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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9163287 No.9163287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good one janitor. Alright I can finally see that /jp/ is finally done. I will see you guys in maybe a year just to check in for old times sake.

>> No.9163303

Have you ever considered that the problem is perhaps, you, and not the janitor?

>> No.9163307


I just got from work. This mess isn't mine dude so fuck off.

>> No.9163311
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I'm going to ignore this topic and treat this as a MarisaxAlice thread.

>> No.9163312
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The problem may be everyone, not the janitor. Or maybe everyone, and the janitor. Anyway, this board is not what it used to be. Too many kids that can't take it easy (nor want to know what that is...).

I want to fund a cure to stop my addiction to come here.

>> No.9163317

>from work


>> No.9163318

See you next year.

>> No.9163316


We use other imageboards and IRC now. /jp/ has always been /jp/ because it gets a high amount of traffic but it's all shit.

>> No.9163321


Yeah what?

>> No.9163324

You do browse other imageboards? Because most imageboards I know are partially dead (almost no activity).

>> No.9163329


Of course. This isn't the old days and 4chan doesn't have a monopoly over everything. There maybe only 50 or 100 posts a day but it's a better community than this now.

>> No.9163339
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Using them right now

>> No.9163337

The janitors started of fantastic but over the last month or two shit like this has been allowed to happen one or twice a day.

>> No.9163350

I might give them a try again. I'm started to get tired of this "truNEET", "tohospam" and shit like that.

I was also developing a imageboard software, but I don't know if I should continue with that project. Is nearly done, it allows people to register with an username or post anonymously, and every account can create their own board. But I don't know if I should continue with it. What do you guys think?

>> No.9163355


That actually sounds really cool. I would love to see it.

>> No.9163362


This isn't a Touhou thread get out.

>> No.9163363

thanks bro

>> No.9163365


Knowing how many software dev propositions are premised in a few descriptive lines, followed by the addendum "so what do u tink?? xD", I wouldn't bet on it going anywhere anytime soon.

>> No.9163366

my question is this: what reason does an image board have to only estend about 10 pages? surely there can't be that much 'off topic' stuff. and besides, aren't these image boards for people who want to post images and talk about whatever? not like it's going to interrupt the feel of the board, if one topic stays around a bit.

>> No.9163371

I have a demo hosted in a free server, but I'm affraid I would be banned if I post the url. Also, I'm affraid of spammers spamming it.

>> No.9163387


Feel free to send it to my email.

>> No.9163392
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Disillusioned meta? I'm in.
The current problem is that to keep every shitposter faction under control you'd require 4 janitors and at least 1 mod. And no matter what way you look at it, that's no way to enjoy a proper community. It would turn into a hostile environment just because some kids took the "take it easy" motto too far and thought it meant a permission to treat the board as a playground/facebook.

So what are we going to see over the summer? More of this. Spammer shift comes in, bumps everything off the board. Janitors do a couple passes wiping 5-8 pages and not making a difference at all. It takes nothing to repost a deleted thread, and a permaban only delays for like 10s.

The worst part is that it's not even an outsider threat, or automated bots. It's the conclusion of 4 years of misguided policies in a board that could never decide what it was about. And so the /jp/sie diaspora continues, our slice of 4chan lost to entropy and a handful of loud children. We've been arguing and proposing new sites to move into for years, but there was never a clear destination. It's a shame so many people have lost each other in all this.

There are no clear answers and no easy solutions. The board's salvation has to come from its userbase, but that turned far too difficult once ironic shitposting became the norm.

>> No.9163408

Mail sent

>> No.9163414

jaybee is for pants-shitting truNEETs only. its fuggen nomralfagz like u that make dis place so shitty with ur "look at me i have a job, i have hobbeis, i have money to buy figs shitbosting". fugg of and never coem baxk xD fuggen normals amiright fellow neeties?

>> No.9163417


I've always been curious at what makes people think that relocating geographically on an information network would change the quality of the information at all. In the first place, there's no real barrier for that information (e.g., your example of spammers spamming, it doesn't matter what board it is, as long as one can connect to it). I think it's rather naive to think that you can just bring the good parts of /jp/ onto your board and expect it to work for the best.

>> No.9163418


Just like with policing janitor duty should be a 24/7 job. I don't give a shit anymore about over-moderation or being too strict because right now this what /jp/ needs. I say hire two more janitors from different time zones and each with unique hours.

>> No.9163431

Agreed for the most part.

/jp/ doesn't have to be on topic 100% of the time but there should always be more on topic posts than shitposts (and when they get deleted almost half of the board is gone).

We should have just stayed japan/general.



>> No.9163433

Except janitors don't get paid.

>> No.9163444


" It's the conclusion of 4 years of misguided policies in a board "

You are right about this as well.The only janitor activity I see outside of their normal operating times seems to be deleting NSFW content. Which is good but what about the shitposts? The off topic threads? The things that ruin this place and do not belong here?

It's good to let loose once in a while which is why I like Zunbar and think he would be a decent janitor but you must abide by the rules and the topic of the board. There is no getting around that.

>> No.9163459

Communities are independant and works in their own way. This community is probably one of the worse comunities I have ever seen, because there is no real moderation and lacks of control. It's not about geographical relocation, it's about one comunity being more permisive than others.

