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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 381x359, spd_2010013112712_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9112698 No.9112698[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is anime part of otaku culture?

>> No.9112700


>> No.9112704

Suigin, SHiN and ZUN!bar--long-term, respectable posters--all seem to think so. So go ahead, post your animes.

>> No.9112718

go away /a/

>> No.9112711
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>> No.9112712


Well, I have no idea. No one seems to be able to define "otaku culture" in a way that makes sense.

>> No.9112723

>respectable posters

>> No.9112728

You forgot Sion and Sudo the most respected members of /jp/.

>> No.9112729

It's just a name, /v/ is called videogames but everyone knows it's /r9k/ with a bit of videogames

/jp/ is touhou and visual novels

>> No.9112733

Depends on what the anime is.

Cowboy Bebop = No
Sion's favorite mindless fanservice anime = Yes

>> No.9112735


I'm not /a/. Still, I have no idea. They got rid of the fumo threads, they get rid, according to Warosu, of random shit that looks indistinguishable from otaku stuff, and I have no idea what's going on. There's no rhyme or reason to it.

>> No.9112740

It's not supposed to. It's a retronym. It just happens to be a better fit than "Japan/General" or "Japanese Culture" and nobody can come up with anything better.

Well, /dg/ - Doujin Games was briefly considered, but then ZUN!bar realized Ar Tonelico isn't a doujin game so he called his buddies in the army and fucked moot up a little until he compromised. That's why his face is so disfigured now.

>> No.9112740,1 [INTERNAL] 

AoC = Age of Consent

AoC: pedo!?

>> No.9112750

>random shit that looks indistinguishable from otaku stuff, and I have no idea what's going on.

There are layers of irony at work here that you cannot even begin to comprehend.

Lurk more.

>> No.9112754

>I have no idea

>> No.9112758

Don't bully Zunbar

>> No.9112761


Closest you're going to get to a real answer.

Then again this was written by an attention-whoring fagnerd who wrote moot asking for off-topic anime to be allowed, so don't take it as gospel.

>> No.9112769

>There are layers of irony at work

Can they work on another board? I'm tired of the 90s and shitty things. Also, I've been here since '05.

>> No.9112771

congrats on sucking zunbara cock

>> No.9112776
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>Rule 2: Don't respond to trolls

>> No.9112782

Fukune likes anime so we should do what she says.

>> No.9112795

I wonder if this will ever work.

"Don't respond to trolls" has been parroted since the 1980s. Everyone knows not to respond to trolls. But like HELL am I gonna stop.

>> No.9112796

I want to impregnate fukune in the butt...

>> No.9112804
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Milky Holmes was really funny and made me laugh when nothing else was able to!

>> No.9112810
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>> No.9112808


If CurryButt or Sion were to waltz in here right now and just say anything you would not be able to restrain yourselves. Some people you can ignore but the people with true talent always get a response.

>> No.9112820

haha... well i am an otaku...

nii chan says thats not possible except for me *confused*... anyway dont be lewd

>> No.9112818
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>> No.9112822

I liked Milky Holmes. Sheryl was cute.

>> No.9112824

who of you fuckers lit the Sionsignal?

>> No.9112825
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Now that Moot is gone, the troling will only get worse.

>> No.9112837
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>> No.9112828

If you ask me, occasional anime discussion is alright. Spam is not however, which is why Sion anime of the season is never okay.

There's been good threads in the past. A lot of the /jp/ userbase came from old /a/ after all and they tend to have good taste for a given season. Too bad those threads rarely get a chance since it's just lousy threads of fanservice anime screencaps with no text as far as the eye can see.

So, anime is alright, forced spam is not. Once again, this is just me. /jp/ has as many readings of the vague rule as there are interpretations of Gensokyo.

>> No.9112842
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>> No.9112849

Now we just need The Butt in here and we will be set.

>> No.9112855

One or two threads at a time isn't spam...

>> No.9112859
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, [furzi-Raws] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 - 01 (1280x720 VFR Web x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_06.56_[2012.01.03_02.02.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.9112860
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>Rule 13: Sage - In general, sage doesn't have a negative connotation in /jp/. It doesn't mean "I HATE YOUR POST," it's just a command that lets you post without bumping

Which f***ing retard wrote this rules? People always sage my threads all the time. F****ing weeaboos always sage every thread, even good ones. Why do people f***ing sage even real /jp/ threads like Idolm@ster and Uminoko or whatever.

Just accept that you are neckbeards and angry at /jp/ so you sage all the time.

>> No.9112862

I want to say thank you to the anon that recommended Seirei no Moribito a few months ago. It was a really good story.

>> No.9112865

He's just upset that people aren't posting his favorite series instead. It's very easy to see.

>> No.9112867

that episode was a masterpiece

>> No.9112868

And that's just one of the screencaps for this season. I'll give you that it's continuous spam instead of the kind of spam that will page full pages off the board at a time. Doesn't make it less bad.

>> No.9112869

I think talk about anime once in a full moon is probably acceptable but I don't want to set an example for /a/ that they can just walk in and get away with it.

>> No.9112883
File: 677 KB, 750x950, e9672378cf0f685d18e57aed76d29e56..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Akihabara once and I saw anime and I was like lol plebs.

>> No.9112886

all the episodes are.. but the animation got a bit worse as time went on :(

>> No.9112899

zunbar shits on his own name every time he posts

>> No.9112892

also laffo at the people who couldn't resist trying to shit upon Zunbars name in every thread with the word anime in it.

>> No.9112902

boy you guys sure are lively today

>> No.9112905

look at zunbara posting without his trip

>> No.9112906

I blame trying some coffee this morning.

>> No.9112910

i blame trying some veiny hard cock this morning

>> No.9112913

If anime, J-games, and stuff like that AREN'T otaku culture, what the fuck is?

The whole problem is that "they" are trying to remove the parts of the board that are too dorky, cull anything that we could be ashamed of, and get rid of anyone embarrassing.

Doing that reveals a fundamental flaw in one's comprehension of the culture and of the nature, really, of an anonymous site.

>> No.9112915

But to answer the question yes but not OUR culture.

>> No.9112923

If you want to talk about anime nonstop go to /a/. You can even get away with shitposting there since every single post there is fucking horrible and you will blend right in.

