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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 346 KB, 680x600, 1332344907088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9135921 No.9135921 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when you were a part of it? A part of that 'internet culture' that you are so loath to associate with now. You used to have so much fun.
Now you've been left behind. Just as out of time on the internet as you are in the real world.

>> No.9135929

This was the only path.

>> No.9135935

It's impossible to go back.

>> No.9135936
File: 55 KB, 480x360, CHEEEEEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-As long as I can stay with /jp/...

>> No.9135944

You deny your shitposting its purpose. It yearns to bathe in the tears of your enemies.

>> No.9135942

it was my choice. i have no regrets.

>> No.9135943

Few days ago I bought some of pills needed for portal. Soon I will buy more and I will be ready for Gensokyo!

>> No.9135946
File: 198 KB, 768x1024, 1339111266478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you started working on your condom skirt? we will all be having a /jp/ meetup next week and everyone is to come wearing nothing but used condom related clothing

>> No.9135947

They'll never love cocks as much as us.

>> No.9135953
File: 87 KB, 700x931, condomskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's fake, dude.

>> No.9135960

My shitposts are a tool of justice.

>> No.9135967

But you can't. That which you love about /jp/ will fade into an obscurity only you remember, and all that will remain in you is bitterness.

>> No.9135976
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I wish i was a female, i would be the ultimate slut

>> No.9135982
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> That's fake, dude.

Doesn't look fake to me. Saved.

>> No.9135985

>so much fun.

No regrets if I enjoyee my lifetime.

>> No.9136004
File: 275 KB, 657x685, 3432432423422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never experience the joy of that many cocks sucked and fucked

>> No.9136017

Yes. This is the first time in months I have posted on /jp/. Even this place is no fun.

What is left for me after this?

>> No.9136020

I'm not pretty enough ;_;

>> No.9136022


>> No.9136028

>Just as out of time on the internet
How? I dont see it.
>in the real world.
Thats a giving. I dont watch tv any more or watch any movies or keep up with any kind of current news at all aside from the news i hear from 4chan.

>> No.9136035

Do you really have to ask?
We are all in the same situation, here.
You know what I mean.

>> No.9136045

I guess you are right. It might be time to portal soon.

But I feel so weak thinking like that. I remember wanting to prove to people, years ago, that not all Otaku are murderers, rapists, or suicidal. I guess I was wrong.

>> No.9136065

Escapism is never healthy, and it is pretty much a direct consequence of our hobbies.

>> No.9136113

No one can take away all the laughter I had though.
I don't mind that everything is a lie, as long as you love me forever.

>> No.9136189

I can't even fit in on internet forums.
Everyone always makes friends with eachother, and I'll make just as many posts as them but no one ever really notices me.
Same with real life, it doesn't matter if I contribute or not, I'm just invisible.

Its funny, but being anonymous has given me much more attention than I've ever gotten in real life. Here if I make a post people will respond to it, and I can start a conversation, and thats all that has to happen. On forums and real life none of it matters, I need to force/engage every conversation and I don't think anyone really likes me at all. When I look in the mirror I think I'm hideously deformed, and I'm apparently smarter than most people but I feel stupid.

>> No.9136245

Try starving yourself. You'll feel better.

>> No.9136259

Want to meet up? I don't want to talk though. I just want to cum on your face and then leave.

>> No.9136269
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This isn't acceptable /jp/sie behaviour at all.

>> No.9136276

Anon, I want to talk with you.

In fact, I'll talk to any of you who need a buddy. I know I need one. I don't know if it will make either party feel better, but it could help.

>> No.9136279

What you'll find even meaner is that I wasn't going to even show up! I was going to wait until I 20 minutes after the meeting time, then call and tell him that I was running late. I would keep doing that until he got mad and left! It would have been so hilarious!

>> No.9136281


>> No.9136286

We've tried that before, but all the circle's fall apart.

>> No.9136302

This. And even those rare cases when I manage to meet someone online who wants to talk to me fail. If we exchange information about irc, skype, instant messaging or anything I never manage to talk them. I might contact them once and then realise that I am just uninteresting person and I have nothing to say anyone. The best I can do is agree with someone anonymously.

>> No.9136310


>> No.9136328

Yes, a true /jp/sie will always come inside.

>> No.9136334

I'm always scared of talking to anyone from /jp/ because I imagine that they're going to be either extremely difficult to communicate with, or just completely crazy. I don't mean "LOL SO RANDUM" crazy, I mean genuinely mentally ill.

I'm incredibly awkward myself, but certain people have real issues and for some reason I imagine /jp/ being full of them.

>> No.9136352

I understand. Still, my e-mail is in the e-mail field if anyone gets lonely.

>> No.9136378

I was just afraid of what people thought of me. I didn't want too much attention and if I ever made a post that was stupid I would agonize about it for days. So I didn't post inflammatory things, or easily attacked opinions, or things directed at other people, which made me a bland forgettable poster that nobody cared about. I'm better off here.

>> No.9136389
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>> No.9136419

Oh god your filename is perfect, it fills me with autistic rage

>> No.9136428

I spent too much time in 4chan and ran out of fun.

>> No.9136562

>certain people have real issues and for some reason I imagine /jp/ being full of them.
i think it's fairly justified...

i don't even bother speaking to anyone but one guy (who i have a really weird relationship with anyway, i suspect it's gonna go to shit quickly and i'm gonna get left all alone again, if i wasn't already), both online and IRL. it's too much effort, too much pain, doesn't satisfy my social needs even if i succeed at keeping a conversation, and they usually don't even want to have anything to do with me after they get to actually know me.
i don't know, looking back at my life, i think the best way to get around stuff might be to actually avoid any contact with people at all. wish i didn't have any need for social stuff so i could actually succeed.

>> No.9136649

>Remember when you were a part of it? A part of that 'internet culture' that you are so loath to associate with now. You used to have so much fun.
Now you've been left behind. Just as out of time on the internet as you are in the real world.

This is not breaking the 4th wall.... THIS IS OBLITERATING IT. Good job OP, you really fucking got me there.

>> No.9136654

It's true. I don't even have online friends anymore.

>> No.9136657

I don't think you know what 4th wall means.

Op is trying to get away like he had some kind of clairvoyance power, but really considering the boom in memes and social networks of the past few years it's not that hard to figure out.

>> No.9136682

Chatrooms and forums kill me, too. Everybody already has their little cliques and reputations and bullshit. I'm just ignored while they talk about inane shit I don't care about. I can only bring myself to be friends with somebody who doesn't already have any. At least anonymity does away with all that stuff.

It's been something like 7 years since I've had any internet friends.

