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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9060566 No.9060566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


You are now accompanies by two loli fairies wherever you go. They are lesbians, and they hate men. You can't kill them, for they are made of magic, but they are always within a 5 foot radius.

What kinds of things do you do? Troll them with your penis? Fap to them? Fart in their general direction?

Nobody can see them apart from you.

>> No.9060569

I befriend them, you fucking monster. Reported.

>> No.9060570


They hate men. They'll never be your friend.

>> No.9060577


If they are never going to be my friend, then why the fuck are they following me around?

If they NEVER leave my side either I'm going to have to fap in front of them, fart in front of them, etc. They can fuck off if they don't like it. I'm not forcing them to watch.

>> No.9060578

That doesn't make sense, if they hate me why are they following me.
I'm a little girl on the inside anyway.

>> No.9060579


Why report this thread?

>> No.9060580

>You can't kill them, for they are made of magic
So what, this is some sort of immortal rape thread?

Also don't use bottle fairy for your shitposting.

>> No.9060583


They're following you because of a magic spell. They're bound to you spiritually and magically.

>> No.9060591
File: 249 KB, 1256x1500, a75a425e9fb6d7664f1cde7ab1407cad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore them?

>> No.9060593


Well then yes, I'm going to fap in front of them, and do every other human function in front of them, because I have to. I'd be nice to them though.

Maybe they would end up liking me.

>> No.9060604

Bottle Fairy is the shit, nigg.

>> No.9060606

What kind of powers do they have?

>> No.9060599


You don't have to. 5 feet is a big radius if you're in a toilet cubicle or something. They could wait outside.

>> No.9060603

>You are now accompanies
stopped there.

>> No.9060616

maybe i would be less lonely, I don't really care if they insult me, as long as they follow me everywhere.

>> No.9060619


Flying mainly. Their wings sound like Cicadas in summer.

>> No.9060622

>for they are made of magic

Get a priest to handle this shit, to send them back to shit thread hell
Problem solved.

>> No.9060632

OP here, their voices are also deep.

>> No.9060635

Probably use them to rake in winnings at poker or something. If they are invisible to everyone else, I'm sure we would be able to come to some kind of arrangement that benefits both parties.

>> No.9060639

OP here again, also they have huge dicks and enjoy cumming over you.

>> No.9060642

Can I take their clothes off?
Can I touch them?
Is it possible to seduce them to have hate-sex?

>> No.9060675

Is it gay if a girl cums on a man with her dick?

>> No.9060690


>> No.9060697

If it has a dick, it stops being a girl, tranny.

>> No.9060705

A girl doesn't have a dick. Trans scum.

>> No.9060708

how do they react to traps?

i mean, they would start the relationship thinking i'm adorable and loving me, and i'd love them back, but then as the week went on it would turn into a horror story.

"oneechan why do you take these pills?"
"oneechan, why do you shave so much?"
"oneechan why do you care so much about your appearance?"
"oneechan, why do you sound different when you're home and when you're outside?"

Then friday would roll around and they'd see godawful huge meganeedles to inject estrogen, and they'd just start convulsing on the ground and throwing up pixie dust.

actually, that's really sad to think about... i just think it would have been nice to have two friends that were always with me, you know? would being this way destroy our friendship?

>> No.9060712

transgender are not traps but abominations

>> No.9060714

I would team up with then and then we should rule the new complete man-free world.

Then I would buy a huge dildo.

>> No.9060716

they would just be scared because trannies are usually disgusting and horrible.

>> No.9060750

Just have them use fairy magic to turn you into a loli

>> No.9060761

OP here, who turned my fairies into trannies without my permission?

Fucking /jp/ has gone to shit.

>> No.9060771

Will the fairies pull pranks on me?

>> No.9060773

oh im sure we would be friends probably

>> No.9060774


From this to this;



>> No.9060777

if by friends you mean stick them in your used vagina and then lick them i believe you

>> No.9060785


They're not your friends, not ever. They hate males.

