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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9167182 No.9167182[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The best Evangelion

>> No.9167186
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evangelion goes in /a/

>> No.9167187


>> No.9167189

eva = poop out my butt

>> No.9167196

I like Evangelion and Gundam.

>> No.9167214


Get it right

>> No.9167213
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I like Evangelion!
Evangelion saikou!

>> No.9167225
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Misato is the best Evangelion

>> No.9167233

what the fugg at that image quality

>> No.9167258
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I wish Mana would get an on screen appearance, she's a cutie

>> No.9167261

Its really Shinji with long hair

>> No.9167273
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This faggot knows whats up

>> No.9167296 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9167305

When is movie 3 coming.

>> No.9167311
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This fall, exact date TBA.

>> No.9167390 [SPOILER] 
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The things I would do for those feet..

>> No.9167423
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Anno hates all of you for making threads like this. Lol.

But yeah, Asuka always was my favorite. Her character arc is the most interesting to me. Far more depth than Rei, and slightly more complicated than Shinji. You know what though, I'm really surprised people don't talk more about Kaji. He's not as in-your-face interesting as any of the main cast, but I've always wanted to take a closer look at what makes him work.

>> No.9167429
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hell yeah mf

>> No.9167442

I didn't like Asuka at first.

But when it became clear that she had the worst mental health issues of the entire cast, I really started to sympathize with her.

>> No.9167556

I'm only curious, but how are Asuka's mental health issues worse than Shinji's?

Out of everyone, she always got the worst thrown at her, but she seemed to handle it better than Shinji ever could. She's messed up and had a terrible past, but I don't see how she could be more messed up in the head than Shinji, maybe Rei.

>> No.9167570

Asuka is a raging ball of self-loathing that can barely differentiate between herself and a dead doll. Shinji is mostly depressed.

>> No.9167577

>Out of everyone, she always got the worst thrown at her, but she seemed to handle it better than Shinji ever could.

She suppressed her issues, making them worse.

When they were all brought to the surface via mind rape her mind was broken.

>> No.9167592
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would fuq

>> No.9167598


Asuka probably has an even lower self-esteem than Shinji does. So that's why she hides it all through acting like she's the best thing since sliced cake and forces people always through being a jerkass.

Then there's speculation that she always fit guilty for living on while her mother died, so yeah.

>> No.9167782

^Pretty much this. The thing is, as far as I see, Asuka and Shinji really aren't all that different, at a basic level: it's how they express it that sets them apart.

>> No.9167825

One of my least favorite characters of all time. What a bitch.

>> No.9167889

This except I dont not like her.

Makes me want to be forced into sniffing her butthole even more.

>> No.9168937
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Check the NGE manga, there is one chapter devoted to his childhood and adolescence.

>> No.9169109
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Also, wasn't the EoTV ending more pro-otaku culture actually?

>> No.9169506
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I might, now that you mention it...

Possibly, but I'm not sure how. EoTV is primarily an argument against solipsism and self-delusion, so in order to establish that it's also pro-otaku, you'd have to establish that otaku culture is itself inimical to solipsism. I'd actually say that, given the show's context in the Lost Decade, it's more anti-otaku than anything else. Anno, Sadamoto, and Tsurumaki's statements seem to be to that effect anyway.

>> No.9169524

Which really seems like a stupid idea to me. Your going to go the whole preachy douche-bag route by spitting in the face of your source of income.

>> No.9169557

EoTV? End of Television?
back in my days people would just use terms like EoE and TV ending.

>> No.9169558


>> No.9169585
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Well, here's the thing: Evangelion is my favorite anime ever, but the damn thing is awful at making itself understood. So, few people got the point, or if they did, they didn't truly feel it. However, Evangelion is really good at exploring the psychology of the otaku archetype, so it's extremely effective emotionally. Those two things combined, and Evangelion's success despite its message doesn't seem so strange anymore. At least, that's how I see it.

>> No.9169594

Also, I need to find more Asuka screencaps.

