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9101933 No.9101933 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread fell off the board.

ITT: Vanillaware games that will never have a western release, like Grand Knights History and Dragon's Crown.

>> No.9101960 [DELETED] 

``I come to /jp/ to discuss anime and video games.''
         -Zunbar, best poster on /jp/, 2012

>> No.9101985

When was Dragon's Crown confirmed to not be released?
Is it just speculations because Grand Knights History couldn't be localized because of servers, and the fact that Dragon's Crown will be using servers as well?

>> No.9101988

Like nerd release my mother's basement?

>> No.9102009

>When was Dragon's Crown confirmed to not be released?
The japanese release date is "TBA 2013", you can only imagine how long it will take for XSEED/RSG to localize the game.

And GKH EU was cancelled 3 weeks ago.

>> No.9102029

>game's being hyped since last year
>to be announced 2013

I really pity those who bought a PSMorte for the only reason of playing Dragon's Crown

>> No.9102037

Yeah, GKH won't be localized, primarily because of the server issue as mentioned.

But while Dragon's Crown is pushed back all the time, I doubt they wouldn't release it overseas.
They have aimed to do that since the very beginning, it's in the interest of the developers and something they would want to realize unless something notably troublesome steps between them and a US localization.

It's essentially a D&D game without the D&D brand. They wanted to remake their past little favourite gem.

>> No.9102052

>primarily because of the server issue as mentioned.
It's more because of the lack of resources on Vanillaware's side.

>> No.9102069

If the game didn't require servers, I bet their resources, as lacking as they may be, would have been sufficient for it to be localized.

>> No.9102093

I mean, Vanillaware normally assists western publishers in the localization process, but with DC they have no resource to spare on the west.

XSEED and RSG knew very well what kind of game GKH was and they obviously knew about the "servers".

>> No.9102111

why would you buy a vita to play DC when it's going to be on the PS3 aswell

>> No.9102667

Vita is cheaper.

>> No.9102703

But Fatlus has already picked up Dragon's Crown for a western release after realizing Ignition was incompetent.

It probably won't be released for the Vita tho, because that system is already dead.

>> No.9102716

Sure, see you in 2014.

>> No.9104007

upvote fuck everything

>> No.9104011

>Vita is cheaper.
but... it's not
PS3 is cheaper than vita

>> No.9104013

``I come to /jp/ to discuss anime and video games.''
         -Zunbar, best poster on /jp/, 2012

>> No.9104053

Vita is better.

>> No.9104094
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>> No.9104109

Back to bed !bar.

>> No.9104118



>> No.9104143 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9104166
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Why are you such a shitposting homocock?

>> No.9104186 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 720x480, (G_P) SDF Macross 33(x264)(D11A2CC7).mkv_snapshot_05.58_[2012.05.29_19.07.43].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9104202

Sorry !bar but I'm going to bed now.
Make sure the thread doesn't 404 in the meanwhile, would you kindly.

>> No.9104321

I am still bummed out about GKH. Lately I have been wanting to finally beat Odin Sphere after five years and maybe replaying Muramasa lately. It's a shame that the game flopped because I absolutely loved it back in 2009.

>> No.9104341

>the game flopped
u wot m8

>> No.9104349


I guess it wasn't a flop looking back now but I am sure it wasn't the runway success that Vanilaware was hoping for.

>> No.9104364

Muramasa? No idea. But Odin Sphere got very good reviews and sold extremely well.

>> No.9104381

i wouldnt say 350 000 counts as "extremely well"
but it's not terrible

>> No.9104411

I just realized that Grim Grimoire is on PSN for like $10. I guess it's finally time to check out despite all of the bad shit I have heard about it.

>> No.9104438

But it's not bad at all if you enjoy RTS games.

>> No.9104451

One of the worst games I have ever played.

>> No.9104462

I don't believe that.

>> No.9104463


>> No.9104466

If you really enjoy RTS genre, you probably shouldn't be playing a console game, especially not GrimGrimoire.

It's only good if you like Vanillaware art style.