>> No.9060787

Ask them why they hate men so much.

>> No.9060803

Must be because semen gets them horrendously drunk, like that one game I played where a fairy flies into your underwear and makes you jizz in you're pants.

>> No.9060814


How do they do that?

>> No.9060821

we would be normal friends it would be fine

>> No.9060824


No it wouldn't, you're RUINING THE THREAD.

>> No.9060828

>The faerie reaches your swollen member and climbs on to your hardness, wrapping her legs tightly around it as she secures a perch against you. You can feel her wet gash rubbing against your sensitive skin, teasing you with a tiny cunt you'll never be able to penetrate. Your internal muscles clench unconsciously, squeezing out a dollop of pre that rolls down into the faerie's hair, soaking her head and face. You can't see her reaction, but you can feel it oozing between her body and you, lubricating her as she humps and rubs against you. Tiny muffled moans escape your armor-plating, indicating that some part of her is enjoying the task.

>> No.9060829

Fuck off, you already have 100000 friends why do you want to steal our fairies? Step out nigger.

>> No.9060831

We like dick and traps, but not disgusting creatures like trannies.

>> No.9060833
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>Tiny muffled moans escape your armor-plating
>escape your armor-plating
>your armor-plating

Fuck you, that was getting hot until I suddenly became the Iron Man

>> No.9060835

I have no idea how the hell she got through the armour. I suspend my disbelief normally for these games, though.

>> No.9060845


i dont really have many friends..

>> No.9060855

Position one behind someone's back so I can guess the number of fingers they're holding up perfectly. And if she doesn't cooperate I'll fart in her general direction.

>> No.9060860

>teasing you with a tiny cunt you'll never be able to penetrate

Where there's a will there's a way my friend

>> No.9060865

Buttmad samefag, confused as hell. 2 years max before he starts sucking a girl's cock.

>> No.9060866

Yes you do, go back to steam and circlejerk with your shitty "friends", we want to discuss fairies here.

>> No.9060867

PS if you piss the fairies off they start pushing your figures off your shelves and pulling cables out of the back of your computer.

>> No.9060869

How about you look at the time between the last two posts? Trannies were never accepted in /jp/, you should probably check out /soc/ though.

>> No.9060870

if they cant be my friends i am okay with them raping me. they hated me after all.

>> No.9060874

I happen to be one of those gentlemen.
Trannies are not girls nor traps. They are just fucking disgusting.

>> No.9060872


yeah no, f*gg*t

>> No.9060883

1 minute, more than enough. You know the delay is 30 seconds, don't you? stop samefagging

>> No.9060879

please stop bullying Fukune, you're the ones derailing this shitty thread, not her.

>> No.9060880

Why're they so mean? ;_;

>> No.9060884

wow i must not be samefag, look at my timestamps!

>> No.9060886

I'm samefag too

>> No.9060887

duck off tranny

>> No.9060890

I know you are attempting to make me mad but okay look:
He saged so the delay is one minute

>> No.9060893

I would sure love to suck some girl cock right about now.

Hey, what do you guys think about this?


>> No.9060895 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 450x600, 594963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full force summer

>> No.9060898

Fuck off with your spoilers.

>> No.9060904

How does it feel to even be hated by pathetic losers like /jp/? Scum like you isn't welcome here.

>> No.9060905

;~; bully...

thank you

>> No.9060906

fuck me with your spoilers

>> No.9060907

but /jp/ hates mostly everything.

>> No.9060908

If I was the only one who could see them I might think I was insane and if not insane than other thinks I was too.

Fairies are only fun if others can see them too.
And if they're lesbians they'll probably end up feminists and grow fat, like most lesbians.
Dare someone to post fat fairies.

>> No.9060909

Even males are more attractive than fucking trannies.

>> No.9060911

Guys, it's not the girls fault she was born with both a penis and vagina. I'm sure she feels very self-conscious about it.

>> No.9060919


>> No.9060914
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>> No.9060915
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Doesn't feel at all, buttmad samefag!

