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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 351 KB, 1350x1570, 1329093981411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9130842 No.9130842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, lately I've been getting an urge to try ecstasy, after reading about how happy it makes you.

Even if it's artifical happiness, should I try it? Has anyone here done it? What was your experience with it?

>> No.9130853

Ask /adv/ or 420chan. And you could have at least posted a 2hu instead of babby's first comedy anime.

>> No.9130851

I sold one of my wow accounts to a guy who did ecstasy every weekend.

According to him you feel like shit/dead for the entire week but the weekend was fucking amazing

>> No.9130856

Too expensive. Cope with your depression or use soft drugs like evrerybody else.

>> No.9130861

Happiness is for gays and women.

>> No.9130865

That guy sounds like a complete retard.

You aren't supposed to use it more than once, every two months, your brain needs time to replenish its serotonin levels.

No wonder he felt like shit, using it every weekend like that.

>> No.9130872


>> No.9130867


There are some harmful side-effects of MDMA, but I don't think that's the real problem.

Do you really want to rely on a drug to make you happy? How will this make you deal with solving your own problems?

>> No.9130871

Like I said, I just want to try it.

>> No.9130876

>babby's first comedy anime
Fuck off, watching and reading Azumanga should be a prerequisite to posting.

>> No.9130877
File: 106 KB, 458x390, 1315147392303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, those places are full of normalfags.

Here is a 2hu.

>> No.9130878


The hardest part will probably be finding a dealer.

But yeah, go ahead if you want

>> No.9130879

Have you tried anything else? Might aswell try a softer drug first, don't want your first ecstasy trip to be terrible because you weren't ready

>> No.9130888

I'm sure a lot of special snowflakes whose bodies work differently from normal human beings' will argue, but if you exercise and eat better you'll feel a lot better and for longer. I get that drugs are a quick fix and there's the pleasure principle and so on, but you people are so willing to jump through hoops to get this shit you may as well jog a bit and eat something that isn't ramen.

Actually, this gives me a good idea for a self-help scam: I tell you idiots that I can cure your depression with a new form of medicine, but you need to get your bodies "compatible" first. So I round you all up for a week or two and have you do some squats and eat a healthy diet. By the end of it you'll all feel a lot better and I'll reveal there was no miracle cure; you've already helped yourself. But you still get a huge invoice and I still get rich.

>> No.9130893

Don't give a shit. Could have been Cowboy Bebop or Dragon Ball or any other ADTRW/4chan meme. Even if everyone has seen it, it's not board-related.

I demand my off-topic threads have at least a bare minimum of effort put into them, and OP couldn't even manage that.

That's better. But don't do it again.

>> No.9130894


I already do squatz, they don't help

>> No.9130900

Excercise is anathema to taking it easy.

>> No.9130906

I run 10k every day and I'm still not happy. Ok I'm happier than I was when I wasn't running but I'm still not "happy" happy.

>> No.9130910

>if you exercise and eat better you'll feel a lot better and for longer.

Do you believe in healing crystals and chakras too?

>> No.9130922

Due to my condition I've never exercised once in my entire life. Stopping school and not working is what made me happy, and it's what continues to make me happy today.

>> No.9130917
File: 483 KB, 3000x2983, 1272569476949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I can ever be happy
it is the Otaku's curse. it can't be helped ;____;

>> No.9130921

Not that guy but that is usually true. What you put in your body does affect your brain whether it be food or medicine and exercise usually also helps with mood.

The brain is a physical object. Doing things that physically change it also change your personality. There is no "consciousness" that is not changed by your diet, etc.

>> No.9130928


Exercising and eating right DO have impacts on your mental health. If you don't eat the right vitamins you can get depression, anxiety, and the like.

>> No.9130933

>if you exercise and eat better you'll feel a lot better and for longer.

This is true. If you do exercise and follow a diet you'll feel healthier, but it won't cure your mental issues (I know what I'm talking about).

>> No.9130953

>There is no "consciousness" that is not changed by your diet, etc.
Well psychologists treat the "brain" and the "mind" differently. It's entirely possible you just think a certain way, and no amount of food, drugs or serotonin can ever change that.

Plus it could be genetic or neurodevelopmental. If someone has dysthymia for instance you can't eat or drink it away.

>> No.9130954

This describes me pretty well.

What interests me is that people compare the E high to that feeling of "being in love", since true love does not exist IRL, I just want to see what it is like.

>> No.9130967

just do it op, and listen to music or go outside.

>> No.9130975

I'd stay away from it. Who needs more problems?

>> No.9130980

I'd recommend against it. Shit seriously fucks your brain if you use it for an extended period.

>> No.9130984

How so?

>> No.9130993

About a year ago someone I know took some. I don't know how much he took, but he kept saying that the few days after he took it were amazing.

>> No.9131017
File: 175 KB, 444x444, 1338419497857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are seriously the most autismal piece of shit that has ever existed.

