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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9142165 No.9142165 [Reply] [Original]

Japanese Ronald McDonald
Nico Douga Medleys
Angry German Kid (Keyboard Crasher)
U-U-Uma-Uma (Caramelldansen)
Ilvan Polka (Leek Spin)
Hare Hare Yukai
Multi-track Drifting
And the rest

...Where did it all go? And what replaced it? If anime is supposedly bigger than it has ever been before, how come there is no internet follow-up to that success?

Why did these all suddenly die out? It feels like it was just yesterday all this stuff was rampant on the internet, and now it has seemingly vanished without a trace. Can anyone inform me on what exactly is going on? I've been out of the loop.

>> No.9142166
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>> No.9142168

People just lost interest on niconico. That's it.

>> No.9142177
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2007-2010: = OMG JAPAN SO CRAZY!
2011-2012 = Whatever.

It's like trying to talk about Christian Weston Chandler.

>> No.9142181

There's a stigma against being a gay weeaboo retard now.

>> No.9142191
File: 304 KB, 1024x768, I HAVE DONATIONS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me realize that it's been 5 years since Kumikyoku Nico Nico Douga.
It's been 10 years since Embodiment of Scarlet Devil was released.
It's been 16 years since Highly Responsive to Prayers was released.

>> No.9142194

I hope interested in Japanese entertainment dies a slow death in the west.

I already witnessed it happening in my own country, it's a great thing.

>> No.9142199

You didn't even know what touhou was when those things happened.

>> No.9142200


>> No.9142206 [DELETED] 

You know realize 1992 was 30 years ago.

>> No.9142210

>If anime is supposedly bigger than it has ever been before
In the West it's long past its prime. Thank god.
>caring about anime

>> No.9142215

I like how you acted pretentious with your sage and ended up misspelling the word "now".

>> No.9142220


I'm not really talking specifically about anime, but I hear that anime is supposedly at an all time high, yet the internet culture following it seems to be much smaller than it used to be. I don't really understand.

Sure the West lost interest, but what stopped the memes and MADs in Japan? Is it just me or is there a lack of fandom or something?

>> No.9142218

True, but somehow... it still makes me feel old.
How about this, then? The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker is 10 years old.
What is 2012 minus 1992, anon?
Go on, take your time.
... Got it yet? It's 20 years. Not 30.

>> No.9142233

>but what stopped the memes and MADs in Japan?
What makes you think this?

>> No.9142240


Well what are the memes of today? What stuff do we have on the magnitude of Onmyoujii, RED-ZONE etc?

>> No.9142249


I miss these days slightly

>> No.9142250

The internet went mainstream, and died.

That and said mainstreamers wanting to build an image of themselves, like celebs do, care too much about said image in order to cut loose and have fun. It's a good thing anime isn't mainstream in the west, do you want it to die like videogames did?

>> No.9142265

Nothing stopped them. Why don't you take a look at Nico some time?

>> No.9142274


I've been on Nico for a long time. Why not link me to some? Or can't you find any?

>> No.9142276

Good point, the prime time of anime in the west was in the 2000s with Pokemon, Dragon Ball and Evangelion.
Then Japan tried making shows like Big-O specifically to sell overseas and that failed miserably. I'm glad it did, makes it easier to hide my powerlevel.

>> No.9142279

it was. it's toned down. bubble burst when it was shown to be unsustainable, thanks partly to rampant copyright infringement that could not be feasibly fought.

>> No.9142280

I think after the earthquake Japan itself got a lot more serious.
It was around the same time when ZUN married, right?
Maybe the quake had something to do with it.

>> No.9142282

Anime is only just recovering from going mainstream in Japan. Corporate Japan has raped it, that's why they're churning out 30 series per season to try and capitalize on it still.

>> No.9142285

like everything it has become shit

>> No.9142292

Ah yeah, anime companies pulling fan parodies from nicovideo, I remember reading threads about that on /jp/.

So fucking annoying, I bought El Shaddai solely because of the japanese memes, in fact the videos were better than the game.
Why can't old people understand free internet publicity is actually GOOD for business.

>> No.9142305

People just can't take it easy on the internet anymore.