>> No.9060922

Your body yearns for those temptresses, but does your heat? My penis is fully erect from this coversation, I'm caressing it just like I would to what would be left of your penis if you were here with me. I can just imagine it, blowing my load on your face. Your stubs (I'd make you an amputee and tun the hole in the stubs into mini anuses, like any good owner would) clawing at my crotch begging for more of my hot mayo. You're searching for something aren't you anon? The reason you're so angry and have one night stands with the wrong people. Once you come with me you'll become a part of me, no wait, an extension of me. I'd do whatever I want and you'd just roll your eyes back into your skull, arch your back and beg for more. Trust me anon you'll love it, they all do.

>> No.9060923
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>> No.9060924


Even after watching this?


Why you lying so much? samefag

>> No.9060925

Samefagging won't help you.
Get our transgender garbage.

>> No.9060920
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>> No.9060926
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>> No.9060928

this horrendous tranny derailed my thread

>> No.9060930

trannies shouldn't have human rights

>> No.9060935

Great, another transgender vs /jp/ thread.

>> No.9060937
File: 190 KB, 325x382, Hhhhnnnggggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Your stubs (I'd make you an amputee and tun the hole in the stubs into mini anuses

>> No.9060943

Trannies are a step higher than niggers though and those have human rights.

>> No.9060944
File: 155 KB, 425x600, 1337179514924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhh. don't cry...

>> No.9060946

This is a really horrible thread even for /jp/.

>> No.9060948

I can't tell which posts are just being "ironic" and which ones are genuine shitposts.

Why do you do this /jp/?

>> No.9060949

It's just the same buttmad tranny getting worked up than not even /jp/ likes him.

>> No.9060950


More like everyone vs. that one samefag who hates trans.

>> No.9060951

It hat potential until the transdangerous posted.

>> No.9060953

>le feel when /jp/ is full of CIS scum
Fucking summerfag cissies get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.9060961

My brain doesn't comprehend what CIS mean.

Please try to explain to anonymous peasant please.

>> No.9060966

It probably means /soc/ tranny scum.

>> No.9060968

It's transgenders with no real mental illness that want to look like a little girl.

>> No.9060970
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A namefag that greentexts using "le" and some bullshit acronym noone has ever heard before.
You are the summers, retard

>> No.9060972


Cumming In Secret

>> No.9060979

I can't fathom why transgender subhumans think that we would ever accept them. They are better off dead.

>> No.9060980

/a/ subhuman pls go

>> No.9060981

Cis is what trannies call decent, respectable, self-assured folks who don't hate themselves, feel the need to mutilate themselves, and then demand attention and special priviledges.

>> No.9060986

>what trannies call

Who fucking cares what abominations have to say?

>> No.9060987

This thread made me happy, I'm glad to see the hate transgender scum get in here.

>> No.9060991

it's a real term, it's just being embraced by sub-humans.

>> No.9060993

How new can you be? Nobody wants retards who mutilate their beautiful male body.

>> No.9061003

i want to suck their cocks...

>> No.9060998

So, about fairies.

>> No.9061000

I'd just fuck them, how would they stop me?

>> No.9061001

you would all fuck a decent looking trannny

just saying

>> No.9061006

I love traps and transgender people, I'd like to give any of them browsing this thread a hug too!

Sorry about the shit-heads here, don't mind them.

>> No.9061008

Try again sperglord, I wouldn't ``fuck'' anyone.

>> No.9061010

We have standards. I would suck a cute /jp/sies cock everyday, but transgender are just disgusting.

>> No.9061012

Yeah OP never explained how big they are. Are they like human sized kind of faries or are they smaller than normal faeries because they are loli faeries?

>> No.9061019


3 inches tall

>> No.9061020

leave them be, they're subhuman faggots that deserve death
let's go back to steam we sure owned these nerds bro lol

>> No.9061026 [SPOILER] 
File: 1021 KB, 1092x1584, yousei_0093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fuck that, can't it at least be this size?