>> No.9131014

I'd like to try drugs but only in a controlled environment.

I would like someone to support me through it too, but there is nobody I trust enough.

>> No.9131234
File: 496 KB, 1500x1500, 12552773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should take drugs and be happy, all of the time.

>> No.9131242

I've heard that is way better if there are people around you.

>> No.9131245

>people around you.
Get out.

>I've heard
Get out.

>> No.9131255

wow, a lot of replies.

it feels really good to do it, and it's not that expensive

it really destroys your brain though, so don't do it too often. And you have to go outside to buy it from people, you know.

>> No.9131265

>>I've heard
>Get out.
Is /jp/ a deaf-only board now?

>> No.9131260

imma sociopath i haet ppl do i fit in yet XDDD

>> No.9131261
File: 189 KB, 723x550, ssip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drugs are bad and bring more sadness than good, believe me, I talk from experience.

>> No.9131270
File: 102 KB, 488x800, 1294142976315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stimulants are fun and very easy to get prescribed, just talk to your family doctor /jp/!

>> No.9131275

Well I was assuming he'd had a conversation.

You need to throw some passive-aggressiveness into that irony, then you're golden.

>> No.9131285

Thread's illegal in the US.

Meido, do your job.

>> No.9131292

MDMA doesn't do shit to your brain but temporarily mess with seratonin levels, but with E there's an element of mystery to it's contents. If you can get pure molly/mdma it's your best bet!

>> No.9131300

I'm about to do something to you that's illegal in the US!

*grabs dick*

>> No.9131302

>You need to throw some passive-aggressiveness into that irony, then you're golden.
Nono, you missed the main joke, which is that you pose as a sociopath to socialize better with /jp/, the irony is great. Damn, it's not that funny if I have to explain it.


>> No.9131308

Why don't you smoke weed, /jp/?

>> No.9131312

Weed is for pussies.

>> No.9131318

Dealing with drug dealers is scary, and I don't know anyone ;_;

>> No.9131319

That's what I've heard, but I've also heard that pure molly makes you sleepy. or at least isn't energetic, mostly euphoric.

>> No.9131324

Please talk about drugs in /b/ or /soc/. Nobody wants to hear your pathetic tale of drug use and how you have become a drain on society. Drugs are illegal.

>> No.9131325

I have no way to get it illegally. To get it legally I'm throwing away my rights.

>> No.9131326

I don't want to be a loser who sits around all day laughing at stupid shit and consuming junk food. Now if you excuse me, I have to go back to collecting loliporn.

>> No.9131327
File: 638 KB, 200x200, 1318480849827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking weed is fun, but there are better drugs out there to experience.

>> No.9131342

This comment should end the thread.

>> No.9131343

Go away, weed is for /b/tards.

It's literally the most boring drug in existence, even coffee is more exciting.

>> No.9131344

Nice to see that you agree with yourself, >>9131285-chan.

>> No.9131347

So to recap:

This is a personal advice/experience sharing thread about drugs. It makes no attempt to connect it to /jp/ in any way (not even "hurr it makes me feel like im in gensokyo"). It began with an anime image. And to top it all of, it's quite possibly illegal and thus violating a global rule.

Janitor approved?
Janitor approved!

>> No.9131348

>complaining about being a drain on society
>leeches off welfare and parents while contributing nothing to the world

gb2 reddit pls

>> No.9131349

Not if you dip in in PCP.

>> No.9131362

I'm not.

>> No.9131354

People who agree are the same!

*le niwaka face when all the drug users ITT are the same person

>> No.9131357

That hasn't happened in my experience, I get euphoria and a mild "speeding". E can produce a more intense speeding because you might literally be on MDMA and speed or some other stimulant thrown in for good measure.

>> No.9131358
File: 75 KB, 1200x670, 9172579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you were taking drugs you would be able to take it easy :)

>> No.9131360

The niwaka summerfriend is strong in you.


>> No.9131365

Happiness like sadness simply doesn't last long.

>> No.9131367

Someone told me that Visine is the number one date rape drug.

>> No.9131370

Stop complaining about moderation before you get banned.

>> No.9131372
File: 95 KB, 700x950, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NSFW image in an off-topic, rule-breaking thread.

>> No.9131376

I realize this, but it might be worth it to experience absolute happiness for a few hours.

It's better than feeling no emotions at all whatsoever, like I usually am.

>> No.9131377

> Which 2hu has taken the most cocks in all orifices?

at least that was about touhou...

>> No.9131379


>Drugs are illegal.

Tell that to my prescription for amphetamine/dextroamphetamine, Oxycodone, Klonopin, Soma, and Ambiem.

>waahhhhh drugs r illegal

Please shut the fuck up, you don't see someone telling 2D loli porn is illegal everytime it's posted do you?

>> No.9131380

Janitor this thread is offensive. If you delete it now I promise you I will never shitpost again. Not even in a fun middle of the night while drunk way.