>> No.9136700
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out of the couple of people I knew on a certain forum years ago I become only friends with one guy, because we were the only ones over there who knew about 2hu. I still chat with him everyday

>> No.9136702
File: 89 KB, 700x400, 1335529564006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I remember being the cancer and checking out 2girls1cup and yelling dumb shit to people.

Now I am a hermit. I don't even socialize either online or offline. I spend more time configuring emacs than being anywhere near forums or social networks.

But I still have a job, interesting problems to solve, /jp/ and nihonese entertainment.

>> No.9136703

*I only remained friends
I need sleep

>> No.9136707

I want to be friends with my first forum friends. 2 of the girls drew pictures of me. One is fat black woman, I don't know what the other looks like, but she's very religious. The founder is pretty cool too.

>> No.9136708


I'm not part of it.

I still sometimes consider myself a "gamer" but then I read comments by people who consider themselves "core" gamers nowadays and realize I'm not even that.

And recently I've been feeling less and less at home on /jp/.

>> No.9136710
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>> No.9136711

Did you fuck yet?

>> No.9136718

I know that feel, man ;_;
But if not /jp/, where else do we have to turn?

>> No.9136719
File: 423 KB, 1024x768, 1304485661084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh, there was more in this set than what I had, if there's even more post please.

>> No.9136722

I'm not behind the "internet culture" it's just dull and there is nothing left to be explored. Watching people have fun with memes and stuff like that is the equivalent of me walking through a shopping center, seeing all the kids having fun in video game/toy stores. I would rather go to a coffee shop to read a book or something.

It sucks though, being slowly overwhelmed by the new generation.

>> No.9136724
File: 46 KB, 600x260, 21669891_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sabitsuki is the best girl in yume nikki

>> No.9136723

Obviously not. I only fuck 2hus.

>> No.9136728

she's shitty in a fight

>> No.9136729

Maybe you're schizoid like me.

>I'm always scared of talking to anyone from /jp/ because I imagine that they're going to be either extremely difficult to communicate with, or just completely crazy. [...] I mean genuinely mentally ill.

Yeah, most of us are mentally ill, but we're not that weird. You can always point it out "you're acting in this or that way" most of us will listen.
Besides (as far as I know) we all have a reason for being the way we are.

You also got me, OP. I guess /jp/ is the graveyard for those of us who have run out of internet fuel, but still refuse to abandon it.

>> No.9136733

I used to have quite a few "internet friends", but I eventually got sick of them and removed almost all of them. I can't really explain why I did it. I just suddenly hated them and didn't want to talk to them.

I've always been extremely paranoid about people saying things behind my back, so I feel uneasy when I have more than a few contacts at a time. It's probably not the case but I can't help it.

>> No.9136741
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that doesn't matter to me

>> No.9136746

>wish i didn't have any need for social stuff
If wikipedia isn't lying to me, schizoids don't have any need for social stuff.

>> No.9136748

i remember the good old days when i was on loli forums, even had a few friends on there. now i just don't care to socialize at all. i just hang around here now as it seems the sanest part of the internet

>> No.9136757
File: 278 KB, 600x800, 15509114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree, though thanks for reminding me that I need to actually put some effort into playing .flow. It seems harder to find other areas than in other fangames.

>I used to have quite a few "internet friends", but I eventually got sick of them and removed almost all of them.
I had friends-lists of about 20+ when I used to play MMOs, but I couldn't stand the thought of them chatting to other people and not spending time with me. I had one or two people I was pretty close to at one point who I'd stalk through servers, trying to find them, but I eventually got bored with them, too.

>> No.9136758

Did you ever RP on those loli forums? I always thought about trying but was always too scared

>> No.9136772
File: 410 KB, 1280x660, 1329297838343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes some time but its enjoyable

what is your favorite yumme nikki girl?

>> No.9136777
File: 269 KB, 683x578, 26352524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely Madotsuki. Can't explain in it any other way than "I fell in love with her."

>> No.9136785

Yep, that's me.

I agree with you completly. Especially on this:

>It sucks though, being slowly overwhelmed by the new generation.

Now they are all with this new internet slang that I find stupid, annoying, simple, unfunny or sometimes I just can't understand it. Now all memes are becoming mainstream and everybody is desperate to come up with the next big hit. Good memes are hard to find nowadays; maybe there won't be good memes anymore. Who knows? I don't really care.

>> No.9136786

I tried a couple of times, but it really wasn't my thing, i mainly just hung around shitposting and uploading/sorting doujins.

>> No.9136787

Self diagnosed schizoid here, it's just a very very low priority but sometimes it sneaks up on you then you realize you have nobody, it sucks for awhile but then I am pulled back into the blissful recluse.

>> No.9136791

By very low I mean VERY LOW.

>> No.9136793
File: 179 KB, 600x512, 22758582_m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, i experienced that same feeling but with sabitsuki

>> No.9136798
File: 200 KB, 500x500, fluorette 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody plays Answered Prayers

>> No.9136797

I remember when I had internet friends years ago when people still used free AOL internet CDs.

>> No.9136802

/jp/ - My Blog.

>> No.9136799

All of the friends I used to have pretty much think I'm boring because my idea of a "fun time," if I ever go outside to hang out with someone, is sitting in a coffee shop and talking.

>> No.9136800

The worst is when you find a person you kind of like and then they start talking about "meh-mehs" and use the word as a direct replacement for "funny image with text and a watermark added" instead of anything to do with the actual concept of memetics.

>> No.9136803

No, you're just a hipster.

>> No.9136827

I've been diagnosed by 3 different therapists throughout my life. The shcizoid diagnosis criteria is very strict, and it's normally caused by a strong traumatic experience (past or present). If you think you're having some mental dissorder visit your medic. It won't help you, but maybe it will give you an idea of what you might have.

>> No.9136840

Yeah, even I once posted on one forum, at times provoking newbies (only the stupid ones) into embarassing themselves, at times posting opinions about anime, news, etc.
Even if those years were fairly bad, I can't ignore that I at least, for example, had an identity. Furthermore I, or that identity, was fairly liked, at least by people who could add two integers together.
But of course most of them, and most internet people, when not under a nickname, were the same as everybody else. Alcohol, party hard, dreams, hopes, cliques.
Internet and their nicknames were only one hobby of them, amongst many others. It was only I who thought that, like myself, that was everything they had.

So, no OP, I have not, we have not been left behind, because we were never 'there'. At the moment I felt I was part of [internet culture]. The fact is that I was only a [guy who doesn't have anything else], interacting with [guys who have fun on the internet as a part-time hobby]. It was never symmetrical interaction among peers, if only internet peers, only an illusion of that.