>> No.9142307

At least we still have MMD Cups, right?
Except that the software isn't being update anymore and most models got deleted off the face of the internet thanks to ACTA. Well, the future looks bleak.

>> No.9142312

Search for any series and you're bound to find MADs. I'm not sure what exactly you're looking for here.

>> No.9142334


Nice backpeddling

>> No.9142370

Red Zone is from an anime?

Anyway OP, memes live and die. You may as well be asking why you don't see more Cockmongler, Happy Negro, OVER 9000, and Waha here on 4chan.

>> No.9142379


There are no memes on 4chan anymore either except for shitty tryhard memes.

The world has run dry of creative juices, that's why>>9142285

>> No.9142380
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Because old people can't understand anything besides what has been drilled into their heads from young age.

Their minds are literally to old to interpret information in new ways from what it is used to.

People past a certain age should hold no political power.

>> No.9142384
File: 111 KB, 402x562, Waha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god
Why did you remind me of this?
Now I'm going to have to look up all of these old memes again... and I'm gonna have to go to ED to do it. GODDAMN YOU.

>> No.9142385

The creative juices are still there, it's just that now everyone tries to make everything with the idea of turning a profit in mind.

>> No.9142390

But I did. Okay, not TH1 or 6, but I got into Touhou before 99.5% of /jp/ did.

>> No.9142391

Those were all shit except multi-track drifting.

Also I don't know what RED ZONE is.

>> No.9142397


>> No.9142400
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Anime and the internet culture surrounding anime aren't the same thing. One can watch anime without posting the same soon-tired things over and over again.

>> No.9142405
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It's the fucking corporate assholes that try to take advantage of memes to attract the regular internet population. Nyan Cat on a Sprint commercial? I admit I liked that a bit. Still miss old memes.

>> No.9142413


Yureru mawaru fureru setsunai kimochi
Futari de issho ni nemuru winter land
Anata dake mitsumete watashi dake mitsumete
Asu wo chikau
Gyutto dakare moeru koigokoro
Hageshiku maichiru yuki ni tsutsumarete
Eien ni ai shiteru kyou yori ai shiteru
Zuttohohohohoh eternal love

>> No.9142419

>There are no memes on 4chan anymore
Sure there are. Mostly /v/ though since so much about video games are shit.

The Ubisoft-DRM-pirates gifs, Making fun of E3 quotes(E3 this year sucked and didn't have anything funny happen besides Ubisoft dominating everyone and MS getting told), and occasional other things. Shame they also produce the most cancerous things and try to force /jp/s cancer into /v/ also.

A lot of the boards no one cares about also have some funny memes sometimes.

>> No.9142423

Fuck, the browser ate my three-paragraph post.

In short, I'd ask the same question as OP. What replaced it?
My guess is "nothing".
That gap, that agreeable limbo between "SO FUNNY I SHAT MY PANTS XDDDD" retards and total mainstream integration, is no more.
Now watching anime (to mention just one product of pop Japanese media) is in a sense as common as watching American TV series. The mainstream has absorbed it as far as it is possible.
My bias alarm is ringing at max power, but I still think things have dried up. "Let's go! Onmyouji" and Kumikyoku were beautiful pop products. The actual chemistry between Japan and the mainstream (we could even extend this to "Internet and the mainstream") does not allow for these things to pop up as much. You can't make an inside joke when the target group is the whole mainstream. You can't really try to make some people laugh when you have to appeal to everybody.

I remember X-Files. It had some truly, deliberately hilarious episodes. The staff had the opportunity to do things that overtly appealed to nerd humour.
Now, 2012. The closest thing we have is The Big Bang Theory, which is a perfect example of Trying Too Hard.
The "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave"s are dead.

This post reeks of bias. But I honestly think it has some part of truth.

>> No.9142426


Those are shitty memes. Kill yourself. /v/ is the second worst board to /b/. It's just full of normalfag cancer.

>> No.9142434

Your idea of mainstream is warped.

>> No.9142442

Please, expand on your comment.

>> No.9142456

Memes are so shit and formulaeic nowadays. I remember advice dog but I had no idea it would explode into what it is now.

Nyan cat is the worst excuse for a 'meme' ever, it was so forced it's unbelievable.