>> No.9104493


I absolutely love their art style. The Autumn inspired art direction in Muramasa was absolutely beautiful.

>> No.9104506

If you really enjoyed the RTS genre then you should remember the old console ports of various RTS games. They were fine; the platform isn't an issue here.

>> No.9104514


True. The whole genre probably owes it's current form's existence to games like Dune on the Genesis.

>> No.9104517

>They were fine; the platform isn't an issue here.
I really enjoy the RTS genre and I play my RTS games on PC.
"Fine" isn't enough when you really like something.

The dumbed down RTS gameplay of GG is mostly why it is the worst Vanillaware.

>> No.9104519


Of course it will seem shitty to a PC elitist like you. Why don'y you fuck off with your what works right and doesn't because it's not on a PC attitude.

>> No.9104520


Also, maybe it isn't 'dumbed down' but actually perfected and fun. Perhaps that is why the last other good RTS games were Advance Wars 1 & 2 on the GBA.

>> No.9104528

Calm down, fuckface. Don't make yourself look like a clown saying that GrimGrimoire's RTS elements are "fine".

>> No.9104533


I don't see you explaining the flaws in this game and I am starting to doubt you have even played it. Stop getting frustrated and explain how this is a bad game both RTS and just plain game-wise.

>> No.9104536

>Advance Wars

>> No.9104540

Dragon's Crown was announced during last year's E3 (when sony revealed vita) so you pretty much knew they were taking it out of jp.

>> No.9104548


I consider it a RTS. It definitely has the elements to it.

>> No.9104554

It isn't real-time at all

>> No.9104552


Or are you simply just going by the broad definition you found when looking the game up on Wikipedia.

>> No.9104555

The gameplay is too simple and even more repetitive than Odin Sphere.

Now, go take your meds and understand that different platforms have different games. Like the Wii and the PS3 have different libraries, RTS are more "RTS" on PC than on consoles.

Also, check what "RTS" means please.

>> No.9104570


>The gameplay is too simple

How does that make it a bad game though?


A lot of people including myself throw it in with the genre.

>> No.9104572

A lot of people including yourself are misguided.

>> No.9104579


At least we have good taste in games.

>> No.9104591

AW is an SRPG.
I don't see how you could possibly argue that anyone could reasonably call it an RTS.

>> No.9104595

You don't see a problem when a game is too simple? Okay, fine, you win this one I guess.

It's Real Time Strategy. If you go to gamestop and ask for an RTS game, they won't give you Advance Wars or FFT, or Disgaea.
And if you use the term RTS to refer to tactics games then I guess I should probably stop losing my time here.

>> No.9104596

I don't see how erroneously branding genres to games is correlated to having good taste.

>> No.9104603
File: 684 KB, 905x1032, autism_yukarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I recognize this perma-angry tone and this gimmick of leaving a blank line after quoting a post.

Gust"friend", is that you?

>> No.9104607


But what do you mean by simple? You aren't answering my question still!

>> No.9104612


Uh, you don't level up. You should have stuck with something more common and well-known like Fire Emblem.

>> No.9104617


It doesn't. That was just me being a dick.

>> No.9104619

So I just bought Grim Grimoire on PSN and not taking the advice of an idiot who has never even played the game before.

>> No.9104622

No, I'm pretty sure it's you gustfriend. Because only gustfriends would bump a thread three times in a row like this.

>> No.9104624

It's him. He makes these threads and he tries to troll as much as possible in them. Here's his last one:


>> No.9104631

What does that have to do with the topic of this argument? Dude, come back when you can carry a rational argument over why this game is shitty and then I will talk to you again.


>> No.9104633

I played it for what it was, a "Vanillaware" game, and I liked it.
But all the bad shit you heard about the game is mostly true.

>> No.9104644

I was talking about >>9104519
You know, the faggot who instantly told me to fuck off the second I mentioned the PC.

>> No.9104649


I never made a Vanillaware thread before. Also what would I have to gain by trolling my own thread on something I love?