>> No.9061039


oh, and 10 inches cock too

>> No.9061043
File: 130 KB, 900x847, 1335400893475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be under the misconception that normal functioning /jp/sies would need off-board circlerjerk like you subhuman tranny garbage who need attention 24/7.

>> No.9061055

I fucking hate that sort of thing. All I can think of is their organs being squished up into nothing.

>> No.9061057
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>implying im a tranny

>> No.9061061

They're magical, they don't have pd organs.

>> No.9061065

And that doesn't turn you on?

>> No.9061072

A trap has a flat chest, that's acceptable. It's a "trap" you get trapped because you think it's a woman with a flat chest - but it's a guy.

That's why it's hot, the tables are turned on your masculinity, one minute you're imagining what you would do to this "girl", the next minute you have a dick in your ass.

Tits are where things go wrong, when a trap wants tits it indicates he/she is unsatisfied with his gender and carries emotional baggage; guys don't want to deal with emotional baggage - much less from a whiny boygirl. Not to mention it looks gross. A trap always has a slightly boyish look, when you add a pair of tits to that, it just looks all wrong.

At this point, the trap is now a shemale and indicates some kind of sexual deviation as opposed to being an innocent boy in girls clothing, this is where they start dressing up as a woman for a fetish, with shitty over the top makeup and tacky red high heels.

Their confidence at this point is now greater than the interested party, not in a dominant way; but in an independant way that indicates more emotional baggage and also means that said interested party will have to work to get some kind of sexual gratification out of the shemale/tranny.

That's why they're gross. Being a tranny isn't attractive in any way to a guy.

>> No.9061074

Looks like that attempted derail fizzled out pretty fast.

>> No.9061078

So, if I got this right :
> They are lesbians, and they hate men
> They're following you because of a magic spell. They're bound to you spiritually and magically.
> They are always within a 5 foot radius.
> Nobody can see them apart from you.
I wonder if I'll actually start to think of them as my own daughters?
Why would you want me to abuse them? It's not like they are around me because they like me or anything.

>> No.9061083

The tranny fled to his steam friends. Now we can continue the thread.

>> No.9061088
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You have autism.
Just enjoy cocks and boobs and whatever, faggot.

>> No.9061093


Also, their wings sound like Cicadas and they have deep black man voices.

One anon suggests they have penises and enjoy cumming on you, but as OP I can confirm this is not Canon.

>> No.9061101

But I am OP. It is indeed Canon that they have huge futanari cocks and enjoy masturbating in your face.

>> No.9061100

>they have deep black man voices.
It was perfect until this happened.

>> No.9061114


Okay, I'll reason with you a bit.

They have chinese little girl voices and speak chingrish.

>> No.9061104

Can they touch things? Do they grope nearby women? How lewd are they? Them both being lesbians chained within 10 feet of one another seems to imply something.

>> No.9061105

actually, i only posted >9060708 , it's kind of touching to see how the entire thread fell onto its knees by that single post.

regardless of your tsundere nature, i'll still love you forever /jp/

>> No.9061106

Confederacy of Independent Systems

>> No.9061119


They're lesbians, they fuck each other all your time, getting their fairy juices all over your headphones and shit.

>> No.9061123

Sorry but the derail started here

>> No.9061138

Do they beat the shit out of all the bugs in my room too?

>> No.9061140

>One anon suggests they have penises and enjoy cumming on you
おぉぉぉ。。 I can't kill them but I can still torture them, right? Still sounds fun, even that way.

>> No.9061148

Enough transgender bashing now. They may be ugly monstrosities, but they are humans, too.

>> No.9061153

They're scared of bugs but they will fight them if they feel their life is in danger.

I recommend putting them up against a praying mantis or something.

>> No.9061154

I'd ask my psychologist to refer me to a psychiatrist so I can get medication for my schizophrenia.

