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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9052946 No.9052946 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you seen this? It's the only film I can think of that revolves around a hikikomori.

>> No.9052966
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>> No.9052975

I know of two that are really good.

"Tobira no muko", but I only saw it at a screening once. I'm not sure it's out on DVD or anything...could never find a torrent.

There is "Ima, Boku wa" which is also nice, and easily available online.

>> No.9053005

Torrent is not easily available, interest not strong to look any harder.

Thanks for stopping by though.

>> No.9053020


You're looking to hard faggot, I'm watching it on youtube right now.


>> No.9053028

I'm not going through all the effort of allowing a thousand no scipt exceptions just to have to muddle through some shit on youtube.

Non streaming or fuck off.

>> No.9053026


Fucked that up, it's whatever.


>> No.9053044


>Muddle through some shit?

Are you fucking retarded? You watch part 1, and part 2, 3, and 4, is right on the side bar, you just click on it, you can literally not make it any simpler.

>> No.9053045

>film I can think of that revolves around a hikikomori
Why the HELL would us hikis want to watch a movie about one?

>> No.9053046

That movie is god-awful. It tries to be DEEP and failed miserably.

>> No.9053050


Oh I saw this on TV here once (In Montreal). I was so surprised to see it.

Try the movie Ima Boku wa that anon mentioned above. It's good, and gets shared on /jp/ from time to time.

>> No.9053055

If you love it so much, why don't you marry?

>> No.9053063

There's this really neat thing that computers can do. it involves downloading files directly. There is no good reason to fuck around with some pain in the ass eyesore like youtube.

>> No.9053073


but when you watch a movie on youtube, you ARE downloading it. the flv file saves to your computer.

how new are you?

>> No.9053081

I found a torrent in my first search. I guess you just weren't looking very hard.

>> No.9053085

hikikomori without an interest in anime, manga, VNs or touhou? boring.

>> No.9053087

>directed by Joon-ho Bong


>> No.9053092

Oh, so I guess I'm new becuase I don't run off to a streaming site everytime someone comes here and asks if I have seen something or another.

Is that all you've got? Because this is really starting to get downright silly. I won't go to youtube. Fuck off google devs. There's nothing you can possibly do about it either.

>> No.9053088


There's this really cool thing, like, if you find a 4 part movie on youtube with good quality, there is no fucking point in a searching for a torrent and waiting for it to download, because watching it on youtube is much quicker/easier.

Just deal with it.

>> No.9053097

You can put Youtube links in JDownloader.

>> No.9053102

What third world country do you live in?

>> No.9053104

>good quality

Expect this pile of pretentious shit is uploaded at 360p resolution. That was good back in 1993 when we still used .fm files.

>> No.9053117


Good quality as in it's fucking watchable, IE. not bad.

You want to talk about pretentious? How about caring so much about a trivial improvement in quality, that you crawl through a bunch of torrents trying to find one with a inane amount of better quality, instead of just shutting the fuck up and watching it on youtube when it's right there.

>> No.9053125

Did you come to /jp/ just to argue about this movie?
Is the movie even important to you, or are you just in it for the company?

>> No.9053131


I'm not even the guy after a torrent. I watched the first two parts on YouTube and it had zero substance.

Japanese cinema always sucks ass.

>> No.9053133

Thanks for the links, looking forward to watching this weekend.

>> No.9053143


No, I'm the guy who posted the link and wanted to talk about the movie, but the almighty ">lol he watches it on youtube. >2012" fags started with that shit.

>> No.9053156

It was funny when he tries to ride his bike.

>> No.9053159

> I really wanted to discuss this. But then I got trolled by that mean guy! Why would he do that!

>> No.9053168

But the movie sucked, and nobody wants to talk about that. At least, the anti youtube guy could have kept the thread alive.

You could try talking to yourself, but someone will just call you out on it.

>> No.9053202

First part was kinda cool, girl entering was fucking boring.

>> No.9053205

I liked it until he left his house and it got DEEP.

>> No.9053225

Has anyone ever watched a japanese movie called Boys On The Run?

That was a great movie. /jp/ would like it.

>> No.9053251

He was a pretty good jogger for someone who hasn't left his house in 10 years.

>> No.9053249

Anyone know the name of that movie where the guy gets stranded on an island right off the coast of the city and some hikki woman watches him from her window. I think it might be Korean.

>> No.9053269

Ah, it's Castaway on the Moon.


>> No.9053281

Stupid movie. He's a shut in for a decade, somehow realizes the girl who delivers his pizza is an even bigger hikikomori than he is (even though she delivers pizza), falls and love, decides to go find her and literally pushes a "love button" on her (yes she has drawn on buttons to control her emotions), and then suddenly the world collapses around them.

>> No.9053289 [SPOILER] 
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The one time someone had the opportunity to use spoiler text correctly, and you didn't do it?

Oh fuck you man....

>> No.9053297


Don't worry, I just saved you 40 minutes and some bandwidth. You should be happy.

>> No.9053316

>good quality
I'm quoting my thoughts on your rampant cockfaggotness.

>> No.9053322

He knew she was hikikomori because the other delivery employee said that she quit and shut herself in. She was only hiki for like three days, though.

>> No.9053326

Watch Audition, Nobody Knows or Confessions.

>> No.9053335
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>Here's your pizza anon, am I kaiwaa uguu?

>> No.9053365

Ima, Boku wa is the best hiki related film I've seen. It's got a guy in his 20s who lives at home in his room with his mother. Out of nowhere she gets him a job at a winery through a friend, and he's forced into it. He acts all weird and distant and tragedies occur.

>> No.9053409
File: 36 KB, 580x410, 87654334567987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Yogisha X no Kenshin aka Suspect X
