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9130457 No.9130457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you weren't a loser neet what would you be doing with your life?

>> No.9130465


>> No.9130467

lol, that's the question.

>> No.9130469


>> No.9130471

I would be finding a fast way to become a NEET

>> No.9130473

Would an author still count as ``loser NEET''? If so, probably have to sacrifice my pride a bit. Military would be the best choice, but that is a serious investment so I could consider going back to school to study Physics. Always enjoyed that.

>> No.9130482

I would be a winner NEET

>> No.9130484
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I would already be in Gensokyo.

>> No.9130485

I may be a NEET but I'm not a loser

also, I'd be doing the same, except also working from Monday to Friday

>> No.9130489

Well I'd probably be putting my artistic abilities to good use but as it currently is I am horribly insecure.

>> No.9130493

Trying to figure out a way to live as a NEET

>> No.9130500

Being a loser.

>> No.9130496

>weren't a loser
lol /jp/

>> No.9130545

I would be working 8 hours a day. I would also spend all of my hard earned money on a kid who will end up hating me and on my lying cheating wife.

>> No.9130554

Not every family is like that anon

>> No.9130559

I spend most of my time playing visual novels, video games, and watching anime and I'm not a NEET. The only thing I do is school for 2 or 3 hours out of 4 days of the week though...

>> No.9130560
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>> No.9130564

how are you not a loser?

>> No.9130566

Yes it is.

And even if his wife wasn't a lying cheating slut (lmao!!) and his kid didn't hate him, he'd still regret wasting his life to provide for them.

>> No.9130575

I'm doing what I want to do. How can I be the loser?

>> No.9130583
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>> No.9130580

*pat on head*

>> No.9130581

Making a romance based Visual Novel with Okuu.

>> No.9130588

Imagine what it must be to waste all your life raising a kid like YOU.

>> No.9130595

Working and either fucking bitches or trying to.
I think I prefer being a loser NEET.

>> No.9130610
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Don't you guys have any ambition?

>> No.9130627

Probably welding.

>> No.9130634



To answer your question OP, I'd probably be doing something productive/Living a happy life free of depression.

>> No.9130643

I would be gathering an army. We would then gather up thousands of ships and create a massive fleet. Our fleet would be a new country, which would constantly be on the move. Then we'd slowly take over the seas, then we'd start to spread onto land and eventually rule the world. Then the universe.

>> No.9130648

That is seriously a good question. Being a azy person that has never had a desire for worldly success, I couldn't even imagine such a scenario for myself.

I should go find some hill hermit guru and ask him.

>> No.9130655

that's the point.

>> No.9130661

I think I'd weld.

>> No.9130660

when you'll starving you'll start thinking about the world and star a shitty job amiright

>> No.9130663
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I never had anything to look forward to, i guess it doesnt make any difference if i lose my job or keep it other than havingto look for another.

>> No.9130676

I don't want anything. I don't watch anime, I don't play games. I am a NEET because there is literally nothing life can offer me. The only reason I'm on 4chan (I go nearly nowhere else on the internet) is that I've got to do something all day.

If I was forced to work, I would do so in a half-assed way and only to keep my body functions going.

>> No.9130682

That's an awfully miserable existence.

>> No.9130684

Ehhh...being a wage slave looks pretty shitty. I think I'd pick dying young from something retarded like starvation of living a long working life.

No worries though, I've still got a good decade or so of lazy life to enjoy before I have to start thinking about where I would like to starve to death.

>> No.9130698


I know right. I'd go to the doctor, but I don't want any diagnosis of mental illness in my past, and I doubt they could help me anyway.

>> No.9130707

Think. Was there something you wanted to do really badly in the past but you gave up on it?

>> No.9130704

Welding seems like a good choice.

>> No.9130719

I wanted to become a welder.

>> No.9130723

shit, that's lame, kill yourself

>> No.9130725

>If you weren't a loser neet what would you be doing with your life?
What a stupid question. I'd be a little girl, of course.