Not to mention all the reddit shit, people just want to do nothing but force memes and promote shitty 'internet culture'.

Internet culture will only be reborn when we start using the internet what it was actually for instead of trying to cash in on it. I blame Web 2.0 partly for this.

4chan needs to go back to actually discussing things before genuine, legitimately fresh good memes will be born again from it.

>> No.9142466

I left the internet in around 2008/2009 to do normalfag shit and persue a new life.

It turned out to be shit so I thought 'fuck this, I'm going back to the internet' and came back in 2011.

Suddenly shitty rage comics are everywhere, and are very different from the original ones I would see on 4chan. The troll face is everywhere, people are STILL spamming advice dog template memes, suddenly 'Reddit' (which used to just be a lame programmer hangout area) is the hot new cool place to be. Anime is totally shit and people are obsessive over series which are puddles of wank, dubstep is the new fad music and it's uninspired shitty noise.

4chan has become a home for wannabes following all the 'anonymous is legion' shit, nobody uses forums or IRC anymore because they're all on Facebook and twitter and the blogosphere has been replaced with tumblr accounts which is like a cross between myspace and wordpress.

What the fuck happened? I was only gone for a few years.

>> No.9142468

I don't think it was the creators fault entirely.
she just took a `lol so funnay' image and paired it with her favorite vocaloid song and uploaded it to her youtube.

it is insulting that she got so many views out of something that took NO EFFORT ON HER PART, but fuck the world anyway.

>> No.9142469

You mean SA needs to stop sucking so 4chan can steal their memes again.

>> No.9142471

>Internet culture will only be reborn when we start using the internet what it was actually for instead of trying to cash in on it.

>> No.9142474

Jews happened.

They persuaded the mainstream, braindead, american masses that the internet was suddenly hip and cool, when it had been ostracized not a few years prior.

>> No.9142475

ZUN just got married a few weeks ago...

>> No.9142482


Yes, research and discussion. Memes are funny because they reference the very things we are on the internet for.

/b/ isn't funny and doesn't make funny memes because people go there for the sake of memes. It's basically a metaboard.

Memes come from unintentionally funny sources or from general culture. You can't have culture when your culture is based around the culture itself. It's meta-culture.

>> No.9142490

Dear /jp/,

Today I learned that the Nyan Cat song was a UTAUloid song.

He revealed that he had already been married for a while some months ago.

>> No.9142494

>unintentionally funny
I'm pretty sure "suck my cock dude" and "who are you quoting" were very intentionally funny

>> No.9142501


Those aren't really memes though.

>> No.9142511
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Something Awful got stale in 2005. YTMND got stale a week later. 4chan got stale in 2008.

That's what happened to the Internet.

Now the question is when will YouTube get stale?

>> No.9142514

When video gets stale.

Probably never.

>> No.9142532

I don't remember him saying that all I heard is that they had been dating since IN and were living together.

>> No.9142534

So you're saying

>> No.9142535

Ok, /jp/. Give me your sincere opinion. Do you think twitter, facebook and these things will ever get stale?

>> No.9142544
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I get you. I made this drawing just because.

>> No.9142546

People still use it?
Myspace did, facebook will too, but something will spring up to replace it.

>> No.9142553

Twitter will die out soon but Facebook is for friends and family to keep in touch so I'm not sure on that one.

>> No.9142554

No. Facebook has developed to the point where people are effectively using it as a replacement for email. Twitter will get old when people get tired of telling other people what they're doing, which is never.

>> No.9142560

I'd say the internet is as dead as rock and roll is dead.

Sure there are some people still making it, but it's hardly the same.


I think twitter will last longer than facebook; but facebook will die in the next couple of years. When I got facebook I thought it was useful, I could keep all the normalfag people I have the misfortune of knowing in one place and just like statuses and make a few odd comments here and there and I wouldn't have to do anymore - perfect lazy way to ensure a healthy social life without doing fuck all.

And then the novelty wore off, not just for me; but a lot of people.

Who knows of those "like pages" ? Stuff like "Pretending you're dead in front of your pets to see how they react" In a sense, those were facebook memes of sorts. And what happened to them? They got mainstream, and people started making mass pages for everything and anything, just begging to get 'likes'. And then people ignored them.