>> No.9112925

I got some veiny hard cock for you right here
*grabs dick*

>> No.9112930

Fucking idiot, anime is too big. That's why it has its own separate board. If we let it in, it will eat everything. Its also filled with non ironic kids and retards

>> No.9112932

*slurp slurp*

>> No.9112942

I'll show you something that's too big
*grabs dick*

>> No.9112944

it is, but not in /jp/

you have to bear the /a/tardation if you want to discuss anime

>> No.9112946
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Anime to /jp/ is what fun is to /v/.

We (read: everyone that wants to fit in) in /jp/ hate anime and /a/ to look cool, and to distance ourselves from shitposting on /a/.

Some people even go as far as to say that reading VNs to elevator music or manga are superior to anime.

In reality, /a/ is immeasurably superior to /jp/.

>> No.9112949


I am not him. If he was here he would be putting the smackdown on you.

>> No.9112954


You know what? Fuck irony. That shit is a cancer. I don't think it should be banned, but it makes for dismal reading. I'm not going to go all eXiled-generation-of-swine, but it really has marked us for the worse.

>> No.9112970

W-why did you grab my dick so suddenly?
... please let go, I'm very sensitive down there, I cum easily...

>> No.9112972
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1240275934976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be honest, the same people who defend OTAKU CULTURE are the same people who love having 90% 2hu threads on the board at all teams and LOVE shit like JAPANESE BIRD COOKING SPAGHETTI and FLANFLY

>> No.9112982


You have ten seconds to formulate an objective, general, abstract definition of "shitposting".

>> No.9112983


Now !ALICia.JPo to be fair you yourself are guilty of that and much more worse atrocities.

>> No.9112988

i wish he was here. i want to congratulate him on the marriage

>> No.9112993

I trolled you.

>> No.9112997
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>> No.9113006


I've been saying this for ages but people wouldn't stop their blind worship for the idiotic underage tripfags who thought they were so clever for being "ironic" all the time.

>> No.9113014


Don't stop blaming the tripcode users for everything. This is highly important to solving all of our problems.

>> No.9113020

Don't you see where it says at the top "/jp - Touhou and Shitposting Culture"?

>> No.9113018

I'm 28, Anonymous, and I shitpost all the time.

>> No.9113027

Save us Sion!

>> No.9113030

I'm just a bit younger, and I shitpost all the time too. Participating in /jp/ shitposting culture is too fun and tempting sometimes.

>> No.9113034
File: 58 KB, 848x480, [Ryuumaru] Mayoi Neko Overrun! - 12 [480p][ACDACD10].mkv_snapshot_09.54_[2010.06.26_03.59.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what the best part is. Moot clearly states that light novels are part of /jp/ and yet NSJ deletes any light novel thread that anyone tries to create

>> No.9113035


That's just sad.

>> No.9113039


It used to be fun when the shitposting carried weight. Now anyone can say any little thing and people will have a tiff about it.

>> No.9113047

>They got rid of the fumo threads
Did they really? They werent really bothering anyone.

>> No.9113049


Because you spam anime images and discussion in them. You don't give a shit about LN's, let's just get that out of the way now.

>> No.9113051
File: 28 KB, 309x309, MEIDO VS THE NON-TOUHOU THREADS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VN threads, too.

>> No.9113052

Welcome to /jp/, where almost everyone is a sad individual.

>> No.9113054

Tokiko pls go

>> No.9113056

why are people acting like anime is stigmatized for some arbitrary reason
or that it should suddenly be allowed because herp x y z

do they even know why jp was made

>> No.9113058

In fact, all these posts are mine. Behold:


In retrospect, I think I have to step up my game. Those homosexual posts are getting a bit tiresome.

Fuck, I only got doubles once

>> No.9113065

nsj is a sad little man

>> No.9113066

They were bothering me, since they were essentially attention whoring threads.

>> No.9113067

Stop bullying Fukune, jerk.

>> No.9113070


"Then you shouldn't do that then", said the aspie. Or he would, if speech came easy to him.

>> No.9113074
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dont bully tokiko

>> No.9113077

I call bullshit, last fumo thread died naturally and a new one hasn't been made yet.

>> No.9113079

Frigg off, Tokiko is a nasty perv.

>> No.9113090

My light novel thread has been up for an entire day (>>9106747)

He is probably just deleting them just because you are you, Sion. That or he didn't see my thread...

>> No.9113086 [DELETED] 
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I am not him. More importantly what are you going to do about it nerd? She is a she.

>> No.9113092

Thank the lord I was scared for a moment

>> No.9113095

He's bullshitting (like all those facetious "concerned" shitposters usually do), the last fumo thread I can find in the archive lasted for two weeks and simply died a natural death when people stopped replying.

>> No.9113099

I say we ban Sion. He isn't interesting anymore and quite frankly everything he does now is depressing to me.

>> No.9113108

Reported it

>> No.9113115

Who is Sion?

>> No.9113129
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There was a legit LN thread that lasted like 2 days not made by me that the NSJ deleted for no reason

>> No.9113135

ur mom

>> No.9113138


But then you had your way with it when you found it.

>> No.9113144

I'm still mad because NSJ deleted my "Post your favorite flavored milk flavor and your favorite touhou" thread.
It was doing great numbers

>> No.9113151


I don't know. I don't read them.

It doesn't really seem legit to me, though.

>> No.9113152

u new?

>> No.9113149

Just because it has a touhou doesn't make it /jp/ related.

>> No.9113158 [DELETED] 

It's happening again.


>> No.9113159

slapping "Touhou" into it doesnt make it /jp/ related

>> No.9113161


>> No.9113164

Also deleted my "Which Touhou has the most rotten breath" threaed. That's 100% /jp/ related. What's your excuse now?

>> No.9113166

>gets married
>still a virgin
Why is Van such a pathetic nerd?

>> No.9113169
File: 19 KB, 500x404, 1330911628197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think NSJ is having a day off and just deleting stuff that gets reported ;_;

did we upset him?

NSJ we love u dont quit on us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.9113172

The terror never stops.


>> No.9113175


He is around.

>> No.9113183


He sucks. He's turned /jp/ into a place I can't take it easy in, he replies to himself to build fake consensus, and he deletes anything fun.

