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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 215 KB, 1000x1200, 1275106547701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9130827 No.9130827 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone guess which Touhou has the most pictures with the cum_inside tag on Gelbooru?

whos the slutty miko now?

>> No.9130835

What are you talking about OP?

Mana donation is perfectly normal.

>> No.9130834
File: 92 KB, 237x414, 1315333332659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Labeling anyone in Gensokyo as slut is retarded.

>> No.9130838

Show me your favorite cum_inside Reimu pic.

>> No.9130849

Amount is not important. What's important is ratio. Reimu would have the most of many different kinds of pics just because of the sheer volume.

>> No.9130844

lol op mad cuz sanae less poplar

>> No.9130854
File: 279 KB, 700x700, reimu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, autistic piece of shit subhuman that doesn't know their place. Reimu has been the best and canon pure character since the first fucking Touhou game. She doesn't need cum to collect fate like Sanae nor is she autistic enough to fornicate with the whore that is Yukari. You need to step the fuck back before you open your stupid ass mouth again and realize that you're slandering the best and most legendary Touhou character of all time. How many other characters have a hit box that's 4 by 4? Oh right, fucking none because that small hitbox represents her pure small vagina that hasn't been violated like Sanae.

Next time you talk shit about Reimu I'm going to strangle your fucking dick off and feed it to a frog you little shit for brains.

>> No.9130863

way 2 make a categorical fallacy n3rd shes the most popular 2hu so she has the most of da pix u FAG

>> No.9130880

Everyone knows "sanae a slut xD" is spouted by secondary Reimufags who feel jealous of Sanae's purity when compared to Reimu. They're projecting.

>> No.9130892

Being a whore is a prerequisite for a shrine maiden

>> No.9130926

what exactly is slutty or whorish about being cummed inside? If anything that's way better than the alternatives. At least that signifies the possibility of giving birth and starting a family.

>> No.9131100

Hakurei Reimu: 40,986 images, 4 pages with cum inside tag

Kochiya Sanae: 20,410 images, 5 pages with cum inside tag

>> No.9131103

Spoilers? What for?

>> No.9131105 [SPOILER] 
File: 315 KB, 800x600, Thepleasureofcumminginside..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9131129

this is not how you statistics

you need to look at the sample size first. magnitude alone isn't an indicator of anything at all. it's slutty pictures verses total amount of pictures that matters.

>> No.9131126

Sanae has more doujins than any other Touhou.

>> No.9131146

clearly a name-blackening ploy by Sanae to discredit her rival shrine. her attempt aims to make her shrine more popular.

Sanae has been uploading all those images (using different usernames, of course. she doesn't want to be detected)

>> No.9131161

typical /jp/ discussion

and I love it

is there a need for me to use the spoiler function incorrectly?

>> No.9131185

i must fap
