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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 74 KB, 691x539, Lord_of_the_Rings_Return_of_the_King_Ext_2003_720p_BluRay_QEBS5_AAC20_MP4-FASM.mp4_snapshot_03.50.22_[2011.10.28_21.34.34].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9121689 No.9121689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've contributed so much to /jp/.

Yet nobody even knows who I am.

>> No.9121697
File: 44 KB, 390x357, 201111142334081611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen some shit.

>> No.9121696

no frodo u r the contribute

and then op was a suck cock

>> No.9121700
File: 93 KB, 400x399, 34534598634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Frodo just make a tripcode so people could filter him?

>> No.9121706

I know you, Anonymous. I have seen you everywhere

>> No.9121708

I personally forced 7 /jp/ memes.

>> No.9121713

I actually write 90% of all posts on /jp/.

>> No.9121716
File: 16 KB, 300x292, 1334860810698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 here. I also created the 'why is /jp/ worksafe if nobody on /jp/ has a job' thing, and some anon stole it and said it to Moot months later.

>> No.9121721

I uh

I give /jp/ something to hate

>> No.9121724

I haven't forced any memes because I'm not a nigger faggot jew bitch nerd homo.

>> No.9121725

It may surprise you but I actually invented the ``posting with a picture of Frodo'' meme.

>> No.9121726

Easy there, young Baggins.

It is the wise man who resists the selfish and egotistical urge to post with a tripcode.
He posts here and there, a face in the crowd.
He receives only fleeting recognition, but at the end of the day he knows that he has contributed to the betterment of /jp/.
He needs not approval nor admiration to drive him.

Be that man, Frodo.

>> No.9121740
File: 290 KB, 753x885, 6f1788656daf27267cf34409823a49d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole it and put it into a certain image that I refuse to post because some faggot(s) spammed it so much that I hate it now.

>> No.9121747

I've contributed quite a lot. Some of it good, some of it bad. I'd rather not name specifics.

>> No.9121751
File: 18 KB, 399x388, 1324115698641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you could say that you're the Reddit of /jp/, and he is the 9fag.

I hope that you're proud of yourself.

>> No.9121761

Fuck you dude, I was the want that started that.

>> No.9121768

I create my own memes.

>> No.9121784
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, 892437234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I created a trip in response to your post and this was the result.

Is this a banned trip or something?

>> No.9121795

I coined the terms ``shitposting'' and ``spoonfeeding''. I'm also behind certain recurring posts that can't be considered memes but are known by everyone.

>> No.9121801


>> No.9121802

lol, thanks for the IP nerd

i'm gonna DDoS the shit out of you

>> No.9121797

Proxy abuse?
Criminal scum.

>> No.9121808

I don't think clicking my refresh button is proxy abuse.

Sup? You gonna hack my IP or something?

>> No.9121812

An IP that I just dumped is kinda worthless but you go on ahead and wreck my gibsons.

>> No.9121815


Why four browsers? Do you use them to test compatibility of a site?

>> No.9121821

Is there a reason for the spoilers?

>> No.9121821,1 [INTERNAL] 

that feel

>> No.9121821,2 [INTERNAL] 

I made a couple memes this month the ` `background" meme and tr>>>/a/nny faggot and some other ones i forgot

>> No.9121821,3 [INTERNAL] 

Sweet dude, kill yourself.

>> No.9121821,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's not a meme if you're the only one posting it, dumbass.

>> No.9121821,5 [INTERNAL] 

Here again

I also made the meme of making new friends who crossboarder mad as he*kc

>> No.9121821,6 [INTERNAL] 

>` `
Are you trying to make this a meme too? You've done this a few times before. Stop.

>> No.9121821,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9121821,8 [INTERNAL] 

...And after this thread he was a /soc/-tier attention whore for the rest of his life.

How unironic.

