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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9079865 No.9079865 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse, lazy NEET?

>> No.9079876

if i start to work then my life will be a loss

>> No.9079874

I don't have to work.

>> No.9079903

I'm the chosen one.

>> No.9079908

You work you lose.

>> No.9079915

I'm loco just like koko.

>> No.9079916

but did you say "oh no"?

>> No.9079921
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I giggled a bit.

>> No.9079923

Only after I fapped to Suwako.

So yeah, every day.

>> No.9079924

im no neet

>> No.9079926


>> No.9079927

I'll get tired.

>> No.9079933
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Hibiki Ganaha from Dream C Club

>> No.9079939

ohhh, thats great~
Thank you anon.

>> No.9079940

Where do all the normal trolls come from?

>> No.9079945

I check job listings every weekday and no jobs suit me.

When ``work-at-home security guard'' or ``professional shitposter'' ends up on there, I'll no longer be a NEET.

>> No.9079950


We're full of abnormals pretending to be normals who hate abnormals for hating normals.

>> No.9079962
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The real question is if you aren't actually a NEET then why do you pretend to be one on /jp/?

>> No.9079975

So that everyone is anonymous NEET poster.
It prevents bullshit argument where bring up their real life achievement when they lose arguments on the internet.
You put on your wizard hat and NEET badge when you are on /jp/.

>> No.9079980

Excuse for what, exactly?
And what's up with that insult?

>> No.9080028

Why would I need an excuse, I do what I find fun, when getting a job and all that shit becomes fun I will no doubt do it.

>> No.9080030
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Neat. With the latest meddlings with the code, you can now do recursive quoting.

Not that this has any practical applications.

>> No.9080040

I wrote something like this a couple of years ago. It gets really confusing pretty fast.

This is why I hate "threaded" comment systems. Linear ones are better.

>> No.9080046

translate it weeaboo

>> No.9080101

Because you can't have both. Either you devote your life and soul to Otaku hobbies or you are just a worthless liar who doesn't really care about them.

>> No.9080113

>devoting your life to a single thing
What is moderation?

>> No.9080115
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Yahoo answers does not approve of NEET.

>> No.9080126

I really wish that I lived in an isolated area with no form of civilization.

>> No.9080175


If /jp/ Mansion ever becomes real it better be at some place where we need to support ourself by growing crops and stuff

>> No.9080188

We'd all starve because nobody would be willing to do it.

>> No.9080367
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>bloatware X

>> No.9080391


Stop bullying aerosmith

>> No.9080397

I know it's Yahoo! Answers and I'm an idiot for caring, but why do people think this? Of course there's a delicate balance, but don't people realize consuming is just as valid a contribution to society as producing?

>> No.9080409



>> No.9080442

itt: /a/ subhumans pretending to be truNEET /jp/sies

>> No.9080500
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>> No.9080521

It's okay for people to leech if it's only 5% of a population doing so, at least in a capitalist society :)

5% = Ideal
0% = Impossible

>> No.9080712

Because the world and human society can rot in its self-made hell for all I care.

>> No.9080720

Dark and edgy.

But seriously, I would agree if it had no effect on me, but we need those normals to go out and work and fuck and play in order for us to have electricity, internet and ramen.

>> No.9080734


I will leave the work to you, thanks in advance

>> No.9080747

>You can go to an isolated area by yourself with no form of civilization
Do these fuckheads live on another planet?

>> No.9080755

Don't worry, we're not going to cause any long term damage to the world, it's not like we're going to reproduce ourselves, so we will always be a minority.

Besides there are people that damage society in a way higher degree than any NEET, and those are mostly people of power that embezzle and corrupt for their personal gains destroying thousand of families in the process.

But since they are in power diverting the public attention on NEET or small time robbers is quite convenient for them.

>> No.9080767

I'll be busy and successful once I start

>> No.9080774

I'm not a neet, I work 3 hours a day, so that I may afford an apartment and food so that I may live the rest of the 21 hours as a recluse.

>> No.9080797

Stop attention whoring in the NEET thread.

>> No.9081378
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will you be my boyfriend?