I had fun, yes. Now, not anymore simply because you can only squeeze so much fun out of the internet. There's nothing to regret because it couldn't have been any other way.

>> No.9136843

>internet fuel

I like this term.

>> No.9136844

Do idiots actually pronounce it like that?

>> No.9136851

It's extremely descriptive, yes.

>> No.9136854

I will keep it in mind, thanks.

>> No.9136877

By the way, I quoted the wrong guy at my previous post (>>9136729). I meant this guy >>9136334.

>> No.9136896

not really. i have multiple disorders diagnosed, but schizoid ain't one, and it doesn't even really sound like me. in fact it kinda sounds like an opposite of me. (like the other anon said, schizoids don't feel much need for relationships, while i have it pretty strong and just wish i didn't because social interaction is confusing and brings me pain.)

>> No.9136899

Yeah. I met a guy at a course who seemed to be a decent person to chat with about games, etc.
I could almost ignore his "X is probably the best Y there is" claims, even if that kind of thing should stop after puberty, but then he took out the "When X happened, I was like this: reddit_paintbrush_face.jpg" shit.
I won't pretend people were less stupid before 4chan (or should I say, before people started chain-digesting 4chan's feces) or before internet, but when you expect somebody to have one bit of sense in them, it's both disgusting and discouraging to hear this shit come out of their mouth.

>> No.9136904

My situation is more or less like this guy >>9136840.

Have we really changed that much?

>> No.9136914

I was never a part of "internet culture." I don't think so, anyway. But I did stop visiting the website that I must have spent a thousand hours when I was in high school, a political forum where I have almost eight thousand posts but stopped visitig.

>> No.9136929

I only got into anime about three years ago. I plunged into VNs immediately, but dropped them before ever really getting considerably far into them. Now I mostly read history and science textbooks.

>> No.9136931

I used to play a game in high school that keeps track of your hours played. I stopped playing around 930, others had over 4000. The game is pretty much entirely abandoned now.
It was kind of sad because you weren't an "oldbie" unless you had over 1000 hours, so I was never able to be "cool."

Then I grew up and just stopped caring. This seems to be the way things work on the internet. Things will just die after so long.

>> No.9136935

You should convert them to your side. Just remark that retarded internet memes should stay on the internet. Even the people who like shit like that probably concede that its retarded.

Here's a remark about doubles that will leave you aghast that these subhumans have invested /jp/ too.

>> No.9136950

In terms of video games I'm too much of an "oldbie", sure people come to me for information or if they want me on their team but that's just using me for their own benefit. I feel like in terms of the game my mind is on a whole different level, at least I get the pleasure of being better than everyone else I guess. In the end it's just a game though and where I live it is impossible to convert it into a living because my internet isn't good enough to stream.

>> No.9136966


>> No.9136971


>> No.9136969

Oh, it didn't really die or anything, I just stopped visiting, a combination of personal apathy setting in and what I consider to be an infestation of morons. It's still alive and kicking and the guy with the most posts just recently broke fifty thousand.

There are some internet wastelands that are just depressing to look at, though. I went looking for through some medical-sphere blogs and there are just tons with latest posts from anywhere between 2005 and 2011. It's almost as depressing as the state of /rs/.

>> No.9136976

That's just so sad.

I don't think I'll ever run out of fun from the internet, though.
There are tons of things that can keep me occupied just by having a computer with an internet connection, and although 4chan is one of those things, I think I'll be fine if 4chan suddenly disappeared.

>> No.9136993

What do you do then? My life is completely boring, I just go to /jp/ everyday.

>> No.9137001

Which game(s)?

>> No.9137004

Probably Starcraft. It's the only game I can think of where streaming can make you a living.

>> No.9137016

Let's see, apart from going to /a/ or /v/, I also download tons of stuff, and I also produce music.

>> No.9137020

I never was part of anything. I'm was and still am having fun alone in my head.

>> No.9137024

I've entertained the idea of getting an adderall script and playing SC2 full-time. Alas, my desire for "professional" video games has nearly completely died.

>> No.9137026

Currently MOBA's, in the past MMO's and FPS. I had the most fun when I was at my peak during my FPS days.

>> No.9137033


I myself have no fire left for more competitive gaming like Starcraft. Only in my teenage days did I have time for that kind of stuff.

But I do watch replays. Starcraft 1 and 2 are really great spectator sports. I am also interested in learning how to make an AI for Starcraft. Though Zerg is rather overpowered with AI.

And there are a lot of fun mods in SC2 right now, like Bomberman. The map editor is great.

>> No.9137158

It's weird and somewhat ironic that I'm actually not as 'addicted to the internet' as my peers (Long story short, I'm currently forcing myself to socialize - undergrad, building resume, get job etc).

Most of the people I know simply have to be connected to the net all the time: facebooking/ reddit from phone. Whereas for me, I firmly believe in a "what goes on in the internet stays in my com". And yes, looking at some of them spewing memes just made me, I don't know feel odd...

Funnily enough, some of them actually thought that I'm not net culture savvy when it's the other way round where I just don't see the need to bring that stuffs out.

>> No.9137174

this is more like the /b/ i remember, actually.

>> No.9137256
File: 260 KB, 1200x570, b all you can b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the "original /b/" is what OP meant by "internet culture".

>> No.9137403

What is wrong with kids these days?

>> No.9137410

Too much freedom.

>> No.9137445

Do you really feel that is the case? I mean I at least think things are the same from when we were younger.... Or have they changed that much?

>> No.9137455

I am old now dude. Now it's my turn to yell at the kids for having fun with their new internet fads and for getting on my lawn which is /jp/

>> No.9137452

I can only speak for myself and a few others I grew up around, but I feel like the further back you go, the more people had to earn their freedom, rather than having it given to them for freedom's sake.

>> No.9137457


I feel the same way.

In my circle of friends I feel like the lowest common denominator. Nothing I say or do really makes a difference, no one laughs at my jokes or considers my suggestions. If I walked away from the group, no one would even ask where I went. It's no different on the internet either.

I'm just glad I have little to zero social drive to really be bothered by it.

>> No.9137465 [DELETED] 


The only problem I have with forums is that they are full of bleeding heart liberals and kids who are too young enough to not yet realize that ideas cannot change the world.

Neogaf is still pretty good though.

>> No.9137473


I don't even bother going to forums. It's too much energy to socialize, so I don't even bother anymore.

>> No.9137485 [DELETED] 


I was going to say I don't like going to forums anymore because the style has changed significantly over the past few years. I can't go Something Awful and say the Occupy Movement is shit without getting a two day probation, I can't go on Neogaf and complain about how shitty games are today.

>> No.9137563

because it's shit and made be a whiny faggot with a furry deviantart account

>> No.9137632

Where would I even go to make internet friends?