>> No.9121821,9 [INTERNAL] 

I created the following memes:

-Mindblowing facts (all of them, except the few shitty ones)
-Ephraim pasta
-Asuka's ass
-Loli kids
-Butt-humiliation pastas
-Lolis smell like crayons
-A few more I can't remember

>> No.9121821,10 [INTERNAL] 

Is molesting your cousins a meme?

>> No.9121821,11 [INTERNAL] 

The only one i recognize is mindblowing and they all suck.

meme harder or don't meme at all

>> No.9121821,12 [INTERNAL] 

You're worse than H-... Trevor.

>> No.9121821,13 [INTERNAL] 

all of these memes sucked ass and are dead

not surprised they all came from one person

>> No.9121821,14 [INTERNAL] 

I turned josh into a meme
You mad weeaboos?

>> No.9121821,15 [INTERNAL] 

God damnit you fuckers the guy making the mindblowing posts isn't me and on top of that I didn't molest anyone, ever.

>> No.9121821,16 [INTERNAL] 

Chill out dude we're all friends here.

>> No.9121821,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9121821,18 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9121821,19 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.9121821,20 [INTERNAL] 

Eff off?

>> No.9121821,21 [INTERNAL] 

I know you're just joking around when you say that, but I actually will kill myself if you guys keep pushing me. I have no friends, no job, no car, no gf, no money, I'm a bald ugly 26yo virgin, and my mom is dead.

There really is no reason for me to keep this pathetic existence going....

>> No.9121821,22 [INTERNAL] 

Epic as always. Go post that on /ota/, they will probably take you seriously.

>> No.9121821,23 [INTERNAL] 

Hahahaha Trevor's mom is dead, what a fucking loser.

>> No.9121821,24 [INTERNAL] 

Terminally ass damaged.

>> No.9121821,25 [INTERNAL] 

Is your cousin a cute buttchild?

>> No.9121821,26 [INTERNAL] 

How about you start by killing your internet.

>> No.9121821,27 [INTERNAL] 

What the hell is a buttchild? Sounds weird.

>> No.9121821,28 [INTERNAL] 

Why? So I can stare at my wall all day?

>> No.9121821,29 [INTERNAL] 

I don't care. Just keep your tryhard OCD shitposting and attention-whoring away from me.

>> No.9121821,30 [INTERNAL] 

So I was reading /r/worldnews and everyone seems to be really gungho "fuck yeah kill 'em all" over sending troops to combat ISIS. I don't even understand what America has to do with ISIS, why the fuck do these people even care, and what business is it of theirs if this ISIS group is staging their own Islamic revolution.

>> No.9121821,31 [INTERNAL] 

I thought Britain was sending SAS troops to capture/kill the British man who executed the American journalist.

>> No.9121821,32 [INTERNAL] 

If the Islamists win, then they get the oil, and then we can't have it.

>> No.9121821,33 [INTERNAL] 

Uhh why?
I hate to say this but it's definitely the Jewish people at work. They made anyone who says its them to be some sort of racist pedophile conspiracy theorist lunatic. They definitely have a presence on reddit

>> No.9121821,34 [INTERNAL] 

*vigorously rubs his shitposting up against you*

Because people are retarded and apparently forgot about the whole leading by example thing. People who voluntarily go over there deserve what they get for poking a hornet's nest. The reason we're really there is for the oil and to stir up conflict so defense contractors can sell arms. America has no interest in actually solving the conflict, otherwise we wouldn't have caused a shitstorm by giving Israel to the jews after WW2.

*tips bonnet*

>> No.9121821,35 [INTERNAL] 

>So I was reading /r/worldnews
uhh that's cool I guess but we don't really like redditors here on the w :^\

>> No.9121821,36 [INTERNAL] 

can we go back to talking about wolves and loli kids maybe ?

>> No.9121821,37 [INTERNAL] 

I've been here longer than you.

>> No.9121821,38 [INTERNAL] 


which one

>> No.9121821,39 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.9121821,40 [INTERNAL] 

isn't that an /ota/ on the left? who's the guy on the right?

