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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9138798 No.9138798 [Reply] [Original]

Post your IP if you are hosting followed by world location (with continent and area is ok, I.E Western europe) and your own "tier" if you feel like to.

About the game:
(shamelessly copied from the wiki)
Touhou Hisoutensoku is the third fighting game in the Touhou Project and like its predecessors, Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody, Touhou Hisoutensoku is a collaboration between ZUN and Twilight Frontier. Due to that collaboration, its art was drawn by Alphes and the music was composed by U2 Akiyama, both from Twilight Frontier.

Download link:

Hisoutensoku + 1.10 patch + english patch:

For playing online it's recommended to have the latest version, 1.10a which you can find the patches for here:


SWR + English patch:

Optionally there is also a Voice mod found here:

Before playing online please close any process that uses bandwith to avoid lag, also try to play with people close to your area if possible.

Also vote on this if you want.

Previous thread: >>9098187

>> No.9139857 [DELETED] EU
Hosting for a while.

>> No.9140082

GGs Idler, I should probably stop playing offline so I'd get used to the online delay and weird hitbox shenanigans someday.

>> No.9140104
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GGs PedalPedal. That was quite fun.

>I should probably stop playing offline so I'd get used to the online delay
I didn't think the delay was anything special. A lot better than what I've had with certain other people here lately for sure. Well, I guess it could make a difference if you're used to offline play only.

>> No.9140134

Wouldn't it be a bit easier to make an /jp/ specific irc channel for Hiso ?

>> No.9140142
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Well, the delay was pretty goodI think we're from the same country, Finland.

I've been playing against the custom AI lately, it's somewhat difficult to cancel dash into blocking in delay when you're used to 0 delay, I dropped quite a bit of 66s and hjcs too.
But then again, I'm not so good against competent players who actually use their head and get around my autopilot strings.

I don't see what's the point in that, there's already an IRC channel for Hisoutensoku.

>> No.9140190
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Oh, that'd explain the low delay, yeah.

It's been quite a long time since I tried the custom AIs, how are they these days? The last I remember they were extremely predictable, playing it as safe as possible but there were some exploits that they'd fall to every time. Didn't seem all that interesting to play with at the time.

>> No.9140196

I thought you guys died (US West)
Border between Death and Boredom tier
West/Central only please

>> No.9140227
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The one I got is pretty good, although they do run the same strings and combos over and over again, they're awesome doing them.
Their ability to punish you with a dial-a from one minor mistake is pretty frustrating at times though.

>> No.9140257

Sounds similar to what I had then. I guess they'd make fine practise opponents but playing too much could do damage to your playing style, when a real opponent will do a lot of unexpected stuff and play mind games with you.

If it was all about technical skill I might as well quit this game, I tend to mess up a lot of things.

>> No.9140293 [DELETED] US East

going to host for a bit

>> No.9140303
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Well, the only reason you'd really use custom AI is to practice execution under pressure. And even then, it's not as beneficial because when it comes to peer to peer games where it's about the mind games, execution is just a side dish; should be a given to fully combo most of your hitconfirm.. at least in low delay/offline play.

Unless you're talking about the unbeatable AI that reads your inputs as you input them and blocks/grazes everything correctly. X_x

But yeah, getting mashed out because of a misinputted staggered AAA sometimes fucks you over hard.

rehosting anywho.

>> No.9140331

Which 2hu is the most OP so I can beat up you punks who always beat me up?

>> No.9140357


>choosing most OP 2hu to beat us up
>implying choosing S tier automatically guarantees a win

Good luck anon. Sakuya, Remilia, Yuyuko are the top 3. If you're not even at a decent level in this game, you'd get owned by even a low tier hero.

>> No.9140370
File: 174 KB, 426x354, parsee4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless you're talking about the unbeatable AI that reads your inputs as you input them and blocks/grazes everything correctly. X_x
Yeah, that one.
I use it mostly when I can't find an opponent or just can't be arsed to find one, I know playing against it won't help me improve at all and just messes me up instead but eh, it's better than playing against Soku's own AI.

>> No.9140420

Sorry, my net's a tad unstable sometimes

>> No.9140657
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Might as well host.

pkill th123 -tier

>> No.9140821


>> No.9140870

South America, Brazil.

>> No.9141328

Not a prime time, I guess. I'll try again later.

>> No.9141800
Canada, Ontario
True shit tier

>> No.9141917

If you're still hosting, it doesn't work.

NW: Hisou_jp
PW: Hisou_jp

>> No.9141942

>If you're still hosting, it doesn't work.

Maybe he's not hosting?
and it does work

>> No.9142011

sorry about that, internet problems

>> No.9142049 (US West)
Lunatic tier
West/Central only please

>> No.9142124

Good games. The slow version of "Border between Brains and Feet" can't be blocked.

>> No.9142229
File: 842 KB, 320x240, Please dont kill me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9142229 East Coast.

Not sure if it's workin, but whatevs. I miss you, /jp/~.

Kos Mos 110% welcome.

>> No.9142444


>> No.9142667

GG's, Ganondorf. I think at some point my skill level started degrading to the point where I couldn't block properly anymore, or you just got so proficient at predicting me that I was just unable to win rounds anymore. I need to do something else for now.

Still, that's a fantastic Meiling you have there. I wish mine was so good, I barely have any synergy between my moves and my deck.

>> No.9142685

heh my Meiling is crap really
if you really want someone fantasic go for Renee or SuperMe

>> No.9142936


>> No.9142966
File: 65 KB, 184x184, asuho184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9142966 EST PA

>> No.9142970

Oh sorry, my internet connection was acting up.
And it looks like I suck too much anyways.

>> No.9142978

gg thanks for the games.

No problem, all i saw was a few latency spikes but it was 3 delay. You won't get better unless you try :P

>> No.9143169


This is the person that hosted from that above post. GGs to Longdong. Also, if Sakuya does 3a j5a j2a 4a... don't tech. Teching just leads to back to that loop again and you getting damaged more. GGs though, very nice Youmu!


>> No.9143186

Thanks for the tip.
It felt like I was defending or running away the entire time.