The novelty of facebook wore off soon after this, funny comments and 'likes' turned into normalfag drama and broken relationships. I won't lie, I looked at these people like they were ants, and it was amusing to watch them destroy themselves and ragequit. It's like watching a death spiral of butthurt, but without any trolls; just people getting mad.

A lot of these normalfags have quit facebook, and I certainly did when all that shit started. But now, everytime I go there another person has 'quit for good'. They can't take the drama anymore; some of them are just bored.

I think this'll happen with the internet. People will just drop away from it, and go back to their lives. twitter will stay longer because twitter has some value to artists, companies any employees - moreso than facebook I'd say.

>> No.9142564

It's something worthy of betting on.
Everything before Facebook has become stale, but with that piece of shit site, grandma can easily find her grandsons on the other side of the world for the first time. Teens and preteens (and sadly older people too) can play at "subtly revealing" how they masturbate or things like that through the internet for the first time.
It's going to be a hard piece of shit to beat.

>> No.9142568

i'm pretty sure facebook will get replaced eventually seeing as it keeps shitting on its customers.

>> No.9142591

Wait a minute, the internet still produces content, it's just that the monetary ones outweigh the others. "Normal" people ten years ago used to laugh at AYB and think it was the funniest thing in the world. It wasn't. And it took like seven years for it to completely die.

Nothing has changed, except for the fact that shit from 2008 is now appearing on your local news. So what? Chuck Norris shirts were being sold at Hot Topic in 2005.

Also, everything is started at 4chan's boards that aren't /b/ because that's where the people from ten years ago have conglomerated to.

Everyone in this thread is a dumbass. I bet the same people here also lose sleep over Reddit and spam ironic emotes even though that site means absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.9142611

Probably, though some other company will come in to take its place in some way.

Almost certainly. Considering Myspace's demise, Facebook will probably become stale and die too at some point. Something else will take its place.

And someone else mentioned Youtube. I think Youtube will die eventually since it's likely that major commercial interests will pass copyright laws that prohibit video sites from functioning in a profitable way which will lead to their shut-down, either by the companies that run them or by the US government.

>> No.9142625


You always get one person like this who insists nothing has changed. Same with absolutely everything, when everyone agrees something is shit there will always be some idiot who thinks absolutely nothing has changed and it's just the same as it used to be, seen it in anime, music, movies...you name it.

It's like they go around with their eyes closed.

>> No.9142662

What a coincidence, OP. I was just thinking the same thing yesterday.

niconico has kinda lost the カオス culture that they used to have. I liked the purposely bizarre MADs and medleys, even the 歌ってみた singers were quirky with people like Gero getting a lot of love. Now it's a bunch of wannabe amateur singers trying to sound pretty. Also, is it just me or are niconico rankings dominated by fucking guys nowadays? What the fuck happened to my female singers?

Everything just seems so tame compared to the RC and RC2 days. It feels like the fanbase went from being mainly 2ch to the supposed "niwaka" otakus. And I mean that in the Japanese usage, not the recent meme usage on 4chan. Now there's a general hatred for niconico on 2ch, similar to the way 4chan used to treat gaia and now treats reddit.

>> No.9142675

He's been officialy married for over a year already, the thing that took place some weeks ago was the religious ceremony.

>> No.9142699
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It's true though. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

You are looking at the past with rose-tinted lenses. "Memes" were just as annoying, contrived, and far-and-between as they are now. You don't remember this because you were likely one of those fuckwits who would post Candlejack and end their post abruptly. Acting as though you were the fucking internet's greatest comedian, just like everyone on /v/ currently does by reposting awkward shit like "lol rustling jimmies" and ">2012 >blah blah".

Literal autistic people are the ones keeping the old /b/ ANONYMOUS LEGION crap alive. Normal people with short attention spans are the ones keeping rage faces alive. The former will die out along with their extra chromosome, and the latter will move on to other generic monetary-based internet jokes.

Then we'll be repeating this same discussion in 2015, just like we had already in 2007, 2004, 1998, 1993... Fuck off.