Plus, I'm pretty sure a good 40% of the worst posts while he's not visibly active are his, trying to make it look like he's needed.

>> No.9113184
File: 21 KB, 400x225, 1324234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh.. don't move.. his vision is based on movement

>> No.9113185


Both janitors are doing pretty excellent job. /jp/ isn't going to scare them away this time.

>> No.9113188

wtH is the worst janitor ever

or nsj may be a goon from adtrw, would explain why he hates fun

>> No.9113189


You hear that Sion? The shitposters lost.

>> No.9113192
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Yes. You have to sage when he's around..

>> No.9113194

Explain the autistic rage against Kogasa threads last month.

>> No.9113198

Posting an anime pic is outing yourself as a newfriend or troll.

>> No.9113208


I didn't see it but I doubt there was a catch. Maybe it NSFW, had a shitty catchphrase attached to it or was being spammed.

>> No.9113212

>Both janitors are doing pretty excellent job
>nsj basing deletion on what he doesnt like instead of valid topics
>nsj "cleaning up" threads to fit his shitty vision of what a thread should look like
>nsj leaving gaia shit like tinierme

>> No.9113213


Dude. You're him. Don't bullshit. Everyone in this thread is negative about him but you. As for whether /jp/ is going to "scare them away", they're wrecking /jp/, so the real question is whether they'll finish us off.


He does have that air about him.

>> No.9113216


>> No.9113216,1 [INTERNAL] 


NSJ detection status: 100%

>> No.9113222 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9113223
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Sometimes I think it would be better to know who these tripfags are, like Sion and Currybutt, as if I was missing some inside IRC / secret shitposting group jokes. But then I realize that the discussion about them is worthless anyway, so I forget about it. Did they stop posting in December when I got here?

>> No.9113225


If he's a goon, someone ought to figure out what his username there is. Then inform on him.

>> No.9113227

>Is anime part of otaku culture?
>118 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view

What the fuck have you guys been getting up to while I'm away.

>> No.9113232

sick trips, killed sudo on the spot!

>> No.9113233
File: 160 KB, 313x276, 1338744273236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NSJ In charge of cleaning up /jp/

>> No.9113234

fuking ur mum LMAO

>> No.9113236 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9113237

It's shitposter/meta thread. It's the most popular /jp/ topic hands down, I'm surprised we're not at 300 replies yet

>> No.9113241

He's a goon because he never deletes SA spam shit. I keep reporting it but he just leaves it there. I bet he makes those threads.

>> No.9113242

Here's a great troll.

Like all truly great trolls, it is based completely in truth.


If we're otaku-- and we are-- and this board is about otaku culture, our culture: shouldn't we be able to post whatever we want?

Does a person with a Japanese IP get free reign?

>> No.9113246

Meta is the cancer killing /jp/

Seriously, meta threads are one of the most god awful threads there are. Why do you think /a/ is so shitty? It's constant bitching

>> No.9113247

Those threads are almost always about how SA is a fucking awful place.

>> No.9113248

/jp/ poster: "my off topic shitpost thread was deleted. I think I will complain about it and attempt to rile up support from other shitposters to force out another janitor.

>> No.9113249

>If we're otaku-- and we are-- and this board is about otaku culture, our culture: shouldn't we be able to post whatever we want?
How do you know it's actually the otakus and not some people from v raiding?

>> No.9113252
File: 191 KB, 515x501, 1290107436732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the most popular /jp/ topic hands down
You have clearly not seen Cocks- General with 500 posts

>> No.9113254

Metathreads have been at a seasonal low recently.

>> No.9113257

/jp/ poster: That off topic thread has been up for about 40 minutes now. Clearly the janitors aren't going to delete it and want it up. Clearly they aren't leading a normal life like getting the mail or eating dinner.

>> No.9113258


Yeah. My guess is he and some other subhumans saw this board and decided it needed to be taught a lesson for having too much fun.

I'm making inroads on this but it's slow going. I wonder if moot cares at all.

>> No.9113259

I miss that thread.

>> No.9113260
File: 130 KB, 370x335, 1338666574730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That entire thread was god tier.

>> No.9113261
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Sounds accurate, wanna join?

>> No.9113262
File: 290 KB, 750x712, 1325985162266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want NSJ to hold up a piece of paper with a time stamp saying
"Cock threads are fine by me, please contain your meet up and cock sucking in 1 thread".

>> No.9113263

Oh boy, another eXiled reader. I stopped following so much after I quit following politics but I still check in from time to time.

>> No.9113265



/jp/ poster: This thread was on-topic and/or good but it was deleted. There's no way to tell, so there's no reason to put any effort into posting. Your mom. Laughing my ass off.

Don't try to frame this as a problem of things being left up. It's a problem of stupid deletions.

>> No.9113272

Most of the time when people complain it's because the janitor deleted some stupid thread but left some other stupid threads up. The only recent criticism I've heard about deleting threads that are straight-up on topic is the recent kerfluffle over LN threads which was resolved anyway since there are some floating around now.

>> No.9113276
File: 121 KB, 370x460, Shino393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The longest thread i can remember seeing on /jp/ that was not a sticky.
I'm suprised it lasted as long as it did

>> No.9113277


I mean, if you want to talk about "on-topic" in the context of "Otaku Culture", see >>9113242 and deal with that.

NSJ a shit, probably a goon.

>> No.9113282

may the lewdests 2hus guide you on your quest anon, fuck the nazi jew goon nsj

>> No.9113287


>> No.9113288

Of course "anime" are part of otaku culture, fuck the term "otaku" was born in the context of anime in the first place.

But that doesn't mean you can post random anime here. There is a very very specific board for anime, okay? So you don't need to post you flavor of the month anime in here. And please don't. got to >>>/a/ if you can't resist the urge.

>> No.9113295

What about cosplay? He posts it here and deletes posts complaining about it. It has the same rules apply to it.

>> No.9113296

Get a load of this guy

>> No.9113297

Of course

>> No.9113300


Except you don't know "why they complain". Those people are just mad and trying to make it worse for everyone else.

But then again, you might be NSJ, so it's like I'm arguing for less cops with the Chief of Police.

>> No.9113302

it was great, that thread kept me busy reading about cocks for 10 hours straight
my second most favourite thread after satenanon glory hole pictures thread

>> No.9113309

if i call my penis otaku that make it part of otaku culture?