>> No.9061158

i'd get autism bux

>> No.9061176
File: 27 KB, 340x500, bondage_fairies_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you defile the Bottle Fairies with your thread when you're clearly describing Bondage Fairies?


>> No.9061182


Those fairies are sluts. Why are you trying to defile my loli fairies?

>> No.9061178

Fairy juices all over my beats?

Fuck that.

>> No.9061186
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>Beats headphones

>> No.9061211

Are you saying you don't have beats? What are you a poorfag?

>> No.9061221

Fucking poorfag? Don't you care about the sound quality of your music?

>> No.9061227


I spend my money on anime shit more than headphones but if I had beats money to spend on headphones I wouldn't buy beats, they're just generic 'heavy bass' headphones. Get something that doesn't color your music with extra bass or EQ boosts.

>> No.9061229
File: 73 KB, 457x754, 133754792275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That feel when your family is reasonably rich and you live in a nice 16th floor apartment in Minneapolis living off of interest, then suddenly BIG BEN kicks down your door and "OI GAVNAH LUNG TYM NAW SEE ENNIT BRAV OW YA BIN DEWIN HAHA CAN U LOOK AFTA ME LIKKUL SQURTS WHILE ME AN DA MISSUS SEE A MAN ABOUT A DOG!? UR AN AMERIKAN NOW AN ITS DA SKEWL 'OLIDAYS IN BRITUN SO WE CANT TEK'EM WIV US GUD THANKS OWKAY SEE U IN A MONTH MUM AN DAD SEZ HI TOODLE-OO!" and you're stuck with babysitting your elder brothers 2 12 year old twins.
> That feel when the first thing one says is "DADDY I DON'T WANT TO STOP HERE! CAN'T NANNY LOOK AFTER US!?"
> That feel when you realize you haven't been home to England for 6 years and they barely remember you
> That feel when your glorious hikki life is ruined as you have to entertain these two stupid brats for a month
> That feel when they both know what anime is and both enjoy everything in your collection
> That feel when all this missed time watching anime with my nieces and all I had to do was take them for a walk in the park, feed them and water them every day

It was like owning 2 dogs that could talk and didn't gnaw their crotches on my sofa.

>> No.9061246

You aren't a real /jp/ gangsta unless you listen to your 2pac with beats.

>> No.9061261

すごい物語、兄貴 but who are you quoting?

>> No.9061266

>didn't gnaw their crotches on my sofa.
What are they, frigid?

>> No.9061281

Why didn't you bang them?

>> No.9061284
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Even Tomoko has beats.

>> No.9061293

because they are 3D

>> No.9061309
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Sorry about the sugoi monogatari greentext but I didn't really have a better way of compressing my thread-related story into a post. They both showed no interest in men and they both followed me everywhere I went, all I did was let them watch anime with me and took them to the park every day and drove them around with the top down in my old 1997 BMW 3 series (Fuck the new shapes, I hardly ever go out anyway so there was little point in me buying a brand new car, thats just a waste).

All in all it wasn't as bad as I thought and my brother came back from Dubai with some pretty nice swag for looking after the twins, funny enough by the end of the month they were saying to my brother and his horrible, horrible wife "CAN WE COME TO UNCLE ANONS AGAIN NEXT YEAR DADDY!? PLEASE MUMMY WE HAD SO MUCH FUN! UNCLE ANON ARE YOU COMING TO NANNY AND GRANDFATHERS HOUSE FOR CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR!? OH PLEASE COME NANNY AND GRANDDAD MISS YOU SO MUCH!"

My brother asked me if they could stay again and I shrugged at him and said "Give me some notice next time and I'll think about it"

>> No.9061322

Tomoko is a repressed normal who is used to make fun of people like us.

>> No.9061317

3D little girls are the closest things to 2D.

>> No.9061343

>3D ______ closest thing to 2D.
No. Just, no.

>> No.9061352

I agree, being a pedophile is fine, I don't mind people fapping to children but I kind of dislike the ones who rape but I also understand their needs.