>> No.9142709

Even if all the content generation and funny pages and social games all die off, at the end of the day Facebook is, for most normal people, their online face. You want to send a message to your friend John Keynes, you type John Keynes into the Facebook bar. Maybe afterwards you don't even use the Facebook messaging system, maybe you sent him an email or an instant message or a text. But you looked that up on Facebook anyway. It's not going anywhere.

My reckoning is that if you think Facebook is going to die off soon, either you're one of those computer scientists people who thinks the destiny of the internet is forged entirely in the GPL, or you have no friends.

>> No.9142727

>It's true though. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
Yeah, man. Nothing -ever- fucking changes.

According to people like you, nothing ever changes.
Nothing has changed since WWII.
Nothing has changed since the cold war.
Nothing has changed in the world since the internet was invented.
Nothing has changed since the userbase of a site had a clear changeup.

Nope, nothing fucking changes.

>> No.9142737

Have you ever heard the saying, "the more things change, the more they stay the same"?

>> No.9142756

What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again. All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.

Ecclesiastes 1:3-11

>> No.9142749

"I quoted something, therefore I'm validated"

>> No.9142758

this reminds me of the whole chuck norris meme. they turned that into tv ads in here.

>> No.9142768

It you're jaded, go to /f/. /f/ is always full of funny things.

>> No.9142781

Ah yes I still remember Eternal September

>> No.9142789


'nicochuuni' is the new word too. Much like memes and 'nerd culture' anime in japan is infected with niwaka as you say. The Japanese otaku I know both themselves told me that it's grown out of control and they've seen a lot of 'scene changes'. They're going through what we had in 2006-2007, but being the homeland of anime a lot more coporate interests are making some serious bucks from it, hence why everything is geared towards sales nowadays and we have the sutema yaraon shit going on.

It'll go, but right now it's in a bad place.



>> No.9142792

All your base
Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise
Bake a cake
Nightmare City/Catastrophe Flash
Final Fantsy A+
"teh" "pwn" "-zorz"
ITT: <insert observation/troll>

All of this stuff is 7+ years old.
We're fucking old, /jp/.

>> No.9142800

I like how half of those are YTMND
how fares that site, sage-anon?
do they still hate anime with a passion?

>> No.9142812

I kind of agree with you, but for a different reason: 4chan will always stay the same as long as it stays a high-volume, anonymous imageboard.

Yes, as the board gains more adherents, outside influences will continue to change the shape and direction the board is taking.

At most, though, these changes will be skin deep. A post culture biased towards visual images and short messages that cannot be easily attributed to any one identifiable person will limit how far we will stray from how we operated pre-Anonymous/Scientology.

tl;dr take it easy

>> No.9142805


relax, we understand j00

>> No.9142815

I've never heard of that one. I just know ニコ厨.

And yeah, I've seen that copipe. I dunno what to think, I guess I'm just a 懐古厨 now.

Well, you have me figured out. I used to hang out on YTMND.

Who would have thought that the shitting scientology YTMND would turn into a full blown movement?

>> No.9142818

Megatokyo a shit.
Seriously though it really was horrible.

>> No.9142820

>how fares that site, sage-anon?
>do they still hate anime with a passion?
I forgot to address this part. I have no idea, to be honest. I left that site before it totally died.
I migrated to /a/ around 2005.

>> No.9142827

>It's true though. NOTHING HAS CHANGED.
I'm not the guy you're talking to, but things have changed. It's certain the internet has become more populated and more commercial since it stopped being purely the domain of universities and the defense department of the United States and the process has continued and accelerated in the past ten years. That has certainly changed. To say that process isn't affecting anything here is myopic at best.

>Then we'll be repeating this same discussion in 2015, just like we had already in 2007, 2004, 1998, 1993
That's because it's a continual process of change. It's not just one individual event. People every year will begin to notice the changes as those changes affect their experience and they complain about them just like we are now. We aren't wrong, but we can't do anything about it because it involves processes and decisions that we can't affect in any meaningful way.

>> No.9142837

10/10 image.

>> No.9142867

>All your base
I miss the old Newgrounds.

This generation is still the problems of the future, today!

>> No.9142908

Things certainly have changed.
The generation has changed.