>> No.9113313

>Except you don't know "why they complain".
Well, I could read their complaints and find out, which I do, since they're aired everywhere.

>But then again, you might be NSJ
And maybe you're NSJ, who is also Tokiko, who is also AoC.

>> No.9113314

You guys aren't forcing these janitors out this time. Moot and the staff has made this perfectly clear and your little shitposting shenanigans aren't going to work.

>> No.9113315

Yes it is.
But it is no on topic. Since there is a place that it is more on topic, it belongs there and not here.
Same reason why Photography doesn't belong in /g/.

>> No.9113316

I thought cosplay threads here as frowned upon as anime are in here.

The same reasoning apply there is a specific thread for cosplay.

And I stress specific, it is different from like saying "denpa music" goes to /mu/ because /mu/ isn't specific at all for that kind of music.

Of course Touhou cosplay might pass here because it's touhou related.

>> No.9113318

If I was a janitor I'd allow it.

>> No.9113328

does anyone have it archived?

>> No.9113330

It's 4:30 in the morning. Why is this shitpost still up? Why am I the only one complaining? Where is the janitor, where could he be?

>> No.9113339


Then /jp/ will continue to suck and be shitty.

>> No.9113341

Sion what do you have to say about this situation?

>> No.9113344


>> No.9113347

Go back to being dead, please.

>> No.9113349

i havea friend whos a mod and he said nsj always tried to talk about sonic and so they kicked him from their irc
everyone hates nsj

>> No.9113350

row row fight the powa

>> No.9113351
File: 572 KB, 770x800, 1327751237993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was a janitor I'd only delete 3D pics and threads with 3D pic ops. Vote me for janitor

>> No.9113352


If you'd read /j/ back while the HTML exploit worked, you'd know that they sometimes leave threads up so that other users can tear into the complainers.

Of course, since nearly every legitimate /jp/ user agrees they're doing a terrible job, I'm guessing they're self-replying and bussing people in from chat.

>> No.9113353

I posted a Yukkuri thread a few weeks back. It got like 3 replies that weren't from me.

/jp/ doesn't like taking it easy.

A week or so later, someone else posted a Yukkuri thread and it got lots of replies, and what looked like some shitty posts along with it.

>> No.9113354

fukune i love you please become my wife

>> No.9113355

Don't be a creep.

>> No.9113357


Taking it easy lost it's meaning when /jp/ decided to use it as an excuse for shitposting.

>> No.9113358

You just want her all to yourself

>> No.9113359


>> No.9113360

i cant be everyones wife... ;~;

>> No.9113361

Fukune is my best friend I talk to him on a daily basis.
How jelly are you ?

>> No.9113363

In theory the only person who would be able to drive the janitors out would be CurryButt but he as retired.

>> No.9113364


"Shitposting" = "whatever I don't like"

It's meaningless. Just a bullshit nothing-word.

>> No.9113365

Yeah I do, wanna fight over her? I'll take you down nerd.

>> No.9113366

That's very true. Just like the word "troll".

>> No.9113367
File: 488 KB, 806x1728, 1338684519284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113370

So keep up the good work janitors and remember you don't have to take any criticism from shitposters seriously because they are shitposters.

>> No.9113371

It has no meaning the way that "trolling" and "spam" and "off-topic" have no meaning, which is not at all.

>> No.9113379
File: 51 KB, 406x480, 1280723106071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Janitors in charge of doing a good job
Why the fuck is this thread still around NSJ? do your fucking job.

I mad as fugg

>> No.9113372

Why should she? She posts on topic as much as anyone else does.

>> No.9113375

I wonder if I should get a trip and act like a cute little guy, well actually I am a cute little guy irl, maybe I would get some attention for once in my life..

>> No.9113377

Shh, go to sleep /jp/. You need to save up your energy to bitch some more later tonight when the janitors delete your 'fun' and 'on topic' threads.

>> No.9113378
File: 55 KB, 336x305, b7c2531ffceac9c89aac812bebcf028a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very jelly, you're a bully

>> No.9113380


Because people don't get banned for being someone you don't like.


The one good thing about our stupid mods is that people are taking and appropriating "shitposting" like they did with "troll". You notice they resorted to "posting inane shit" instead of "shitposting"? Ha, ha, ha.

>> No.9113381

The worst thing about the shitposters is that they're boring.

Pretty simple.

Nothing they do is ever funny or interesting, it's barely even "ironic" because they are genuine shitposters at this point. It's just a boring waste of bandwidth and tedious to read.

I'm still amazed that one of their rank is 28yo. That is genuinely depressing. For him and us.

>> No.9113383


They are too busy laughing their asses off watching all of the nerds in this thread cry in one big collective.

>> No.9113385
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1337667808834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want threads removed you have to do it yourself.
Just post Saten in the thread and NSJ will flip his shit and delete it

>> No.9113389

i wouldnt be best friends with a bully... who are you anyway

>> No.9113391


>I'm still amazed that one of their rank is 28yo.

Holy shit...

>> No.9113393
File: 118 KB, 595x841, 1332262542462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saten is the chemo /jp/ needs

>> No.9113396


But what is "on-topic" here?

"On-topic" is, like "shitposting", a goon buzzword. It's meaningless, no one can define it, and it makes the board it's applied to gray and lame.

Trolling = anything designed to get a reply
Spam = anything posted more than once over a period of time
Off-topic = anything not related to otaku culture, and since no one here is Japanese, that means everything

The mods have literally stated that they want this board deleted. Don't white-knight them.

>> No.9113404

Someone linked this thread in a NSJ-symp channel

getting some pretty heavy astroturfing here

>> No.9113399
File: 219 KB, 803x562, 1323249785028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm still amazed that one of their rank is 28yo. That is genuinely depressing. For him and us.
I'm a decent poster part-time.

>> No.9113401
File: 13 KB, 203x248, 1335795713753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113405


It doesn't need defining. A shitposter shitposts to get attention and to effectively bring down the quality of discussion.

>> No.9113406
File: 249 KB, 700x792, Goddess 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saten is the chemo /jp/ needs

>> No.9113407

But if /jp/ was deleted, where would we go? I belong to no other community.

>> No.9113408

There's literally one mod that tolerates /jp/ and he's from /v/. Though this was months ago so he could not even be a mod anymore.

