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9142225 No.9142225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you kill yourself and get your organs donated to a bunch of cute schoolgirls, /jp/?

Admit it, it's as close to becoming a little girl as you'll ever get.

>> No.9142252 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9142259

did she really died?

>> No.9142273

She was dead all along.

>> No.9142277

She never actually existed in the series, she just took over the other girls

>> No.9142293

One of the reasons I do not offer my organs should I die is that they will be given to whomever the "system" should get them, not who I want. If you cannot assure me they won't be used to save a child's life instead of some old asshole who drank/ate too much then I will take them to my fiery incineration grave.

>> No.9142301

Grimdark twists with tons of unnoticed foreshadowing. Just love them. Except that the entire fanbase explodes into a circlejerk over the genious of the author and the series and everything forever and goes to shit.

>> No.9142303

Why do you care? You'd be dead anyway.

>> No.9142308


I didn't expect Kumeta to top the KNK ending but fuck me, he did it.

The best part? It was all planned long way in advance, the foreshadowing is everywhere.

Waiting warmly for darkness.

>> No.9142313

Because I hate tub-o-lard, drunks and smokers. Fuck them.

>> No.9142318

Eh it wasn't THAT grimdark, was it now. Yet.

And it was perfectly right in tone with the rest of the series.

>> No.9142319

Where does your borders lie? Would you donate if you could save one innocent loli but also 3 whatever-you-hate?

>> No.9142320

The fuck? Can I get a summary?

>> No.9142336

Yeah, it was very fitting. Comedy mangas usually end poorly too, so that was nice.

But fuck me if people won't get all madoka because of this, just because there was foreshadowing and yet nobody saw it coming.

>> No.9142341

Everybody pretty much universally likes SZS anyway, so eh.

>> No.9142344
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guuuuys stop spoiling dammit. you are talking about ops pic arent you. god damn it I just started season 3 and now people arent real? god damn it

>> No.9142352
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My borders?

My pity and willingness to help extends only to children and animals. I have nothing but contempt for those who destroyed themselves. Why should I care if they die?

But as I said, you cannot ensure the person getting my guts is worthy of it in my eyes. How come the governor of California got a brand new liver within hours of being in the list? No. Fuck that noise.

>> No.9142369

I was sick with hepatitis C. I'm healthy now, but I can't even donate my blood for a quick buck and the feeling that it will help someone, just because my blood has antibodies for it.

>> No.9142372


Get out while you still can. Everything will be ruined if you stay here. Leave! NOW!

>> No.9142375
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Well I dunno about in red China or whatever hellhole, but where I'm from they don't do the whole "organs from executed convicts and unexplained suicides" thing...

I think OP could still donate his body to science, but I doubt that would involve any part of him getting inside of a little girl at any point.

>> No.9142382
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How could you not have watched it as soon as it aired?
Please leave the internet, you're just too new for /jp/.

>> No.9142386

SZS a shit.

Only good thing is Bure and Ringo.

>> No.9142406

i got bogged down ok, these things happen.

>> No.9142414

for 7 years? what a normie.

>> No.9142416

Rewatched part of the first season last night.

>> No.9142420

stop bullying me! i am sensitive!

>> No.9142422

No one cares about me enough to check my home for at least a few months.

My organs would be unusable by that point.

>> No.9142428


>> No.9142438

For those curious about the SZS spoilers, this is a summary from Umin, Suimasen's translator:

- Nozomu's shadow double was Enishi who also works stuff related to spirits (he marries people to each other after they've died and stuff)
- Nozomu apparently isn't a real teacher, but a "teacher" who's supposed to make people/spirits graduate from their former lives
- All girls attempted to commit suicide but were saved. They then met spirits of girls from the Showa era, who had wanted to live, but died. To make these Showa era girls "graduate", all suicidees went to the same class of a high school (despite not being the same age actually) and acted as if they were members of a class. Sensei acted as if he were their teacher, even though he wasn't.

- Moreover, all girls received organ or blood donations from a girl named Akagi An, prior to the series' start. Because a donor's name cannot be revealed, the name Fuura Kafuka was made up, based on Akagi An's favorite writer. Apparently, this name was made up by Mikoto and Chie, who knew everyting all along. There also is specula that they might have performed all the transplantations without registering them (hence police in chapter 300 and stuff)
- The girls probably knew they had received organs and blood from a common donor, which is why the persona of Kafuka could be created as a shared illusion. All girls took shares in acting as Kafuka.
- Remember the extra pages in vol.1 with the "fake preview" for Zetsubou-sensei? He goes on an island and children tell him there are 3.1 of them because "Hiroshi is still alive." Majiru is Hiroshi/possessed by Hiroshi's ghost.

I didn't catch whether Kafka was actually a ghost or shared illusion in the end, I don't like spending too much time on /a/.

>> No.9142497

Shared Illusion. She "possesses" a girl and everyone who got one of her organs sees her as Kafuka.

>> No.9142502

I didn't know this had a plot.

Then again, I don't know anything, so.

>> No.9142530

Yeah, I know that, but there's a difference between a shared illusion/mass halucination/whatever and being possessed by the actual ghost. I guess he just worded it awkwardly though and it's an actual ghost, it wouldn't make sense otherwise with all the other ones.

>> No.9142817

mango of the century.

>> No.9143112

Holy shit.

This coul've made it to the anime. A shame how it ended, though.

>> No.9143119

Is there really a reason for the spoilers?

>> No.9143127


I don't think they have a loli-only organ recycle bin, do they?

>> No.9143128
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Oh you.

>> No.9143143
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>> No.9143147


I honestly agree with you. I pretty much feel the same way.

Yea I know there's always exceptions but it'd be a pain if it was wasted.

>> No.9143163

No, seriously. If this thread isn't even /jp/ related, then what's the point of the spoilers? Why not just fuck off back to /a/?

>> No.9143173

>What's the point of the spoilers?
To avoid spoiling the series. Duh.

>> No.9143192
File: 33 KB, 237x128, 1314588435124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga.

>> No.9143205

spoiler time? spoiler time.


fuck the police

is my spoilering SPOILING your mood?

>> No.9143213

Please stop I have severe autism and black bars upset the condition.
