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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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908871 No.908871 [Reply] [Original]

ITT First time you BAWWWWWWW'ed in a VN

For me it was Planetarian. I played Narcissu before but it didn't make me BAWWWWWW. Just depressed.

>> No.908877


>> No.908879


>> No.908886


>> No.908892


>> No.908895

Arc True - Not a real BAAAWWW
Hisui True - Tears

However, Planetarian was definitely the strongest BAWWW. I still cried after my 4th playthrough.

>> No.908896


>> No.908900

Why are you guys all quoting each other, lol?

>> No.908904

I actually cried when finishing Narcissu.

>> No.908905

Thanks for ruining my combo faggot. I HATE YOU!

>> No.908912


Combos are meant to be broken, you fat ugly kid.

>> No.908915

Kana Imouto made be BAWWWWWWW like a loli losing her virginity. Ending 1 really got to me...

>> No.908916

I haven't cried since I was six years old, and I don't plan on starting anytime soon.

I did feel so depressed after Tsugumi's good ending in Ever17 that I contemplated suicide, though. So yeah, does that count?

>> No.908920


Fuck. I should've just answered normally. Now this thread looks like a quoting party.

>> No.908936

Kana Imouto. ;_;

>> No.908947



>> No.908953


lol @ crying during GL

I've cried to Naruto though so I shouldn't be talking.

>> No.908957


>> No.908966



>> No.908969

>I've cried to Naruto though so I shouldn't be talking.

Fuck, so did I...

>> No.908971

I don't, because I'm not a massive faggot.

>> No.908973




>> No.908978


It's okay to cry for Haku.

>> No.908985

Oh, okay then.

>> No.908986


>> No.908989



>> No.909147

Clannad, god damnit Nagisa I love you.

>> No.909160

My God...GET OUT!!!

>> No.909161

Why? She was a fucking crybaby cockroach.

>> No.909166

You're strong, Berserker.

>> No.909177

I cried three times during Akiha's ending.

>> No.909421


I accidentally did Nagisa's route first.

First I BAWW'd and then I wanted to kill myself for not knowing that I was supposed to play routes in a certain order.

>> No.909439

Never bawww'd because I hold my tears in but Planetarian and Akiha ends almost had me.

>> No.909455


Like you weren't as big a Narutard as the rest of us four years ago.

>> No.909461



>> No.909476

Kanon - Mai's route.

>> No.909479

you're obviously underage b& if you can't even remember the time when Naruto was kind of cool

>> No.909482


But it was never cool, so yeah!

>> No.909486


Wrong. Let me show you to the door.

>> No.909490


And you're obviously underage if you can't remember when it came out and everyone with taste realized it was the same generic shounen shit as the usual fare.

It's far from a new concept. Just because it was your first animu doesn't mean it wasn't shit.

>> No.909491


Protip: Following 4chan trends does not automatically make you right.

>> No.909494

Makoto's route in Kanon made me BAWWWWW so hard I was shitting tears.

>> No.909495


All anime is shit.

>> No.909506

>It's far from a new concept. Just because it was your first VN doesn't mean it wasn't shit.

>> No.909525

This is how far /jp/ has fallen? People actually think Naruto was ever good? It's shonen trash, like Tsukihime.

>> No.909533


>> No.909535



>> No.909536

I can't wait until they all go back to special school.

>> No.909542


Speaking of which, this brings up an interesting comment. Care to name any shounen you think are good? An entire archetype can't be bad. There is always one good specimen to be had.

>> No.909545

Looking kinda /a/ here...

>> No.909548


But /a/ doesn't sage Naruto, so yeah!

>> No.909552


Cancer that is killing Touhou and /jp/ memes.

>> No.909556

Outlaw Star are my favorites.

>> No.909559
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Closest I ever came to crying in a VN/eroge. It was like those "pets cross half the world to make it home" movies + "master-sama~ *cry*" + so moe I was gonna die.

>> No.909557

I haven't been to /a/ in months. Is it really that bad, now?

>> No.909560

One Piece is the only good shounen manga
In before 100 "one piece sucks, set fail, faggot, etc"

>> No.909561

Planetarian didn't make me cry, It wasn't a very long VN so I really didn't get attached to her character. The Hisui ending where she lets that ribbon go made me BAWWWWW.