I'm going to avoid saying the current generation is shit, since it's what the older generation said to us, and I remember what a shitty thing it was of them to do that. But I'm not going to say I enjoy it either.

I'm just wondering where I should go next.
I feel like I'm growing out of 4chan and /jp/ after being here for nearly a decade.
I tried 2ch, but they're just as immature in many of the boards, though some are ok.

It feels like there's no community that I fit in to anymore, even online.

>> No.9142922
File: 122 KB, 960x741, 1339210183092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current generation IS shit though. Pic very related.

On a related note, it's sad how *chans in the west have become synonymous with 4chan, and how sanitized this site has become since 2008.

No one remembers 5chan, Renchan, Burichan, etc.

>> No.9142942

Becuase like /b/ everyone just wants to talk about themselves, rather than any real interests or things of substance.

And yeah, I know there are usually two or three on topic threads floating around, but it's not anything you can't just get off of the blogs. Currently there isn't really a place that is like /jp/ used to be. But there are a few places where you can do that otaku culture thing. And there are plenty of /a/ shitholes like tohno where you can stroke your yourself while pretending to be NEET on the weekend. There are even imageboards that actually get a post every month or so that are just Japan general, if you're really yearning for the old days.

Shit's out there, but not all in the same place. It's slow, spread out, and has a different culture, but it can't be much worse than spending your time here.

>> No.9142943

I'll choose to think that's not sarcasm.

>> No.9142954

Humans are great at adapting. Humanity progresses by weeding out those who cannot adapt to changing times. If you cannot adapt and instead fall behind in despair and dream of the past then humanity will leave you behind. Learn to adapt to a different kind of internet than you're comfortable with or ruminate in despair until you die.

>> No.9142982

Our generation had its fair share of shit in the form of myspace, ebaumsworld, backstreet boys, WAZZAAH, etc...

It's easy to pick on the newcomers while forgetting about our own shortcomings. It might not be -you-, but your generation has shit. Just like how a lot of them might look like shit, but there's a new generation equivalent of you that isn't. It's just not fair to lump them together. At least, that's what I felt as a kid on the internet back in the days.

I know, but none of those places feel quite right.

I suppose it's just the fact that nothing is totally new anymore. I've seen too many things for anything to seem new. I've run out of places move on to, or I've become reluctant to move on. Maybe If I were a younger kid, I'd be jumping ship to reddit from 4chan, as I did from YTMND to 4chan.
But I just can't see myself doing that anymore.

tl;dr : Ah fuck, I'm jaded. What do I do now?

Maybe I should find some new hobby.

>> No.9142995

Maybe it's time you finally grow up and get a job and start a family, ya know, those things that have given people a sense of purpose for thousands of years.

>> No.9142996

Just quit. Enjoy your hobbies for as long as you can bear it without the huge timesink of imageboards, and then when you've taken to gnawing on your fist and shaking in the corner, just do what everyone who has ever "quit" has done.

>> No.9143008

Impossible thanks to feminism.

>> No.9143022

I'm attending college and I've got a part time job already. What more can I do?

I don't usually "quite" communities cold turkey, I just visit less and less until I stop entirely. I'm already visiting less often than I used to, I'm just wondering where I'm going to replace /jp/ with.

>> No.9143021

A lot of generations were shit, it's just that their shit wasn't displayed proudly on the internet for all to marvel at.

Other people somehow manage.

>> No.9143025
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goodnight sweet prince

>> No.9143026

Can I even spell?
I mean quit.

>> No.9143028

Current generation is shit.

All you can do hold out waiting for the day when we get something new all to ourselves.
Afterall the older generations don't give a shit, and the new ones either won't be able to follow, or simply won't care to. This is how we spent so much of our time, you know after long enough there will be a surge in these kinds of communities when other jaded channers just try to come back and relive their brighter years. So even without going full usenet over HAM radio receivers, we might once again have our little corner of the internet to call our own.

>> No.9143052

Worth a shot anyways. Obsessing over imageboards and funny videos and video games is just the introvert version of going to parties and clubs and sport events. They're things that can only really be enjoyed in moderation when mixed with a normal life. If you try to make it your sole reason for living and the reason you wake up in the morning you'll feel a very shallow sense of dissatisfaction. You were meant for more, your body craves for more.