>> No.9121821,41 [INTERNAL] 

they're both confirmed w-bros thats all I can say

>> No.9121821,42 [INTERNAL] 

My dick is fucking you in your ass, that's all I can say.

>> No.9121821,43 [INTERNAL] 

Is a threesome a possibility?

>> No.9121821,44 [INTERNAL] 

Sure you have, newfie, sure you have ;^)

>> No.9121821,45 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not from Newfoundland.

>> No.9121821,46 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe to set an example. I don't know how the UK works.

>> No.9121821,47 [INTERNAL] 

I rest my case.

>> No.9121821,48 [INTERNAL] 

Most people don't quit after getting owned.

>> No.9121821,49 [INTERNAL] 

might want to brush up on you're slang; you used that improperly.

>> No.9121821,50 [INTERNAL] 

Don't think I did bucko, don't think I did.

>> No.9121821,51 [INTERNAL] 


It's raid time, boys~

>> No.9121821,52 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor raiding his own site just to generate ad revenue.. pathetic.

>> No.9121821,53 [INTERNAL] 

Just click the fucking ads....

>> No.9121821,54 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9121821,55 [INTERNAL] 

Why is Obama such a fucking psychopath? He's fucking obsessed with money, holy shit. Is he even human?

>> No.9121821,56 [INTERNAL] 

The jews man the god damn cock sucking jews. They're out to fuck everything and they don't even try to hide it, global politics aren't enough for them they even go as far as fucking /jp/ in the ass. God fucking damn it, it angers me to no end.

>> No.9121821,57 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I really doubt he loves his wife and children. I wonder why his wife is still with him. She has to know... right?

>> No.9121821,58 [INTERNAL] 

Yes, because of his love of money he is incapable of loving his children.

>> No.9121821,59 [INTERNAL] 

No, it's because he's a psychopath. There's no way a healthy person could do the things he does for money.

>> No.9121821,60 [INTERNAL] 

Are all politicians psychopaths?

>> No.9121821,61 [INTERNAL] 

Probably not, but most of them are pretty fucked up in the head. How can someone knowingly brainwash millions of people and and not feel bad about it?

>> No.9121821,62 [INTERNAL] 

Woah, you sound like a crazy person.

>> No.9121821,63 [INTERNAL] 

i know it

>> No.9121821,64 [INTERNAL] 

>Every war in the middle east is about le oil :^)

*tips fedora*

>> No.9121821,65 [INTERNAL] 

Then and there little Trevor decided to become the biggest attention whore in the history of /jp/!

>> No.9121821,66 [INTERNAL] 

At least he succeeded at that

What have you done with your life?

>> No.9121821,67 [INTERNAL] 

What do you think you're doing? I'm not even going to guess which one of his minions you are.

>> No.9121821,68 [INTERNAL] 

This is literally me right now, I think I'm threading the same path.

>> No.9121821,69 [INTERNAL] 

I unironically had a loli girlfriend for a few months.

>> No.9121821,70 [INTERNAL] 

So you're a pedophile. Congratulations.

Trevor has been the talk of the town for two years. You don't compare to him.

>> No.9121821,71 [INTERNAL] 

Having a lgf is great though. Imagine a girl with soft hair, smooth skin, a cheerful and playful attitude, and a very pleasant voice. Now imagine her being short, like around four feet tall, and imagine that she's a literal little girl. Finally, imagine that this girl likes you a lot. Like, a whole lot. This sort of "like" isn't the same sort of "like" that comes from older girls. This little girl doesn't like you because you have a fast car, or are rich, or because of any other weird reason. She just likes you, oddly enough, because you're you, and she doesn't hide it at all. It's all there in the open, and that's a great feeling. I could go on and on about this, but I think that anyone who hasn't experienced these sorts of (NON-LEWD) things with a little girl is really missing out.

>> No.9121821,72 [INTERNAL] 

Being a pedobro is one thing, but having an LGF is another.

>> No.9121821,73 [INTERNAL] 

What happened? You got thrown in jail?