>> No.909566


It's much worse than that. /a/ is for shounen, Geass, camwhores, 5's, and Cirno imitators. Nothing else.

Of course at our current rate of decline I fear becoming almost as bad, except really really slow. This thread has many examples of why I fear for our future.

>> No.909568

It's true, they don't sage Naruto or Bleach. They barely ever even have negative posts in the Naruto/Bleach threads. Most of the threads on the front page are Geass/Death Note and how these two series are awesome.

If it's all trolling, it means that EVERY post is a troll post. There isn't even anyone falling for the trolls.

>> No.909571


Hahaha oh wow. People are entitled to their own opinion but hypocritical much? If you hate Naruto, fine, but One Piece is just as bad. At the very least, you'd have to admit One Piece started out horribly. The art would have to appeal to you or something to label it as the "best shounen" or "one good shounen" especially if you rag on shit like Naruto. But it picked up well and I guess if you compare where the series are at right now it's a lot better.

>> No.909573

Migrate to a new board, we did it several times thus far.

>> No.909575

Except for the camwhores, it looks like /a/ hasn't really changed.

>> No.909578


Maybe you haven't been to /a/ long enough.

>> No.909580

Camwhores? On a worksafe board? And they're not banned?

>> No.909581


There is no new board to migrate to. I suppose if I learned the way of the dice /tg/ is pretty good, but they have their own struggles with furfags, so...

>> No.909587



>> No.909589

Find something other than 4chan? I dunno, I just know I'll have to pick up and move somewhere down the line.

>> No.909591


I'd think the drawfaggotry (the bad kind) and shitty roleplaying are worse than the furfags, if only because they were more common at the time when I stopped going there.

>> No.909593

One Piece is nothing like Naruto, what are you talking about? And Oda had the story written out since the beginning so it's not all "fillerlol".

>> No.909599


Nothing is worse than furfags. Nothing.

>> No.909600

/b/ -> /a/ -> /jp/ -> ?

The /a/s on other *chans are worse than ours so don't bother with that suggestion.

>> No.909601


I don't know, the post you quoted was a bit shitted up. I guess I was just trying to say One Piece's art is kind of wacky (not necessarily bad, but I'm not always in the mood for non-generic art) and it started out a bit slow. It does get pretty epic at times, but I'd hardly consider it the best shounen.

>> No.909603

They're on /b/. Go there, jerk off to yet another pair of some fatty's droopy tits, and never post here again.

>> No.909604

>shounen, Geass, camwhores, 5's, and Cirno imitators

There was always shounen on /a/. Even if it wasn't the big 3 (they showed up during early mornings), it would be something else. Shounen is a huge demographic. Geass is basically the popular show of the season. Before that it was Gurren Lagann/Lucky Star. 5's has always been retardedly popular with people cheering for every goddamn 5. Before Cirno imitators, there was Cirno.

So tell me, how is it any different than it was before?

>> No.909605


I probably did not lurk /tg/ enough or in the right timezone in my time to encounter a true furfag then. Mostly just monster porn advocates.

>> No.909608


If you say it here, they'll follow you

Just find someplace better...
People like us tend to gravitate towards each other.
Even if we don't know it's each other...We'll find a way...

>> No.909610


It's not. Just faggots bitching about faggots.

>> No.909613


Sounding kinda homo-erotic there, Anonymous.

>> No.909615

>5's has always been retardedly popular with people cheering for every goddamn 5.

Wait wut? 5s are are a shitty new thing according to my frame of reference.

I wouldn't got so far as to all it the "best" shounen fighting, but Busou Renkin is generally considered one of the better examples of the genre.

>> No.909616


>> No.909618


Is there something wrong with that?

>> No.909619

You're too idealistic, Anon. The internet is huge so we'll lose each other eventually. There is no red ribbon of fate tying us together.

>> No.909623


>5's has always been retardedly popular with people cheering for every goddamn 5
>So tell me, how is it any different than it was before?

For you, it isn't different at all.

Some of us were actually there before you, though.