>> No.9104653

Let him be, he's paranoid. He thinks everyone tries to get him.

>> No.9104654


I am still waiting for you argument as to why GG is considered a shitty game. Please do take your time because from the looks of it I think you will need it.

>> No.9104678

I don't think you understand, seeing how you misuse the term RTS and how you have troubles to communicate >>9104617

I liked the game because I like Vanillaware.
But somebody who buys the game because he wants an RTS will probably be disappointed.
Here, read this >>9104633

>> No.9104690


Except I did buy the game because it is Vanillaware, So far I have not seen one explanation on why GG is horrible as a RTS game. The only example I have been given so far is because "it's simple".

I just want to know what makes it so bad and what to expect.

>> No.9104707

How can you understand? For you, Disgaea is an RTS.

It's too simple compared to what I expect from an RTS. Not enough possibilities, buildings, units, commands, too slow and extremely repetitive. As an RTS, it's not very good. As a Vanillaware game, it's perfectly fine.

It won't mean anything to you if you don't like or care about RTS.

>> No.9104717

How is it compared to Empire Earth 3?

>> No.9104722 [DELETED] 

>How can you understand? For you, Disgaea is an RTS.

No. It was an interesting game in 2003 but then grew into a horrible franchise.

It's too simple compared to what I expect from an RTS. Not enough possibilities, buildings, units, commands, too slow and extremely repetitive

Fair enough. But that doesn't necessary mean it's completely bad.

>> No.9104739

>How can you understand? For you, Disgaea is an RTS.

No. It was an interesting game in 2003 but then grew into a horrible franchise. Besides this is an irrelevant point,

>It's too simple compared to what I expect from an RTS. Not enough possibilities, buildings, units, commands, too slow and extremely repetitive

Fair enough. But that doesn't necessary mean it's completely bad. Based on what I have heard it's great gameplay-wise and really fun. I don't need extreme depth to enjoy a game.

>> No.9104742

Oh god, your opinions are absolute garbage and you are objectively wrong in multiple ways. It's like trying to discuss video games on /v/

>> No.9104747

I haven't played Empire Earth. But it's much less complex than RTS games on PC. There's only one map, there's much less stuff to build, much less units to control, much less things to manage.
It feels like a slow point and click, sometimes you forget you play in real time.

>> No.9104751


So what the fuck. The game isn't deep enough so now it's completely bad?

>> No.9104757

Oh god, now he will think that >>9104742 and >>9104747 are the same person.

>> No.9104762

I just mentioned it because 3 was the one that simplified the EE series like it specifically catered to goldfish. I use it as the most recent comparison for simplified games.

>> No.9104767


I thought we were talking about GG.

>> No.9104772

Yes, and I already told you, it's a good Vanillaware game, but all the bad things you might have read about it are mostly true.

>> No.9104791


Well, tell you what. I am about to play it right coming in directly expecting a fun game with simple but well-built RTS mechanics.

If I am wrong and I will be honest with you I will fully admit that it's a horrible game. The majority of the complaints have come from it's depth, interface and management but we will see how bad that is.

>> No.9104807

I don't need you to admit anything, if you like the game, good for you. It doesn't even matter since you already told you were playing it for the artstyle/Vanillaware brand.

It's like getting mad at review sites because they didn't give your favourite game the perfect score.

>> No.9104815


I did get really carried away and I will say Vanillaware will not always get away for free from bad design decisions. I am looking forward to playing it though and I am hoping it will be fun. That is the most I could ask for out of a game.

>> No.9104835


Well, for some reason the game won't start on my PS3. So there, I agree it's a shit game for now.

>> No.9105424 [DELETED] 

congrats on the marriage

>> No.9107227

Halo Wars > Starcraft

>> No.9109580

Wasn't there a fan translation project for GKH?

>> No.9112308


Alarmingly cute image right there.

>> No.9114869

It's dead Jim.

And you wouldn't even be able to play online since foreign IPs are blocked.
Unless somebody manages to somehow emulate the servers, like private servers for MMOs, etc...