>> No.9137635

when you find yourself so abandoned that you abandon abandonment there's only one thing you need to realize, that you're RIGHT.

But certainly for the present age, which prefers the sign to the thing signified, the copy to the original, representation to reality, the appearance to the essence... illusion only is sacred, truth profane. Nay, sacredness is held to be enhanced in proportion as truth decreases and illusion increases, so that the highest degree of illusion comes to be the highest degree of sacredness.
- Feuerbach, Preface to the second edition of The Essence of Christianity

>> No.9137708
File: 15 KB, 394x326, mayu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was...innevitable. I don't regret the time of being an 'internet person', but now with tumblr, reddit, facebook, new youtube, all these normalfag, mainstream outlets...the internet is no longer home...but it's all we have.

Now in reality, and the internet, we are alone. Death and obscure MMO's are the only escape.

I however, am attempting to take the only happy route--becoming a normal scum. I advise jp to do this too.
You can still stay who you are, but consider life a game as I always have. People are to be used, maximize pleasure, minimize pain. Never look back.

>> No.9137739
File: 14 KB, 252x320, mayu despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's post is not a shitpost. It's the best post I've seen on jp in a real long time. It's the truth and I've started to feel this way majorly since about a year ago.

We didn't want to think this would happen. I wish I could have come and posted here a year ago, or even two years at least...that we should enjoy our time as much as we can.

I wish we could go back to before the split of v/vg, and the creation of new boards era (not too distant)--so much shitposters came. We should have warned moot what would happen, and that we love our board.

>> No.9137757

>let's all become normalfags!
>I'm also a /v/ poster!

surprise surprise

>> No.9137885
File: 147 KB, 1010x810, koreangirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I DON'T post on v! I was using it as an example timeline wise since the creation v and vg was all I could remember, except the creation of other undesirable boards like MLP. I guess I should have been more clear, but don't go assuming!!


B-b-ut...escapism is all I have! It's all some of us have to get away from the reality we have to live for whatever reason! It could be 2hu, (non-shit) animu, going to the movies, reading manga, MMO timesinks...all of us at some point wanted to live and be something but I think most real jpsies realism the pointlessness of this reality. We are in a time where we cannot change the government we live in, or society. We don't know what comes after death so how can we be sure what we do in life even matters? If there is anything? Or if there is something?

As Humans it is hard for us...truly...

>> No.9138006
File: 33 KB, 277x278, 1335590211142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is making me sad, we are going extinct guys. More of us are falling into normal faggotry each day and more shitposters pile in by the dozen.

Hold me, I don't want to be alone. ;_;

>> No.9138079

Cheer up... this kind of stuff is bound to happen.

I'm pretty sad about it too, but I honestly can not say that I care too much.

Eventually you'll find something you like more than this.

All I know is that I had a lot of good times, and now all I can do is reminisce on it. Those times will always be very fond memories for me.

>> No.9138081
File: 105 KB, 386x500, no_emotion_at_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to convince jp there's only three ways out, as far as I see it...Gensokyo, delve into obscure MMO, or...just live life as a game and take as much as you can out of it. You will have to look/act normalfag on the outside but it doesn't have to be you. Get in shape, pwn 3DPD's, get a decent job, go to a community college, jew money hard, and play video games/surf the internet a bit less. Get a cheap 3gb Mp3 player for 2hu music and some other stuff, and try and get out more. I've been where OP's been a few years ago when I seen it happening, and I'm already living it. I Just go on jp now. I can't even enjoy video games, that much. They're just time sinks. They all feel that way.

You will never get the feel of playing Pokemon Red/Blue for the first time, or playing EoSD and dying on Rumia's stage over and over until you 1CC'd the game. Such is the way jp.

If you need someone to talk to, you can email me.

>> No.9138082
File: 99 KB, 630x630, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheer up... this kind of stuff is bound to happen.

I'm pretty sad about it too, but I honestly can not say that I care too much.

Eventually you'll find something you like more than this.

All I know is that I had a lot of good times, and now all I can do is reminisce on it. Those times will always be very fond memories for me.

>> No.9138223
File: 18 KB, 250x250, tatsuhiro_sato2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's ok, anon, it's ok. I'll be here. I'll always be here. Even when everyone else is gone, living real lives, real jobs, real friends, I'll still be here.

Whether it's 20 or 30 years by now. I'll still be here...

>> No.9138234

>That 'internet culture' that you so loath to associate with now. Remember when you were a part of it?

No, I don't remember the year 2001 very well.

>> No.9138307
File: 106 KB, 492x815, 1337504991310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to hold Cirno like that ;_;

>> No.9138342
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I posted on 4chan for 7 years, often for 6 hours a day every day. I saw the first instance of Rickrolling, when someone in /v/ posted a link alleging it to be a GTAIV gameplay trailer. I was part of the KS team in the first few months of their inception. The concept of the MC having a heart disorder was my only lasting contributing before I left amid the stupid drama. And I saw all those other stupid memes come into inception. I feel like the goddamn Forrest Gump of the internet, because I feared failure too much to even attempt making any mark on the real-world.

Then last week I went back to my hometown. The one I spent years desperately trying to ignore while sticking to the internet. And as I rode my bike down the boardwalk I saw this. The most obscure, hidden things stored on my harddrive were now splashed all over mainstream society. My 10-year old cousin once showed me meme comics he made himself on his iphone, and I felt a sense of worlds colliding. Also for the first time it made me feel like technology was advancing at a clip faster than I could keep up with.

>> No.9138398

>The most obscure, hidden things stored on my harddrive were now splashed all over mainstream society
I know that feel. Though for my case, it's hearing my friends talking about having just discovered trollface, rage etc

>> No.9138417

Depresing, normalfags who speak about memes and anothers stuff of intetnet without knowing its dark origins... like a mode.

>> No.9138441

Take it as a piece of inspiration. If you really were on the Katawa Shojou team (which I doubt) then your actions have already had a real-world cultural impact. The only difference is that you were operating in an environment without inhibitions.

>> No.9138455

I don't want to keep up with it anymore, I just want a nice small home next to a lake. Maybe I will be with someone, maybe I will just get a cat or some form of pet.

I don't want to join the society we have today, I just want to relax for the rest of my days, not without giving something back though, I could help out at the local market, food crop or something so that when people see me they smile knowing I help the village/small town run just as much as they do.

I don't know what I'm saying, it's just what I feel.

>> No.9138459
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> that pic

I walked by a shop that sells so-called trendy pop culture things and whatnot, and yes, to my despair, there were meme-based t-shirts being sold there as well.

>> No.9138471


Are you me?