>> No.909624

I've been here for 4 fucking years. It's hard to give up a 4chan addiction. I gave up my /a/ addiction when /jp/ came along, but to give up 4chan completely... I dunno.

>> No.909631


Ah, but as long as you find someone like ourselves, it is no different, is it?
As long as well all find people like that, it's pretty much the same thing, isn't it?

>> No.909632

4chan is a site, not a community. I know I want nothing to do with those in /b/ and those in /b/ never bother with small or offkey boards like /cgl/. Each board is its own entity, for the most part.

>> No.909634

>Busou Renkin

OH GOD! The most underappreciated, yet somehow most mediocre show I enjoyed watching casually of that season.

It was like "Oh shit, generic ass shounen with characters I kinda like but don't really care about and am not attached to, yet I can't stop watching this shit." Oh yeah, and Papillion.

>> No.909638

It's the anonymous image board thing. Show me another place like it that doesn't suck.

>> No.909639


I managed to make a total break with 4chan for several months circa the beginning of this year. It was wonderful. But then I came back and there were new boards and now /jp/'s got it's hooks in me. No matter how shitty it is I have such a hard time staying away.

>> No.909640

Maybe so since Haruhi was the thing that brought me here, but I still doubt /a/ has changed. The only thing that I know for certain has changed is my patience and I just grew tired of /a/.

Honestly though, didn't we have a big complaint thread yesterday or the day before? Why are we on this again?

>> No.909645

I migrate from /jp/ in a second if I actually had a place to go to.

>> No.909647


I hear you, man, but you gotta let it go. Those times are long gone and will never come back. It's useless to keep reminding newcomers and newfags especially that they have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to old /a/, or if you prefer, the original /b/.

>> No.909653

Angel Densetsu is a good shounen

>> No.909657

I tried to give up 4chan several times, I always keep crawling back despite the fact it never seems to get better.

>> No.909659

What I'm saying is that 4chan is no better than 7chan (Which is dead now, I guess, I hadn't been there in quite some time after leaving /b/) in terms of overall users. Boards there are the same and others will rise as more use the internet. /b/ will suck forever and continue to get worse as it becomes mainstream. More will sprout up as there are more individuals to make splinter boards. In these small communities you can find those that share a common thread.

>> No.909661

>Haruhi was the thing that brought me here
So you ADMIT you're a newfag from newfag summer? Wow.

>> No.909664


I guess Angel Densetsou is slow enough to be considered a shounen. Otherwise I'd have called it school/comedy like Cromartie. But yeah, pretty good series, but it got old at about the 1/3 or half-way point. Still working my way through it.

>> No.909666

More honest than you. Wow.

>> No.909667

I guess so since we're all Anonymous here. You are Anon, I am Anon. Outside of our direct posts, there's nothing that we know about each other. We are not tied together in any way. It doesn't matter even if we shared the same interests, the same dislikes, or even the same background.

Anonymous is Anonymous. We are easily replaceable.

>> No.909668

Published in a shounen magazine.

>> No.909671

....or...not dead? It was dead when I checked. Whatever.

>> No.909674


So was Cromartie, wasn't it?

>> No.909675

More like Springfag.

>> No.909678

Huh, yeah I guess it was.

>> No.909679


Shhh, Lilly will hear you.

>> No.909681

Well, here I know that I'm not gonna be crucified for being a pedophile. That's welcoming.

>> No.909687


>We are easily replaceable.

Unfortunately due to outsourcing to China, most replacements made in the last several years are quite defective.

>> No.909690


in b4 "one of us" chanting

>> No.909696

I've been here for very close to 4 years. I'm >>909624. I started coming here when I went off to CalPoly, which was in the fall of '04.

>> No.909701


UCD was here, CalPoly sucks, especailly Pomona!

>> No.909702

By the looks of it, I'd say lead paint fumes are to blame.

>> No.909706

Doesn't make a difference. I can't travel back in time and there's no reason for me to act butthurt. What is done is done, but from what I've seen (May 2006-the beginning of /jp/), /a/ has always been the same.

>> No.909719

Don't let a single summer ruin /jp/. Soon as the schools start back up, their parents will limit their internet times and we can go back to Touhou and VNs.

