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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9058269 No.9058269[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does /jp/ attract so many /cgl/ attention whores like Milk and Princess of the Crystal/Fuwafuwa Imouto?
How can people so completely disconnected from our mindset, interests and board culture keep coming back here?
Are they so attention starved that even /jp/'s disgust and hate is fine?

I have never understood this. Is /jp/ a place you can brag to your friends on conventions about? Are we the cool kids?

>> No.9058273

Just /a/b/v/ giving girls attention.

>> No.9058274

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.9058275

It's the attention retards like you give them

>> No.9058279

"They've" been at it now for 4 years.

>> No.9058281

One thread won't change the fate of /jp/.
Most feedback is negative.

>> No.9058287

Attention is still attention.

>> No.9058288

You could say it's same reason we have Tokiko/fukune/moetron, this is just another ground for them to be recognized and remembered even if they don't personally care about the board's topics. That said, I think you're magnifying the actual /cgl/ presence here. It's just 3 trips in 4 years, and I don't see constant spam from them trying to be relevant through repetition.

At least from a quick archive search Milk stays mostly on topic, so I'll give them that. I personally find no fault in some user overlap with other boards since we're here for otaku interests, many of which are present in other boards. As long as people that indulge in multiple board browsing know to keep the culture and posting style relevant to each board, I don't see the problem. Wouldn't force my 3D;PD views on /cgl/ just as I wouldn't post threads on cosplay drama here.
But that's me.

>> No.9058290

People usually expect /jp/ to be ultra loser board, and the people you're talking about aren't smart enough to figure out the satire from the posters here, and probably just expect everyone to like them easy like the turbonerds at conventions.
Milk has the added benefit of also being a loser herself, so that makes it extra pathetic. Princess of the crystal was a transvestite so at least he had some mullah. I don't know who fuwafuwa is, i saw their trip once and didn't really care, but then again I hide a fuckton of threads.

I've been wondering this stuff myself though.

>> No.9058302

I was wondering about this myself lately, really wasn't sure why they were using tripcodes on /jp/. I'd delete this thread after a good deal of discussion or once they show up, it'll just turn into a circlejerk at that point.

>> No.9058303

Milk is only here to shitpost /cgl/ relevant stuff and blatantly whore for attention.
There is not a single on topic post from her.

>> No.9058313

If you consider her room threads /jp/ relevant then I guess hes on topic. I've never really seen her post outside of them, then again I'm not actively looking at people's names.

>> No.9058315
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>> No.9058316

Like it or not /jp/ is popular

People seem to think it's a cool edgy place to be where everything is ironic and they absorb the shitty memes and spam them elsewhere.

>> No.9058324

POTC used to post in on topic threads, problem is "she" is really fucking annoying and would go off on rants about nothing.

Milk never posts in any thread aside from room threads and maybe some social ineptitude related threads. She's just an attention whore.

There are worse posters anyway worth getting rustled about.

>> No.9058332

At least they're not meru

>> No.9058335

You have 10 seconds to name a poster worse than PotC.

>> No.9058336

athens XD

>> No.9058339


tokiko? meru? athens? mugen? suigin? sudo?

>> No.9058343

athens is the only one that comes close and he is just another disgruntled male like any other /jp/er. The rest are comparatively innocent shitposters.

>> No.9058342

Name something worse than a feministic attention whore?

>> No.9058352

I'd rather have athens than PotC honestly.

>> No.9058362

You think Meru isn't worse than PotC? I don't know what planet you live on, but holy shit.

I also agree with Tokiko and Sudo being worse, but I really fucking hate Sudo so yeah.

>> No.9058365
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>> No.9058377

They like to dress as Touhou so they think coming here will give them cred without having to actually play the games.

>> No.9058386

There is actually a female /jp/ fanbase

>> No.9058397

It's true, I became friends with one. She's a lesbian and basically acts like a guy though, so it doesn't really count.

>> No.9058401

Yes and I know some myself, but they are not attention whoring cumgurgling feminist sluts like our tripfags.
They are nice people who don't feel the need to shit all over the board and actually share our mindset.

>> No.9058407

Why won't they leave? They don't belong here.

>> No.9058412

everyone is welcome here.

>> No.9058414

Think again, slut.

>> No.9058416

Read >>9058401
Just because there are some really bad tripfag examples doesn't mean the rest is the same.

>> No.9058425

If the topic of 4chan comes up in conversation with my friends I don't hide the fact that I still browse /jp/. It's my favorite board, and I'm kind of proud of how different the culture is from the rest of 4chan. I love everyone on /jp/!

>> No.9058429

I have no proof other than the word of a /jp/sie.

Women cannot share the mindset of men. Thought processes and priorities are too different.

>> No.9058432
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>> No.9058437

ya youre all right

maybe i should just kill myself

>> No.9058436

Same slut trying to trick you into thinking that sluts like themselves are welcomed here, don't pretend to be a male atrocious whore.

>> No.9058441

Yes, please do, attention whore.

>> No.9058442

delete this thread before it becomes 200+ replies filled with angsty /v/ because of that trip

>> No.9058443
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They receive attention in a single thread from time to time that's, usually, about Touhou cosplay thing that in my opinion is not too bad , I've not seen a single worth thread being turned to shit since they usually appear in borderline off topic threads and focus in it to get swarmed by their “friends”, it's convenient, just hide the thread. It's not like they post in every thread trying to drag attention from everyone like others.

>> No.9058444

No you don't.
Not before I'm done with you.

>> No.9058446

Gensokyo Gal and dontf*ckwithmyfriends-chan are my favorite posters. They are valuable members of /jp/.

>> No.9058447

Ignore the haters on this thread, most of /jp/ wants to be your friend but they don't know how so they try to turn their passion to hate.

>> No.9058451
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>tfw I'm no longer a top-tier /jp/ attention whore

>> No.9058456

Hier kommt die Sonne

>> No.9058452

Do it already. We fucking hate your guts.

>> No.9058458

don't worry kog, everybody on /jp/ still loves you <3