I just want to take it easy. Live alone, relax, do the things I want to do. I want to live somewhere where it's not too cold, but not too hot, a place where I can comfortably be outside. I just want to live in peace.

>> No.9138511

I want to believe that the internet didn't change, we did.

>> No.9138537


we RUN internet culture

the so called mainstream is just our runoff

>> No.9138551
File: 18 KB, 200x200, uwaaaaan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No not really. I remember posting on forums, but my heavy internet use was around the time 4chan was created and I've probably spent 90% of my total time online being here. I can't post on forums anymore. My culture and old memes have died out rather than become mainstream. I realize it's for the best, though.

At least loli will never be mainstream.

I never liked shitty memes, dumb faces, or even captioned cat pictures all that much. I don't understand why people like them so much and continue to send them to me. I think it's like Looney Tunes. Once upon a time, they were satires of modern culture with lots of pop culture references and memes mostly for older audiences. By the 90s, no one knew what they were referencing anymore and they were just wacky cartoons for kids that made silly faces and quotes sometimes.

I sort of wish loli was mainstream.

There are people who go "lol pedobear" but I wish there was some funny reference to something loli related or racist that people would quote and not know its origin. (Notice how you don't see the HUEHUEHUEHUE face anywhere)

I sort of hoped 4chan would eventually die so I could have my life back, but I never thought that even if I became normal, I'd be surrounded by its runoff forever. People will still quote that shit when they are old. Family guy 2040 will be making "remember that time" jokes about this bullshit. The only comfort I have is that at least people are finally moving on to Reddit and other shit. Eventually all those idiots will be trapped in their future facebooks and lulsites and 4chan will go back to the way it was before.

Until some idiot starts the raiding/pwning bullshit again that ruined /b/, /v/, /a/, and /jp/.(/jp/'s care less raiding and more being autistic at mmos)

>> No.9138556

I've come back here for the first time in about a year. It makes me fucking sick to my stomach to see you, who have destroyed my favorite board(s), complain about normals and how 4chan is culturally dead. You bastards fucking killed it. My home. I won't let you take away my memories too.
So have some decency and continue posting about how much you love cocks and ironic shitposting instead of being the disgusting hypocrites that you are.

>> No.9138566

It makes me so fucking sick to see our internet culture be monetized...

>> No.9138568

Who destroyed what, now?

>> No.9138569

You're posting in a blog thread telling us your blog story...

Anyway, I was thinking about what you just said these last few days. 4chan is not "cool" anymore. I have a younger brother, around 17, and his friends don't even visit 4chan, only Reddit. So we can expect to have some improvement over the coming years if this trend continues.

>> No.9138577

There SHOULD be a blog board. And I don't mean /r9k/ I mean a new board to --- wtf there's a new board >>>/wsg --- there should be a new board to just post blog like shit about memories and oldfaggotry. Like /god/ - good old days or something less prone to be trolled.

>> No.9138584

You're just overreacting and you don't know how to take it easy. It's good you left.

This is my home too, and it's always going to be. The amount of shitposting doesn't matter as long the other posters who lead similar lives to mine are still here. I also don't understand when people like you make these claims, shitposting existed on /jp/ since its inception in 2008.

>> No.9138587

Fuck off.

>> No.9138591

What's wrong with blog stories? I understand if they're just like SankakuComplex - type blogging, but what's wrong with typing up your beliefs in a bloggish fashion?

forgot my /
I didn't even notice that was created. I wonder how long before it gets ruined.

>> No.9138597

Shitposting has always been around but not like this. Now shitposting is, "Do your best to sound like a 13 year old from facebook."

>> No.9138599

How about you beg me.

Beg me and tell me how much you want your beloved 4chan back, and maybe, just maybe, I will stop my ironic shitposting.

No really, fuck off /jp/ and never come here again.

>> No.9138609

I will beg on his behalf, because I don't think he will. Please stop your ironic shitposting. It attracts awful posters like flies to shit and I would like to have a /jp/ back where there isn't a constant competition going on to see who can act the most retarded.

>> No.9138616

Please anon?

>> No.9138621

You can pretend /jp/ is the same as it's always been, or that you don't mind the shitposting. Good for you. But it's glaringly obvious to me that the userbase is very different, and I can't find any enjoyment in what it produces. I don't want to and I can't convince anyone, but I honestly think it is different.
If you really are an old-timer and you still call this your home, I envy you.

>> No.9138665

/jp/'s userbase is the same. Its residents just become shitposters over time. /v/ occasionally comes over to irritate but they probably post on both boards to begin with. Much like /sci/'s religion, /x/, and /pol/new/ spam, /jp/'s spam is mostly done by native residents who know how to irritate other residents.

You'll give up eventually too and join in the shitposting.

>> No.9138674

I gave up a long while ago and I left this board. Plenty of others have done the same, I'm sure.
It is the only solution. If that was your goal, well, mission fucking accomplished.

>> No.9138677

>/jp/'s userbase is the same. Its residents just become shitposters over time.
Many of them left. Many of them stayed as they were. And yes, some of them became shitposters.

But claiming that nobody (or very few) people from 2008 /jp/ have actually left and that they've all just become shitposters instead is stupid.

>> No.9138687

>>9138599 here

is right.

I post legitimately on other sites/boards, and shovel my shitposting urges on /jp/ because it's funny. I did try to post legitimately on /jp/, but it all just explodes in my face.

/jp/ is my toilet, and I don't give a fuck what happens to it.

>> No.9138689

This is true for the most part. Except the native residents aren't really residents anymore. They left /jp/ and only come here to shitpost. They don't care what happens because they don't care about /jp/ anymore. You can see this with some of the tripfags and the circlejerk crew.

>> No.9138696 [DELETED] 

You could at least, you know, contribute to the fucking problem for shits and giggles.

>> No.9138702

You could at least, you know, not contribute to the fucking problem for shits and giggles.

>> No.9138701

I guess it is true.

>> No.9138704
File: 1.14 MB, 1105x1170, graffiti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ has changed, but not really enough to make me move away from the only place I can call home on the internet. I just either hide or ignore the dumb posts.

Also, when we have a mod, the over-the-top, annoying shitposters are just going to get constantly banned.

>> No.9138708

>I post legitimately on other sites/boards
I only know of 3 or so other image/text boards that are actually decent.

>> No.9138715

You've got to be fucking kidding me. Linking a site on /jp/ is the horror of any webmaster.

>> No.9138719

Why not? Then we can go and shit up those places like you shit up /jp/.

>> No.9138721

Oh yes, no doubt the "hordes" of /jp/ shitposters will overwhelm the poor little moderators of some slow as fuck board.

