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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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915845 No.915845 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/
What's the best way to become fluent in Japanese?

pic not really related

>> No.915852

Be born in Japan.

>> No.915847

Asking imageboards on the internet.

>> No.915848

Kill yourself and hope you get to reborn as a Japanese.

>> No.915849

Study the language.

>> No.915850

Protip: Picture is very related

>> No.915861

Immerse yourself.

>> No.915862

I thought that pic was from Canada or some shit like that.

>> No.915863

It is.

Fuck off.

>> No.915864

Is that some sad girls in snow?

>> No.915872

Actually taking the language in a class is a good start. Then speaking it and not being afraid of making mistakes, thus learning from your errors and paving your way to fluency. You should treat it like anything worth doing, it isn't going to happen overnight and you probably wont see impressive results quickly. Dedicate the time, do your research, and don't quit.

>> No.915869

Sage for MegaTokyo

>> No.915902


Thank you...

>> No.915925


To add, do some research on some college courses in your area. If that's not possible, use the internet. There are many japanese language resources out there that work, but you just need to find one that suits you. One that works well for myself is yesjapan.com. There are also book alternatives, just look around and you'll be amazed what you find.

If you can, find some Japanese people in your area and ask them for assistance. If you don't have any Japanese people in your area, or none that are willing to assist, use www.sharedtalk.com to find Skype friends or mail exchange partners.

Be patient, don't give up and have some sort of reason to learn the language that'll stick. Just keep reminding yourself that it takes time. It could be well over a year or more before you'll actually start understanding things at full speed.

>> No.915941

Live in Japan.
