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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9084729 No.9084729 [Reply] [Original]

How does /jp/ feel about the more recent "Bizzaro" literary works popping up? I've been following a few authors for a while now (Carlton Mellick 3 and Jeremy Robert Johnson are my current favorites) and they seem like the type of books /jp/ would like. If only I could loan them out to you guys.

Failing that, what are you reading, what have you finished recently, what are you thinking of reading but on the fence about, etc.?

I realize we have /lit/ but they don't really talk about books, ironically enough. I mean, it's not like I want to talk to you guys about books or anything!! ...I just didn't have a choice.

Be civil and take it easy.

>> No.9084732

Sorting through all my images right now because Im interested in getting a custom mousepad
its going to take forever

>> No.9084736

I only read VNs these days.

>> No.9084741

Are they having one of those free deals again?

>> No.9084745

I have never heard of Bizarro fiction in literature and the wikipedia page just confused me more.
What is this about, in your words?

I am being really lazy about my to read book pile. Still need to finish The Road and Machine Man. Got Fear and Loathing in a used store too, read a chapter and it was pretty good. I see what makes gonzo journalism so appealing.
I think the last book I actually finished was Timequake. It was all over the place, reading at places more like a collection of short stories and observations with a bit of excuse plot. Yet it was very touching and moving. Then again that's how I feel with most of Vonnegut's books.

>> No.9084747

It's /jp/ related if I don't want to talk about it on the board it belongs on.

>> No.9084749

I was reading through True Love.
It was posted on /jp/ a while ago, and I just got around to playing it.
It must have been translated by a Brit, since Americans don't use words such as flat or knickers.

>> No.9084754

Currently I'm lazily going through Nabokov's Bend Sinister. Decent book, but it's so bitter, i liked Pnin and Lolita more. I started reading Foucault's Pendulum but stopped after ~50 pages or so. Did anyone here read it? Should I continue? It's moving at glacial speed and is full of references of which i get only few.

>> No.9084798
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It's kind of hard to describe, I think the appointed genre "Bizzaro" suits it well though. A lot of it is post-apocalyptic, a good deal of Mellick's books in particular are spoofs on standard popular storytelling tropes-- e.g. he writes a romantic comedy where a guy knocks up the devil's daughter-- but the real crux of his style is taking very ordinary ideas and pitting them against very unordinary setting and characters (and also vice-versa).

Pic related is one I would recommend if you can track it down.

Sorry for a shitty explanation, even after reading these periodically for a few years it's difficult to pinpoint exactly what defines them all collectively as a genre. Imagine reading something that was pure smut at a glance, but inevitably made you think about/reconsider your own world a bit, and have a good time all the while. That'd essentially be what bizarro aims to accomplish I'd imagine.

>> No.9084816

> Imagine reading something that was pure smut at a glance, but inevitably made you think about/reconsider your own world a bit

Sounds like any VN then, only without the choose your adventure section.
