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File: 85 KB, 636x475, BMD5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9173739 No.9173739 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good Japanese indie games that aren't Touhou?

Pic related.

>> No.9173745


>> No.9173751

Crimzon Clover

>> No.9173767

Sengoku Rance

>> No.9173763

BMD isn't even good. Metroidvanias are shit by definition. Rozenkreuzstilette destroys that kusoge. Also it's doujinshi you faggot, don't associate Japan with all those shitty "art games".

>> No.9173777
File: 26 KB, 450x182, Zen-Ichi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9173779
File: 121 KB, 476x550, rksfreudia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is an English patch out there. If you can't find it then maybe I'll upload it.

>> No.9173780

Holdover, Tokkyuu Tenshi, Taorutekko series, Royal Edoma Engine, and many, many others...

>> No.9173788

They...they didn't translate the German to English did they? That would be terrifying.

>> No.9173796
File: 30 KB, 608x192, title.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is pretty cute.

>> No.9173800

Your comment "Metroidvanias are shit by definition" was worthy of such a response.

>> No.9173803

YOU piss off you weeaboo shitstain, "doujin" and "indie" mean the same exact thing. Don't correct people who use the latter.

>> No.9173808

At least use proper Japanese. Romaji gives me a headache.

>> No.9173810

Another quality thread brought to its knees by /jp/ autism.

>> No.9173812

Romanji dumbass.

>> No.9173815

Rokko Chan
Owata series

>> No.9173818

If it's made by Japanese, it's doujin. If not, it's "indie". Get it right, it's not that hard.

>> No.9173820

He has it right. Romanji is the common misspelling.

>> No.9173821

At least say doujinshi, wannabe weeaboo.

>> No.9173825

It's the same thing.

>> No.9173833

Doujin soft aka doujin games.

>> No.9173838

I guess you're one of those faggots that regularly calls manga comics, and anime cartoons.
Can't help it, they are. Only game that's more overrated than Half Life 2 is Symphony of the Night. I'm willing to say that every MMORPG, turn-based JRPG, and MOBA is shit too.

>> No.9173840

this is why nobody likes you nerd.
Seconding RKS tho

>> No.9173841

Yume Nikki and all of it's spin-offs

>> No.9173842

同人 and 同人誌 is not the same.

>> No.9173846

No shit.

>> No.9173854

>I guess you're one of those faggots that regularly calls manga comics, and anime cartoons
But anime are cartoons and manga are comics/graphic novels. Sure people don't usually call them that, but they are. Just like how doujinshi are independent productions, doujinshi is just the Japanese term that is typically used by westerners when referring to Japanese independent works, but either term is technically correct.

>> No.9173855

wow i've never saw such a daring poster before, you clearly deserve the title of king of spergs

>> No.9173856

Doujin is the circle, doujinshi is the circle's works.

>> No.9173863

Whoa now take it easy friends.

>> No.9173878
File: 106 KB, 765x720, 1336783283990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>but MOOOOOOOOOOOM, they're not CARTOONS, they're ANIMES!!

>> No.9173881

Geez anon do you even like games?

>> No.9173882

Could we just stop this silly discussion and stay on-topic?

>> No.9173884

You'd better call up Comiket and tell them that they've been doing it wrong for decades. The actual name of the event should have been Mangaket all this time.

>> No.9173886

no U

>> No.9173907

No you idiot it should be Mangaichi. Market is English filth and ichi is glorious nipponese.

>> No.9173917

What's a good game then?
I actually though Half Life 2 was one of the best games I've ever played and back when I played it I didn't have internet and hadn't read a single review on it.

>> No.9173918



>> No.9173950

Ao Oni

>> No.9173984

Don't confuse me, I wasn't saying Half Life 2 is bad, it's an alright game but it's not good either. I only said it was overrated, because it is. Yume Nikki is a bit overrated too. Sure Yume Nikki is enjoyable but it's genre simply isn't capable of being as good as STG's are. In Half Life's case...that is as far as singleplayer shooters go, I'm not really a fan. I prefer F.E.A.R, Vanquish, and some others to Half Life 2.
Yeah it's a retarded name, so is videogames. It should be more like musicvideogames, or bookmusicvideogames. Although, I'd prefer if such a retarded method of naming had simply never existed and they'd referred to them as game-programmes or some shit.

>> No.9174203


>> No.9174218

"Interactive multimedia" is what you call video games when you want them to be taken seriously, just like "graphic novel" is for comic books.

Also OP,

Cave Story (play this RIGHT THE FUCK NOW) if you haven't
La-Mulana if you like games similar to Castlevania (the difficulty and slow-paced beginning may be a turnoff, but it's a great game)
Guardian of Paradise if you like games that are similar to Zelda

>> No.9174223

They will never finish the sequel. ;_;

>> No.9174235
File: 175 KB, 500x690, 3793818bb24eef185c7869e46dd126ddd823ad87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cave Story

you lose 50 nerd points if you haven't played this already

download it here

>> No.9174238

>Cave Story (play this RIGHT THE FUCK NOW)

>> No.9174243

You can say Casablanca is overrated, but you don't really get to call yourself a film buff if you haven't seen it.