>> No.909723

SLO. And it sure as hell doesn't suck for Architecture/Arch. Engineering

>> No.909724


Never saw /a/ at night. Is probably bitter about it and parrots "nighshift was a myth" to help him sleep at night. Doesn't realize sleeping at night was the root of his problems.

>> No.909726

You weren't there when threads lasted overnight.

>> No.909727

Go back to our Touhou? Can you elaborate on that?

>> No.909731


He was speaking on behalf of those of us who aren't non-touhoufag infidels such as yourself.

>> No.909734


Oh, well if it's San Luis Obispo it's ok.

>> No.909735


I'm trying not to, but it's pretty much out of my hands. My hope is that we're too slow and niche for them to stay, but if our turn to go through what /b/, /a/, /v/, etc. went through ever comes up, there'll be nothing we can do about it.

>> No.909737


Double negatives are for faggots.

Seriously. It's shitty writing.

>> No.909739


I blame subsequent generations getting dumber and dumber. I'm not saying I'm a genius, but damn, kids these days are fucking stupid.

>> No.909744


Non-touhoufag was an adjective. Reading comprehension, have you heard of it?

>> No.909746

I am a Touhoufag. It's just that almost all these Touhou threads suck.

>> No.909750

I did too. Stop making up lies about me. Night /a/ (in comparison with the rest of /a/) was tiny and was pretty rocky. It was great at times and sometimes just plain dull. Night /a/ was overall decent, but that does not make up for everything else. I don't know what happened after /jp/'s creation so I'm just guessing from the the /jap/'s comments.

>> No.909755


We still have a confusing double negative.

I don't see your point.

>> No.909754
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>> No.909762


He means that people who post only in the Aya and Kigurumi threads are faggots.

>> No.909763

>He was speaking on behalf of those of us who aren't infidels such as yourself.

>> No.909765


Your eloquence is unrivaled, good sir.

>> No.909767


Guess I can't help it if you're an idiot.

>> No.909771


My generation wasn't exactly full of Einsteins. Motherfuckers could barely read, and I'm talking all the way through high school. Visiting a class in one of my old schools these days would probably kill me.

>> No.909783

Let's put the past behind us and get back to our...


>> No.909787

So, /a/ sucks.

Ways to prevent /jp/ from going the same route:
- Get rid of the fucking 3D. I don't care how much of it you think belongs here, if normalfags see 3D they won't know that this board is meant for the 2D.
- Quit with the worship of the healthy. Healthy is kinda acceptable. But DON'T start fagging up DFC threads.
- Stop claiming you've had sex. We don't care and it makes you look like a fag.
- Stop saging ronery threads. Embrace what makes us different from those normalfags.

That's all I can think of offhand. It's not a bad start.

>> No.909793
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>> No.909792


Because they've degenerated to such an extent that they've become nomadic savages, and thus would slaughter you upon sight?

Because that would be AWESOME.

>> No.909808


>- Stop saging ronery threads.

As soon as I see a good one, I will. But the ones I see these days have nothing in common with what a nightshift /a/ ronery thread used to be. They don't get derailed into awesome and they often invoke normalfaggotry.

>> No.909810

-Think before you post
-Quality over quantity

About all I can add.

>> No.909815

I suppose that is true. More thought should have been put into that point.

>> No.909826

You can't plan these things. We're not united. If one person becomes a faggot, there's nothing stopping everyone else from following suit. Just be wary of your own contribution and stop bitching.

Also, stop bitching.

>> No.909838

Touhou threads with actual discussion value, please. It's always the same stupid crap every single day when it comes to Touhou, which is retarded as hell. Allow me to sum up almost every single Touhou response in my post:

- * is a slut
- She's the strongest
- Don't you mean PAD
- Reimu is a murderer
- I am Marisa ~ze
- Alice is so ronery
- Mokou is hot
- Beat, meat, feet, NEET, etc.

>> No.909845

Quoted for truth.

>> No.909848


>> No.909850

You like Touhou as well?

>> No.909851

But I like SummaryAnon's Yukkuri stories...

>> No.909857




>> No.909853

>Why don't we ever discuss any of the normal Touhou doujins? Why don't we ever discuss our own interpretations and views of the characters?

