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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9064762 No.9064762 [Reply] [Original]


Who did this?

>> No.9064767

me xD

>> No.9064768

You did and now you're trying to advertise it.

Now fuck off.

>> No.9064769

Sucks that Aaeru's ill. It'll be nice to have a mirror that isn't Eroge "Five Parts on MediaFire!" Download.

>> No.9064774

No I didn't you idiot. Not everything is a conspiracy. I stumbled across it when reading a Fuwanovel thread in the archives, then ended up reading the real Aaeru's Twitter.

>> No.9064775

Probably you, OP.

>> No.9064794

>If you replace Fukushima with /jp/ it makes the most sense

>/jp/ is a horrible place. I heard its monitored by Moogy. I wish I wasn't banned from #tlwiki.

I know it's one of you, who else would mention this shithole?

>> No.9064839

This is actually entertaining.

>> No.9064845

>I stumbled across it when reading a Fuwanovel thread in the archives
Why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.9064848
File: 11 KB, 240x326, clock_tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when reading a Fuwanovel thread in the archives

>> No.9064852
File: 310 KB, 1280x960, Moogyrockout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post a picture of Moogy every time you mention him.

>> No.9064854

> It'll be nice to have a mirror that isn't Eroge "Five Parts on MediaFire!" Download.
Which begs the question, how much time before everyone and their mother who is looking for the same handy eroge ddl choke the server bandwidth?

>> No.9064873

I haven't really been following this shitshow, but didn't they plan on censoring loli and shit? I think I'd pass on such a mirror.

>> No.9064949

I really still don't quite get Aaeru.

She claims her sites are in the best interest of "visual novels" and "the visual novel community" however she defines that.
But whenever I take a look at Aaeru's stuff all I can see is how she insists using it as a political platform to further her political views.

And while file sharing sureky isn't bad, that is no argument to take with the industry -from- "the visual novel community" if the sites are indeed supposed to be first and foremost in the best interest of visual novels.

Even if you may be right one needs to realize that the entire world doesn't think like you, that the relevant industries doesn't think like you, and even if they may be "wrong", you can't "enlighten" them all in a day or whatever Aaeru might think.
Rather one needs to understand that there is a time and place for everything, and while there may very well be nothing wrong with the time, the place for such an argument surely isn't from the weak niche market that happens to be vns/galge/otoge. The community doesn't need to be looked down upon as troublesome by the industry who doesn't agree anyway. That isn't in the best interest of either "the community" nor "visual novels".

If it is a political battle Aaeru wants to take with the industries and various politicians, then Aaeru should take the stance of something far less niche and a much stronger market than visual novels, like games or music or even books and libraries or whatever.
But to insist with furthering all this from the supposed visual novel community is just asinine.

>> No.9065122

Is this copypasta? Either way, tl;dr, fuck off, nobody cares.

>> No.9065945

Do we even know if that's moogy, or is it just what somethingawful thinks is moogy?

>> No.9065992

He's trying to say that we need less people trying to present themselves as spokesmen for a faceless, niche commune.

>> No.9066126

No. Aaeru accepts that what she's doing is illegal anyway, and doesn't give a fuck. She's fighting big corporations and their ``intellectual property'' propaganda without caving under the first DMCA takedown because OMG IM ONLY 17 ;__;

>> No.9066142

She's only 17? That makes what she's doing a little more adorable.

>> No.9066147


But also yes, probably.

>> No.9066183


Shes 17 and knows Japanese and web design? I'm officially a worthless piece of shit.

>> No.9066197


You are. Seriously, there are a *lot* of 15-year-olds more successful and intelligent than you. Check Hacker News any given day. Some 15-year-old wrote a revolutionary C library or made a $10m startup.

You need to accept that you're a grown man now, and age doesn't matter. People younger and older than you will be more and less successful.

>> No.9066200

That's basically all Aeru wants.
People don't care about her opinions so she wants to create a hub for translations and force people to care about her.

Really pathetic.

>> No.9066207


not really. I'm 18, big deal.

>> No.9066212

But her community is betterer than the other ones.

>> No.9066310

If she wants to fight it she shouldn't fight it from a VN community.
It makes publishing a lot less likely as it noticeably upsets Japan.

>> No.9066337
File: 294 KB, 1920x1080, WGfzr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/v/ here, what the fuck is everyone talking about

>> No.9066350

I wish my computer could run Minecraft.

>> No.9066365

Try using Optifine, that things does miracles.
