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9061679 No.9061679 [Reply] [Original]

Q&A: http://pastebin.com/GV8YVgDH

31 degree weather with the humidity means it's time to brew sencha gyokuro-style. 7g of Sencha Takumi from Zencha, brewed 1 minute at 60 C (140 F). At this temperature, you can sip it right after pouring it. I feel the flavours are more enjoyable this way than iced... there are just some flavours that too subtle to detect when your palate is chilled.


Also, I've been playing TERA. If anyone would like to join me, I have a Level 20 Lancer named Shanghai.Margatroid on Dragonfall.

>> No.9061684

moar liek

>> No.9061691

lel xD

>> No.9061714
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>> No.9061736

Good evening. When you're trying to get the temperature right for the water do you usually let it boil and then bring it down to the right temp or heat it until it's right? Is either way better than the other?

>> No.9061774

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9061829

>I don't think Chinese organic certifications are worth anything because, let's face it, there isn't much professional credibility for regulatory organizations in developing countries.

>Developing country

HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA FAGET, their economy is better than the united state's

>> No.9061826
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Does anyone here like other teas than just Asian ones? What kinds?

>> No.9061832

I only drink Earl Grey, I don't need varied flavour or excitement.

>> No.9061847
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The two go together well.


It depends on the quality of water you are using. If it's chlorinated, it's best to bring it to a boil and let it come down to the desired temperature.If it's pure spring water, then it's better to heat it just to the desired temperature and no higher.

>> No.9061868


I also only like Earl Grey, I love teas with a strong, rich flavor. I was even thinking about making these macarons to drink with my tea:


What do you guys usually eat with your tea?

>> No.9061884
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I like rooibos.

>> No.9061895

I'm not a big fan of sweets, if I feel peckish I might grab some wheatbiscuits.

>> No.9061899

The PRC regards itself as a developing country.
In fact it likes to sometimes play as spokesman for developing countries.

>> No.9062399

Moroccan tea is the best tea.

>> No.9062401
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>> No.9062419

my favorite kind of tea *fistbnup*

>> No.9062427

My other shincha finally arrived. I still don't have any water to steep it in though. I guess I'm just going to have to start ordering it by the crate online.

>> No.9062603
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The best I've tried yet is Volvic, but there are many other good brands. Make sure it's soft water, not hard. Some spring waters are extremely hard, like Evian and Fiji.

>> No.9062732

Yeah, I've probably went through 40+ different brands when I was first getting started. Volvic is alright, but gerolsteiner has been my standby.

There was a Finnish brand that was good too, but damned if I can remember what it's called.

>> No.9064494
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Gerolsteiner? What are you brewing with that? If I recall correctly, I saw that at the supermarket, but passed on trying it because its TDS seemed to suggest it was too hard to brew tea with.

>> No.9064530

i do like the idea of buying non-bag tea, but ragweed gives me horrible nightmares and dazes me so that rules out like half of them.

anyone in the same boat? what tea would you start with?

>> No.9064708

I use it for everything. All in all it's not so hard as to ruin most tea, though I'm not so sure why you'd want such soft water in the first place. But it's not a concern anyway, given that in a water heater the majority of the minerals are never going to see your brewing vessel, in any meaningful concentration unless you start doing triple somersault back flips with it.

That said though, I wonder why it's so hard to find glass bottles these days. It's utterly pointless to pay top dollar for something that has been sitting in a PET tomb for the last year, since it's going to end up tasting worse than the tap anyway.