>> No.9061372

Im a girl so maybe they will ask me for sex.

>> No.9061379
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>> No.9061402

Did they have DFC's? What did you watch with them? It's refreshing to have a sub-topic like yours that isn't crushingly depressing and involves piss bottles

>> No.9061427

> feed them and water them every day
> water them every day
So... they're carnivorous plants?

>> No.9061475

They had to take showers, that's kind of like watering them... but you know what I meant, just buying fruit juice for them and making cocoa so they would get to sleep at a reasonable time, post 10pm is anon-time... They also had an annoying habit of coming into my room and waking me up at 9am even though I usually go to sleep around 5am.

No, they didn't have DFC, and everything from Bounen no Xam'd and To Aru to Chaos;Head and Black Lagoon, we watched around 6 hours a day which is apparently a special treat for them seeing as their mother doesn't allow them to watch more than half an hour... My sister-in-law is a spiteful bitch so I said fuck it to her rules, she should have been looking after her own kids anyway.

Still if that's what being a dad is then it's pretty fucking easy, all they did was take a month off in Dubai anyway and they didn't want to bring the girls because green/blue eyed blond haired English girls are apparently the "hot snatch" in arab counties.

>> No.9061520

>Black Lagoon

I hope it was the dub version so they can go home saying fuck every sentence.

>> No.9061536


When you go back to England take them to the London MCM expo, they will love the shit out of it.

>> No.9061837
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What is this "Dubbed" you speak of? Seriously, no I didn't let them watch anything dubbed for that reason and the fact that reading subs speeds up your reading.

I seriously have not been anywhere near England in 6 years, to be honest I'm in two minds about renouncing my citizenship and claiming a full American passport but the process would take so long that I was as well stay here on my current visa, apparently MCM starts tomorrow and they have school right now so it's impossible, maybe I'll spring them next year OR I could borrow them and take them to an American or Japanese one, if I dressed them up as Chi and Freya out of Chobits or any other kind of twins it's bound to cause a fuss. They're almost identical except one is taller than the other and one has green eyes, the other has blue (and it makes their mother mad as hell as blue and green eyes run in our family whereas she has commoner brown eyes and mouse hair in both of her lineages)

>> No.9061920

Fuck. At this point they may as well rename /jp/ into /tra/ for /tra/ps and /tra/ns.

>> No.9061963


I don't blame you, the UK sucks.

>> No.9062011


No true trap is different outside than home.

>> No.9062025
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>> No.9062042

3D women's fault, obviously.

>> No.9062070
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>> No.9062065

Yep, not only does the society suck shit, but GB is all Taxation on tax on tax on tax, it's fucking ridiculous, here in America the tax system is much farer and everything is much cheaper, it makes a lot more sense to stop here and just drift through life like a turd through a sewer... for the last 5 years I've spent less than $6000 on living expenses, my brothers wife has spent more than that in a week sometimes buying stupid shit like designer clothes and jewelery (I really do fucking hate her and she knows it, I've said to her face that I was the one who pushed my big brother to get a prenuptial agreement and make her sign it because I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her and I don't let my brother transfer ANYTHING into her accounts, all purchases she makes are on his card so if she ever decided to leave she wouldn't be able to take a thing, credit statements dont lie and I'm not about to let her pull a Heather Mills on my family)

America also has decent real estate, cheap food, fast internet and tons of shit to do to break the monotony when the situation calls for it... It's a lazy bastards wonderland.

>> No.9062076


PS guy on the right is Artifact from Sankakucomplex

>> No.9062105
File: 496 KB, 500x455, 1335737893770.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that ending

>> No.9062125

I always knew he was a huge pervert.

>> No.9062131

for real?

>> No.9062232

Old /jp/ and new /jp/ should fuck.

>> No.9062285

Whoa, whoa, whoa, not just yet. We can only resolve the long held sexual tension during the series finale of 4chan

>> No.9062367

Those feet on the right look really nice. I wish I could sniff and lick his asshole clean after he takes a dump
