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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 167 KB, 900x675, Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9090183 No.9090183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been wondering this for sometime and maybe /jp/ can help me out here.

How exclusive is animé to Japan? Can other nations make it like South Korea, China, and even Vietnam and Laos?

What about non-Asian countries like the United States, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, and England?

Does Japan have a monopoly on animé?

>> No.9090187

>How exclusive is animé to Japan?
By (western) definition of being Japanese animation.
>Can other nations make it like South Korea, China, and even Vietnam and Laos?
>Does Japan have a monopoly on animé?

>> No.9090186


>> No.9090190

Opinions! Opinions.

>> No.9090198

Is every post on this board a sage?

>> No.9090203
File: 120 KB, 813x983, chensmoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herp derp. They're Japanese cartoons. Of course they're exclusive to Japan.

I don't know why this is such a confusing concept for people.

>> No.9090205

die gaijin scum

>> No.9090217

Anime is Chinese 馬鹿外人

>> No.9090221

Then why is there a divide between /a/ and /jp/?

>> No.9090225

Why don't you go check both boards, jackass.

>> No.9090228

the anime is property of Japan

>> No.9090229

Is this true? Did the term really originate in China?

>> No.9090232

It's actually Corean in origin.

>> No.9090233
File: 848 KB, 1193x1256, ReiAyanami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh.. maybe OP is talking about their style?

>> No.9090235

Just stopped by /a/. Looks like the same to me. I still see anime there.

>> No.9090236


I think /int/ might have provided OP with the best answers since they are necessarily bias toward Japan like we are so they can think outside the box.

>> No.9090241
File: 55 KB, 640x480, stopfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol please stop

>> No.9090239

Is there a source for this?

>> No.9090242

OP, please go.

>> No.9090243

I'm not trying to troll or anything. I really want to know if it did originate elsewhere besides Japan.

>> No.9090245

I remember once one gook was trying to convince us that gooks were responsible for key animation and all Japs did were inbetweens and CG.

>> No.9090256
File: 122 KB, 1920x1200, 1337885023346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9090263
File: 8 KB, 150x133, the eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when was this the official emblem of animé and manga?

>> No.9090278

It's funny because a gaijin drew it.

>> No.9090280

Who is Gaijin?

>> No.9090282


>> No.9090296


but I am le tired
well have a nap
then fire ze missiles

>> No.9090310

Isn't that how the word is spelled?

>> No.9090315

It’s really spelled アニメ, or ˈɑːnɨmeɪ in English.

>> No.9090338

You know, it's funny. I've lived in Japan my entire life and I have never once referred to cartoons as anime. I never really knew anyone else who did either.

>> No.9090340

English really is the ugliest language the word cartoon sounds horrible.

>> No.9090341

People either grew out of it or hide their power levels pretty well?
That's what I'd expect from japan anyway.

>> No.9090343
File: 27 KB, 161x110, 1335035644579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9090371

I feel a little stupid cus I thought no Japanese comes here but wow. I was starting to think that I was only one. I never heard anybody use word anime before either. It is weird.

>> No.9090373

you just went and made it even worse you fiend!

>> No.9090377

You know, I actually kind of prefer the word Toons. I wish a majority of us in Japan would adapt it.

>> No.9090378

>white people, white people everywhere!

>> No.9090379



Anime is Chinese OP

>> No.9090380

Half white. My mother was Japanese.

>> No.9090384

Ahh, another mixed person. I was the only Japanese poster in this thread. I'm half Japanese and half Filipino. I think I also have a trace of French in me too.

>> No.9090383

Champagne vs Sparkly wine.


>> No.9090386

What's the difference? Isn't Champagne just a name of a wine?

>> No.9090389

Champagne is only champagne if it's made in the Champagne region of France.

A similar product made in the US is not champagne but sparkly wine.

The distinction is solely based on origin.

>> No.9090397

>I feel a little stupid cus I thought no Japanese comes here but wow

You should feel stupid because of your inability to type proper English instead.

>> No.9090412

I was born in France, but I live in New Jersey now. I always called it wine either way and so did my parents.

>> No.9090418

It's a good thing it has the word 『animation』

>> No.9090440

How did you make the 『』 symbols?

>> No.9090445

Just type 「」 in Japanese IME and space bar until you find 『』 or whatever you want.

>> No.9090448

I did a Google search for Japanese IME and I don't know what that is still.

>> No.9090454

Japanese input method.

>> No.9090455



Is there a link for a Vista version? I only found one for XP.


>> No.9090456


Except if there's no indication on the bottle guess what people are going to call it

Same with anime if regardless of if the show came from Korea, China, etc. if it looks that way and there's no indication guess what it's going to get called?

Go to /co/ and tell them Transformers,Thundercats,Silverhawks,GI fuck JOE ( american hero but drawn overseas the irony ) is not american animation and that it belongs in /a/ and they can't post it and see what they say to you.

So yes to everyone and OP if you don't know it's origin it's going to be "Anime" if you do then "Anime ja nai!"

>> No.9090457

little kids should leave

>> No.9090459

Anime ja nai?

>> No.9090460

Jesus Christ, learn Google-fu.

I'm not spoon feeding you anymore, go ask /a/ or something.

>> No.9090466

Not everyone is an Otaku, you ass. Be nice to him or else I'll shove that dirty spoon up your ass.

>> No.9090480

>I'll shove that dirty spoon up your ass
But then the spoon will get dirty and you won't be able to feed him with it!

>> No.9090482

I don't give a fuck about him. I want to shove it up your ass for being rude.

>> No.9090486

it certainly feels that way but america seems to want to break it with toonami, using shows from...japan...mother of god japan has always been one step ahead

>> No.9090489

He's the rude one for not even trying to search for answers before expecting someone else to do all the work for him on a silver platter.

>> No.9090500

>I don't give a fuck about him. I want to shove it up your ass for being rude.
You are RUDE!
