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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9120733 No.9120733[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of debts do you have /jp/?

I owe about 15 grand in student loans and I don't know how I'll pay for them when I graduate college next year.

>> No.9120743
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>> No.9120750

why is education so expensive over there?

>> No.9120761

because capitalist pigs

>> No.9120760

12 grand in student loans here

>> No.9120762

Reading is for for faggots.

But more likely, part of the American idea that only the rich can have nice things. One could probably pay college on scholarships if they put in actual effort, but /jp/ never puts in effort.

>> No.9120767
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my life


>> No.9120769

I have a internet/phone bill on my desk for about 70 bucks. That's about it.

>> No.9120770

$1000, with about $3500 in stuff I can sell

but I also have 0 income because the place I work for shuttered last month. I wish I had income and some debt so I could at least treadmill that shit.

>> No.9120773

$1000 or so for a computer I bought last year.

Will probably never pay it off.

>> No.9120779
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i fucking hate them

they ruin art and science!!

>> No.9120780

Don't pay: it's as simple as that.
Tell all your friends not to pay theirs either.

It's called civil disobedience, and it works.

>> No.9120782

Get a load of this terrorist communist pig

you don't even go to church every Sunday, do you?

>> No.9120792

I don't have any debts yet.

I am going to uni soon, so will accumulate debt in the form of student loans.

>> No.9120796

If enough people do that the government will send us all to labor camps.

>> No.9120851

I got paid just by going to college in my country.

Must suck for you Americans to be in debt so early in life.

>> No.9120866

In my country, we have some plan where you pay off your education fees via your tax once you start earning a certain amount of money annually.

If you don't ever earn over 50k a year, you never pay anything back.

>> No.9120868

I don't have any. How do people even acquire debt so easily?

>> No.9120871

Must be nice, you can just get a 200k liberal arts degree for free then.

It's not like you actually need 50k a year.

>> No.9120885

That's... brilliant, actually. I'm rather envious.

>> No.9120877


Yeah, I have a friend who keeps going back and doing worthless degree after worthless degree.

>> No.9120880

They live above their means. Not everyone is content with a room and a computer like /jp/.

>> No.9120887

Well if you don't have money, you have to borrow money. Then they charge you more for borrowing the money.

Also you're probably a neet on welfare who never went to college. Why would you have debt?

>> No.9120896

I probably will never have debts
mom pays for my uni because education isn't that expensive here in the third world, and she told me I can stay home as long as I want to.
other than that I only need food and internet to live.

>> No.9120898

I would exploit this to the hills. Never get a job and just half-ass through school till' I'm 60.

>> No.9120903

So true, at least it's the way for me.

I calculate that at worst I will have to pay $4000 for my final year using student loans after using what I have saved up. That's not exactly horrible but it's not very comforting either since I don't want really want to work and I doubt I can get a job. It's not like I really have much of a choice though.

>> No.9120960

I owe my parents my life, and (as far as I'm concerned, anyway, they don't much care) a ton of money. I also just today found out I owe the local newspaper, some magazine company, and verizon money, just not like 15k or something.

Santander (a.k.a. satander) owes me money from way back, but I don't think I can realistically expect to get paid.

Also, Reimu says she needs money.

>> No.9121088

I have a similar sized debt.

However I owe the money to the government, it's interest fee and I only have to pay once I get a certain annual wage.

>> No.9121097

Satellizer Lannister.jpg

>> No.9121100

I am not a retard who got education after highschool. It's funny because you thought you were going to go far in life and now you're here.

>> No.9121112

I don't have any debts

but I don't have any income either.

>> No.9121114

I'm Australian.

I could have got the Government to pay for my uni fees but I choose not to.

I'm doing a course that is heavily subsidised by the government as they want more people doing the course, so my uni fees are only about $2000 a semester.

I have a scholarship from the uni where I get paid $2500 a semester.

So I pocket $500 a semester for going to uni, doing a degree with guaranteed employment.

>> No.9121143

I would give up a nonvital organ to be only 15k in student debt, I will have close to 80K. Stupid 17 yr old me, you should have just sat in your room and wasted away. I'm considering suicide.

>> No.9121166

Dude I had a student loan that I didn't pay back until like 12 years later. It was hilarious. The interest was basically nothing as well.

Best loans you can ever get.

>> No.9121195

Um, yeah. After all that education you don't know what bankruptcy protection law is? Look it up, if you can't pay you don't have to. Or are you just making some kind of really crude joke?

>> No.9121207
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dat paperfold

>> No.9121223

No I wasn't joking, also student loans are not forgivable in bankruptcy. This will follow me for the rest of my life, which like in my aforementioned post may not be that much longer.

>> No.9121250

I'm terrified of being in debt. It's one of the reasons why I'm scared to go to Uni/College.

>> No.9121255
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Oh dude I didn't even realize that it's her in the OP.

I can never remember her long name, but she's hot.

>> No.9121259

Can't you attempt to arrange a different payment plan?

>> No.9121277 [DELETED] 

I joined the police instead of going to graduate school it was that bad

>> No.9121298

oh hell, looks like you were right, they aren't. What the fuck, these student loan things are fucking evil.

Don't kill yourself over a fucking loan, no lender can be allowed to have that kind of power dammit. Fuck.

>> No.9121325

What can they even do if you don't pay anyway? You don't have any money nor anything to take. Just take it easy.

>> No.9121353

That's why you just take out a standard loan instead of lowered interest student loans that you don't have to pay off until you graduate.

I myself got stuck in that one, and owe 1100USD after 2 years of schooling.

So I can actually pay that off if I got a job this summer.

>> No.9121368

Any money you earn, they will take it out of your paycheck. My mom graduated almost 20 years ago and they're still docking her paycheck. If you pay minimum payments, you will never pay it off, as the interest will simply go and go over what you already payed, so after many years you're back at step one.

The purpose of it is probably to keep the US populace bound to their land, just like serfs. Even if you move overseas, money you make comes back to the US. If you are in debt, you are actually owned whoever has the debt over you.