>> No.9138722

Please don't dump us all with those people. Some of us really liked /jp/ and are genuinely sad to see it in this state.
But I can't deny I don't really consider this my board anymore. Mostly because I slowly came to realize there is no point in coming here every few months to check if things have gotten better, because they never will. It will never be back to the way it was before, and I can't do anything about it.
So do with it as you wish.

>> No.9138732

>when we have a mod, the over-the-top, annoying shitposters are just going to get constantly banned.
And then spam even harder.

They usually spam BECAUSE the mods are around. I don't know why they get off on it.

>> No.9138737

But /jp/ was much shittier when we used to get spammed with 10 pages of Kuroko and Ika Musume...

>> No.9138742

fuck you de geso

>> No.9138745

It's not going to be a sudden tidal wave of shit, /jp/ style. If you can keep it a real secret club, you're good. Otherwise it'll slowly become shittier over time until you look up and realize that at some point it went to the dogs.

>> No.9138748

Ika Musume aired in late 2010.

>> No.9138751

Shut up, fuckcakes.

>> No.9138753

That's not true at all. Shitposters are not attracted to slow boards, they want a reaction and they want it quickly. They don't want it to be deleted silently without a reply.

>> No.9138755

Only very few /jp/ wizards know how to endlessly ban evade, and there aren't that many shitposters with this knowledge. Proxies/VPNs don't last forever.

>> No.9138761

dynamic ip

>> No.9138765

It only takes a few. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the spam is done by the same people.

>> No.9138766

Yes, it takes years of studying computer security to learn how to evade bans on 4chan. ( ≖‿≖)

>> No.9138768

I find it more implausible that there are people who don't know how to ban evade these days.

I guess that might be the case, it takes a certain amount of speed for shitposting to be fun.

>> No.9138769

What spam? A few threads over the course of an hour isn't spam.

>> No.9138772

moot told me that he's closing this board down soon

thank haruhi

>> No.9138776

One of the (many) threads that was made at 2 AM today was on page seven by 4 AM. Honestly, that's just dumb.

>> No.9138781

If that ever happened, /v/ and /vg/ would have to shoulder the consequences.

>> No.9138783

Judging by the amount of crying I see about this subject on 4chan, I don't. And I doubt the worst shitposters are above that.

>> No.9138795

If /jp/ closed down I would shit up /a/ so fucking hard they would be begging for /jp/ to come back. I even told moot directly in a thread not to long ago.

>> No.9138800

Yeah, I remember you. But you're not one of the ones shitting up /jp/, right?


>> No.9138802

It's just unplugging your modem and plugging it back in.

Worst case scenario, you're on a shit cable connection and sharing the same permanent IP with 50 different people. In that case, plug your computer/laptop into your phone jack. Not that hard. Getting a new IP would take literally 2 clicks and 10-20 seconds.

>> No.9138809

He sounds like he definitely knows HOW to shit up a 4chan board. So yes, he probably does practice his shitposting on /jp/ from time to time, like all of us when we feel like amassing a 50+ post thread full of arguing.

>> No.9138811

You don't need to shitpost when you feel like arguing. It's not like we get along all the time.

>> No.9138814

Shitposting brings about arguing, I don't bother arguing myself.

>> No.9138815

I almost want /jp/ to be deleted now.
It should be replaced with a board that centers around the same topic.

I would just like an improvement in “board culture and userbase conformity”.

>> No.9138821

I grew out of it extremely fast. Although I never should have grown into it, the worst I do these days is create a thread telling /jp/ I'm going to sleep.

>> No.9138825

Anybody can WANT /jp/ to be deleted. But it won't. It needs to serve as a home for the autists. It serves as a sub-toilet on 4chan, much like how /b/ is the main toilet.

>> No.9138830

I argue from time to time, but I don't shitpost.

While we're wishing for things, I want one million dollars.

>> No.9138833

>telling /jp/ I'm going to sleep

Stop that.

>> No.9138837


>> No.9138839

rip miles

>> No.9138842

This. Nobody gives a fuck about MLP, but guess why /mlp/ was made. Bingo.

Thank you moot, now I won't have to see those fucking ponies, just like how I won't have to see those fucking Touhous.

>> No.9138844

You probably still have to see that fucking cat from time to time anyway.

>> No.9138846

Well played.

>> No.9138854
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>> No.9138887

>I would just like an improvement in “board culture and userbase conformity”.
If you are talking about reducing the amount of shitposting on /jp/, then it's impossible because this place will never get any effective moderation.
/jp/ is still redeemable, though. The doll threads, the fig threads and the Comiket threads are still the best things this board has to offer. Why can't /jp/sies just ignore the shit they don't like?

>> No.9138924

Good thread.

>> No.9138937

ur mom was good

>> No.9138968

Moot please delete /jp/ I don't want these people to think their part of otaku culture, change it to to something else.

the real /jp/ only exists in the memory of those that were here years ago, /jp/ is so different from then.
I will get this back at me, someone will say /jp/ has always been shit, even if you think so /jp/ was so different back then.

to see this board continuously fall and fall in quality since the first years has been a horrible experience.

>> No.9139273

But where would all of the shitposting go, if not /jp/? I don't want to put /a/ in danger, you see.

>> No.9139277

/a/ is entirely reaction images and greentext, and you're a faggot.

>> No.9139322

You're right. I don't believe you should make it even worse than it already is.

>> No.9139497

I wanted to email you, but I couldn't think of an intro. Sorry, but this isn't going to work.

>> No.9139533

It only happened because the filth from real world is seeping into internet at rapid speed. It's already a lost case, but it's still better then real world

>> No.9139544

I have no regrets. This is the only path

>> No.9139571

you guys have to understand to some extent that it's not possible to take it easy all the time for some people

I would love nothing more than do nothing all day, but I can't. I just can't.

This is also probably why you will never fully accept me here.

>> No.9139572

It makes me sad that I wasn't around here for those days. I didn't start coming here until a while later, and it had already begun to go downhill. But still, I love this place. I'm so sick of the other boards, and despite coming here late, I still really love this place and see it as my last refuge. It makes me sad to see the shitposting and all that, but then there are times when I see a thread that reminds me of why I stayed here, and still love this place. I don't want to see this place deleted, but I still don't want to see it get worse.

>> No.9139640

What the fuck, man? Why did you two pretend to be the same person? You've killed all desire I had in talking to you,

Fuck you, you scheming bastards.

>> No.9139813
File: 651 KB, 858x1200, hong russ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly everyone, i wish we could all mass migrate to 420chan. it could be called the trail of tears, jp version.

>> No.9139817
File: 330 KB, 800x680, mado pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly everyone, i wish we could all mass migrate to 420chan. it could be called the trail of tears, jp version.