>> No.9113411

post the channel

>> No.9113412


Otaku are nerds.

If you're not a nerd, you're not Otaku Culture. Reported. Laughing my ass off at you.

>> No.9113414


/jp/ isn't getting deleted. Didn't you get the message yet? The shitposters have lost.

>> No.9113420
File: 241 KB, 766x853, 1332817511386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/, /ck/, /a/, /g/, /e/, /m/, /fit/, /sci/, /tg/ oh and /c/ and /u/ for 2hus ?

>> No.9113422

The only reason why /jp/ is still alive is because moot doesn't want to deal with the autistic outcry if it gets deleted and dealing with /a/ again when it was pre-split.

>> No.9113424

I am sure Moot would love nothing more than to have /jp/ be deleted. But he can't find a reason to so we can all take comfort in that fact.

>> No.9113427


That's cool but you're still mentally challenged.

Also, as much as /jp/ sucks, I'd rather it didn't get deleted. That would risk all the shit leaking out to good sites. At this stage /jp/ is seriously necessary to quarantine retards together in the same way /b/ is. Sad times, but true.

>> No.9113428

Retard detected. I hate being grouped with NEETs like you, please fuck off and die.

>> No.9113431

>But what is "on-topic" here?

The fact that you don't know says everything.

>> No.9113434
File: 208 KB, 640x422, NSJ brand astroturf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And compromise my investigation? You're a fool.


All toasters toast toast, you butt.


Pic related.

>> No.9113436

What board can I go to to discuss Ichigo Marshmallows?

>> No.9113437

You can bet your ass I'd go on a sperg rage of diarrhea posting if it gets deleted and I'd finally settle on /a/ and become a turbo shitposter until they have to split it again.

>> No.9113438

Don't talk shit about /jp/, it's better than whatever shitty community you frequent.

>> No.9113441

You might as well just get used to it now shitposters because the janitors aren't going anywhere and your shitposts are just going to continue to be deleted.

>> No.9113444

>Threads 404
>This one remains
>3 Saten pictures
>Fukune posts
...Wait a minute this cant be the usual NSJ

>> No.9113446


Why don't you try explaining it then. Oh wait, you can't. You're saying I should know already to get out of having to define anything.


Not otaku. Reported for ban evasion.

>> No.9113447

>"On-topic" is a goon buzzword.
You're a fucking joke, but I'll humor you anyway.

A shitpost is a post that is intentionally shitty. There isn't a fine line here between shit and non-shit like there usually is because they're purposely made to be so far on the shit side of the line that it's completely unambiguous. Shitposting is the act of making these posts. Shitposters are the people who make these posts.

>> No.9113448


A board in 2005

>> No.9113449

I hope in my heart's vagina that every self-respecting /jp/edo would.

>> No.9113451

Because NSJ is busy posting in here

>> No.9113452

Then why are you still here, faggot? why are you complaining about others when you're admitting you're crossboarder scum? you should have no say in anything /jp/ related.

>> No.9113455

/a/ of course, silly baka

>> No.9113456


It's still up because he's been engaged in it and he's trying to defend his shitmodding.

I don't have to define what shitmodding is, you should know already.

>> No.9113457

>you should have no say in anything /jp/ related.
Too bad he has just as much as you.

Life really is an unending series of tragedies.

>> No.9113459

How is it sad that he's 28? Are you 16 or something?

>> No.9113468

Usually having fun by acting like a retard is associated with younger people.

>> No.9113469

Let this thread be a monument to the fact that shitposters cannot be rational when it comes to board moderation and haven proven to us all that they will never deliver quality discussions on /jp/

>> No.9113475

It seems the buttangry shitposters in this thread weren't here in 2009/2010, when the old meido cleared out entire board the board a few times. They seriously think 1 or 2 pages missing is a big deal, it's hilarious how new they are.

>> No.9113472

In before somebody (probably also you) accuses you of being NSJ.

>> No.9113476

28 is young.

>> No.9113477


Shitposting on /jp/ at 28 is worse than any floor shitter.

>> No.9113483

You learn to take it easy and stop taking 4chan so seriously as you get older.

>> No.9113484


He's a normalfag. They're sad a lot for some reason.


>You're a fucking joke

At least try to hide your idioms. Also, NSJ doesn't delete just posts that are intentionally "shitty" (good work giving the exact definition a goon would, by the way). He deletes everything.

He's a fool, and a bad janitor, and he doesn't belong here. We were doing fine on our own.

>> No.9113485

Never forget


>> No.9113486

Normalfag, teach me your ways.

>> No.9113488

>/jp/ is seriously necessary to quarantine retards

...you mean from other boards? Wake up, everyone loves /jp/'s shitposting. Every board I visit tries to mimic and adopt it nowadays.

Unless by "retards" you mean those silly people who still write coherent English and actually try to discuss things seriously.

>> No.9113493

I thought it happened a lot. There was a point where it seemed like every day or so. Meido would do her rounds in the wee hours of the morning and there would only be 1 or 2 pages left. Someone even drew a picture of it.

>> No.9113490
File: 209 KB, 640x422, NSJ brand astroturf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113492


No, but younger than 28 and I find it strange and sad that people a good few years older than me are responsible for turning a previously intelligent community into a gathering ground for idiots.


>crossboarder scum?

I had to stop browsing /jp/ exclusively because it became disproportionately populated by retards. Nowadays it's basically "lol NEET" social networking (yes, that's exactly what you faggots are doing) with the occasional Touhou thread. Great job.

>> No.9113496

/jp/ is 4chan's VIP section

>> No.9113497


I can only confirm seeing it happen once but it wasn't that bad.

>> No.9113498

>At least try to hide your idioms.
Oh no, you caught me. I'm the only person in /jp/ who has ever used that term.

>Also, NSJ doesn't delete just posts that are intentionally "shitty" (good work giving the exact definition a goon would, by the way).
I guess we can't use the word "shitty" because SA got their hands on it. Gotta come up with something new now.

>He deletes everything. He's a fool, and a bad janitor, and he doesn't belong here. We were doing fine on our own.
That's fantastic, but it has nothing to do with the fact that you were spouting shit about shitposting being a non-existent thing. Try responding in a manner other than throwing accusations of "being like SA" around.

