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9135897 No.9135897 [Reply] [Original]

Rachel is pretty good

>> No.9135901
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Always wanted to make my own *booru thread.

>> No.9135903
File: 145 KB, 700x786, 68a1c87cb7f0ec66571f9c5d70c851b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her stalker personality.

>> No.9135906
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>> No.9135907 [DELETED] 

She is good in my bed.

>> No.9135908
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>> No.9135912
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>> No.9135914

The only loli vampire i can tolerate.

>> No.9135920
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Ragna all you have to do is. Tap it in, tap it in.

>> No.9135925

Platinum is better.

>> No.9135932
File: 309 KB, 594x756, A11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Rachel, but I have a soft spot for A-11

>> No.9135940
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Her and Rachel are both good. Although Platinum does have visible armpits so she may be a small bit better.

>> No.9135949
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Bang is better.

>> No.9135952
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>> No.9135969

Only low-tier waifu faggots use Rachel or Makoto

>> No.9135980
File: 638 KB, 1000x1180, 4f7cd61ff16cc1722e22a5f1c3c90cb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So two of the most popular characters in BB are only used by faggots huh? You could of just said you were a hipster.

>> No.9136374

I like using Rachel because of her thunder rods.

But I can never use Makoto. I don't understand how she plays.

>> No.9136390

Best theme, without a doubt.

>> No.9136400

Awakening the Chaos. Now there's a doubt

>> No.9136405

>not Marionette Purple
zero class

>> No.9136411

Something about a gothic, blonde haired, twin-tailed loli.

Truly an excellent character design.

>> No.9136857

I agree

>> No.9136867

I hate Ragna's dumb ass design but I play as him because I like winning.

>> No.9136872
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and then rachel grew up and turned into this

>> No.9136878

What are the chances that some kind of Guilty Gear and BlazBlue crossover fighter were to be released?

>> No.9136879

My brother came to visit recently. He doesn't know shit about videogames and started playing BB: CSEX. He picked tutorial mode and it was pretty amusing seeing his reaction to Rachel constantly talking down to him.

>> No.9136887

Hopefully none, Guilty Gear characters and Blazblue characters don't mesh well gameplay wise

>> No.9136890
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>> No.9136910
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>> No.9136916

Wow what the fuck happened to her back

>> No.9136917


>> No.9136920
File: 472 KB, 638x850, bb24745532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I love Rachel.

>> No.9136921

Ask the artist.

>> No.9136922

What's their name and Emai?

>> No.9136930

I dont fucking know. You asked the question not me.

>> No.9136933


>> No.9136937

Suck my cock dude

>> No.9136958
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Thank you

>> No.9136981

>Low tier
Only in Extend version, she was crippled by the nerf club/bat...
Poor Makoto ;_; now she can't make a good pressure/aproaching at least on half of the cast.
Well, at least I'm not Jin, he now has an foam sword (as well Tsubaki).

>> No.9136991


>> No.9136992
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>> No.9137002
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True /jp/ers use Platinum

>> No.9137007

I use Platinum because she's the only character that I can crack 3.5k+ damage on, I'm so fucking bad at BB.

>> No.9137009

I wanted to play Blazblue because I liked the way Jin look.

Then someone told me he was bottom-tier garbage and I should just play Ragna like everyone else.

Oh well, finishing story mode and experiencing the side stuff is enough for me.

>> No.9137011
File: 124 KB, 849x607, Ragna the Pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would their armpits taste like?

>> No.9137012
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>> No.9137540


I still play Makoto. I just love her so much.

>> No.9137547


>> No.9137604

well that's just silly

>> No.9138164

Rachel is actually the best.

>> No.9139144

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9139509

I used to use only her, until they nerfed the living hell out of her. and never improved her in CS. They better improve her for competitive play come the next game. or arc system works is dead too me.

>> No.9139519

I swear, only japan can make characters that rustle my johnnies. The rest of the world can't into 2D lolis.

>> No.9139526

Shitty Vampire...

>> No.9140839
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>> No.9140920

Better than remilia+flandre

>> No.9141194

Left: a hint of spice
Right: a hint of mint

Both in such an ammount you just want to keep on licking in the hopes of getting a more intense flavour. Truly maddening.

>> No.9143539
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>> No.9143544
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Shitty vampire

>> No.9143564
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>> No.9143572
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>> No.9143583
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>> No.9143599



so much wasted potential on such a shitty series, why Arcsys?

>> No.9143651

Belongs on /jp/ because it's a visual novel.

see: http://vndb.org/v/all?sq=blazblue

>> No.9143701

Except it wasn't wasted potential because the games are good. You're just like one of those cynical ass wipes that hang out on /v/. You not liking something doesn't make it shit.

>> No.9143993

Her hips are too big in that image, lolis have smaller ones.

>> No.9144049

Rachel > Noel = Platinum > *

They're fine. Semi-child-bearing hips on lolis are nice.