Also, whoever wants to see the demo, post a mail (a 10 minute mail one or whatever, I don't care) and I'll send you the url.

>> No.9163462

You are right. They aren't staff they are volunteers like school crossing guards or people who pick up the trash at a park and recycle it. Their only motivation towards doing what they do is their motivation to keep free of offending threads and content (NSFW, trolling and other stuff).

>> No.9163472

Signing up for the alpha

>> No.9163473

Someone already tried that, and it didn't take long before it was bespammed with CP.

>> No.9163477

This is basically a community moderated board. If the community likes the shitposts they stay. How is a janitor or mod supposed to delete threads that constantly get 100+ replies?

>> No.9163491


Well, this time I'm ready to report any illegal activity to the autorities. I already did that once, works very well against CP spammers.

>> No.9163498

Rule 1) NSFW should be spoilered

Rule 2) Posts must be superficially /jp/ related (no finns/jews/huehue/america trolls and forced memes that don't even try to pretend they have something to do with /jp/, especially ones that have to do with other nationalities)

Rule 3) /jp/ is for VNs, touhou and all sorts of non-anime/manga stuff that doesn't go into /a/. Posts should at least be tangentially related.

Rule 4) Illegal content (actual cp and drug use) should be deleted

>> No.9163502


moot is trying to put a stop to that I think.

>> No.9163511


>Rule 1) NSFW should be spoilered

No, NSFW is not allowed at all.

>Rule 4) Illegal content (actual cp and drug use) should be deleted

Uh, it is always deleted.

>> No.9163514

Well, I'm sincerely pissed off, as I said in many threads lately. I reported them also, but they're still here.
I see the only solution of 1: killing the board, 2: shutting it off from May to September.
really guys, this year is fucking too much. there's nothing of interest left for me here

>> No.9163524

>Uh, it is always deleted.
No it isn't, there are drug threads every day.

>> No.9163531


Here goes then.

>> No.9163532

I also agree on not needing to be 100% on topic all the time. I think some of our best threads have been ones that weren't at all /jp/ related, but still interesting. Some of our worst are technically on topic (not counting the obvious garbage like ONLY QUADS WILL KILL GIGA SUDO). Then again, I came here once by random chance and found that it was the closest thing to old pre-raid 4chan so I stuck around. In my case, there's no solution to what I'd want from the board. If we just split into /jp/ and /b2/ or something, it's not like /b2/ would actually be anything like old /b/. The user base is mostly either gone or has changed. That's even assuming that there would be some magical way to filter out any newcomers or anyone else that would ruin it, and even still, if we managed that, the board would stagnate like no other. The best I can hope for are random gems among the garbage, which is all I guess I could ever do. That's all 4chan has ever been. It's just that as time goes on, it's getting harder and harder to find the gems.

>> No.9163534


I see them being deleted. I agree that some are allowed to stay up for intolerable periods of time but in the end it's usually only one thread, its bound to delete it and I can just ignore or hide it.

>> No.9163559

> How is a janitor or mod supposed to delete threads that constantly get 100+ replies?

Because it's their job to delete off topic and illegal content. You don't see a cop letting a group of kids smoking pot on the street go because it's popular and well liked.

>> No.9163603

rule 1:
nsj suck my fucking dick, you aren't clever following people around

rule 2:
all posts must contain either irony or meta trolling of some kind, no matter how light or indistinguishable

rule 3:
the next janitor will also be from an IRC circlejerk

>> No.9163610

Was it written from the ground up? Looks pretty good so far

>> No.9163611
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Remember when /jp/ used to be hostile to anything that wasn't related?

Now instead of responding to a thread by saging and telling them to go away, /jp/ attempts to troll by ironic shitposting. Kind of like >>9163414
Idiots see that and copy it until more idiots come and do the same.

You're doing this to yourself /jp/, even those faggots from tumblr know it.

>> No.9163611,1 [INTERNAL] 

You keep posting in metas, but you keep doing nothing, while trying to sound like the good, knowledgeable guy. Just how scheming can you be?

>> No.9163611,2 [INTERNAL] 

I think AoC is pretty spot-on in these threads, but I agree it's not doing anything.

(this is the part where AoC agrees with me and writes an essay about it)

>> No.9163611,3 [INTERNAL] 

>good, knowledgeable guy
Is that a compliment? If it is, thank you.

Oh, you.
I've been indulging in meta too much over the years and it has never gone anywhere. The closest we got to results was the creation of /bun/ after a massive ghost thread, and that turned to be a sort-of decent experiment, but not the salvation we were expecting.

Every year is the worst year in /jp/. Funny how in every old metathread you keep finding the sentiment that things can't get any worse and yet here we are.

So what can be done? The same thing we agree on every single time. Post better threads, contribute to the board, ignore the shitposts and report properly. Send mails to moot to explain the current situation and why we need better moderation. Follow the old guidelines.

I already do what I can. Still cling to this old place even as everyone leaves for greener pastures. Anyway, I think I'm done with meta for the season, time to put down the trip once more.
See you guys around.

>> No.9163611,4 [INTERNAL] 

>while trying to sound like
>Is that a compliment?
u autsm m8

>> No.9163611,5 [INTERNAL] 

Thanks for telling us what we already knew.

Next on the AoC agenda: "Don't respond to trolls", "Be nice to people" and "Eat more vegetables".