>> No.9113500
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 今夜も寝かさないぞっ☆.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113502
File: 498 KB, 471x355, 1274886546689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you expect me to do? get a wife and kids? lol
I'm was born to shitpost, baby.

>He's a normalfag. They're sad a lot for some reason.
you lost me

>> No.9113506

Explain? What for? Now that we have a proper moderation, reporting is way faster and more convenient. And you're retarded, you wouldn't understand anyway.

>> No.9113508


Remember when /jp/ was a pumpkin?

Oh wait, that never happened. Like what you're saying.

>> No.9113511

>What do you expect me to do? get a wife and kids? lol
There are people without a wife and kids who have found better ways to amuse themselves than making terrible posts en masse.

>> No.9113513
File: 209 KB, 640x422, NSJ brand astroturf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113514


k-on is a horrible anime, it's on the same teir as my-little-pony.

>> No.9113517
File: 16 KB, 402x300, batman_amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get quints
>people actually start calling him the new shitty janitor

>> No.9113518
File: 34 KB, 450x450, 1323516480502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113519

What started out as a discussion on whether anime is otaku culture has turned into this. Please remind me again how you are all not shitposters and please spare no four long paragraphs or whiny outbursts.

>> No.9113515

Please respond.

>> No.9113521
File: 331 KB, 875x639, 1334850015564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this shit again

>> No.9113522


What you think is a terrible post doesn't matter.

The problem is this board is being run by someone who doesn't like otaku culture.

>> No.9113525

Maybe you missed it based upon your visiting times. Late into the night/early morning I remember seeing at least half of the pages deleted on multiple occasion. Maybe I'm going crazy.

>> No.9113523


>> No.9113524

/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
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/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture
/jp/ - /jp/ Culture

>> No.9113527

Take your gets and greentext faggotry back to /v/ where it belongs. No one cares about gets on a board as slow as /jp/

>> No.9113528

Stop playing a retard, NSP. You'll know it when the real Meido shows up. The thread will be gone, and you will be banned.

>> No.9113530


we're talking about otaku culture ergo not shitposting

>> No.9113532

>What you think is a terrible post doesn't matter.
You yourself admitted to making shit posts for fun. Since I think they're shit, and you think they're shit, we can probably safely come to a consensus that they were, in fact, shit.

>> No.9113534


Well, it's true.

>> No.9113535

I don't actively shitpost but watching other people shitposting entertain me quite a lot.
More than shitty boring 2hu threads anyway.

>> No.9113536

>previously intelligent community
/jp/ was born from shitposting and will die from shitposting.

>> No.9113537


/jp/ = otaku

NSJ = butt

>> No.9113538
File: 16 KB, 380x300, batman_allen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ, faggot:

>> No.9113539
File: 163 KB, 1024x1100, AlterClothes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113541

>only be 1 or 2 pages left.
>at least half of the pages deleted
Look at them goalposts move.

>> No.9113542
File: 78 KB, 532x660, 1332124043295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113543

The sad thing is this is probably what kids who came here in 2011 actually believe.

>> No.9113544
File: 173 KB, 500x500, 1264251775307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had to stop browsing /jp/ exclusively

>> No.9113546

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>> No.9113547

Guys, you realize that when everybody leaves this thread, NSJ and a bunch of his "pals" from chat are going to come in, samefag like hell, and make it look like we think he's doing a good job?

>> No.9113549

look at the bright side, we don't have it nearly as bad as /mlp/

>> No.9113550

He has "pals"?

>> No.9113551


Do you think I'm a fucking computer that works off reading 0's and 1's?

>> No.9113552

It's OK to shitpost as long as you're complaining about other people shitposting.

>> No.9113554
File: 7 KB, 189x251, tokiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< 17-year-old who single-handedly brought /jp/ to its knees. You're using his memes and responding to his trolls and you know it, but you can't stop.

You guys got owned hard.

>> No.9113555

Yeah that was my bad. It was only on rare occasion to see 1 or 2 pages remain, but it still happened. I remembered incorrectly, probably because those moments were more memorable.

>> No.9113556


Well, they're really more just "people who will whiteknight mods at all costs". You know the type.

>> No.9113557
File: 76 KB, 500x475, 1338708858641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meta threads are so lame.

>> No.9113558

He's already doing that. Just look how all the posts supporting him are the same regurgitated comments.

>> No.9113561
File: 23 KB, 255x243, Ahaha...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113562

He has a point though.

Unless you considered "touhou hijack LOL" quality. Which I wouldn't blame you for.

>> No.9113565


So, who is tokiko anyway, what did he do?

I'd like to fuck his neg ass so hard with my poz dick, he looks cute.

>> No.9113566


Yeah, back before captcha, I can see that happening.

It doesn't change the fact that NSJ is choking the board with his bad decisions.

>> No.9113568

>not sucking my cock while I suck yours
Ishiggy Diggy

>> No.9113569



>> No.9113571

As I remember touhou hijack was mainly used to hijack transparent troll threads and other forms of spam on /a/. So yeah, it was usually better than whatever it was hijacking

>> No.9113578
File: 107 KB, 1840x814, gJwEB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113573

Respond, kudasai, s'il vous plaît, qing hui da.

I really want to talk to you some more.

>> No.9113574
File: 23 KB, 336x280, satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113576


It's real fuckin' shitty.

You'd think, after all this time, he'd get new talking points.

Someone ought to do a bingo card of them.

>> No.9113577
File: 41 KB, 438x377, 1275420959633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, but younger than 28 and I find it strange and sad that people a good few years older than me are responsible for turning a previously intelligent community into a gathering ground for idiots.
おおおおおおお what a serious kohai! you should post more, without people like you we can't make manzai!

>> No.9113581
File: 260 KB, 448x840, Making cookies with Saten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who SATEN /b/RIGADE here?

>> No.9113582



IRC idiom. Cool beans, NSJ. You're dragging your anchor.

>> No.9113583

Please stop talking around me.

I'll even get the please respond pictures if it will help.

I put a lot of effort into raging this hard and I'll cry if nobody responds.

>> No.9113584

I miss watching AnoHana with /jp/

>> No.9113585

Ever notice how the same for the people who hate him and call him the NSJ?
Notice how I'm part of the group you're talking about?
Wondering if I'm also you sparking drama?
Thinking this meta is to mask my true purpose?

