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File: 35 KB, 460x287, Le queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9144905 No.9144905[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How are you celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II, /jp/?

>> No.9144909

Can't spell Jubilee without Jew.

>> No.9144908

Fapping to Duke of Edinburgh/Malcolm X fancis.

>> No.9144913

Shut up you fucking faggot. The Queen is German.

Though doing stupid shit like changing the House name to appeal to Jews was just dumb.

>> No.9144923

I bought a UK flag and hung it on my wall.

>> No.9144926

le commonwealth feel

>> No.9144935 [DELETED] 

mfw yuropes clap when they celebrate a holiday other than thanksgiving.

>> No.9144941

Sod the jubilee

>> No.9144942

mfw you think britscum beongs to yurop

>> No.9144947

god save the queen

>> No.9144949

What does Elizabeth II even do? It's not like she's got any political power, and I have never heard of her making any state visits like the other European royalty.

>> No.9144943


*listens to loud music*

>> No.9144956

National pride.

>> No.9144964

Laughed at people who came to this shithole for it and got hit by a monsoon straight after

>> No.9144973

Here's a semi-obnoxious video that will explain it to you:

>> No.9145028

>any state visits
She travels throughout the commonwealth pretty frequently, but when she goes to say Canada or Australia and meets with the Prime Minister, she is still the head of state, so it isn't a state visit. With other European monarchs, they are essentially the head of state of the 1 country the reside in.

The queen also does lots. She is always thinking about the commonwealth citizens, she also holds private meetings and gives advice to the British PMs and such. She is very active and always out and about. The royal family also brings in lots of tourism money, and the jubilee celebrations were very good for London. Amongst lots of other things.

>> No.9145058

What about the video reply that says that's bullshit?

>> No.9145086


>> No.9145102

i took india back

>> No.9145112

>celebrating the existence of an obsolete body that does nothing but waste money

>> No.9145115

G-Gandhi? What are you doing on /jp/?

>> No.9145126

well its nice to have crowns and stuff everywhere
i respect the queen and having a royal family is cool
on the surface it might seem like a bad thing but its not like the small amount of money she costs would make people that much richer and it would change more than its worth :(
anyway the queen does travel alot
she does alot more than the average stupid celebrity on big brother and her life and her families life is constantly watched and examined too whether she wants it or not
i dont think that would change for a few generations if they got rid of them :/

>> No.9145145
File: 31 KB, 320x240, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it feel like to not be free, euroqueers?

>> No.9145155

Feels oppressed man.

>> No.9145160


>> No.9145213

Am I the only person in the world who has no problem with people being born into royalty? I understand republicans' ideas that we're all equal and anyone should be able to accomplish anything. But that's not even the case in a republic. I was born into a working class family and I had bugger all compared to the privately educated kids the next town over who are now on track to become MPs or businessmen. And that's fine. Their parents worked hard, the rewards were passed onto their children.

And frankly I'd rather have someone educated from birth how to be the head of state as our head of state. Reminds me of Brave New World, but in a useful way. The Queen has basically been on an 86 year training course on how to be the Queen. Even if she doesn't do anything, good for her. Even if she's just a lazy NEET who plays eroge all day, I'd trust her to be our monarch more than anyone else in Britain.

>> No.9145252
File: 74 KB, 640x480, 1338853266956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how he berates the previous video for using made up figures right after claiming that the Royals would be paying inheritance tax every 28 years and comparing yields on the Royal land to that from industrialized land. I wager he'd be complaining if people used the same reasoning to propose tearing down National Trust sites and building factories on them.

Just another faggot jealous that he'll never be a princess.

>> No.9145344

Princess Mako is old and ugly as HELL.

>> No.9145412

>Their parents worked hard, the rewards were passed onto their children
Not essentially the same case with royalty.

>> No.9145451

People didn't just declare themselves chosen by God to rule and find themselves given a nation. They still had to put in a lot of work for it, and if they failed they risked execution, or at least having their power neutered by whoever else took power.
And holding power is no easy task, you couldn't just be a NEET monarch in those days, else some of the nobility were going to take their chances to depose you.
The Royal Family did a lot for the country in their history just by virtue of holding the power themselves, without a strong figure holding the power to themselves, in those days, the country would have fragmented into splinters fighting amongst themselves.
If Britain was in such a state, people would hardly have a chance to engage in study and science, and we likely wouldn't have had an enlightenment nor an industrial revolution.
So you should be thankful to them that you aren't living in some backwards agrarian society.

>> No.9145504

