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9075211 No.9075211 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou Astral Projection general.

I was in bed, feeling very dizzy. I was starting to hear noises that weren't there and my room started to distort. But rather than fighting that feeling, I decided to accept it. I closed my eyes and just surrendered myself to my delusions. Something deep within me sucked my consciousness inside, or so I felt. It was a very strange experience... it felt like I was dreaming, but I was fully conscious the entire time. It was like being on some drug.

The mountains and trees and clouds of Gensokyo all felt so real. And I was happy, I felt contented for once in my lonely hikki life. All of my pains melted away and made it all so much more beautiful. And I saw my wife, Alice... and she was alive, she was really there! I can remember her scent. I now understand what the tulpafags were talking about...

I can't wait until I can go back. For people who've had similar experiences, it'd be great if you could share. There have to be other people here who have visited Gensokyo too.

>> No.9075251

Sorry for you op, but this is Neo-/jp/.
Newtype neets can't into dreams and emotions, they are cynical machines without emotions, bred only to shitpost and IRC.
we are shadows of the inside op...our time is passed.

>> No.9075264
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That means you were invited to Gensokyo!

>> No.9075324

B-But Alice is my wife too...

>> No.9075370 [SPOILER] 
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How did you that op? I'm really curious. I would like to see Gensokyo before opening portal. It would be very motivational!

>> No.9075377

I think I felt something similar before but instead a cube in my mind formed which kept getting smaller and yet overwhelming at the same time....

Or something like this

>> No.9075396

I caught some glimpses of Gensokyo during some dreams, in particular my "visits" to the Tengu village and the Youkai Mountain felt pretty vivid, but nothing like that OP. I may start to get into meditation to see if I can go there without needing to sleep

>> No.9075399 [DELETED] 

Your favorite dream 2hou is a slut

>> No.9075403

I'm not sure, but the best way I can describe it is to let the portal within you open... I had been having minor hallucinations for a few days before, like seeing squiggles and static with my mind's eye, if that makes sense, feeling disoriented and dizzy in general... my brain feels like it's being zapped and I've just started shaking badly for no reason. I felt like I saw a glimpse of some higher form of reality last night, though... is this what shamans experience? The whole experience of intense psychosis probably lasted for about two hours and when it ended, I was drenched in sweat and I almost vomited.

>> No.9075405

When I was a teenager I spent months trying to do astral projection until I decided I no longer believed it was possible.

Unfortunately I don't dream about Gensokyo because I don't know enough about it. I only know about the characters.

>> No.9075468

I've had the same problem for years.

How do I learn about Gensokyo?

>> No.9075481

Read every single artbook and manga and you'll know everything possible about Gensokyo. Not even joking. It's also good to read the in-game dialogues. You can learn everything about Touhou in less than a week, I assure you.

>> No.9075511

I've been at it for a month and still know barely anything. There's too much to take in. I'm late to the party and I'll likely never catch up.

>> No.9075516

I am definitely interested in this subject, please people, post more info. /x/ never has Astral Projection about Touhou.

>> No.9075583

I'd like to learn how to visit places I've already been to in the dream world.

Is it possible to dream about the same setting for several nights in a row?

>> No.9078619

That shit is called lucid dreaming, you idiot.

>> No.9078821

Bump for OP love

>> No.9078919

Are you sure?
I thought lucid dreaming implies that you actually try to control your dreams

>> No.9082157

Truly lucid = control
There are varying degrees.

>> No.9082157,1 [INTERNAL] 

great thread