Tinfoil hat meta self-referential enterprise grade bullshite.

I want my /jp/ back.

>> No.9113586
File: 291 KB, 2948x3000, le rustle face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can le rustle face become the coolest new /jp/ meme?

>> No.9113587
File: 26 KB, 219x222, satoriassburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113589
File: 60 KB, 170x207, currybutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't get to here Sions opinion. This thread was a complete loss.

>> No.9113590
File: 209 KB, 640x422, NSJ brand astroturf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Add "le" to anything you don't like! That'll turn people against it for sure!

Trying to whip up anti-reddit sentiment to misdirect us? Really?

You're slipping, man. You lost, and you know it. We like fucking reddit more than we like you.

>> No.9113591


>> No.9113592
File: 719 KB, 944x899, AltSaten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113593

What's your favorite /jp/ conspiracy, /jp/?

Mine is that CurryButt is behind it all.

>> No.9113595

They're all Robert Brown, Robert Brown's retarded friends, or people who have been trolled by Robert Brown.

Which are you?

>> No.9113596
File: 19 KB, 322x234, 1337440297533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113598


the only way
to fight irony
is with moar irony

>> No.9113599

That's not conspiracy, that's truth.

>> No.9113600

I see Tokiko is actively trying to take credit for all our cool new memes again. Kill yourself.

>> No.9113601


>> No.9113602
File: 200 KB, 1276x718, 1256498767590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113603
File: 287 KB, 405x412, 1275001979188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucker! I was going to post it, to show I'm a true shitposter!
le rustle face XDD

>> No.9113606


I don't see him. Maybe he died and his ghost is doing it :O

>> No.9113607

What cool new memes?

>> No.9113615

That's not morse code.

I feel cheated. Everything I know about /jp/ history has been a lie.

>> No.9113609
File: 33 KB, 248x218, 1326614847771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>...you mean from other boards? Wake up, everyone loves /jp/'s shitposting. Every board I visit tries to mimic and adopt it nowadays.

If by "other boards" you mean on 4chan, no. What kind of fucking standards do you have? You're seriously proud that /v/ wants to "be" /jp/?

You know when you go to other *chan sites and they're elitist about 4chan being shit? I always thought that was a lot to do with them being somehow bitter that their community wasn't as "big" or popular as 4chan.

Now that /jp/ has fallen into the mud, probably beyond saving, I know they had a better reason all along. With this board dying 4chan has pretty much lost the last bastion of anything resembling its original culture.

Not saying there aren't good threads on the board. There are. The problem is that it is now so difficult to find them between the shit that it feels like a chore to do so.

But hey, who cares right? MADOKA A SHIT ^_^ :P

>> No.9113610


Mine is that 4chan's staff don't really like us, they don't 'get' the board, and they make bad deletions.

Also, sometimes they come into a thread and get buttaggrieved that we hate them.

That's not really a conspiracy, though. It's more like fact.

My favorite conspiracy is global warming.

>> No.9113617

pls go

>> No.9113619

Too much irony.
Too much meta.
Too much predictability.

Why can't we just ignore the problems? None of this belongs here. Report Tokiko's posts. Email moot if you dislike the janitor. Shut up talking about things that aren't otaku culture (including arguing about what is or is not otaku culture).

I just want to play and have fun. I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.9113620

Oh by the way, incase you're wondering, the pic I posted there was an "epic meme" from a while ago. Probably from before your time.

>> No.9113621

>Mine is that 4chan's staff don't really like us

Moot hates /jp/ because we don't produce memes that he can take credit for and exploit on Reddit.

>> No.9113625

Really, NSJ and the suckups and white knights should just get their own board.

But then it'd be deserted and they'd be lonely.

>> No.9113629


You sound really mature calling him that.

>> No.9113631

Does moot think positively of reddit? I don't follow his twitter or whatever the fuck else he has so I don't know what the thinks about anything besides /jp/ being shit.

>> No.9113633

You sound really mature sucking my dick

>> No.9113636

Apart from having 'Tokiko' in the name field, what exactly is a Tokiko post?

"NSJ" is not a Tokiko post, it's an accepted term.

>> No.9113638
File: 264 KB, 519x583, SatenSmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.. / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. / -.. --- / .. - / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .- -. - / .- -. --- -. -....- -.- ..- -. .-.-.- .-.-.-

>> No.9113639

He was calling moot a jew, don't take the post too seriously.

>> No.9113642

Just this once, I want a mod to come in and reveal the most prolific samefags. Probably a particular person with poor drawing skills using the term ‘NSJ’ a lot.

>> No.9113643

A post which was typed up and submitted by Robert Brown of Astoria, Oregon.

>> No.9113649

Don't feed him.


>> No.9113648

>Why can't we just ignore the problems?

I'll explain in this thread: >>(deleted)

>None of this belongs here.

What does? Who knows. It's all gonna be deleted in seconds anyway, might as well do whatever.

>Email moot if you dislike the janitor

moot doesn't like us either. He'll just make him shit on us harder.

>> No.9113654

All my thanks.

>> No.9113655

... ..- -.-. -.- / -- -.-- / -.-. --- -.-. -.- --..-- / .--. .-.. ...

>> No.9113657
File: 46 KB, 249x238, 1275422904232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you basically "outgrew" 4chan. Go swallow your normalfriends cocks. Why are you still here?
The only real problem /jp/ has is "actual idiots who mistakenly believe they're in good company"
I've been here since 2009 and it's always been the same.

>> No.9113663

I've been here since 2007 and it's always been that way.

>> No.9113664

It's called /bun/

>> No.9113666

Fucking slut

>> No.9113669


It draws traffic to his shitty site. How could he not love it?

>> No.9113673
File: 25 KB, 400x500, high_five-2495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9113679
File: 275 KB, 676x675, 3453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-- .- -.-- -... . .-.. .- - . .-. --- -.- .- -.-- ..--..

>> No.9113680

I like you. Not only did you tell that guy hard, but you posted my favourite Touhou as your reaction picture.

>> No.9113682

Tokiko, if I had a particular lewd image and posted it, would you stop posting? Or if I "threatened" to (though I don't like threats, they're for bullies).

