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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9097177 No.9097177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, just so you know, the mods are planning to release a list of the most embarrassing posts made a bunch of particular posters. One of them said they were primarily /jp/ers (both tripfags and Anonymous) so it could include you.

>> No.9097183
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Please be serious, my 15 minutes of fame have finally arrived.

>> No.9097190

Holy shit fuck yes

>> No.9097191

i want to /b/elieve

>> No.9097193

/jp/ - Some american highschool movie

>> No.9097194

>most embarrassing posts
Like the monologues in the the GUST RPG thread?

>> No.9097202

Probably more like that obsessive fool who continues to spam the threads with the same inane questions he's typed hundreds of times.

>> No.9097211

I wonder if they get bored and look people up. Like there must be cases where someone brags about being awesome or whatever, then they have a thread about their tiny penis on /adv/. Maybe that's what they talk about in #janiteam

>> No.9097219

Seriously, if there's some wonderful option to retroactively display IDs or IP addresses, I want it used on those threads. Just to prove that not everyone who hates them is the same person (or maybe there are a few samefags, who knows) and to see if the status update folk are the same 2-3 people as I've long suspected.

>> No.9097252

The so called "spam" carries the same weight as their brainless blog updates. The difference is, the "spam" is most of the time saged, whereas the "Yay! I just went to gamestop" always teleports the thread to the front page.

>> No.9097411

I don't give a shit about knowing how many samefags are there, I just want the offending posters to be range-banned or better, ISP-banned completely.

>> No.9097478

Define "offending". What I find offending myself is how they use the GUST façade to discuss any RPG made by the company. And as far as I know, RPG usually go on /v/ and /vg/.

AT and CnS are borderline galges so it's fine, Atelier series on the other hand have no VN nor dating sim elements.

>> No.9097489

Are you the same guys who whine incessantly in the Idol threads?

I accidentally clicked on one of those for the first time and noticed the same kind of posts were present in those threads.

>> No.9097505

You mean, whenever you see a complaint you automatically think it's the same person?

It's like people who accuse others of being the janitor whenever there is a disagreement.

>> No.9097602

Somehow your priorities are all wrong if you think RPG threads are the most offending thing on /jp/ right now.

>> No.9097627

Where did I mention that RPGs are my top priority?

>> No.9097691

Because the first thing that comes to your mind with the word offending is RPG threads?

>> No.9097784

>>9097411 was talking about the offending posters in the gust thread, as far as I understood.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