Drugs and such are part of escapist culture.

>> No.9139844

Too bad it's impossible to mass migrate, only slow migration over a long time and neither place would be the same after.

>> No.9139858

Pretty sure that Kirk hates all things Japan-related.

>> No.9139868

I was under the impression that place was full of normalfags

>> No.9139871

420chan? seriously? Kill yourself you worthless piece of shit

>> No.9139883

You are not wrong about that assumption.

>> No.9139888

wtf are you talking about?
no. you go die. out of the few times i've checked that place out, it's 10000x more homely than jp, and has little to no shitposting. hell they're surprisingly less retarded than some people on this site, probably even you.

>> No.9139893

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.9139899

>as little to no shitposting

>> No.9140629

Am I the only one that thinks this shit is just trolling? People can not seriously be like this.

>> No.9140641
File: 428 KB, 4000x2320, Baka Makoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9140642

Please be more specific.

>> No.9140655

like what? which shit exactly? there's a lot of differnt thread in this shit, you know.

>> No.9140663

I mean with all the reddit bullshit, and blatant normal faggin'. I think it's just a bunch of trolls.

>> No.9140700

You're in for a crushing disappointment when you realize that there are stupid things which are genuinely stupid and not just trolling.

>> No.9140720

But how would you actually know? I mean we can't see the posters, I refuse to believe people are that fucking dumb, and not trolling.

>> No.9140738

Many people in this thread have described people who do the reddit bullshit in real life, so yes, they have seen some of the posters. They could all be lying, sure, but that's not particularly likely.

>I refuse to believe people are that fucking dumb
As soon as you say those words you're probably wrong.

>> No.9140998
File: 13 KB, 284x284, (´・ω・`).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't there a way to avoid getting bored with something?

>> No.9141023

Dying on Rumia ?
Get out of jp.

>> No.9141852

First game, you faggot.

>> No.9141860

that's still pretty shitty.

>> No.9141870

It was my first time playing Touhou. I hadn't play a SCHMUP except Galaga...

>> No.9142929

It's a Redline joke.

>> No.9142992
File: 102 KB, 723x1024, anon and the internet 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is more /a/ flavoured but I think it's still relevant.

>> No.9143004
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>> No.9143017
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>> No.9143027
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>> No.9143036
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>> No.9143061
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>> No.9143073
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>> No.9144187
File: 655 KB, 670x800, YN cuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had to post that. i just cried for the first time in months. in my heart i don't want this place to die but i it should die with dignity.

this whole place is shithole but we keep coming back cause it's all we have. a lot stopped coming im sure.

i would be happy if /a/ left. i just want /a/ to stay out. they dont get /jp/. even v isn't terrible in the sense that their posts are obvious trolls or so bad it's funny. everyone else just sticks out like a sore thumb.

i wish there was a aspect of you can only post on /a/ or /jp/ on your ip. ;_;

rage and sadness

>> No.9144248

a wise neet i know irl once told me that life is like a dungeon. he has amazing capacity for drawing analogy between any situation and the god-damn dungeon.

do you guys know game theory? nash, von neumann?

read some marxist theory too.

there are myriad ways to transform reality, starting with yourself, and your worldview. pretend, immerse in fantasy, take jokes seriously, make serious things jokes, pretend to be people you like and so on. /jp/ is good at these things.

don't lose hope, comrades, there is always a way to move on, forward, while preserving what was sacred in the past.

history moves: things change and die, but we can keep the best parts if they are important to us!

fight fight fight! ganbatte, solidarity.


>> No.9144509

It's a shame ScreenGrab hasn't been updated for Firefox yet.

Would've liked to save the thread.

>> No.9144525

There are two archives, idiot.

>> No.9144535


>> No.9144569

I meant to my computer, ass. I knew somebody would say something.

Cool stuff. Thanks for the link.

>> No.9144583 [DELETED] 


>> No.9144608


>> No.9145843

I'm saving it at every point, buddy. Just hit control+s on your firefox browser man...

>> No.9145982

I have almost 7000 posts on a very famous internet forum and nobody ever adressed me directly (even when flaming me, they would very rarely quote my posts, which is very infuriating) and I have a grand total of about 50 pms, none of them actual discussions.
I even tried talking with a couple touhoufags there but got ignored... ;_;
When everyone starts to suck each others cock, I'm never in.
/jp/ is much more friendly.

>> No.9145996

Don't worry anon, we like you the way you are, except when you are shit

>> No.9146004
File: 36 KB, 322x310, 124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry anon, we like you the way you are, except when you are shit
But you never know when I'm shit

>> No.9146013

It's a tragedy that the internet was taken from the nerds, and turned into social media faceshit bullshit.

>> No.9146015

Well I'll see you shitty posts and scold you for them, just like I see your good posts.
Getting replied to and discussing with someone is the praise

>> No.9146079
File: 82 KB, 527x600, 906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks when you find a site you really like and it has an IRC so you go in but then realise everyone has known each other for like 2 years already and even if you started a conversation you would just be "that guy nobody knows" or more likely "that weird guy everybody ignores" so you leave and continue browsing the site alone, and when everyone makes reference to the IRC you don't understand it because you weren't there so you don't understand all the little injokes and talk about what happened last night so you get frustrated and think "well fuck you you fucking social normalfaggots" but only because secretly you wish you could join in with them and have fun chatting but you don't understand how these people seem to have met at just the right time to form bonds with each other that make entry to the group impossible for newcomers whilst maintaining a comfortable social dynamic for those already involved and over the years you slowly accept that you will never experience this

>> No.9146096

agreed, I've always had a problem with IRC chats of things. It just feels like there is no way in.

>> No.9146101

I feel like that sometimes at /jp/ too.
That's why I hate all /bun/jews and other ircqueers with all my passion.

>> No.9146105
File: 31 KB, 353x372, 1335302115791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should make our own IRC chat!

>> No.9146114

It'd be inevitably filled with actual IRC fags who knew each other beforehand and mistakenly believe they're in good company.

>> No.9146129

>Just as out of time on the internet as you are in the real world.
this probably hit me harder than it should have
it can't be helped

>> No.9146135

This reminds me, I've been idling in a few channels for a couple of years but never said a word in any of them. It makes me wonder if anyone has noticed my presence. Granted, the channels are somewhat big. the smallest one has 20 people

>> No.9146148

God damn I love you faggots do much /jp/ I helped ruin you im sorry. Also I m drunk forgive me.

>> No.9146161

I love you too :3
I'd like to brorape a drunk /jp/sie like you, while being drunk myself too, no homo!

>> No.9146167

then the people like us who wanted in would create another irc like we did, problem solved!