>> No.9131384

Drug thread. We take drugs and if you don't you're just a loser with anachronistic idealisms.

Cool logic there, /b/ros. GTFO.

>> No.9131385
File: 24 KB, 595x595, 1329298214384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at thumbnail
>think I see a penis
>open up image
>it's just bubbles
>not a trap

>> No.9131386
File: 114 KB, 640x640, 1296854750160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too bad you are so mad, otherwise you could enjoyee your lifetime like me.

>> No.9131387

>Please shut the fuck up, you don't see someone telling 2D loli porn is illegal everytime it's posted do you?

Yes? Do a search for "child pornography" or "1466a"

You also get the usual complaints about it being NWS.

>> No.9131388

>babby's first comedy anime
Fuck off it's still better than anything KyoAni shat out these days.

>> No.9131394

We had a good discussion in the first half of the thread, why can't people ignore the neo-/jp/ autists who are trying to de-rail it? Just hide their posts.

>> No.9131390

Don't worry, I'll shitpost for the both of us. I got you covered.

>> No.9131392

So you're drunk but complaining about drugs?

>> No.9131393

Drug shit seems to really get on /jp/'s nerves. Could this be the start of a new Golden Age of shitposting? One can only hope!

>> No.9131397

Winners don't use drugs.
We are all losers so we should use drugs.

>> No.9131402

Fuck off you cocksucker. Go be mindcontrolled by the Jews somewhere else.

>> No.9131399


Did I say I was drunk you piece of liberal shit? Go fuck off.

>> No.9131411

Genuinely annoyed that the janitor has left this thread, so I'm submitting links to the IC3.


If you want to join me.

>> No.9131407

I am more offended you use Sakaki for this thread. Go fuck yourself OP. I hope you fucking overdose and cause suffering for the two remaining people who care and give a shit about your wasted life.

>> No.9131416
File: 20 KB, 352x450, Salvador Dali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't do drugs. I am drugs.

>> No.9131414

You drink, you use drugs. Your animosity toward other drugs stems from the fact that you can't get them.

>> No.9131415

Why is neo-neo-/jp/ so sheltered?

>> No.9131420

It's jsut a bad time of day.

The children have had their bedtimes extended.

Old otaku wouldn't have minded simple hypthetical discussions.

Did old-/jp/ migrate to /so/?

>> No.9131421
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1400, 1333322762258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9131417 [DELETED] 


I already narced on 4chan during an interview with the NYPD. I told them people were trying to learn how to buy drugs and deal them on /soc/, /trv/ and /b/ and that they should monitor the boards.

>> No.9131418


>getting so mad that you report this thread to the government

Can you possibly be any more butthurt?

>> No.9131419
File: 1.96 MB, 242x201, dog getting pwnt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look guys it's this GIF.

I sure hope you don't report me!

>> No.9131426
File: 23 KB, 250x400, 1295597469050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drugs do you have a prescription for /jp/? Even if you don't have a script, what are you using to facilitate taking it easy?

>> No.9131422

Don't use ecstasy; you don't feel as happy aside from when you take it. Take drugs with less awful side effects.

>> No.9131425

Oh yeah? I called InterPOL and told them that there was a white slavery ring on /c/.

>> No.9131431

You're walking on the knife's edge, kid.

>> No.9131427

>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.
>This is not a place to discuss drugs or drug paraphernalia. Global rule #1 is in effect.

>> No.9131437
File: 256 KB, 600x600, 1337204696543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apply this
*whips out cock*

>> No.9131432

Fuck off back to /diy/.

>> No.9131433

Normies? on /jp/?

>> No.9131435

talking about drugs isn't illegal newfag

>> No.9131439


/jp/ wouldn't even be able to get drugs. Sure you can get them online, but you'd have to leave your room to pick them up!

>> No.9131446

Fucking idiot, the "normies" are the people who get mad at illegal drugs

>> No.9131461


get fucked

>> No.9131467

This is my point >>9131439

Shut-ins like us don't even consider the possibility of taking drugs. That's college bullshit.

>> No.9131470


These threads are dumb, but apparently less on-topic/rule-abiding than this one.

>> No.9131471

I don't have a prescription. All I do is drink alcohol. I wish I had prescriptions or knew dealers. I want mushrooms.

>> No.9131474


>> No.9131475

I want to beat the shit out of the janitors right now. I am aware that they can't be everywhere at once but if by a chance on is actually online right I just want to congratulate them on killing /jp/ a little bit more. Usually they do an excellent job but when I see shit like this it angers me.

>> No.9131475,1 [INTERNAL] 

The thread was deleted. The terrorist have won.

>> No.9131475,2 [INTERNAL] 

Eh, still not as bad as when they deleted that trap thread about 3 posts before the bump limit.

>> No.9131475,3 [INTERNAL] 

if u read this please respond

>> No.9131475,4 [INTERNAL] 

