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9095616 No.9095616 [Reply] [Original]

You are now a 10 years old male youkai, which touhou do you think you would most get along with?
Don't say your favorite one, just the one that you think you think you would be comfortable with, relaxed, easy to talk to.

>> No.9095632

One of the older ones.

I always interacted better with adults than with other adolescents when I was young.

>> No.9095633

Reimu, Marisa or Fujiwara.

>> No.9095664

I would say Ran but I am a bunny Youkai! Foxes eat bunnies! Guess Ill go play "hide the shank" with Tewi.

>> No.9095666

Ugh, being 10 sucks, I'm going to go live in a cave until I'm not 10 anymore.

>> No.9095665

Being 10 years old again would suck, and won't everyone worth interacting with be too mature to talk with a 10 year old all the time?

>> No.9095667

You're not allowed to choose your species cheater

>> No.9095668

Pacthi, she seems kinda NEETish, never leaves the house/library

We both have a crush on Marisa and out of shape

>> No.9095670
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Byakuren, naturally.

>> No.9095677


We'd just sit around reading books without saying a word.

Occasionally, i'd pose a question and she'd answer it.

>> No.9095680

But you didn't tell us what type of Youkai or how we became one OP.

>> No.9095682

If I had to be a youkai and couldn't be a human, I suppose I would get along with Nitori. We could talk about technology.

>> No.9095698

Patchy seems like a good companion to hang around with, I'm sure we'd get along well and become the best buddies.

>> No.9095715

Patchy's library. When I was 10 I still liked reading so I'd probably like a big ass magic library.

Not really sure how I would go about getting in there though since I'm sure they don't just let in random kids who can't beat up the gate guard.

>> No.9095727

I'd ask Marisa how to sneak inside the magic library and use the books there to try and figure out how to do some cool magic. I'm not sure who I'd actually like to talk with, if being a 10 year old youkai reverts my personality back to that of my 10 year old self, I think it'd be a bit too awkward to talk to anyone there.

>> No.9095729

I've never been comfortable at talking to people as a human being, go figure after I'll become a supernatural monster

>> No.9095739

Given that the nature of my problem is sardonic depression, I would probably most enjoy angering and disappointing Keine.

>> No.9095764

Patchy seems like she would be horrible with kids.

>> No.9095768


Aya, Keine, Tewi [probably]

>> No.9095783

I was 10 at the time, having lived those 10 years of my life in the vast land of Gensokyo has brought me happiness so far, through the help of a kind deity fox Ran.

Yes, the person who raised me was no other than by her. She would always cook for me, cuddle, tell me funny stories, and even sing me to sleep. I adored her with all my heart.

>> No.9095784
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She probably would forget to feed and take care of them frequently, getting lost in research.

That'd be more of a problem for human children, I'd imagine

>> No.9095803

Rumia. Maybe Keine.

But I don't want to be male...

>> No.9095821


One day, I found out that she was taking care of another person, a girl who is unknown to me, and with that discovery I felt somehow jealous. The girl's name was Chen, she was Ran's shikigami. They seemed very close to each other than I was to Ran, it put my heart into pain.

Filled up with all the jealousy that has been covering up my heart, I went in front of the two and attacked them. My heart was aching, I could not feel any emotion than jealousy. I grabbed one of Ran's mammaries by my left hand and started to caress it, while sucking the other with my mouth. I put all of my jealousy into my actions, deliberately expressing my feelings towards the two.

>> No.9095823


stop this immediately

>> No.9095832



>> No.9095835

It ends with his penis falling off and turning into Parsee.

>> No.9095848

His penis becomes Parsee?!
holy fucking shit, go back to hypnochan morbid and depraved hellspawn

>> No.9095874
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...but I like more cats than dogs.

>> No.9095880

It's okay, Parsee doesn't know it!

>> No.9095887

Please don't remind me that hypnochan exists.

>> No.9095892
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Probably Cirno if any. I was the most hated little shit when I was 10.

>> No.9095900

I got frost giant. Would I be half the size of a regular one since I'm only 10?

>> No.9095908

Reimu knows how to take it easy.

>> No.9095917
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I'm not sure what I am but it's pretty cool looking. I'm not sure who has this kind of personality. Probably Alice. She likes slaves.

>> No.9095924

I'd say Remilia but I'm not sure how much she'd want a bunch of weird spider things walking around her beautiful mansion.

>> No.9095926
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>> No.9095927

Because I suck at computer stuff and can't screenshot it.

Frost giants live in bitter northern lands and among frigid mountains where they subsist by hunting and raiding. They are brutal, superstitious, and murderous creatures among whom only might makes right.

Roll with the winter youkai or the oni?

>> No.9095929

These answers are all stupid, and I don't agree with any of them.

>> No.9095930
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>You are now a 10 years old


>> No.9095938

Who would /ss/ me the most? Keine? I guess I'd get to try her milk when she's a cow sometimes as well.

>> No.9095953

>Heisei 24

>> No.9096080

wait, us when we were 10 or us now in the body of a 10 year old?

>> No.9096104

Maybe if I'm nice enough I can persuade Reimu to lead me around gensokyo beating up people and youkai like an RPG, though she'd have to put me down when I'm done, making it look like she was the hero and I was the bad guy all along...
Did i just write the plot for a touhou doujin game?

>> No.9098876

Cirno or Tewi if I was that age we'd have so many fun adventures!

>> No.9098887

Nitori, or I could form a bully squad with Cirno and bully all the other young touhous

>> No.9098909


hmm, who I would feel most at ease with?
yeah that pretty much takes my favorite touhous out of the list, since Yuuka Satori and Yuyuko are pretty intimidating.
I'd probably go hang out at Myoren or Moriya, since I wouldn't feel like I was intruding whereas if I went to a private residence like Eientei or SDM it would be quite rude.
I think Kasen would be pretty cool to hang out with. Wait, does she hate youkai? But she's secretly an Oni...

anyways, OP you should have specified what type of youkai we are. I can't make further plans with such vagueness.

>> No.9098942

Probably Alice.

>> No.9098949

Isn't being a 10year old youkai akin to being a baby for most Touhous? Don't they live for centuries if not forever?

>> No.9098958

Keine is the right answer for 99% of you people.

>> No.9098979


>worst 2hu


>> No.9098988
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I would like relaxing with Komachi.

I can deal with morbid discussions, and she can have a conversation partner.

And I love straight shota.

>> No.9098999
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>> No.9099019

Suika. Alcoholic shota and loli duo.

>> No.9099024

wouldn't most of them just obliterate you on sight

probably that rumia/wriggle/mystia/cirno stage 1-2 boss group. they tend to not have agendas or hidden motives so you aren't going to get fucked over (and if you do you'll probably see it coming)

>> No.9099052
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Got Stone Giant. Which 2hus like Stone Giants?

>> No.9099053

Meiling off the top of my head.

Someone who probably enjoys company, takes it easy all day, and isn't going to expect too much.

>> No.9099075

I would love to be friends with Koishi. She might not be very interested in talking to you though.

>> No.9099092

We don't need to talk. Just playing once in a while would be cool.

>> No.9099145

Probably Alice.
I wasn't much into books when I was 10, and was healthier.

>> No.9099830

>You are now a 10 years old male youkai

I wish this could happen... It'd be even more awesome if I got a silly hat and cute frilly dress.

>> No.9099854


Eh, Patchy seems like the sort who wouldn't bother them (or bother with them) so long as they didn't bother her. So she'd be a horrible caretaker, but if they kept to themselves, she'd probably tolerate kids.