We do, you're not looking hard enough.

>> No.909855

I don't hate them, necessarily. It's one of the most productive things /jp/'s Touhou community has done. I'm just listing it because it's true.

>> No.909867

Don't even give me that. Whenever I do try to make a topic, it either gets hijacked by a Touhou imagedump, degrades into a memefest, gets saged for no reason, or gets no replies at all. The last topic I saw with some sort of realistic discussion was the topic about "Crossing Rapids". It had like 10 replies of random trash and sages before I actually posted what the doujin was about and what the OP was confused with. After that, the topic died instantly.

>> No.909870

I'd be glad to help, but I'm not a touhoufag. I only like yukkuri and some games.

>> No.909871

There was an Alice thread earlier and we talked about how roneryalice is fucking stupid and canon alice is better.

>> No.909873

You shouldn't need to search hard to find a quality discussion.

>> No.909877



It's just that they're sometimes in the older pages because the smart people sage their posts to stop the asshats from coming in on the first page.

>> No.909879

One rare instance does NOT make up for all the other Touhou crap on the board. It's ridiculous. We should be trying to improve the overall quality of a board as a whole, not find a few scattered, pieces of fools gold in a field of shit.

>> No.909890

Quick question. What is the Touhou economy based on? From the descriptions I've seen, it looks like they all have jobs, but there isn't any real currency. Do they barter?

>> No.909898

They have coins of some kind, but Rinnosuke occasionally barters.

>> No.909901

The humans make and provide offerings/donations and don't get eaten/killed/etc. Good deal.
At least that would be my guess. Unless you're Reimu. She gets nothing because she doesn't eat people. She eats grass.

>> No.909905

They do barter, but coined currency is also used, probably when dealing with the humans. Most of the time though, I believe they simply trade services and aid.

>> No.909912

I suppose the effort's nice and all, but it's not going to happen. I don't know why, but a lot of the Touhou posters here have some sort of rebellious-type attitudes. You should just read the doujins yourself and keep your thoughts to yourself. Also get a dakimakura.

When I learn how to sew and make Mokou pants, I'll send you one.

>> No.909915

Wealth DCs.

>> No.909923

I thought she beat up random youkai and took their food.

>> No.909931

So everything is rural? I highly doubt a system based on donation will get the touhou anywhere. Are there no Youkai cities? No Youkai means of production?

>> No.909936

Youkai apparently dick around in the human village at night.

>> No.909935

Tengu and Kappa are industrialized, and they have cities. Other Youkai live in scattered villages throughout Gensokyo.

>> No.909941

I was always curious about whether they used like ryo, or an older rice-based currency, or yen, or what. I see yen all the time in fanworks but I can't recall if it was ever used in canon. I THINK ryo would've been the currency at the time when the border went up, but a rice-based economy would make the most sense for Gensokyo, I think.

>> No.909943

Fucking Gleemax.

>> No.909948

Rice-based systems demand that there are rice farmers. Is there really a point to them now that there are edible yukkuri roaming around? I'd hate to thing about the many youkai farmers were put out of business by the yukkuri.

>> No.909950

She steals their books and fences them to Rinnosuke for tea and cake.

>> No.909951

Yukari gaps in everything Gensokyo needs. The end. Now re-rail the thread. (Like that'll happen.)

>> No.909956

There may be a lot of yukkuri material out there, but they may not be widely available to common folk. For all we know, common youkai might as well be rice farmers of some kind.

>> No.909962

Edible yukkuri need farming. Left unprotected, wild animals would eat them.

>> No.909968

You can't honestly believe that all yukkuri have been domesticated. Field mice are weak and defenseless, but there's nothing stopping them from roaming the countryside. The yukkuri are probably the same. Somewhere out there roams tribes of untouched yukkuri. Who knows? Perhaps there are even civilized yukkuri with advanced social hierarchies. This, of course, assumes that yukkuri came to be through natural selection and not by the hands of some rogue scientist youkai.

>> No.910018


You know man, that was pretty deep.

>> No.910028
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>rogue scientist youkai


>> No.910109



>> No.910163

Eirin is not a youkai

>> No.910172
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>> No.910238
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I just leak a single tear and feel my gut wrench.