>> No.9169607

My point is that Anno is an idiot and a douchebag is his saving grace is that he is also a fuck-up.

>> No.9169645
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Well, maybe. But that's not what you really want to say, is it? Go on.

>> No.9169656

No, that is exactly what I want to say. He is a douchebag that lucked up such a massive failure he became rich instead of going bankrupt.

>> No.9169697
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Thank you. Now, in your opinion, what is it that makes Evangelion a failure? Certainly it's not a financial failure, so what is it that the show did that caused it to be a failure as a whole? I've heard very compelling (not convincing, but very interesting) arguments for this, but I'm interested in yours.

>> No.9169711

No, his failure was that despite his intents, he did not manage to insult his fans, or as I put it earlier ``spit in the face of your (his) income.'' Eva itself is wildly popular and successful, a fairly entertaining series. Anno intended it to be some social commentary and really all his attempts at moralfagging do is mess around with an entertaining story. What effect that messing has on the story is debateable. His depression is not an excuse and never was.

>> No.9169754

Honestly I don't see how anyone could like Eva for anything but characters and setting, because nothing even seems to barely logically follow from the events in the show. Besides, the argument that it appears to be giving seems to be extremely weak logically.

>> No.9169770
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Fair enough. I think Anno himself would agree to that, actually. Still, I think Evangelion has more to offer than simply an entertaining story. While he (and don't forget Tsurumaki and Sadamoto) failed to make themselves clear, their point is still there to be found. Beyond that, there's the excellent exploration of depression and self-value that is what most fans (including myself) fell in love with it for. I do see your point though.

Wouldn't it be philosofagging though? Lol.

>> No.9169777

Asuka is actually animated Yuko Miyamura. Anno has been infatuated with her back then, even going as far as having her choked in the recording studio.

>> No.9169792
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Autism: the anime

A.T. Field = Autism power level

>> No.9169801

He was basically bashing on otaku culture for not being socially productive and acceptable as far as I can recall. I do not remembe rthe show all that clearly, so I may be simplifying it a bit.

Incidentally, I originally became infatuated with the show because it presented to a fairly young me alien monsters that operated by blatently overwriting the laws of a more conventional reality.

>> No.9169804
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>> No.9169824

He is not all that bad.

>> No.9169816
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social retard

>> No.9169825
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>> No.9169834

I remember being like 14 and wondering what the white stuff on shinjis hand was.

and now I hear there are a billion new movies or some shit.

>> No.9169839
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Otaku Culture

>> No.9169844

What is wrong with that, /jp/?

>> No.9169846
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Asuka Culture

>> No.9169856
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Janitor Culture

>> No.9169860
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>> No.9169865
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>> No.9169866
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This thread: started out with Asuka waifus, ends up with Shinji autism. Oh /jp/, you so silly.

>> No.9169869

Did you expect anything else but a tactical retreat to more familiar grounds?

>> No.9169874
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Misato is right

>> No.9169882
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It's okay, they're both autismic.

>> No.9169885

Just like me.

>> No.9169893

am i the only one who always thinks that floating stuff in the thumb is a tampon?

>> No.9169894
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>> No.9169899

Rofl. But hey, I managed to get a decent conversation out of it, so it's not like I'm complaining. You know how it goes, "In any time, in any place, the acts of /jp/ remain the same." Or something like that.

>> No.9169903

Not really.

>> No.9169919
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Being the only mature person in NGE, killed by a nameless assassin

>> No.9169936
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>> No.9169946
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Gensokyo is not real

>> No.9169954
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You enjoy your life?

>> No.9169959

More real than Anno is.

>> No.9169965
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>> No.9169973
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>> No.9169983
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PenPen a boss

>> No.9170012

I've often held that Gensokyo is, in many ways, the perfect otaku fantasy. But, whether that constitutes self-delusion or not...that's up to the individual.

>> No.9170069

What's the OVA called where everyone has sex?
