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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 202 KB, 1024x768, Diphenhydramine_pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9075679 No.9075679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Im addicted to diphenhydramine and hate it /jp/ I don't even know why I take it asides from amazingly intense almost to the point of painful orgasms its not really that enjoyable. Has anyone else experienced this or have beat it and how?

>> No.9075707

> Addicted to diphenydramine
Here's my solution :
--- Become a trap
--- Act like an ill girl little
--- Act the part when you get orgasm everytime you take your medics
--- ???

>> No.9075708

Switch to melatonin.
And yeah, i hate DPH. The climaxes aren't worth the dysphoria

>> No.9075738


What the fuck man? How do you get addicted to that?

It doesn't even feel good, it just forces your mind into a state of delirium. You're not making any more serotonin than you would sober...

>> No.9075767

If you're going to be addicted to something it might as well be something fun. DPH just makes you feel like you're watching SEL.

>> No.9075786



Isn't that a sleep aid? I'm pretty sure that's what I take with my melatonin every night. How much do you take?

>> No.9075794

I take melatonin to sleep better. Should I take this diphenydramine stuff too? Will it make me sleep better?

>> No.9075796

I already do all of those things, thanks for the advice though.
I used to take them for insomnia then took too many by mistake and liked how it made music sound I didn't discover it on purpose so I don't know a lot about what it does regarding brain chemistry or what effect it would have on serotonin.

>> No.9075804


Here, it certainly helped me. Taking one or the other wasn't working, in combination it worked so much better. Of course, I still ultimately end up with shit sleep quality and take forever to fall asleep, it's just better and easier than it was. If you're falling asleep fairly consistently I wouldn't bother.

>> No.9075808

Do all those things on my dick

>> No.9075811


Well, I suggest you stop taking this drug and smoke some weed if you just want to feel good and hear music better. This stuff isn't good for you in large doses.

>> No.9075818


I would avoid it and if you decide to take it don't go above recommended most people don't like the diph high but some do which is my predicament its defiantly a love hate relationship. 50mg is the recommended dose I think. Diph helps you get to sleep faster but reduces overall sleep quality.

>> No.9075844

liking the high from something isn't an excuse for being addicted holy shit how beta are you

>> No.9075849

beta enough to browse /jp/ apparently

>> No.9075852

Trust me, I'm looking to take it, I was just wondering how much you take as on dose.

>> No.9075855

*I'm not looking

>> No.9075879

I'm not making excuses, I know its lame and I'm trying to stop, I have seen people talk about their substance abuse problems enough I figured I would ask. Your post really does smell of assburgers there is usually a aspie thread on /jp/ why don't you go find it and not shit post in my thread.

>> No.9075916

I'm not addicted I can stop at any time. I just don't want to.

>> No.9075924

I used to use DPH all the time from when I was 18 to 20.
An incredibly shitty and awful drug and experience.

OP, just fucking smoke weed. Seriously. Ask your uncle or cousin or a random black person for some.

>> No.9075932

>implying weed isn't "An incredibly shitty and awful drug" as well

>> No.9075933

Hey man I didn't get high when I smoked weed other than a slight body buzz. What's up with that? I inhaled fine and everything.

>> No.9075934

My little brother almost died from getting high on these. He did a heroic dose, possibly more than 2 grams (he cant remember how much he took). It ended with him having a seizure and me calling the ambulance.

>> No.9075936

That happens to everyone the first time, no idea why.

>> No.9075938

You clearly don't know ANYTHING about drugs if you think weed and DPH are in any way similar. They are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. DPH is delerient, and even on 420chan everyone considers delerients to be the worse of the worse.

>> No.9075940

Also, DPH has been connected to Alzheimer's...and thats in people who use it in SMALL amounts. If you don't wanna lose your mind at age 50 stop this shit.

>> No.9075945

>If you don't wanna lose your mind at age 50 stop this shit.

“But I'm going to kill myself within the next ten years!”
                       — /jp/, professional drama queens

>> No.9075948

>drama queens
I don't think that term means what you think it means.

>> No.9075953


First off always use a bong. A pipe will do if you have to. I used to have your problem but then I started using bongs where I can put the smoking bit over ny lips and see the smoke so I know I'm actually getting some smoke.
Also smoke better weed. My cousin gave me hash and that's when I knew pot was the real deal and would become my drug of choice.

>> No.9075956

>(idiomatic, informal) Any exaggeratedly dramatic person, especially female or gay man.

Seems to be what I was going for.

I almost typed "histrionics", but I wasn't sure if that could be used as a noun like that.

>> No.9075958

Every thread is an aspie thread

>> No.9075963

>Also, DPH has been connected to Alzheimer's...and thats in people who use it in SMALL amounts.

Well fuck.

>> No.9075966

It's not exaggerated.

>> No.9075973

I think you can.

>> No.9075974
File: 174 KB, 850x896, 1337546191551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.9075976

I do smoke weed.
What's your location, if you are close and not 400lb that might be possible.
I'm going to blow my brains out well before 50 not that I'm suicidal just I don't want to deal with stupid degenerative conditions like Alzheimer cancer and what not.

>> No.9075980

Every thread is by a trap or tran.

>> No.9076015

>What's your location, if you are close and not 400lb that might be possible.
Europe 185 lb

>> No.9076036

DPH? Enjoy your spiders, fag.

How the hell do you get addicted to fucking dph??

>> No.9076050

Not that guy but uhh are spider hallucinations common? Every time I wake up I see a spider but it's never real.

>> No.9076078


It isn't even physically addictive, OP is probably like a 13 year old and it's the only thing ever in his moms medicine cabinet.

>> No.9076109

kill poison with poison op
try something different

>> No.9076196


I'm not sure it might be habitual since I relied on it to get to sleep for so long. I have heard of the spiders thing but the only time I saw one it was real because it was still squashed on my floor the next day. Yes I know how shitty diph can be thats why I'm asking of anyone who has had a problem with it or another substance and beat it for advice.

>> No.9076212

Go to your local tobacco store or head shop, ask if they have plant food or bath salts.
They're basically just legal designer drugs.
Much easier to brave the outside world into one small establishment than to go through the deal of making social connections to try and get other drugs.
pharmaceuticals are never good. unless you feel up to it to go down a big bottle of cough syrup and forget how to even masturbate for 10 hours.

>> No.9076214

I used to be addicted to vicodin and I really don't think I have any advice you can use if you can't handle just stopping when the only discomfort for you is probably just extra difficulty falling asleep

>> No.9076217

This thread isn't even remotely Japanese related, what the hell is it still doing here when the other shit threads were just deleted?

>> No.9076282

too bad
I dex too fapping doesn't work on dxm anyway even with my onahole I get too tired to keep going.

>> No.9076296

Until 4chan gets a dedicated advice or blogging board, these threads are here to stay.

>> No.9076316
File: 10 KB, 391x325, 1335045945024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


implying you'll live before 50.

>> No.9076323

You're addicted to an OTC antihistamine? Seriously?

I've been addicted to morphine and kicked it cold turkey. Get on my level, OP.

>> No.9076331

do you even shoot?

>> No.9076334

TruNEETs plug their morphine.

>> No.9076337

>/jp/ - 420chan (sans /wooo/)

>> No.9076379

Either just stop flat out or wean yourself off. It's really the only things you can do. If you use it to get to sleep you'll have a night or two of bad sleep, but I found that even on the first day after I stopped, when I woke up I felt incredibly happy and full of energy. I didn't need the 4-6 hours for my brain to wake up.