>> No.9174246

no it's not so shut up

>> No.9174262

Saying overrated all the time is overrated and overused by annoying fucks like you.

>> No.9174272

living is overrated. Kill yourself if you're feeling independent and stuff

>> No.9174292

Whoa, look at all that butthurt there.

The more butthurt people get the more true it is.

>> No.9174309

Cave Story and La Mulana are shit.

Interactive Multimedia is a retarded name, and I have no intention of games being "taken seriously", I just want a name for them that isn't completely retarded. This right here is why I refer to these games as doujinshi rather than indie, I don't want to be associated with fagboys like you.

>> No.9174317

Do you even LIKE video games?

>> No.9174325

Maybe it's our friend icy.

>> No.9174327




>> No.9174328

Yeah faggot, just a few fucking minutes ago I said, or at least implied, that I like Rozenkreuzstilette, Yume Nikki, F.E.A.R, and Vanquish. I also love using commas inappropriately.

>> No.9174330

Liking games leads to disliking shit games.

>> No.9174332

I like video games, but they're pretty obscure. You've probably never heard of them.

>> No.9174356
File: 3 KB, 126x98, that post gave me autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9173984 Yume Nikki is overrated because it isn't my favorite genre

>> No.9174361

>This right here is why I refer to these games as doujinshi rather than indie, I don't want to be associated with fagboys like you.
Don't worry, nobody wants to be remotely associated with you either.

>> No.9174397
File: 140 KB, 600x700, 2796102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good Japanese indie games
>Pic related
>It's BMD and not C7D


>> No.9174398

Nah you faggot, there are plenty of genres that could beat my favorite genre if the devs weren't so retarded, but walking simulators aren't one of them. Yume Nikki is overrated because people just fucking love saying it's one of the best games ever made, even though the greatest example of it's genre can only ever be "good" in comparison to the greatest example of STG's which would be "great".

>> No.9174402


What is the greatest example of the walking simulator genre?

>> No.9174410



>> No.9174418
File: 53 KB, 638x480, irisu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irisu syndrome is short and entertaining

>> No.9174425

Watch out, we got a normalfag over here.

>> No.9174429

I'm referring to the fictional ideal walking simulator and the fictional ideal stg, both of which don't exist. As far as walking simulators go, Yume Nikki is my favorite, not that I've actually played more than 3 or 4 different walking simulators though.

>> No.9174456

Would Knytt be considered a walking simulator? Even though it's a platformer, it's a game with very little challenge, where basically the whole point of the game is to walk around and see cool stuff.

>> No.9174462

basically, but it's not Japanese... as you can see, pig western games need not apply here

>> No.9174466

Yes, it's a walking simulator if you ask me. A particularly shitty one.

>> No.9174618

Yeah, except for levels people make for the game themselves. I've had lots of fun with one Lunatic difficulty level (most are crap though). But generally, people play it for the atmosphere.

>> No.9174666

Cave Story is bland, slow, dull trudge. He could have shrunk the world and the game would be better by not wasting your time, none-the-less certain instances of back tracking, especially getting the dogs in the desert.

Cave Story is incapable of holding my attention. I don't think there really are many indie type games that are worth playing.

>> No.9174684

sup icy

>> No.9174701

Oh boy, it's autism time.
Don't you have another "pretentious art game" to vent on?

>> No.9174708

>He doesn't like this shitty indie game I like, he must be Icy

>> No.9174716

Hydra Castle Labyrinth

>> No.9174724
File: 9 KB, 256x224, Unpopular, critically panned game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost like an exploration game!

>> No.9174732

You know what game is actually overrated? Touhou.

>> No.9174736
File: 138 KB, 987x598, wonderboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas dont know bout the best metroidvania

>> No.9174752

way to slut up your theme.

>> No.9174754
File: 155 KB, 729x1041, raycrisis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike super metroid and cave story, yume nikki is actually enjoyable. It's slower than either of those, but it isn't bland.

>> No.9174761

i agree

>> No.9174769

I don't know, Cave Story had *just* the right amount of Metroidvanianess for me. I got all OCD in Super Metroid and Yume Nikki. Which kind of sucks because both games have very obscurely hidden items I eventually needed a walkthrough to find, and that always makes games less fun for me.

Though I do love all three games.

>> No.9176441




Vorpal Rabbit


Password for above 3 is "ryona" -- these uploaders contain a lot of low tier shit but there are some AAA gems hidden in there.

hope you like Ryona / guroge

>> No.9176467


>> No.9177551 [DELETED] 

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9177564 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 600x600, しょぼん..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Project 16 wwww

>> No.9177576 [DELETED] 


>Cave Story

2 of the best games eye have ever plaied that are from the 21st century if not ever

eye have not beaten lamulana yet

the game is massive

>> No.9178301

look at the fucking kanji you fucking sperglord: 同人誌. It means "fan publication" so use doujinshi for fucking fanzines and fan manga, assface. Doujin soft is the proper term for JP "indie games."
Now fuck off with your shit-tier Japanese you fuckstick.

>> No.9178437

Hey, I tried getting Guardian of Paradise working, but when I run it it says it's missing D3DRM.dll ....help?