>> No.9143174

Craving for more doesn't imply that you want to have a normal life.

>> No.9143683

"Memes" are dead, thankfully I've been here since 2004 so I've seen all the best ones, watched all the best anime and moved on.

4chan is just a shell of it's former glory, much like WoW and it will never be as good as it once was. You just have to accept that and move on in life or enjoy the new things for what they are.

>> No.9143697

fuck off. WoW is, was, and will always be shit.

>> No.9143716

It's a shame, right? I think several things have happened to influence the lack of somewhat pointless creativity we used to enjoy.

Seems to me there's been a split where a lot of the Japanese creators have moved on either to more professional artistic endeavors like doujinshi if their forte is art or doujin music/denpa groups/bedroom production/vocaloid etc. if their forte is music. Those are just for instances, because I'm sure the dwindling of MADs that go viral has something to do with the talent making a gambit for more widespread appeal or growing out of their otaku lifestyles/NEETdom as real life comes knocking at their door, precluding the ability to casually indulge their desire for self expression.

That's just an armchair perspective. Totally just what I've mused on because I've noticed that there aren't quite as many of the memetic internet wonders that used to flood the streaming sites.

>> No.9143723


No fuck you. WoW was the pinnacle of my middle school/high school life and I had some good laughs playing it too. You're just mad because you thought it was all about the purples.

>> No.9143738

This is what current niconico lacks

I mean, it doesn't have to be -all- like this. It's just that there's hardly any left on current niconico.

>> No.9143781

>middle school/high school life

You're too young for this thread.

>> No.9143800

Isn't WoW older than half the stuff in the OP anyway?

>> No.9143821

It's November 2004 so yes

>> No.9143836

So, wait, is otaku culture really dying out in Japan? Everything I have seen points to the opposite.

There is no question about it dying out in America though.

>> No.9143838

WoW was released in 2004, the glory days were 2004-2008, much like 4chans own.

I remember back in the day meeting a /b/tard outside of 4chan was like holy shit, awesome. Then faggots started posting links in forums and 4chan went to shit shortly after. (See /Soc/. /mlp/ /vp/ etc..)

To me /jp/ is the only board that reminds me of the old 4chan because the users are at least interested in japan.

>> No.9143843

>because the users are at least interested in japan.

>> No.9143848


How did I know someone was going to point this out? I was going to do so but waited for somebody else.

>> No.9143894

It doesn't seem like it when you see loads of people attending anime conventions and the sort in the west. Then again, they've been steadily integrating with non otaku subcultures like Homestuck and MLP by the day they're slowly turning into just simply "nerd" conventions.

>> No.9143901

Lack of dumb memes doesn't mean it's dying, anon.

>> No.9143910

That means more regular nerds will become otaku, and more otaku will branch out until there is a west-east conjoined nerd miasma

Not sure how to feel about this

>> No.9143917

But normal nerds hate cute 2D girls.

>> No.9143926

Not really

/v/, for the most part, quite likes 2D

>> No.9143933

I was under the impression that they did as well? Maybe not anime 2d but western 2d for sure.

>> No.9143931

I mean real deal nerds like /co/ and /tg/.

>> No.9143994

They dig "hipster" art like Skullgirls, not the Japanese "moe" little girls. Rather hypocritical, don't you think?

>> No.9144017

It's funny because the guy who came up with Skullgirls is just some random shitty deviantartist.

>> No.9144019

this nostalgia threads suck ass. go play dominos or something, grandpa.

>> No.9144042

/v/ is borderline normal, normal enough to be boring as hell but strange enough to like 2d.

>> No.9144050

These threads are a pain. Stop trying so hard, Jesus.

>> No.9144054

There's just enough 2D lovers there from /a/ or here where the normals who think 2D is gay and autistic can't really stop 2D waifu threads over there.

>> No.9144708

you knew deep inside you that nobody here cares for japan, just the stuff they're making.

a lot of the "but i like their culture too!" people are just trying too hard to look more 'cultured' and interested in more mature stuff than cartoons and video games. maybe they're ashamed of themselves.