Don't reply here. My email address is my IRC nick @lavabit.com.

>> No.9113684

lel'd hard

>> No.9113688

---... -.--.-

>> No.9113692


Don't do it he willy bully you dude.

>> No.9113698
File: 35 KB, 393x430, le_rustle_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9113700

How do you even know these namefags are posting? What makes you say he's even online?

>> No.9113708

Behind the thin veil of irony is nothing more than bitter emptiness. The more "ironic" /jp/ gets, the more they desperately try to escape this fact. /jp/ lashes out in irony and sarcasm because we feel vulnerable.

One day we will look back and not remember the cheap laughs we had, but instead see a void--an abyss usurping the place of what could have been a potentially meaningful time.

>> No.9113709
File: 80 KB, 575x417, Eva Peanuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9113712

You haven't given me any real replies even though I've asked you politely many times. Unless there is something preventing you from doing so, please respond.

If you don't I'll drive up to your house one day and shoot out all your windows. It's a long drive, but it'll probably be worth it.

It'll be best for both of us.

>> No.9113718

Pic_of_uidrew.jpeg, pic_of_komeiji.jpeg, pic_of_whatshisname.jpeg, etc

underagebans who single handedly brought /a/ to to its knees. You're using their memes and responding to their trolls and you know it, but you can't stop.

You guys got owned hard, ten-folds.

>> No.9113721

Warosu really is the next stage in 4chan technology.

We should make some kind of distributed imageboard.

>> No.9113727

Look and laugh at the nerd who don't know when Tokiko is online!

>> No.9113730 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 346x347, 1337340440947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want us to respond?
I'll give you my best response, quote the post.

>> No.9113731

Sup Tokiko

>> No.9113737

Shut up with this "Tokiko" shit. No one cares. I'd take Tokiko and Curry and whoever else over NSJ. You're going to say "oh, you don't mean that" but I do. If having people like that around is the cost of not having anything remotely cool deleted, fuck it, I'll pay. I don't HAVE to respond to them.

>> No.9113746

Next stage of NSJ defense force plan "Tanaka Memorial":

Frame any objections to their shitty policies as being the product of "Tokiko".

>> No.9113762

Follow the link chain in the series of posts where I yell at you and you ignore me. It's disjointed, but it's there. It's the longer one.

>> No.9113768

Can I become your apprentice, Lord of Darkness???

>> No.9113772

No one cares.

>> No.9113788

i wish i could go back in time to september

>> No.9113802
File: 85 KB, 400x400, 21423482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9113805

RIP the good old days

>> No.9113807

why ??

>> No.9113811

Okay, here's my reply.

>> No.9113885

Four years, and we only had a tenuous peace on this board for a couple of months a few years back.

Outside of the VN translation threads, and the occasional doujin upload that you wouldn't have normally looked at, I can't see much of a reason to come to /jp/. Other than shitposting, of course.
We still have our meta, which is good becuase this board has always had a fondness for it, right from the start. "Welcome to web 2.0, you wouldn't come to us, so we came to you."

>> No.9113885,1 [INTERNAL] 

Ahaha, Sudo's posts got deleted.

>> No.9113947

/jp/ theme

>> No.9114001
File: 9 KB, 298x169, 1337716685973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You open up your eyes, it's summer. The sunlight bleeding through the gaps in the newspaper you pasted over your windows is enough to make you vomit. The heat of the midday sun warms your urine bottles stacked in the corner, leaving the musky smell of piss, cum and body odor wafting around the room, the computer emits a low hum, you hope your torrents finished downloading during your slumber. Just another day for a typical /jp/ user.

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door. It's /a/ and he's come to your place to watch the latest episode of Precure with you. The odor hits him as he steps into your house and takes off his shoes, he is noticibly more concerned than normal. "/jp/...are you alright? Lately you've been...neglecting your social life, the other boards are worried about you.." he stutters as he carefully tries not to offend his sempai.

"I brought some alcohol around, I was hoping we could hang out, troll /v/ and be classy bros tonigh-" "URUSAI!" you interject, who gives a shit about this kid anyway? "I've seen more anime in a year than this natsuchu has in his entire life...and besides, I was supposed to be watching 2ch drama tonight anyway.." you say to yourself. You've offended him; his eyes well up and his lip trembles - /a/ is about to cry.

"But...we used to go to school together and talk about anime...aren't you my friend anymore?" You reach across and throw some empty bottles and your soiled shimapan at his face, he begins to bawl loudly. "Shit, now I'll have to talk to the neighbours about this", you begin to reach for one of the warm piss bottles, but /a/ is already gone and nowhere to be seen. Time to check on those torrents.

>> No.9114030

I was mildly entertained, but I didn't like the preachy undertone.
Besides, this thread is on autosage.

>> No.9114075

I do hope you know that gets posted in like every thread of this nature.

>> No.9114094

The problem is that it makes /a/ sound too cute.

>> No.9114100


/a/ is only young after all

>> No.9114105

But technically as a board they're older.

>> No.9114121

/a/ would be like twice /jp/s age in that story then, which would change the whole dynamic.

>> No.9114130


too bad nobody who currently posts on /a/ has been there for more than a couple of years.

>> No.9114132

RIP in piece /a/

>> No.9114146
File: 68 KB, 655x360, 1278228834741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A morbidly obese basement-dwelling manchild uttering ``nee-chan'' in a low, almost guttural voice. He is hunched over his keyboard, sitting awkwardly in his decaying office chair which is all but falling apart. Next to this creature is a semen-encrusted pillow featuring a pillow case with a faded picture of an anime girl, which he affectionately refers to as his ``waifu'', as he gently strokes its filthy surface with the chubby fingers of his left hand, whilst masturbating with his right. ``Nee-chan!'' the vile urchin groans. An explosion of thick, yellowish semen shoots out of his fat-buried phallus and lands on the pillow. ``Daisuki'', the autist whispers amiably, feeling accomplished. He looks the anime print in its over-sized, cold, lifeless eyes and gives a wink, as if he expected her to enjoy it if only she were real. What a great way to end the day, he thinks to himself. Before long, the beast had fallen asleep, without cleaning up, just sitting in his chair

>> No.9114165

the use of ``faggot'' quotes makes it too obvious it was written by /jp/.

>> No.9114168


>> No.9114179