>> No.9146173

In the bigger chats, probably not, but I'm sure they notice you idling in the chat with ~20 people if you've been doing it for 2 years. Which means, don't ever say anything in that chat.

>> No.9146174
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1280390012568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, create it faggot!

>> No.9146176

>I saw the first instance of Rickrolling

what is duckrolling, alex

kill yourself

>> No.9146219


Forgive me drunk but I bet you helped me shit up this place I wish it was 2002 again when Internet was pure and not slut.

>> No.9146233

I like to shit it with one hand and caress it with the other.
I shitpost/goodpost 50/50. Often in the same threads, replying to myself.
So yes, I helped you.

>> No.9146256

Oh god you are me we must make gay /jp/spie sex together my clone.

The drunk way though.

>> No.9146271

>The drunk way though
One can't get it up and the other pukes all over the bed?

>> No.9146283
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Ok. Post contact info.

>> No.9146433
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So, you chickened out. Hmpf..

>> No.9146526
File: 371 KB, 860x860, 600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here, a channel for you guys and anyone else who'd like to join and chat.


please respond

>> No.9146544
File: 71 KB, 1357x467, average_jp_chatroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9146578

It's actually true in some ways. Normal people have taken over the internet with Facebook, Twitter and fashion blogs. Dumb teenagers use old and unfunny memes improperly all over the place. I don't even enjoy video games much anymore. I purchased Diablo 3, hoping it would rekindle my interest in the vidya, but it did no such thing. I didn't even reach level 60 before I uninstalled it.

Jesus christ, I'm 25 and still live with my parents. I have nowhere left to run.

>> No.9146591

What the actual fuck do you think you are doing? I can give you a shell if you want.

>> No.9146593

>buying rehashes
>buying blizzard
>buying activision
>buying vidya
>buying non-free software

>> No.9146611

please do because mibbit is derping hard for me and im missing most messages

>> No.9146682

why don't you guys use kvirc?

>> No.9146694
File: 88 KB, 594x492, Marisasmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why not on irc.rizon.net #jp?

keep all in one server.

>> No.9146703
File: 78 KB, 639x595, 1205020796447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really NEET anymore, but I got to tell you guys: the outside world isn't what it's cracked up to be. Even with the narrow worldview you guys have, you are more authentic than anyone I have ever known. Even those I've meet that take matters of wisdom very seriously and are unafraid to think thought that might alienate themselves from society, even they retain a dependence upon normality that limits their outlook. Of course you feel lonely and long for community, but let me tell you: community no longer exists. All we have left are traces that tell us the community is possible. My friends, you are one of those traces. If civilization does not destroy itself, it will be because of individuals like yourselves who take your exclusion, your lack of a determinate role in the social order and forge a new community of misfits. Whether you die in obscurity or change everything, know this: the world is yours.

Love you, /jp/.

>> No.9146753

The real world is that bad?

I haven't been a part of it (socialization and whatnot I mean) for about a year and a half now, but surely things could not have deteriorated so much in such a short time?

>> No.9146759
File: 89 KB, 934x297, greatjpanonymous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, your post will be remembered.

>> No.9146763

> deteriorated
implying it was ever better. the real world was always shit - if yours wasn't, you were just extremely lucky to find that one tiny spot that's free of shit. but don't worry, by now it's probably cover in shit as well.

>> No.9146773

holy haruhi you are prolly blind as HELL to have that font size

>> No.9146781

what the HELL man

>> No.9146793
File: 35 KB, 364x458, 1322236406712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know that feeling since I spent years playing brood war surfing through small IRC communities until I finally got tired of it, thought SCII could revive the feeling but it wasn't like it, instead it felt like a turd straight into my nostalgia.

I still play W3:FZ ladder but it's gonna die soon too and there's no good AI for it, feels more than bad.

>> No.9146794

Aren't you supposed to be the janitor?

>> No.9146799

arent you supposed to be suckin my dick LOL

>> No.9146812

sup NSJ

>> No.9146827

Grand Strategy is still quite enjoyable, but yeah the english-speaking clearnet is dead.

Maybe you should try foreign language chans?

The russian chans and Futaba are still very much enjoyable.

>> No.9146835

wtH is not and never will be a janitor. It's confirmed by ``the team''.

>> No.9146874

Yes, it's always been bad. It's not even reality, but more like a poorly written comedy.

There's meaning in comfort, but out there, they don't care about meaning. They only care about the images and symbols, they indulge in trite rituals and think this is "doing something". They call their base biological functions "living" and they denounce those that naturally shy away from such an existence. If a person must live in a dream, would it not make sense that they seek that which brings them comfort rather than pain?

The problem with the popularization of the internet with social media, blogging, etc. is that even my delusions are now shattered with the reminder that there's an ugly, twisted world out there. It is really quite sad; I hardly even go on the internet anymore other than to download things.

>> No.9146889

>The russian chans and Futaba are still very much enjoyable.
Do you know either Russian or Japanese? I envy you.

>> No.9146913

It's not that hard to learn, you just have to focus your NEET time on learning the languages. Immersing yourself in media from that respective language also helps you learn faster, plus you get to practice with total, honest strangers.

>> No.9146931

wtH is guilty of everything OP said!

>> No.9146955

Woah, you learned both of them? Russian is my native language, but I can't imagine learning it if it wasn't. It's much harder than Japanese, and I gave up on Japanese. That should tell you something.

>> No.9147002

>That should tell you something.
For me, it tells only that you're lazy fuck or didn't really want to learn Japanese.
How did you learn those languages? Wouldn't you recommend some textbooks, manuals, and chans?

>> No.9147024

That's so hidoi, anon. I really wanted to learn it! I keep having periods where I go crazy with the language for a bit, and then I get a panic attack and get paralyzed for a really long time. Eventually, I get the courage to pick it up and the cycle continues. It has been going like this for many, many years.

>> No.9147158
File: 307 KB, 750x850, stillshitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO! There can't be an IRC. IRC will kill jp, like it already is doing with multiple IRC's out there that used to come from here. Do none of you remember the hotglue bullshit?

Unsaid rules of jp:
#004: jp NEVER meets IRL
#003: real jp will NEVER make a IRC

>> No.9147187
File: 87 KB, 599x599, hernameisnikki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anonymous is what makes this all possible.
IRC is CANCER! Get out and stay out.

>> No.9147331
File: 45 KB, 733x646, 1337481551248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a faggot!

>> No.9147501

>It's much harder than Japanese

Haha, whaaaat? You can memorize the cyrillic alphabet in a few hours, after that it's just like any other latin language...

>> No.9148185

Nope I passed out?

>> No.9148185,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is this guy still remembered?
