalyzes various reactions in your body like other vitamins and minerals. Plus, I already have hypertension because I was born like that nerd, I take medication for it, my blood pressure is fucking golden

>> No.9176540 [DELETED] 

Putting someone on an extremely low sodium diet when they have low blood pressure only lowers it by a very insignificant amount. Nutritional experts just pretend that it's enough to be successful.

You should only worry about your sodium levels if you're taking so much in a short time that you will die from electrolytic imbalance, which will only happen if you chug soy sauce or something.

And also if you're pissed off by the water retention.

>> No.9176544 [DELETED] 


ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS -- context you fucks

>> No.9176552
File: 26 KB, 340x264, 1338938414758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat ramen because it's cheap, why the fuck would I eat that shit in the first place if I already had other food?

Goddamn spoiled NEETs.

>> No.9176551 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't even know the names of any specific essential fatty acids, I bet.

>> No.9176555 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 549x735, le bron face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who fucking cares? Just because it doesnt contain every fucking nearly negligible micro nutrient doesnt make it bad for you.

It's energy, and it's also necessary for proper organ function. Without consuming fat and cholesterol, you couldnt even produce hormones, all hormones are cholesterol based.

Fat is good for you, stop believing idiotic pop-science that gets published on the new york times, the telegraph and your local news.

>> No.9176558 [DELETED] 

linoleneic acid
alpha linoleneic acid

>> No.9176559

How on earth did I first see scheming_israeli.jpg when I looked at your image?

>> No.9176568 [DELETED] 

>alpha linoleneic acid
Shit tier fatty acid that piggybacks off the omega 3 group label.

>> No.9176566 [DELETED] 

How the fuck is industrialized pure carb shit good for your health?

Go eat some vegetables, fat boy.

>> No.9176569 [DELETED] 

I am not a "no fat" person you fuck -- you can scroll up a couple posts and see that I am all for poly/mono/EFA because if someone doesn't have any fat intake they aren't going to be having a fun time with fat-soluble vitamins among other things

Cholesterol intake is debatable,yes... Its not like I don't eat a fucking egg... its just really a good idea to eat lard.

>> No.9176573

itt: fat people trying not to be fat but failing

>> No.9176576
File: 72 KB, 558x470, 1339402745677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me more of your minimalist vegan diet. I am curious.

>> No.9176582

>water in pot
>heat up
>open up 2 packs of top ramen and put it in the pot (throw away the flavor packets since i dont like their flavor)
>first one stays intact, second one is divided into 1/3 and 2/3 piece so that it will fit into the pot's empty space surrounding the first one.
>let the water boil
>once water is boiling put in 1 slice of cheese
>then crack open an egg and pour its contents in the boiling pot
>stir the egg/cut the slice of cheese a bit so it doesnt stay in one place
>wait till ramen is somewhat wet smooth(not too soft, not too hard) and the add some salt then stir a bit
>turn off heat and pour the ramen + ramen soup onto your bowl.
>enjoy the delicious ramen
add soy sauce if you want flavor

inb4 "omg thats not ramen"

>> No.9176579

where the fuck are you going to get your protein son?

do you even lift?

>> No.9176580

>muh health

Who gives a fuck?
Seriously, you'll probably kill yourself before you're 40, why do you care about micronutrients?

>> No.9176581 [DELETED] 

He wasn't defending ramen in particular.

Vegetables are mostly carbohydrate, so why do you support them and hate on carbs in the same breath?

Also, many vegetables are nutritionally devoid and only help with making you take huge shits.

"hurr eat fruits and vegetables" is shitty housewife advice. Some specific fruits and vegetables have nice micronutrient profiles, but not all of them. Apples in particular are worthless.

>> No.9176585 [DELETED] 

nigger please, it's a fucking glucose molecule, they dont change the fucking molecule around. The only real problems are nutrients absorbed not as glucose like fructose and shit, but that's not in ramen ill tell you that much
>implying im not jacked

>> No.9176586 [DELETED] 

fiber how does it work?

>> No.9176590

What if you liked ramen? Your post doesn't really make any sense.

>> No.9176589 [DELETED] 

eat a fucking slice a bread

>> No.9176594

I'm too old for Naruto.

>> No.9176596 [DELETED] 

By making people shit/feel good about their sugar intake depending on which type.

Fiber is extremely overrated and you don't need it. In fact, I'd say the reason it became so popular was people found that their assholes turned into half-functioning soft-serve machines when they radically cut down on their intake of fat.

>> No.9176597 [DELETED] 

>Says the expert, while reading his shitty unrealiable sources

Apples are good for your teeth.

>> No.9176609 [DELETED] 

What the fuck? Apples are sugar, fruit and fiber. Like many fruits. They are shitty for your teeth because of said sugar. You'd have to eat something like 10 apples to fulfill your RDI of a single micronutrient, I believe.

If you think I'm making this up, why don't you look up the publicly available USDA nutritional information on apples, instead of assuming you must be in the right because of what your mother told you about apples and doctors?

>> No.9176621 [DELETED] 

Why do you /fit/ nerds have to invade every thread vaguely related to food?

>> No.9176624 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 663x600, 1339357572324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we're right

>> No.9176639 [DELETED] 

It's actually very depressing to only be able to see food as numbers and tables. You want to drag people down to the same level.

>> No.9176635 [DELETED] 

You must eat the noodles with only water then, retard.

Cheap industrialized shit were never good for the health, and never will be.

>> No.9176643 [DELETED] 


pick one... you can add "junk" before food if you want.

>> No.9176649 [DELETED] 


Unlike you, I don't care about my health or about dying, so I'll go ahead and eat whatever the fuck I feel like, without putting a drain on my meager funds.

>> No.9176653 [DELETED] 

good news for you, all the most micronutrient filled, and calories concentrated foods in the world are the cheapest. Eggs, rice, whole milk, bread, vegetables. Cheapest, and most nutritious food, all you could ever need. Add in some spice and sauce which is cheap as fuck and it tastes decent too.

>> No.9176659 [DELETED] 

Stop min/maxing life...

>> No.9176711

I don't think ramen is going to kill me anytime soon, I like the taste, and it's not particularly expensive, so I eat it. Not every day, but there it is.

Dunno why y'all care so much about lecturing people on what they eat.

>> No.9176717

How good is the Nissin stuff?
It's the only ramen I can find here

>> No.9177458

>make ramen thread before going to bed
>check the thread next morning
>thread hijacked by lifters
Such is life on /jp/

>> No.9180827 [DELETED] 
File: 146 B, 18x12, test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
