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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9114438 No.9114438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I think I want to die. I suffer from several severe mental illnesses, and am in nearly constant pain from an injury. I was never terribly enthusiastic about life, but lately, I just don't have much going for me.

I don't blame the world for the way things turned out, so I'd like to do some good by dying.

Is there a way to kill yourself that ensures your organs will be viable for transplant?

My original plan was just to drive for as long as my car would cooperate, then overdose somewhere where I wouldn't be found for a long, long time, but I came to think that would be a selfish way to end it all.

>> No.9114446


>> No.9114448
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>Is there a way to kill yourself that ensures your organs will be viable for transplant?
le arrow to the knee

>> No.9114463

If you kill yourself in a bathtub filled with ice and make sure to call the medics just before the deed it would be possible.

>> No.9114478

Carry an organ donor card.

Don't damage your organs when you die.

How is this difficult? Or did you just want to tell us this?

>> No.9114479

I predict someone will post the helium mask suicide picture, and then a argument will start over whether or not it will painfully burst open your lung.

Of course it won't happen now, but, you know...

Anyway OP, sign up to be a organ donor, call the pizza delivery guy, and then hang yourself right behind the front door.

You're organs will still be fresh when they find you.

>> No.9114493

Don't do it, there is no Gensokyo. Just keep drugging it up and fapping until the high blood pressure kills you. Besides that (assuming you are an American), those organs you give are only going to go to rich people who can afford the $250,000 fees for it.

>> No.9114498

Your lungs won't burst if you're not retarded. Open the helium tank before you put the mask on, and get just the right amount of helium to come out.

>> No.9114510

But he suffers from several sever mental illnesses, so I'm willing to bet that his lungs will burst.

>> No.9114514

What mental illnesses do you have OP?

>> No.9114549

Chronic fatigue disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, paraphilia NOS, and borderline personality disorder.

>> No.9114570

This is going to get dozens of replies and then the janitor will leave it.

>> No.9114614


I'm schizotypal with major depression with psychotic elements. Get on my level.

>> No.9114618

Just smoke something instead of killing yourself.

>> No.9114624


>> No.9114631

i haev dowse sindrum
whut now tuff guy/

>> No.9114644


I wasn't OP, I was just kind of of making a satirical joke at psychiatry...

Just kind of insinuating that they turn whatever emotional/behavioral issues and personality traits they want into a "disease", with absolutely no science to back that up.

It's a baseless field of pseudoscience.

>> No.9114648

>> No.9114649

Interdasting. Please report to the shower room (which is absolutely NOT a gas chamber) immediately.

>> No.9114664

> I was never terribly enthusiastic about life, but lately, I just don't have much going for me.
Come over to /a/.

>> No.9114663

Life sucks for most of us OP and we're still alive, stop acting like a little bitch.

>> No.9114662

I asigjgaojsgoasjgo jpowgjopegjgwpju fuuck op fuckkk ;_;
same hiwpoegknwipegkhip4gh9wepk,8i,iu,ik,iuiuuiiuiuiuiiuiuioi

>> No.9114675

i have a lolipop here for you, pal

>> No.9114685

u juts mad cuz i can fap inn publik n git awa wid it

>> No.9114691
File: 36 KB, 316x263, mado4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do agree with you to an extent. But I wouldn't say the field is baseless. It's motivated by the bottom line pure and simple. Both shrinks and psychs (real docs) make a fuckton off counseling for 'disorders' (whether made up or not) and prescribing happy pills for them that actually have a good chance of making it worse.

There might even be a very small generational thing behind the motivation for the explosion of so called mental disorders. That is, we're the spoiled/coddled generation (gen ME) that gets fucking medals for participating. The education system and discipline standards have eroded significantly. As part of our self-absorption, we don't want to feel bad/inadequate in any way compared to others so hiding behind the mask of a few 'disorders' can help out there. Just my tin foil hat idea.

>> No.9114699
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>> No.9114703
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That posting style..

>> No.9114719

I seriously considered offing myself after I failed out of college for the third time. I've also failed out of 3 high schools. I'm just a big failure. I can't even make it past stage 2 in my 2hu games.

>> No.9114729
File: 743 KB, 500x281, nyaf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS. Never thought I'd be agreeing with a fucking tripfag. OP, see gif.

>> No.9114740

hey fukune i want to impregnate ur little girl pusys with my sperm childs

>> No.9114751

Think of it this way. Some poor bastards in third world countries might work their ass off their entire lives but still never be able to achieve your current standard of living. Life isn't fair that way. Someone who works hard and has potential can still be easily gimped by their environment. As long as you're trying anon there's a chance it might get better.

>> No.9114761

/adv/ threads: janitor approved!

>> No.9114779

Can we have the tanasinn/Aikido spammers back? At least then the janitor will be forced to make a clear decision as to whether he should cherry pick posts or delete this off-topic blog thread.

>> No.9114833

I, as a dedicated shitposter, also miss the spammers. It was so beautiful to watch them squirm and dump for hours, when I can make a new thread every 5 minutes.

Also, we need a more forceful maid. It's no fun if meido can't be taunted and baited with insults and trollery. It was very fun to shit on countless threads calling them idiots. They would delete it, but they knew that their request for banishment would not be answered affirmatively.

Such is life.

>> No.9114838

>>>/out of /jp//

>> No.9114840

Can someone report this post for me? Even though I could easily do it, I'm just too lazy.

>> No.9114857

Is that a call for invasion of the report system?
Oh Oh Oh! The good people of the #4chan IRC chatroom will hear about this!

>> No.9114865

Please don't do that. I'll cry.

>> No.9114889

Bizarro-unreported for advertising!