>> No.9130732

going around the world giving no fucks

>> No.9130746
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Travel the world and become the best cock sucker the world has ever known.
I would be able to make cocks cum just by looking at them.

I wish i was not a NEET loser.

>> No.9130774


how edgy xD

>> No.9130822


No, not really. When they asked me in school what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said astronaut because I had to say something.

The only thing I could say I've ever wanted was physical comfort.

>> No.9130825

Maybe you should go become an astronaut then. Space is a very nice place and you would be doing something useful.

>> No.9130833

Propagandizing workers to join the socialist cause, forming armed militias and forcibly taking over factories and other workplaces and financial institutions.

No hippies and college pinkos allowed

>> No.9130916

This is a neet worthy thread and watch faggot janitors delete it.

>> No.9130927
File: 898 KB, 1200x1712, 1322861562223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an Investment Banker. It might be high stress, but at least you get company run orgies with underage prostitutes in South-East Asian countries.

>> No.9130940


> orgies with underage prostitutes in South-East Asian countries.
How do I become an ``Investment Banker'' ?

>> No.9130947

Why would you (guys [more than one?]?) be welding?

You post with his trip.

>> No.9130951


> post with his trip.

I don't get it

>> No.9130971


There was a tripfag on old /r9k/ who posted under Investment Banker and talked about his pedophile ways.

>> No.9130974


Oh, I see...

>> No.9130977

As far as I know, it's all about contacts. If you're at uni, there might be some form of club for people interested in finance. Do something maths or economic related at uni, and make sure to go out drinking and partying all the time with the other people in the club. The older ones will hope to get jobs handed to them by their old seniors, and will in turn be able to pass jobs to you when you are older. Make sure you know your accepted place in the group hierarchy, know who's cocks you'll have to suck, and who should be sucking yours (figuratively, not literally, this isn't the /jp/ meetup group). If you're exceptional, you might get a job somewhere without using contacts, but you'll still need to come across as highly social, and you'll have to desperately attach yourself to others rather quickly in the job to survive.

Don't expect to have a shot if you've been a shut-in for the last few years though.

>> No.9130978

but im a winner neet op

>> No.9130982


I can't simply become an IB at once? I have to ``maintain'' the status? Famn, such a hassle...
I though it'd be easy

>> No.9130987

What happened to that guy? Did Anonymous betray him?


>> No.9131010

Where is this from? I know it's an edit, but what information do you have on the original?

He gets another proxy banned every few months.

>> No.9131019

>Why would you (guys [more than one?]?) be welding?
Probably because their family does it.

>> No.9131041

Something that would make me unhappy.

>> No.9131029

hanging out with mah niggas

>> No.9131039

ISM uses Tor to post, he'll be safe. He's pretty much single handedly responsible for half of the blocked TOR nodes being blocked.
>I though it'd be easy
Well, they can't just hand over the wealth and lolis to anyone who wants them, or they wouldn't have any left.

>> No.9131051

Jones saved the thumbnails of his CP storms. You can ask him for copies on #bun.

>> No.9131048


Damn, where can I find posts of this guy? Sounds so fucking neat!

>> No.9131059

>reveal your dreams that have been crushed in front of you as you watched your ideal world slowly burn

I would have been a doctor.

>> No.9131060

Thanks to that idiot I've seen shit I shouldn't have seen and been in places I shouldn't have been... I'd try to avoid him if I were you.

>> No.9131063


Jonesy? I will try searching for it...

>> No.9131077

>I've seen shit I shouldn't have seen and been in places I shouldn't have been
Just seeing pictures and text can't hurt you or anyone.
Unless the thought police find out, of course.

>> No.9131109

Investment Banker was a nice guy, but I can't help but feel it was all an act.

>> No.9131112


That'd be disappointing...

>> No.9131332

Work a 9-5, have friends, go out on weekends, have a girlfriend.

Maybe in a different life.
